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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 983022

What do you think is the percentage of men on this board who learn this hobby to make degenerate 3D porn?

Anonymous No. 983026


Anonymous No. 983032

What do you think is the percentage of men on this board who learn this hobby to make non-degenerate 3D erotic artwork?

Anonymous No. 983037


Anonymous No. 983038

none because it's actually very hard.

Anonymous No. 983040

Coming here to learn doesn't mean to succeed. I'd wager the percentage of people here who who think "Oh, I'm bored, I'm a 3d artist now" is quite high. They leave when they realize learning a program isn't enough and that they need proper art skills and anatomy knowledge and stuff, but there's a steady new influx.

Anonymous No. 983046

do we really need 5 threads about porn on this board? and who among us hasn't had the desire to make a tiddy or two