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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 983192

What does /3/ think about the Metalheart aesthetic?

Anonymous No. 983197

it's called depthcore, zoomie

Anonymous No. 983199

'metalheart' predates depthcore as label for that look, now you're the zoomie.

Anonymous No. 983207

>Using Fandom as a reliable source
Clearly only idiots believe in their AI junk. It’s called metallic.

Anonymous No. 983208

both look like shit sorry
why do you even care about -core shit make something of your own

Anonymous No. 983216

This shit never had a name, at best they were called cancer explosions.
I miss it, I'd go searching for old tutorials on how to make it on Deviantart if the site wasn't so infested with A.I.

Anonymous No. 983243

this looks like I'd see it on the album cover of an obscure european power metal band that was somewhat popular in the early 00s and has like three songs that are somewhat listenable that I'd add to my spotify playlist before spotify takes them down after a week for no damn reason then brings them back 5 years later and I listen to them and think 'oh i remember these guys' then remove them from the playlist because they no longer fit the overall vibe I'm trying to curate.

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Anonymous No. 984215

kino. blendturd babbies cant even do shit back in the days

Anonymous No. 984216

archeological site for internet """""historians"":*/**/**/*

Anonymous No. 984219

2 decades ago it looked like tryhard 3D noob stuff and it still does. basically it was the early 00s donut but visually "interesting" enough to impress people who're not familiar with working with 3D software

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Anonymous No. 984223

yeah and not just their work but they're all like having really edgy names like XCOCK, Too Advanced, Designer's Anarchy etc

Anonymous No. 984262

>blender can't make this kind of art!

Anonymous No. 984302

>2023 zoomer tryna emulate 2000 soul
literally, figuratively, and unironically forced soul.

its not just about soul either. blender's rendering just cant match the crispiness and the cleanliness of 3ds max scanline render. its not a placebo thing, theres a real algorithmic difference between bucket based vs scanline based render.

Anonymous No. 984489

>I miss it, I'd go searching for old tutorials on how to make it on Deviantart if the site wasn't so infested with A.I.
Use google image search and append "before:2022" at the end. That helps me get to the older stuff

Anonymous No. 984536

It's not too awful. If you have an account you could filter out ai, midjourney, dall-e and the like in the Muted Tags setting.
>they can just not tag
Most of them don't tag for shit so it won't pop up in a search in the first place. A bulk of the uploads have a generic title or number and absolutely no description either

Anonymous No. 988128

it's good

Anonymous No. 988134

I like this, but that could just be nostalgia.

Anonymous No. 988152

it reminds me of my childhood so I don't like it
even without factoring in my father beating me Matrix gave me nightmares

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Anonymous No. 989018

Reminds me of pictures that show up when you search the word "future" on Google

Anonymous No. 989040

Reminds me of 2007.

Anonymous No. 989085

Would be kino if it weren't just random shapes. To me an aesthetic is something that is applied to a shape or concept, not the shape/concept itself. So the early 2000's sci fi cool colors, the simulated scan lines, flowing lines, reflective surfaces, etc. to me are an aesthetic, whereas the random shapes are not.