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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 983885

I have this .blend model
I've exported as fbx and sent it to a friend so that he remodel it in 3dsmax (that's what he's familiar with)
I've had a friend remodel the face
He then put the modeled head onto the body(you can see the seam in the screenshot)

Now I'm trying to use the original textures on the new face.
How can I do that? What do I search for on youtube, what type of tutorial? Is there an addon that simplifies this?

Anonymous No. 983889

you'll need to texture transfer from the old mesh to the new one. assuming the heads are significantly different you can use faceform wrap for the whole process
Just make sure the uvs on your new head are laid out well.
If you're using udim workflow you'll need to make sure the head uvs are on the first tile; iirc wrap in demo mode won't do multiple tiles
It's pretty simple if you know what you're doing, but I think you might be better off letting one of your friends deal with this.

Anonymous No. 983924

Looking at it it does not look like the UVs are set up right. You asked your friend to "model" the head and he happily agreed, but you didnt ask him to UV unwrap it which he would probably not as happily do.

Anonymous No. 983938

By remodel do you mean doing the retopology or adjusting the high poly sculpt? Those weird waves look like a bake from high to low poly gone wrong

Anonymous No. 984091

any place where I can download faceform warp for free?

Anonymous No. 984096

demo is fully featured.
if you want unlimited demo just install it and then follow this:

Anonymous No. 984134

ITT kids are afraid to learn about UV mapping. You weak little shits have no idea how powerful UV tools are today.
You'd go back before pelt mapping and UV relaxing and witness the kind of blackmagic the real unes' did to get good UV's back in the day.

You crybaby mofo's don't even realize how easy you have it and how much things unwrap themselves these days
if you just spent 45 minutes bothering to read up on the fucking instruction to the tools you have available you could do it no problem.

You deserve to fail because you're acting like pampered pussies. Get your ass in gear and start unwrapping already.
none of you are as handicapped in the head as you think, this world just fooled you into thinking you lack the attention-span to learn difficult things.

Anonymous No. 984136

>but you didnt ask him to UV unwrap it which he would probably not as happily do.

Finding an artist who can model a head well but not unwrap it is like finding a dude who drop logs like a man but can't wipe his own ass. Stop pretending like UV-mapping is some dark art.

Anonymous No. 984163

Dunning Kruger the post

Op has commissioned a head swap, then further sculpting on the swapped head. He now wants to use the textures from the original head onto the newly swapped head.

Matching uv's to the old head is an asinine proposition. projecting via a wrap will take less time and return a higher quality result.