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๐Ÿงต The future is AI.

Anonymous No. 984145

Lets see how you're using AI to generate content and discuss the role we (the humans) will take once AI is doing most of the heavy lifting.

I'll start.

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Anonymous No. 984146

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Anonymous No. 984147

Humans will no longer need to make entire models by hand. Nor will they need to render them

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Anonymous No. 984148

In order to get a perfect realization of what you want. Humans will have to fine tune the details. A picture is worth a thousand word, and prompts cant be 1000 words long. So you'll have to carve out the rest yourself.

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Anonymous No. 984150

As far as 3D animated models are concerned. For now, AI offers a lot of insight into how the final render would look before you do all the work of designing.

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Anonymous No. 984151

Ultimately though. AI takes inspiration from work we, humans, have created. And thus, we still need to create or AI will eventually have nothing to go off of. Its a copy cat algorithm really.

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Anonymous No. 984152

The one thing that will be hard to avoid is the mass production of content and oversaturation of markets AI will bring.
So even if you do good work. You're expensive and AI is not. Companies probably don't care about your 'vision' and will just take the AI derivative garbage over your hand crafted work.

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Anonymous No. 984154

But who knows, maybe well live to see AI assisted suicide. For graphic designers who can't keep up.

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Anonymous No. 984155

I think its important for all artists and people threatened by AI, to familiarize themselves with the tools. This way they can rest assured they can surf the incoming wave of technological advancement rather than get swept under by it.

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Anonymous No. 984156

but anyways, thats all I have on the topic. So please feel free to add your input

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Anonymous No. 984157

And, also don't lash out at me for bringing up the subject. Ive seen a number of OPs get chewed out by users on here for brining it up

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Anonymous No. 984158

A real innovator will think of ways to improve the technology and make it more useful to them

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Anonymous No. 984159

Thats how real progress is made.

Anonymous No. 984165

Not lashing just pointing out that this is a 3d board, so post 3d models made with AI or gtfo

Anonymous No. 984179

I think image generation is a neat tool (I refuse to call it "AI" because it's not an intelligence at all), and I use it where it makes sense (mainly extra details like billboards and the like), but I still think it has a while to go to where it's really viable as gens still need a lot of work to be usable, whether that be in PS or inpainting.
I do like plugging in images of a current scene or blockouts that I'm working on into img2img to generate different looks and directions that I could possibly use as jumping off points though. Or to help me think about relationships of things a different way. Kinda like when you stand up and look at a piece from a distance, but if you popped some LSD or something beforehand.
I don't think it's quite there coming up with interesting compositions on its own from scratch, but giving it that extra little bit from an existing scene/blockout can work pretty well.

I just mainly think that there's too much of a disconnect between describing an image you have in your head with text and expecting the generator to pick up what you're puttin down (if using txt2img alone). I don't think that text really works for that, but I can't really come up with something better. It's like trying to describe something to someone so they can visualize it in their head. They can't really see the same thing as you even if you describe it perfectly.
I mean that's literally what visual art is. Taking something you have in your head and bringing it into reality. Until we can jack in our brains, I guess something like that is a long way off.

But yeah, image generation, useful tool if used right. Model generation, jury is still out, but it'd be nice for clutter shit in the background.

Anonymous No. 984181

I should also mention, that I haven't even touched upon people who enjoy the process of creation for the sake of creation. Even if media generation takes over (I don't really think it will), there will always be a significantly large amount of people that still create because they enjoy it. If I were to make a bit of a pretentious fart-sniffer statement: it's not an end product for them, each piece is a journey.
Me personally, I'm one of those people who enjoys making things. And even if I can generate something, it's always more fulfilling to me to make it myself, that's where I find enjoyment from life.

Anonymous No. 984191

>AI is doing most of the heavy lifting.
Guy thinks art is "heavy lifting" and not a thing you do for fun and enjoyment kek
maybe bug people like you need ai after all

Anonymous No. 984225

>Be artist, have bowl filled with sand and a stick
>draw in the sand
>other artist
>have paint brush, palette and canvas
>draw better than me
>Wahh, but art is about enjoyment and fun!!!
And do you think the cathedrals were built by one man as his hobby?
Grand masterpieces improve with improvement in technology. Lately, we've just leaned a bit to hard into the technology where we are producing
art and sculptures without any inspiration which is why we have modern architecture and marvel movies.

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Anonymous No. 984226

>there's too much of a disconnect between describing an image you have in your head with text
Yes I agree, this is why is it not so useful as a tool currently, but as an idea generator for those who are less creative on their own.
But hopefully, in the future we can have conversations where we create art by continual description. for example "not, I wanted the dog to have floppy ears not perked up ones" and the algorithm will adjust.
>but it'd be nice for clutter shit in the background.
I was thinking it could be used for in-game generation of unique environments. Maybe like a more creative version of procedural generation.
> And even if I can generate something, it's always more fulfilling to me to make it myself
Yes, maybe I am a narcissist, but while I do like to create for myself, I also like to share my creations with other. I am shy about being judged so I share anonymously on here. I just think that when everything else blows what you are doing out of the water, then its hard to get any recognition and/or positive reaffirmation on what you're creating.

Anonymous No. 984246

I think you forgot you live in 21st century nigga, all of what you said is irrelevant, pick up a pen lol lmao

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Anonymous No. 984250

nigga, what I said is a comparative analogy.
The point is the paint brush is better than stick.
Likewise the AI assisted design will be better than humans by themselves.

Anonymous No. 984251

Knock yourself out my dude, have fun not having an artistic journey, developing a sense of aesthetics and acquiring meaningful lifelong relationships and with talented artists

Anonymous No. 984255

Dude, ease up a bit.
I am not denying myself or anyone these things you mention.
All that I am saying is that this tool will undeniably extend the human ability to create.
Just like 3D modeling tools did for designers who previously had to sketch everything.

Take me for example, right now I don't have the budget or means of producing a film.
I would very much like to, and I have ideas for films, but not the resources.
With a generative AI, I may one day be able to produce an entire film on my own at home with my very limited budget.
I, a nobody, will have the ability to realize my ideas like I otherwise couldn't.

Can you see where I am coming from?

Anonymous No. 984258

No it doesn't
Ai it's going to realise your ideas, not you
When you come to that realisation it's a bit empty.
When you talk about tools of design you are not talking about automation.
Ai is automation, it doesn't require anything except the input of someone. We have another word that describes what you are explaining.
It's called a commissioner.
Every time I do a commission the commissioner gives me a prompt and I, the artist, make the artwork.
If that commissioner starts telling everyone he's an artist because he gave me the prompt everyone would laugh, because is retarded. But ai people like you can't comprehend that ai image generation works exactly like that.

You are a commissioner, the ai is the artist or designer
I don't care if people use ai art, but calling yourself an artist or designer and ai a tool for your designs is completely retarded.

By your logic a commissioner is the designer and he uses human assisted design every time he goes to fiberr

Anonymous No. 984268

Sorry man but I don't have respect for skinwalkers who want a short path to creating art

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Anonymous No. 984328

This was my first time using Blender but I made a face texture using a Stable Diffusion model finetuned on pictures of Tucker Carlson.

Anonymous No. 984329

Looks about as awful as one would expect

Anonymous No. 984332

we need good tools to help solo people realizing their ideas more and more but still require skill and time, nigger. else you will spend 20 years on a single film from the lack of manpower and resources

Anonymous No. 984333

>realizing their ideas
>with ai

Anonymous No. 984373

Meh. As someone with 0 skill or experience, I was amused by the process and learning. Is it perfect? No but I was going for an uncanny valley type depiction for a project I'm working on and decided to sink a few hours into learning something new. I had fun.

Anonymous No. 984374

>I'm the heckin' artist! Not (You)!!!
give it a rest, bro. literally no one cares. if you can make a living off your content, that's great. if you derive some self worth from it, that's great too. the label you ascribe yourself or allow society to ascribe to you doesn't really matter. the majority of people don't give a fuck who made what or how it's made. quality content will rise to the top and that will increasingly include AI image/video generation going forward

Anonymous No. 984402

You will get made fun of by artists every time you post on a board made for artists, if you don't like this go back to /g

Anonymous No. 984424

sure. i'm just open to learning from many perspectives and seeing what interests others. helps me prompt the ai by learning from the true artists. real game changer.

Anonymous No. 984426

Kys proomter

Anonymous No. 984427

just like /ic/bucks, /3/dfags will bend the knee

Anonymous No. 984445

You don't like when you are called a fake artist Ai boy?
You are a prompter, a commissioner and a stolen valor
You will never be an artist

Anonymous No. 984448

If nobody cares who made it why there is an Ai model with my name?
Because people like you want to be like me and many other artists, but they don't want to put the work.
Admit it, you want to be an artist and be respected by them. You'll never be.
If Ai is art you are the commissioner.

Anonymous No. 984485

The future isn't AI.

The future is sabotaging AI.

>Search up Glaze and Nightshade

And this is just the beginning. There will be more AI-disruptive software in the long run.

Anonymous No. 984496

I'm fine with that as long as you continue working part time at starbucks

Anonymous No. 984497

I'm not the guy you've been arguing with but what's the model?

Anonymous No. 984502

Doing Your Mom Aesthetic [SEX XL]

Anonymous No. 984509

I'm not going to dox myself anon.
It's the name of my main account on Instagram. It's not even that big 70k but my art appears a lot on printed media
Nah, I don't do Coomer art. will be broken if I did that, coomers don't care about the artist, they care about the cum.

Anonymous No. 984511

that's tilting at windmills, you absolute mong
ai need less training data every update

Anonymous No. 984513

Are you the manager of Starbucks? Do you need staff or something?
Sorry Mr manager, I only know how to make 3d models

Anonymous No. 984514

You are insane my friend, if you think that they don't scrape the internet every day to keep training you are deluded.

Anonymous No. 984516


Anonymous No. 984570

you think prompters won't be on the fucking breadline too?
protip: when the point of a technology is to reduce the skill requirement towards zero, people who want to prompt all day aren't going to be well paid.
It takes way more skill to be a barista than a prompter btw.

Anonymous No. 984571

I literally make over $100/hr prompting for the past 2 years.

Anonymous No. 984588

I make 1000$ a minute doing your mom in the roughest way possible on camera

Anonymous No. 985315

The sad implication in that sentence is the idea that you'd be basically useless without a keyboard.

Anonymous No. 985503

How far away are we from AI from being able to come up with 3d models and animations on the fly?
I want the AI to roleplay as a mesugaki and tell me that I'm trash. And also step on my balls too.

Anonymous No. 985655

I'm fine with AI because I just want the 3D animation, not the hard process like modelling and rigging.

Anonymous No. 986234

>The machine is doing the work not you!!!
>I do my own art, (with the help of my computer, processing, mouse, keyboard and softwates)
Unless you're calculating raytracing per voxel by hand, I don't care about your "real art"

Anonymous No. 986239

Half the economy is made up of useless people anyway. The sad implication of your argument is that your "skill" will be worthless within a few iterations of AI and rather than try to ride to the wave you're going to complain until you're obsolete

Anonymous No. 986889

fuck the other guy he's a luddite retard who would've said something negative no matter how it looked, it's identifiable as him so good job on a first try

Anonymous No. 986897

>aibros sucking eachothers dicks for validation
Telling someone good job for doing nothing is hilarious btw

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Anonymous No. 986911

people like you and op genuinely don't understand how incomplete your own vision for what you want to make is. Your idea of what you want the AI to show you is so vague you'll accept whatever it puts out and tell yourself "oh yeah thats exactly what I was picturing in my head", when in reality it was a blurry smear. The process of refining that vision is what others in the thread are pointing out that you're missing, and without it you'll never convey any authentic experience.
That's why it bothers people who've dedicated time to this so much when they hear someone generating AI art claiming that they "made" it

Anonymous No. 986920

just wait until ios 18 drops

Anonymous No. 986957

who are your clients?

Anonymous No. 986960

I got paid 1000 usd/hs to pee on the prompter faces while they were larping as artist.
It's a new thing, They use urine to make prompting more effective, and I'm not kidding.

Anon, come on, he's lying, nobody pays 100 USD an hour to prompt.

Anonymous No. 986963

The landscape concept scene is so fucking finished holy shit

Anonymous No. 986999

I'm never going to use AI, kill yourself you dirty AI nigger, a fucking frogposter too, I should have known

Anonymous No. 987037

>Me? Yeah I'm an artist (prompter) no one can do the shit I do! AI is widely available and any old retard can use it? Yeah so what! I make $100/hr and my dad works for Nintendo so things are looking pretty sweet for me! Deal with it!

This board is so fucking retarded it's painful.

Anonymous No. 987092

Lmao both got broken you retard

Anonymous No. 987093


Anonymous No. 987994

can you elaborate? did they both already get btfo? already that fast?
another casual AI W

Anonymous No. 988035

glaze got fucked long ass time ago by simply post processing the images to remove the adversarial noise, after which it's fine to train on the images
nightshade only works on old models due to the architectural differences
ultimately the creator wastes time by "protecting" their images, the casual viewer gets a shit experience looking at images that look like diarrhoea wiped across the screen, and the LoRA trainer isn't affected much
and as a side effect of this, if an artist sells their glazed/nightshaded images on fanbox or any service that doesn't allow AI, you can report them as AI posters and refer to the artifacts as sign of AI, it funnily works in most cases and results in bans for them

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Anonymous No. 988052


Anonymous No. 988055

The gestalt of syllogism ITT suggests it is fabricated to guide a certain narrative.

Anonymous No. 988244

I never claimed it was $100/hr for prompting "art" but I do make $100/hr using AI. Working multiple data annotation jobs at once which I automate with other AI. Basically just print money once I set everything up so my "work" doesn't trigger AI generated checkers.

Anonymous No. 988593

There is no utilizing AI for art. The purpose of it is for larger corporations to get their labour costs and replace them. AI art makes creative decisions, you can't utilize it to make art because it does the entire process for you, making the artists redundant. Millions of people think they can make the next lord of the rings with this technology, they won't. It'll be endless slop.

>Just adapt bro
There is no adapting. Being a creative is over.

Anonymous No. 988609

My working theory is that AI art will never get good enough to bring anything of meaning into people's lives.
However, it does seem like people's threshold for quality in what will captivate their attention is getting lower and lower to the point where they'll be staring at flashing lights for entertainment.

Anonymous No. 988612

Generating a starting base/idea and build from there

Anonymous No. 988874

Hard AF

Anonymous No. 989148

2019 called. They want their opinion back.

Anonymous No. 991755
