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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 984488

>spend dozens of hours making a sculpt of Michaelangelo's David in zbrush
>show to friends and family
>"huh that's cool. So your computer made it?"

>a woman makes an ugly fairy with sculpy
>"that's incredible.. it looks so real"

Anonymous No. 984491

>spends minutes crying to the internet for not having ones ego stroked.

Bro you're a dude, you don't get big points for basic bitch copying of others work.
Besides A 'huh that's cool' means they actually thought it was cool.
Would you really rather be like that girl who gets condescending applause for nothing?

Don't be such a bitch because nobody will treat you like one even if they call you such.

Anonymous No. 984492

its not about the quality of the art, it's about the art of the quality. focus on yourself and upgrade your mindset and you will see better results. you got this king.

Anonymous No. 984499

>art of the quality
Elaborate, please

Anonymous No. 984503

idk im just bullshitting. i had a better shitpost in mind but I forgot it honestly. fuck other people, make what you like. the average person is so fucking retarded it's unreal. who cares what they say about your art

Anonymous No. 984504

>the average person is so fucking retarded it's unreal

This. We should re-label actual 'retards' as 'pretards' because of how they where delivered in a tarded state and can't help themselves.

But ordinary people are 're-tards' because of how time and time again they do something tarded despite having
all the observations and experience available to stop being such tards.

Anonymous No. 984505

I bought an anatomy book for sculpting by this guy bob and when I bought it the checkout had a revised summary where it said
>author Bobette (formerly bob)
I immediately refunded it.
It was this one

Anonymous No. 984506

What's the name of the book? Body dysmorphia for sculptors?

Anonymous No. 984507

>troon educating anyone about anatomy

Anonymous No. 984519

'Troon this troon that', I still don't understand what old Jon Tron videos has to do with any of this.
Besides that you guys must be fetishising trans people to be so on-top of what such a rare breed is up to.
It's been over a decade since last time I even saw a trans-person but online you get the impression they should be everywhere.

I bet you guys are a pair of botched transitions to be this hung up on the too-many-letters people, stop paying attention to them and they'll go away, there are so very few of them.

Anonymous No. 984541

Holy crap, I know who this guy is, he's one of the ZBrush OG's along with Zac Petroc, and Ryan Kingslien, their work is pretty much what got me into digital sculpting.
Shut the fuck up queer

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Anonymous No. 984542

Here is his work along with Petroc's.

Anonymous No. 984543

I don't even know what that is my dude, I had it explained to me by someone but it just left me with more questions than answers.
Women, real or fictional, are enough of a Chinese puzzle to figure out in real-time for me to ever wanna add a bunch of edge-cases mofo's who's deliberately cryptic.

If I have to use some fucking flowchart diagram to keep track of which toilet you're most likely to use you're someone else's problem.
I'm not qualified for that shit.

Anonymous No. 984549

Part of "being an artist" as dumb a phrase it is to say, is to realize that not everyone will understand your work, or what goes into it, and to not take it personally. I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to tell my grandma that they're not "drawings", but she still doesn't stop bragging to everyone that she meets about them. I might not get much more of a response than "neat" or "that's nice" from her, but it's clear that she's proud enough of the stuff I make to tell others about it.

Just because it's not the response you expect, doesn't mean that they don't enjoy the work. It's just as possible that they lack the vocabulary to stroke your ego, understanding of the craft/medium, lack the "eye" for art that you do, or a combo of any of the above. That's not to say that they're dumb or uncultured, just that you're two different people and have completely different perspectives on things. Just like the person you're showing something to has a skillset that you're not familiar with and wouldn't be able to contextualize a response better than "huh, neat".

If someone told me they built a car from the ground up, and told me about all this intricate work they did on the engine and transmission, and told me how much horsepower it has and all that, all I could really say is "wow, that's really cool". Even though I understand this person put a lot of time and effort into this, I wouldn't be able to have much more than a forced, surface-level conversation about something they're clearly passionate about. I know a bit about cars, have a basic understanding of how they work, and I enjoy cars, I'm not a super fan and I'm not interested in the nitty gritty.

A lot of times, showing off your art to people is like that. They know it's a lot of work, they know a computer is involved somewhere in the process, and they know it looks visually interesting, but they don't have the intimate knowledge of the craft to have a meaningful conversation about it with you.

Anonymous No. 984555

Never talk about 3DCG to normies, they can't even fathom the amount of work it requires.
I talked once about gamedev to friends. They think I drag and drop stuff into a scene, press play and everything works.

Anonymous No. 984556

>>author Bobette (formerly bob)
>I immediately refunded it.
You are more of a tranny for giving a fuck about that in regards to something you bought for knowledge, fatherless behaviour

Anonymous No. 984579

Normies intuitively understand that digital is demonic and soulless.

Your work will be forgotten in the abyss of demonic digital slop while mediocre physical sculptures will be cherished for generations by whoever owns them.

Digital is worthless. No one wants digital paintings unless it's porn and people only want digital sculptures insofar as it is used in the satanic pipeline of mindless media like video games and marvel movies

Digital artists are just satan's useful idiots

Anonymous No. 984587

Good, satan is based because he makes retards like you seethe

Anonymous No. 984608

Try sculpting an animal or something

Rome/Renaissance = soulless
Greek = soul

Anonymous No. 984613

asking surface level questions like "how long did it take you to learn this" or "what do you find fun about your hobby" can't be that hard, the problem is people don't truly know how to communicate

Anonymous No. 984618

Sure it's not hard, but what really does it add to the conversation other than surface level responses? One answer you get a time that's impossible to put into perspective, and the other will either be art BS they don't understand or technical stuff they don't understand. Either way it leads to "cool....","yeah".

Anonymous No. 985071

my tip is to show them the process real-time, my mother didn't really understand what I was doing so I did a demo the last time I invited her over

Anonymous No. 985412

first - dont be a sexist douche bag you dirty ball stank cunt

second- pretty impressive to pull of a good copy . howd you do it? sculpty strchy 3d shit is weird

Anonymous No. 987415

yeah but this particular one is clearly ai

Anonymous No. 987438

troonoid detected

Anonymous No. 989894
