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Anonymous No. 984692

Is there any sort of Blender add-on that converts it to using sketch/constraint-based CSG style tools?
Blender-style tools are absolute garbage for hard surface compared to basic CAD

Anonymous No. 984705

I gave up on Blender, it's good for donuts, that's it.
I wish there was a good CAD addon, but it seems people who need stuff like that eventually just pay for real CAD software.

Fuck the donut tutorial guy btw, I hate him so much.

Anonymous No. 984710

Blender can not do CAD or anything related with CAD. The developer team refused to create one, they absolutely dont know how to make one.

Anonymous No. 984714

>ITT codelets who massively underestimate the complexity of writing and maintaining a CAD kernel but still want others to do it for them
start writing code, faggots

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Anonymous No. 984733

I'm not asking for a full solid-geometry CAD suite in blender, that'd be an absurd amount of work for something that could never compete with purpose-built CAD software.
I just want some ported CAD-style tools to make hard-surface simpler. Even just a few simple things like tangent, concentric, and colinear constraints would be massively helpful compared to having to either eyeball everything or use some arcane 20-step method that you have to watch a video tutorial to understand.

Anonymous No. 984751

If you want a non-destructive workflow use geometry nodes, everything else is a crutch.

Anonymous No. 984753

Just use FreeCAD Blender developers refuse to implement anything CAD related and stopped progress on their game engine, video editor and UI. You are just wasting time on something that exists elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 984842

>I just want some ported CAD-style tools to make hard-surface simpler

Anonymous No. 984845

You have that cad addon, whatever is called but it is not an option

Anonymous No. 987895

Imagine if FreeCAD actually supported common operations like making a fucking offset perimeter

Anonymous No. 987897

ConjureSDF, you should go with Plasticity or Fusion360 instead

Anonymous No. 987904

Opencascade (Freecad) integration was proposed in 2022, ofc nobody took the project, you could try to contact Hans Goudey on blenderchat, he is working on the sculpt mode refactor now so i suppose nothing is planned and he has no time for this, you can take a look at the modeling module too.

Anonymous No. 987910

Wtf is that "tangent" constraint? For ANY 2 circles (which are not one inside another at least) you always have two lines that are "tangent" to both circles. So what is it supposed to do?