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🧵 low poly

Anonymous No. 984946

>the secret to making low poly waifus is literally just having 10 years of drawing background and tracing over your drawings with vertices and cleaning them up after
yet another win for 2d

Anonymous No. 984951

>the secret to being OP is being a massive fag
yet another win for homosexuality

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Anonymous No. 984952

The secret to good lowpoly is to be a good 2D artist but the actual reason is that 95% of lowpoly is the texturing. There's a reason Syntyslop looks like garbage while PS1 games still look great

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Anonymous No. 984960

Agreed, but being able to produce high quality orthographic concept art to simply "trace over" with vertices allows you to jump right past all the beg and int level 3dlets. It's the reason any time you see someone creating a low poly model, they build over the art rather than building through something like zbrush or polymodelling. In fact none of them do it.

Anonymous No. 985150

is this actually true? ive been getting into blender lately with the goal of making my own low poly scenes/characters but i am mediocre at best when it comes to 2d art and dont even have a tablet i can draw or sculpt with (i do all my drawing in sketchbooks mostly). is this actually something that will greatly impede my progress when it comes to achieving my goals in blender or are there ways to work around/through it with persistence & effort?

Anonymous No. 985160

No it won't impede your progress not knowing how to draw. Knowing how to doodle and stuff can help though. Especially when it comes to sketching out ideas and stuff for later use.
Really the biggest thing is art experience if you're trying to make shit that looks nice like scenes and stuff, 2d is one way to get that, but there's other avenues like photography, graphic design, and all kinds of shit that helps you learn your fundies. 3d is kind of a mish-mash of all kinds of different practices, so having some experience in some of them helps. If you're just modelling real world objects and mundane shit though, art experience won't hinder you.

Anonymous No. 985162

thank you

Anonymous No. 985179

this looks great. are those shades from dynamic lights or baked in texture?

Anonymous No. 985196

Only because Zbrushes UI is a cluster fuck of bullshit that I'm tracing over my own drawings edge by edge and vert by vert. Other than that, its all about them textures.
Once I get Zbrush down, I'll be using it for quick sculpts and Maya for retopology. Mayas retopology tools are intuitive.

Anonymous No. 985218

Yes it's true, >>985160 is on copium and wants you to smoke with him to validate his beliefs. Go ahead and look up the top 10, even top 50 low poly waifu makers. They all draw. They were all drawing their whole lives, long before 3D. None of them poly model or sculpt. They all use their own digital art concepts as references and build over them vertice by vertice.

Anonymous No. 985219


Anonymous No. 985226

I accept your resignation

Anonymous No. 985228

sorry im really new to 3d in general so i dont know if i fully understand what you are saying, where exactly does having a strong 2d background come in handy besides getting the initial idea down in a way that it makes it easier to bring it to life in 3d?

Anonymous No. 985264

Accept you are wrong

Anonymous No. 985280

nta, but a lot of the issues and mistakes of beg artist are the same when they make 3D. You'll even see it in their edge flow. Nothing lines up with the form of the anatomy, even simple low poly models lack a good shape and flow, or their textures are painted the same way the would paint if they were making a 2D art. You're going to have to learn a lot of the same fundies 2D artist already learned.
There are a lot of 3D artist who never picked up a pencil, but they learned a lot of the same thing 2D artist already learned.

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Anonymous No. 985305

those are just 2D reference sheets

Anonymous No. 985307

Why is she standing on a man

Anonymous No. 985369

the secret is to not limit yourself to a dated style. it will look better if it was a fully fleshed out model and not a shitty lowpoly body with a texture stretched over

Anonymous No. 985372

the problem with this style is that it often looks good in the editor but completely falls apart when you try to do ANYTHING with it
sure your model looks good from the front, because thats how you made it
does it still hold up when viewed from the side?
can you do complex facial animations?
what about lighting?
hand drawn shadows will naturally look better than automatically rendered ones, theyre just worthless as soon as they dont match the scenes lighting
the reason why we do 3D is that we can make assets that we can drop into a scene that automaticallty work reasonably well in all conditions
none of these "handdrawn to 3D" fags actually manage to do that

Anonymous No. 985401

>sure your model looks good from the front, because thats how you made it
Stopped reading right there.
You think people are not looking at their model from all angles?

You really don't know what youre talking about. Low quality bait, rage all you want, i'm not reading your reply after this.

Anonymous No. 985406

I started to get into Blender a few days ago and of course like any retard decided to learn how to model a character. Thank God i used to draw as a kid because the knowledge i have about anatomy helped a lot. To the point where i can sketch a character from front, side and back, and then make said character in Blender with vertices.

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Anonymous No. 985423

The fuck are you talking about? It looks good from the side views.
The whole point of this style is to paint/vertex color the light, and not have any on the character model. If you do want light to impact character then you can just do light probes and transfer that color to the whole character.

Anonymous No. 985424

>is on copium and wants you to smoke with him to validate his beliefs
What are you on about? I straight up said to learn to draw in addition to learning other mediums.
"Won't impede your progress" was meant in terms of learning how the program works and the technical side of things. Drawing experience won't help you there.
Learn to read, retard.

Anonymous No. 985433

Incorrect, it’s a mixture of oversimplified and pixelated art. You see it on 2D games too when they don’t go all out on background.

Anonymous No. 985434

What part of what I posted looks bad to you exactly?

Anonymous No. 985450

AntiAliasing, lighting, realism pictures over cartoon scenes, possibly crimes against rigging and not understanding how 4chan sounds work.

Anonymous No. 985481

>tracing over 2d with vertices
It's the secret to high poly modelling too. IT's how every 3d model was made before sculpting and it's how most sculpted models are made too.

Anonymous No. 985484

None of what you said has anything to do with the webm I posted, fucking ESL.

Anonymous No. 985500

Your webm is an example of developing teams doing cheap work in games instead of being better and greater. Wonder why Mega Man Legends isn’t great? Why it’s not remembered by the Mega Man fans? Well now you know, cheap game to help promote the brand, the real brand, Mega Man.

Anonymous No. 985502

>Mega Man Legends isn't great
NTA but you take that back
>It's not remembered by Mega Man fans
Revisionist history here, jesus christ

Anonymous No. 985531

>Why it’s not remembered by the Mega Man fans?
lol lmao, go to another thread lowpoly isn't for you.

Anonymous No. 985544

You’re only liking the looks not the better opportunities and practice of low poly models. Did you really think Captcom would ever allow to spend alots of money on a game that would sell less. No, they won’t and it’s why you people won’t get one.

Anonymous No. 985549

>*a lot of money
FTFY, be sure to check your grammar before talking shit

Anonymous No. 985828

>You only like the aesthetic, not the ease of use and clarity
You what now? Crapcom wont release a low poly thing because just like every other infested AAA they are incapable of taking any risks or making anything thats not ultra normie realism graphics tm.

Anonymous No. 988965


Anonymous No. 989062

Not really?
I've seen enough of dudes doing all kinds of stuff without tracing over 2d.
Just look at this dude for example, he basically polymodels in sculpting mode and the process looks pretty organic and the result is pretty good:

Anonymous No. 991027

should low poly pussy be an animated texture or have it´s own geometry?

Anonymous No. 991032

Best pussies are done via raymarching distancefields shaders.

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Anonymous No. 991053

Make a high poly model and convert to low poly. That’s what I do.

Anonymous No. 991057

The ultimate source of sovl in Blender: sculpting mode -> decimate.

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Anonymous No. 991150

I'm doing some low poly PS1 stuff, but I'm worried it doesn't look that good
it doesn't feel very clean or particularly well-made since I'm just getting photo references, cramming down the resolution and indexing it for reduced colors, then throwing it on a simple model

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collage of the 2n....png

Anonymous No. 991161

fuck it, 2nd attempt

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Anonymous No. 991168

I think it looks good

Anonymous No. 991181

>he just figured out what image planes are
good job

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Anonymous No. 991193

shrapnelsoup just sculpted (and then baked the normals)

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collage of the ro....png

Anonymous No. 991297

some rocks for today
>created 4 different rocks
>then created size variations of each [the 3 at the back of each column]
>followed by texture variations of each base rock [the 3 at the front of each column]

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test render workb....png

Anonymous No. 991298

higher res. not sure if there's a better way to texture rocks or organic things, I just used Smart UV Project and moved it over the UV

Anonymous No. 991311

ds game ready

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collage of the st....png

Anonymous No. 991367

tried unwrapping and sorting the UV space out and then getting textures after the fact, instead of getting textures first and then making the model, seemed to work alright
I could use vertex coloring to fake shadows but I can't be bothered, pain to set up

Anonymous No. 991392

Is that your own work? Otherwise do you have a source? Can't find it anywhere else

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Anonymous No. 991394


Anonymous No. 991424

How many tris is too many tris for low poly waifus?

Anonymous No. 991425

>isnt remembered