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๐Ÿงต Houdini 20.5 COPernicus

Anonymous No. 984977


Anonymous No. 984997

what have you personally done with houdini ? curious

Anonymous No. 985001

Literally nothing

Anonymous No. 985002

i don't use it but i'll tell people i do to intimidate them. i usually make up some complete nonsense sentence and they just nod along like i'm reall smart. just last week i told someone i used an attribute wrangle (lol i'm a cowboy) to calculate frobenius (????) norm of a matrix and they didn't question it for a second. i'd recommend trying it out sometime.

Anonymous No. 985018

It's more like Jewoudini

Anonymous No. 985408

nuke BTFO?

Anonymous No. 985413

>not COPErnicus
whats this version do?

Anonymous No. 985447

Anything new concerning game tools labs? I could search it but I'd rather bump this thread and connect with my houdini bros

Anonymous No. 985529

COPs ????
Don't get my hopes up anon, I already use COPs quite often

Anonymous No. 986742


Anonymous No. 986756

>>985529 (me)

Anonymous No. 986849

It's so over

Anonymous No. 986851

everything that comes out of houdini just doesn't look good / looks robotic. I will take maya any day of the week. Seriously thinking of cancelling my houdini sub.

Anonymous No. 986869

you should

Anonymous No. 986877

there are like 5 people in my country who actually use Houdini full-time

Anonymous No. 986878

Most of /3/ has it installed (pirated) for prestige only. They downloaded it and literally forgot about it a second later but come back here to LARP as Houdini user while having done literally nothing with it.

Anonymous No. 986905

Sounds like you're projecting pretty hard there buddy.

Anonymous No. 986906

I only ever use Attribute Wrangle to make my pp bigger.

Here is my vex in case anyone here wants a bigger pp:

float makemyppbig = chf("pp_slider");
@pscale = makemyppbig;

Dont forget to press the plus otherwise no slider for pp size increaser.

Anonymous No. 986954

what's your country

Anonymous No. 987060


Anonymous No. 987120

Hi magicians,

Wanted to check if this is happening to somebody else, I was lucky enough to have a constant workload for over 8 years in my career, but at the end of 2023 I had my first hole, not too much, 1 or 2 weeks.

This year, on May, 10 studios reached out, all of them either cancelled or stopped answering, all are major studios and I had a great relationship with half of them, so a bit surprised about his non professionalism, at least you could tell the job is solved or whatever, but not giving any answer and left you waiting?

I posted this something similar on a instagram story, for my surprise, around 30 colleages are in the same situation, some of them are very well known Senior artists.

From what I spoke and read in some forums, seems that there is less budget, ton of "tutorial artists" being hired, or some cheaper people overseas. Possibly the Strike and AI is also affecting.

Anybody else having a weird year? its been a month without work and I'm starting to worry.

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Anonymous No. 987381

there are no jobs that's why most artists have, are, and will pivot to making courses

people taking these courses are of course fucking idiots because none of the skills acquired will help them get a job and if they do get one they will be maximally exploited given the nature of the artist, which is spineless and craven.

Anonymous No. 987564

>he believes art is about getting a job

oh no no no no no no

Anonymous No. 988369

maya bros, it's over
substance bros, it's over
redshift, octane, vray, bros, it's over

Anonymous No. 988372

cops look incredible t bh.
it's a shame the adaptive sampling is limited to 4xxx cards - i might have to upgrade, i've been using xpu more and more

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Anonymous No. 988606


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Anonymous No. 988632


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Anonymous No. 988664


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Anonymous No. 988665


bless our unscrupulous chinese brothers

Anonymous No. 988837

share link please sir

Anonymous No. 988842

impossible to download

Anonymous No. 988843

Extraction code: 6666

if you can manage to make a baidu account (mine's from over a decade ago), fire up a VM, download their desktop client and download away. slow as fuck 150 KB/s iirc, but it'll get there.
cracked sesinet from the last release works, but you do need to run chinaman's keygen in a VM.

i don't want to upload the setup, shit's too hot for my blood and not worth it when release is in 2-3weeks.

all the new stuff is sick as fuck btw. and xpu variance oracle works for all cards. cut my render time on the xpu bubble wrap scene by a good 35%.
also low-key, but pretty significant change - in new COPs they recommend writing opencl over vex.

Anonymous No. 988862

>and xpu variance oracle works for all cards.
You're saying XPU adaptive sampling works on everything, not just 4090s?

>and not worth it when release is in 2-3weeks.
Yup. We have access to the beta at work since we're on the AUP but I can't be arsed to download the current builds. It always takes a few months after the gold release for the all the initial bugs to be ironed out.

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Anonymous No. 988867

yup, i've got a 3080 here and got a nice performance bump from it. if you've got projects running xpu, it's worth testing immediately.
re: stability, the beta i have is decent. COPs has crashed a few times, esp if i've tabbed away from the window and come back to it, but it's very usable overall.
i haven't spent too much time with the mpm stuff - honestly this version of houdini feels like the beginning of a shift towards gpu compute and i makes me want to go out and buy something with more vram and learn opencl.
vulkan viewport (both sops and lops) is on by default and has been rock solid.
recipes as well, just immediately useful - more useful than hda's arguably (they save as .hda files weirdly enough).
really exciting release t bh, just so much stuff that everyone's going to start using from day one.
also all nodes now have a completely new preset and example manager/option.

Anonymous No. 988959

Great to hear, I appreciate the qrd. It feels like a bigger release than 20. I need to watch the Recipes and APEX HIVE videos, because I only have the vaguest idea how that stuff works.

I'm personally excited for the Solaris and Karma improvements since we've recently moved our pipeline over to that. I'm liking Karma quite a bit, and I think SideFX have done a good job advancing it in a relatively short period of time, considering how long renderers usually take to mature. XPU is really shaping up, and we've used it on a couple of simpler mograph type jobs so far. I think the plan is for it to eventually become the go-to primary renderer, with little reason to use Karma CPU. As always with the GPU stuff, VRAM is the biggest limiting factor. I'm hoping that nVidia will significantly boost the amount of memory on the next top end consumer cards.

Anonymous No. 988995

oh yes yes yes yes, gotta eat, right?

are Houdini Bros getting jobs then or what?

Anonymous No. 988997

>Recipes and APEX HIVE video
the recipes video is very funny because it's mostly an excuse for attila to talk about the, admittedly fantastic, data model they built to enable the recipe system.
recipes are basically just presets on steroids (node presets or full node-trees saved as presets) and most users will just interact with them by right clicking what they want and clicking one of the save recipe options and that's about it.
it's a big-brain talk for a feature meant for small-brain users (like me)

Anonymous No. 989005

Yeah it's definitely a "what is bro yapping about?" type of video lool

Anonymous No. 989375

it's on, it's live, it's time, LFG

Anonymous No. 989380

ah fuck, need to wait for crackers to release new keygen, fucking hell, this will take a month at least

Anonymous No. 989387

gonna download and install it. build number is the same as the leaked build so i expect the chinese keygen to keep working. do you want me to upload it / generate you some keys in a vm?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 989388

ridiculously complex setups with multiple sims [spoiler]for porn.[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 989389

ridiculously complex setups, with multiple sims. For porn.

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Anonymous No. 989391

yeah, we're in business.

use at your own risk. i'd recommend running in a vm or a burner machine.
1. have previous h20 cracked release working
2. get official 20.5 setup (not launcher)
3. install 20.5 but in set up options DO NOT install license server
then install keys like you would for previous cracks

the chinese guy who made did this keygen does actually have a new crack method to go with it as well. that one doesn't replace the license server at all. seems interesting but i can't be bothered looking into how it works.

Anonymous No. 989408

thanks mate, keygen works, used vmware just in case

Anonymous No. 989415

Same as >>989408, cheers
Got Vulkan viewport jank instantly lol
Bugfixes have been logged already though

Anonymous No. 989416

for me it's been less janky than the opengl one has been lately, but i've had a few issues going in and out of dops and getting frozen geo that shouldn't be there

psa: to benefit from the new karma speedups i believe you need 555.x+ nvidia drivers.

Anonymous No. 989462

really useful opencl for cops primer here

Anonymous No. 989618

20.5 works if you hex edit the keygen from 20 and use the old sesinetd from 20.
No need to use a suspicious keygen that has 5 trojans and whatever else attached.

Anonymous No. 989620

the 20 keygen has more flags than this one lol
and the 20 keygen is just a hexedited 17.5 keygen
and that has just as many flags too
you want to post instructions for people go ahead, but don't be faggot little smart ass

Anonymous No. 989675

I know it's the initial release, just want to comfirm experiences.

is the preview material cop mesh buggy, does ot sometimes refuse to update when the normal/displacement inputs are used?
Does the preview mesh turn black when selecting new nods to view until you modify the node?

Is the vulkan viewport ass when it comes to sampling specular, and ass when it comes to parity particularly when normalizing plane light intensities to their areas?

Do your slap comps not embed into your offline renders?

Anonymous No. 989676

>does ot sometimes refuse to update when the normal/displacement inputs are used?
i swear i heard them refer to this in either the keynote or the new tutorial they put up. happened a few times to me, but it's not too common. my graphs have been pretty simple so far though.

>Does the preview mesh turn black when selecting new nods to view until you modify the node?
not had this happen yet. running newest nvidia studio driver.

>sampling specular
not sure what you mean. the graininess you sometimes see on spec hits? seems inconsistent depending on light type.

>comes to parity particularly when normalizing plane light
it seems okay to me, but i'm used to the viewport being blown out vs render. i just live in headlamp mode permanently.

>Do your slap comps not embed into your offline renders?
doesn't seem to work the way they demo'ed it in the keynote. no idea if there's a setting somewhere hidden away that needs to be toggled on. i'd probably wouldn't do it right now even if i could, COPs is pretty crashy and it would suck if it killed an overnight render. would rather just rop image out from inside cops till h22.

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Anonymous No. 989683

For procedural game assets generation. But the year I started, they launched the SideFX Labs Tools and most of my previous work became obsolete.
So now, I'm working on different aspect and I'll jump back on it when I'm ready to make my environment stuff.

Anonymous No. 989690

>Do your slap comps not embed into your offline renders?
>doesn't seem to work the way they demo'ed it in the keynote.
found out why this is happening. default slapcomp block adds an input/output for depth.
if you don't have a depth pass it won't bake.
either add depth AOV, or remove depth from slapcomp block.

Anonymous No. 989693

Tell me why you use houdini, and for what

Anonymous No. 989727

I see, thanks for the info

Anonymous No. 989844

God I love Houdini but I really need to rant. Because say what you will about Autodesk their things are -stable-. That's a side-effect of them not changing anything, of course, but it does provide comfort. I can watch a decade old Maya tutorial and get by fine because everything is where it has always been and it works.

Contrast that with Houdini where even watching a H19.0 tutorial is a nightmare. A significant portion of features have changed completely. Nodes are deprecated if not removed or merged. Naming-schemes have changed. Nodes will generate different outputs from one version to another. The documentation isn't up to date never mind descriptive and won't be for another 3 versions. Studios only shares knowledge internally and snub the community. What little non-studio-bound community exists is solely on discord where nothing can be effectively searched for and there are few enough active, knowledgeable users that I could fit them all in my kitchen. The handful of tutorials are hit-and-miss but mostly miss. You used to get good shit from Jeff Wagner or Jeff Lait but those high-quality masterclasses seem to have dried up completely. The Labs guys that used to form some kind of tether to the userbase have disappeared and been replaced by people I think try but don't really cut it. SideFX spends so much time and effort trying to polish messy features or UI/UX elements but then leave glaring ones like some important nodes' default settings not generating output or code editors still being terrible.

They do incredible work on the tech end and the innovations are beautiful but somewhere along the chain there needs to be a UX or QA team that asks "how are we going to give this longevity and make it intuitive and reliable?". Every release I'm excited and disappointed. I really hope they restructure a little and let the package settle.