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๐Ÿงต Vaporwave/Utopian Scholastic 3D

Anonymous No. 985076

What software would be good for this basic style of 3D modelling? Would it be pretty easy to learn? It just looks comfy and I want to make my own worlds in this style.

Anonymous No. 985086


>What software would be good for this basic style of 3D modelling?

3ds max, max still has most of it's legacy features intanct and availible so you can render like it's 1999 straight out of the box. You will wanna use the scanline renderer and the legacy materials/raytracer and legacr AA and filtering like Catmull Rom.

>Would it be pretty easy to learn?

Not really. Barrier to making stuff like that artistry aside is similar in how complicated it is to making contemporary graphics. The heavy lifting is in shaping and refining the algorithms and that is handed to you by the advancements in rendertech. You are using legacy systems for artistic purposes but they are about equally difficult to operate.

However it's a lot easier to make that stuff in today's version of max than it was in R 2.5 or whatever era that is from. You have ~25 years of refinement of modelling tools compared to what those people had available.

Anonymous No. 985090

I've always wanted to do this stuff but it's all so daunting. I'm a graphic designer by trade so I understand illustrator meshes and key framing etc... and I think there are some crossovers with modelling but it just feels like so much to learn, and I feel like its too late at 27. I really wish I had studied product design or something instead.

Anonymous No. 985097

>I think there are some crossovers with modelling

Yeah def is, I started as 2D artist and transitioned into 3D modelling/texturing and once 3D sculpting came along I dabbled in that too for a few years
but today I'm mainly a tech artist/rigger.

There are a lot of skills that are intersectional in a way that when you improve along one axis there are aspects you come to understand better along one another.
Esp modelling/sculpting/painting/drawing are just different faces of the very same underlying skillset. Improve in one and you rapidly have access to the same
level ability in the other. There is some adjustment period bringing your 3D game on par with illustration but after that initial hump the abilities will improve in absolute lockstep.

I where you I'd just install blender and dick around with it for fun a few hours here and there, see if it clicks.
Even if it's just a hobby it's a nice skillset to grow into, you can have fun with this stuff without getting too serious about it.

You may be bewildered AF for the first couple of tries but if you stay with it you'll discover the take-off ramp ain't that steep
it's more how that the learning curve never seem to stop as you move into all the various aspects of this.

Anonymous No. 985127

If we had real jannies on /3/, I would hope they deleted threads like these when they pop up every 2 days.
>how do i into retro 3d gise? i was born in 2006 but the style is really nostalgic to me despite never encountering it in actual media. do you guys also like the backrooms and fnaf?
We have like 10 threads on this exact subject already. It's all so fucking tiresome.

Anonymous No. 985138

but my future retro vaporwave 3d fnaf minecraft anal rooms??

Anonymous No. 985177

>Utopian Scholastic 3D

im so tired of these zoomers coming up with dullshit snowflake names to describe things they didnt grow up with.

Anonymous No. 985184

I dunno. It seems like there is something else going on there.
It's like these kids have a recognition of a much more hopeful time before suburbia was lined with dead malls etc.

Adjacent things like synth/retro wave's 'arcade aesthetics' ,bright slalom colors and 80's + 90's glitz and gloss.
It's like western civilization had this peak during the sunset of the analogue age where a lot of things about our culture
many still encounter in various media and find alluring despite never having lived it while recognizing is now gone and nowhere to be seen.

Appreciation for this foundational 'proto-3D' type graphics that doesn't attempt to hide it's synthetic nature does have
a certain appeal along one axis that is lost as we transition into more refined synthetic imagery.
It's not an aesthetic that I myself am deeply nostalgic about at all but I do feel I've been too dismissive of these people who are into it.

Anonymous No. 985323


I'm 27 and I grew up with this aesthetic, but ok

Anonymous No. 985325

Sure you did, kiddo. Go back to fortnite.