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Anonymous No. 985113

I'm trying to make upper and lower lips separate (model has a mouth cavity) but dynamesh merges them if they get too close. Should I make upper and lower lips different groups and then dynamesh by group? Is this how everyone does it?

Anonymous No. 985114

I'd just sculpt it with closed lips and model the mouth area once I've re-topo'ed. Lips inner curve is pretty much impossible to get right anyways unless you have a teeth-insert and there is just no room to be as finicky as you need with sculpt tools.

Anonymous No. 985115

I would mask the part i want to seperate, then invert the mask and then just use the crease brush to dig into the mouth while in sculpt mode.

Anonymous No. 985117

>Should I make upper and lower lips different groups and then dynamesh by group?
what the fuck are you talking about
>I'd just sculpt it with closed lips and model the mouth area once I've re-topo'ed
just do this

Anonymous No. 985146

my nigga, if you are trying to make a model with a significant amount of detail you need to
- drop dynamesh asap (so, duplicaye your model)
- make a clean mesh (retopo / zremesh the copt of your model and have a low poly version of your model) (UV unwrap if you want)
- polygroup the areas that need special care to avoid overlapping (mouth, eyelids, ears)
- reproject the detail on the clean mesh (subdivided, of course)
- then delete the model with dynamesh (because at that point it is useless)
there is NO reason to work with a model with 200k+ polys and have dynamesh on

Anonymous No. 985374

Flick sculptris on and off if you don't want to Retopo/Zrem yet

Anonymous No. 985419

sculpt the negative space and boolean subtract it

Anonymous No. 988156

Whats the matcap you are using?