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🧵 How much skill does it take to produce textures like this?

Anonymous No. 985650

How much should I be paying an artist for something like this?
The colors are so vibrant and detailed. It reminds me of old school korean mmos.

Anonymous No. 985653

Most artists charge per percentage of saturation (from 0-100% saturated). If you're poor, you only get greyscale textures.
Sorry, but them's the breaks.

Anonymous No. 985658

this. a model like this would be pretty expensive, but since it's got very little blue channel information you'd save a good 27% off the total bill.

Anonymous No. 985661

you see models like this in korean mmos alot though, how much time would it take for an intermediate artist to produce something like this?

Anonymous No. 985663

>The colors are so vibrant and detailed.

You have to obtain the skill to go into color settings of photoshop and check the 'Blend RGB Colors using Gamma: 1.00'.
I know it's weird but only about 1/1000 digital artist have this level of skill because none of them spend even 5 minutes reading technical specs of how their tools actually work to understand how to do vibrant color blending.

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Anonymous No. 985664

You probably have to study the manual to your software for ~2 whole days to come across information that clued you in how it would be important to do this.

Or you can watch random youtube tutorials for several decades in hope someone who actually read the manual would know to tell you about it.
Lucky for you you asked this question on the expert level forum that is /3/.

Anonymous No. 985684

You can be as sarcastic as you want, but colour theory is something that most 3d artist lack of.
Working as an art director teach me that.

Anonymous No. 985686

₩23000 hourly rate

Anonymous No. 985788

I always imagine it's pseudo science, I can't help it

Anonymous No. 985798

Music theory is pseudo science as well right? Dissonance and random noise sounds just as good to your audio sensory system as chord progressions.

Anonymous No. 985807

how many hours to complete the texture? the model is low poly

Anonymous No. 985808

Not really, it's just very limited. It explains a very small subset of things that sound good, but there are many things that sound good and don't conform to this theory. It would be wrong if it something in scale or considered valid sounded terrible, but it sounds ok at worst. It means it's useful for filtering the state space of things you need to try to find something nice. Ofc applicable only for doing melodies or picking chords.

Anonymous No. 985820

You've wasted years of progress and set limits on your art, that's nothing to brag about

Anonymous No. 985822

5 to 6 hours because your reference has normal map and sculpted details you need to bake.

Anonymous No. 985826

Found the artist that would be unemployed
>You've wasted years of progress and set limits on your art, that's nothing to brag about
Because I've worked as an art director?
I've worked as a 3d artist and lead before.
Not knowing color theory is like wanting to run before learning to walk.

Anonymous No. 985843

I can tell anything you make is mediocre

Anonymous No. 985844

what about 2.2 gamma, isn't that supposed to be "the right" thing?

Anonymous No. 985845

>ive worked
>>ive worked
>ive worked
>>ive worked
>look at me im a little lapdop
>i worked
>i was lead!!!
>i worked
>i worked
You are so pathetic, you will never be an artist

Anonymous No. 985855

To me it looks like a leaf texture, tiling stem texture, and some kind of meat texture. Then color was painted over with maybe a screen blending mode.
It's a few photos and some very rough painting, so it shouldn't take much skill at all imo.

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Anonymous No. 985865

This is what I imagine when I hear about colour theory and things of the sort.
Formulaic art on a mass scale. Not that the art's 'bad' however.
Some people absolutely need to learn about it, others, not so much.

Anonymous No. 985866

looks like a sculpt with some basic brushing on top.

you can easily do this in blender, assuming you can get around

Anonymous No. 985867

one more thing, the inner mouth texture looks a little more complex incl. some of the other parts so he might have used an alpha at some point, or he's just a really sharp painter

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Anonymous No. 985877

heres his other work

Anonymous No. 985882

I used to think something similar about music theory, but once I learned it I realized that it's actually more descriptive than prescriptive. It helped explain why chord progressions I used intuitively sounded the way they did.
So I suspect color theory is similar, it isn't an arbitrary framework that forces everyone to make art according to a set of rules, but rather it represents a genuine attempt to understand what will work/give certain visual/emotional impressions, and why.

Anonymous No. 985886

Maybe, but I got a good job doing what I do.
Are you one of those antiwork redditors?
I've never cared about being called an artist, I only care about feeding my family.
The funny thing is that I decide who is the artist where I work, and you are unemployable.
Shit take, learning is always better than being an ignorant.
I didn't knew anyone who is happy about being ignorant about the basics of their craft until today.

Anonymous No. 985891

you can learn this at some places on the web.

this particular style he's using is hard to replicate. almost looks like he baked a million polys on 800

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Anonymous No. 985893

>dissonance is... le bad
My brain can't handle plebbatry this strong

Anonymous No. 985907

There it is, you're factory produced 3D artist no.234567
And why is waging in this field a badge of honor on this board??

Anonymous No. 985917

Yeah you are just a fucking bug man lmao, you have no authority to talk about art in any capacity

Anonymous No. 985919

ignore the buttmad NEETs anon, they know what they are, and they know what you are, they're on perma-seethe mode by default, you don't have to do anything

Anonymous No. 985920

Wagie wagie get in cagie

Anonymous No. 985926

>be jew
>control the whole world
>how do you want antisemites to be?
>productive and empowered members of society with families
>some neet posting jewish memes in 4chins
so which one are you, the jew or the retard that fell for it?

Anonymous No. 985927

All day long you sweat and ragie

Anonymous No. 985928

I've been both, a NEET and a "wagie", I know both ends, again, if you're not a jew, then your'e just a retard that fell for literally jewish memes

Anonymous No. 985929

NEET is comfy NEET is cool NEET is free from work and school

Anonymous No. 985930

hah you fucking wish, you can't even call your "life" real existence even, you might as well kys

Anonymous No. 985931

Wagie trapped and wagie died NEET eats tendies sauce and fries

Anonymous No. 985932

all the goyslop in the world won't save you from your miserable existence

Anonymous No. 985933


Anonymous No. 985934

I'm trying to show you the light, right now your family wish you anheroed to save them from the embarrassment, however, you can change that

Anonymous No. 985936


Anonymous No. 985953

Like I said, I don't care being called an artist, I'm a family man and I work on the industry.
Enjoy your welfare check anon.

>you have no authority to talk about art in any capacity
You don't really know what being an art director means no?

Thanks anon,
I know they are seething.
I'm giving my opinion on /3/ because I made it on the industry, I can feed my wife and kids because of 3d modelling and texturing and I want others like me to succeed too.
Getting paid to do something you love feels great and I want other losers like me to feel the same.

Anonymous No. 985961

>Getting paid to do something you love feels great
Yeah, I make what I want all day at home and live off of it.

Anonymous No. 985962

>I made it on the industry
Good morning sir!

Anonymous No. 985965

>Like I said, I don't care being called an artist, I'm a family man and I work on the industry.
I just think it's pretty embarassing for a man to brag about earning pennies working in a company in a world where 20 year olds make millions on Steam off of their own products they shat out in a year or two, at the same time producing things that have infinitely more artistic value than anything you've ever made. You do you though bud, try not to kill yourself

Anonymous No. 985978

You mean a welfare recipient?
Good for you anon, your parents will be proud.

I would not call 100k a year pennies, and yes, there's a lot of 20 year olds that make more than me and I'm happy for them, but you are not one of those 20 year olds, and you'll never be.
Anon this is so sad, get a job, a gf, make some money and stop living out of your parents. You will find out that even a loser like you can do something in life.

I live a happy life with a family and a stable job, why would I end myself?

Good morning.

Anonymous No. 985979

Do they started paying for edging all day?
Where do I sign gooner anon?

Anonymous No. 985981

>Anon gets a job and a wife
>I think it's embarrassing
>I want to be a trad wife but I was born the wrong gender
Cope harder

Anonymous No. 985982

I'm glad I made you feel so insecure that you've been trying to prove yourself to me all day. Maybe that will lead you to stop being such an npc, good luck

Anonymous No. 985983

Cope harder, and don't forget to take your HRT

Anonymous No. 985984

Man got hit with cognitive dissonance so hard he devolved into most basic channer speak, sad!

Anonymous No. 985985

I'm not insecure about myself, I think you are making excuses to be unemployed and sad, get a life and get a job, you are wasting your life being a sad looser. Crying on the internet would not get you a job, it only makes you look pathetic.

Anonymous No. 985986

>Man got hit with cognitive dissonance
Does it happen to you every morning when you see your dick?
You will never be a woman

Anonymous No. 985987

Thanks Anon

Anonymous No. 985994

You sure have transformers on your mind a lot, I wonder if that means something

🗑️ Anonymous No. 985995

Gotta mean something. So many ppl on this site that knows deep lore and terminology about trans people while
claiming to hate them with a passion, you don't learn so much details about something that you
find infuriating unless there's a deep draw there.

It's like how that guy from high-school who was the most furiously anti-gay always turned out to be the closet-case later in life.

In general what insults people use is super revealing how they project themselves onto other peoples psychology.
Like a nazi thinks it's a huge insult to call someone a 'goy' because in their mind you would actually care if you where one.
So who would think it a huge insult to say 'you will never be a woman'. Obv a person who thinks it's a great loss to not be able to be a woman.

Anonymous No. 985996


Anonymous No. 985998

I'm glad I made you feel so insecure that you've been trying to prove yourself to me all day. Maybe that will lead you to stop being such a troon, good luck

Anonymous No. 985999

Stop samefagging so hard

Anonymous No. 986000

>You are anti LGBT so you must be a troon like me

Anonymous No. 986001


Anonymous No. 986002


Actually another NEET smirking at how you've been loosing your mind over how someone can be perfectly happy
with not trying to prove themselves to anyone, but feel free to believe whatever you want to comfort yourself.

Other anon who knows who's who will feel validated none the less knowing how others ITT are entertained.

Anonymous No. 986005

Man this post really stirred up a whirlwind of confused emotions and feelings in this thread. Trying to affirm your masculinity on a computer graphics board is wild, never change anons, you are really something

Anonymous No. 986006


>in general what insults people use is super revealing how they project themselves onto other peoples psychology

But you called the family guy embarrassing for being proud of having a job to feed his family.
Does it mean that you are projecting your hate because you are unemployed and you don't have a family?
Or only work when you are the one getting insulted?

Anonymous No. 986007

You mean seething?
That's what you are doing
Or it's HRT rage?

Anonymous No. 986009

That post was my first in this thread since yesterday telling op how to do color blending in linear space if he wanted vibrant transitions of color.

Anonymous No. 986010

Holy fuck I'm cumming louis

Anonymous No. 986011


Anonymous No. 986012

I never made any post here, my brother hacked my computer. I'm not a retarded. Trust me

Anonymous No. 986013

It's winding down after an entire day spent chipping away at some art projects. You see being a NEET is neat
because you gain something more valuable than gold that you can never buy more of: time.

I don't invest it arguing with people on the internet anymore but I do appreciate other anon's effort.
The real legion is not people making noise online but the silent majority, and on that note nn to you, gotta go vote me some globalist diversity-loving leftists for the EU elections tomorrow so now it's sleepy time.

Anonymous No. 986015

Are you a NEET because you are not passing and real women laugh at you?
Better stay inside your house, the world is fucked up enough as it is

Anonymous No. 986016

You sound like a retarded low T faggot, do you happen to be J HIll by chance

Anonymous No. 986018

>Are you a NEET because you are not passing and real women laugh at you?

Nah, i used to be a gymbro who leveraged my fine physique and good looking face to get laid a lot so I felt I was done there.
Chasing tail is hollow once you've done it, girls are looking for love while you're looking for sex, always being the douchebag like that ain't great.
The girl I did fall in love with died young due to a severe medical condition and I didn't feel like I had anyone left in this world I needed to prove myself to.

I decided I was gonna live the rest of my days on my terms instead of trying to conform to whatever society or peers wanted from me.
The things I really love to do are not very expensive so I can make it work rolling on a shoestring kinda budget.

I have some high value skillsets I can fall back on if I really must but I can live for decades on my savings at the rate I'm not burning thru them.

Anonymous No. 986058

Rent free

Anonymous No. 986059

Rent paid by unemployment check

Anonymous No. 986062

I just think it's pretty embarassing for a man to bitch about their life in a world where 20 year olds have so many problems while earning millions of dollars in a year or two, at the same time producing things that have infinitely more artistic value than anything you've ever made. You do you though bud, try not to behave like a cunt.

Anonymous No. 986063


Anonymous No. 986081

Who's bitching? Told you I'm comfy where I'm at. You inquired if I was NEET due to reasons you imagined so i provided you with the context of how I transcended into this ultimate form.

You would think it's unrelated but as it turns out chasing creative endeavors and living in squalor often goes hand in hand. It's part of the art META.

Anonymous No. 986083

>Rent paid by normie tax money
Fixed that for you and thanks for buying me a chinese takeout today

Anonymous No. 986091

You're welcome leech, buy something better next time.
It's the battle between the working man and the welfare recipients
It's the oldest of the discussions on the internet. Who is better?
The normie with a job and a family, or the mentally ill LGBTQ+ living out of the state who thinks it deserves something just because his existence.

>provided you with the context of how I transcended into this ultimate form.
Was this before or after you started taking hrt?

Anonymous No. 986093


Anonymous No. 986094

It's winding down after an entire day spent chipping away at some art projects. You see being a working man is neat
because you gain something more valuable than gold that you can never buy more of: A Life

I don't invest it arguing with people on the internet anymore but I do appreciate other anon's effort.
The real legion is not people making noise online but the working majority, and on that note nn to you, gotta say goodnight to my kids and sleep with my trad wife so now it's sleepy time.

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Anonymous No. 986100

>my trad wife

Anonymous No. 986102

You would think it's unrelated but as it turns out chasing family endeavors and having a wife often goes hand in hand. It's part of the married man META

the chair nerd No. 986105

Are you seriously using your wife and kids to leverage yourself in an online fight?

Anonymous No. 986111

Oh look, the namefag is here
Yes, I'm using the fact that some guy posted he had a family and a job and everyone started to have a meltdown.

Anonymous No. 986112

Well thank you for forwarding our species anon. I seen the married man META, my same age friends who tried it all have gray hair and haggard faces.
Meanwhile I still look like I'm in my 20's, prob because absolutely no one tells me when to go to sleep or when to wake up.

Any time I've felt lonely in recent years it's just look to them and all I can think is 'How is it I am worse off exactly?'.
The answer is simple; I'm not, it feels like I've dodged such a massive bullet in never having multiplied.
I actually stopped dating random women specifically to ensure I couldn't accidentally knock-up one of them.

Sex is cool and all but it's really like smoking in a bathtub full of napalm. I touched that sun so many times and my wings didn't melt.
But you keep pushing your luck it's gonna run out sooner or later. I came in what I conquered countless times and I got to walk away unscathed.

Anonymous No. 986117

Chair nerd is the only good poster on this board don't disrespect him nigger

Anonymous No. 986119

>Don't disrespect my wifes boyfriend
Go to your room kid, grownups are talking

Anonymous No. 986123

I will be his personal white knight as much as I want bub

the chair nerd No. 986124

Thanks bruv.But I'm also responsible for shitposting I hope it's funny tho.I do deserve some disrespect for being in 4chan tho.
Are you sure you have kids? Have you ever noticed a real metldown?
Having kids does not end a life dude, it does end countless hours of internet procrastination, binge content consumption and aimless gaming.

> absolutely no one tells me when to go to sleep or when to wake up.
I hope one day you find someone that wakes you up.

Easy there are 3 keys to that kind of texturing:
-8 bit depth
-no aliasing/ filtering
-gamma blending

Just what you would have in a 2000's bitmap processor.

the chair nerd No. 986126

I may be infantile as fuck on this board but let me tell you kid I was a grown-up once... it's was not fun.

Anonymous No. 986131

>Are you sure you have kids? Have you ever noticed a real metldown?
Are you retarded? I literally told you that I'm not the family guy.
>I may be infantile as fuck on this board but let me tell you kid I was a grown-up once... it's was not fun
I wasn't talking to you, or you forgot you stopped namefagging to complement yourself?

Anonymous No. 986133

Awww thank you!

Anonymous No. 986134

I think that you are the best poster here and you have the biggest cock too.
Don't disrespect anon poster you filthy nigger, he's the best poster here

Anonymous No. 986135

>I'm not the family guy.
Of course you aren't, you are just larping as not being the same poster that is larping being a family guy. Larpception type shit

Anonymous No. 986136

Awwwww thanks for being so kind, from the bottom of my heart.

Anonymous No. 986137

I'm even larping as you, I'm samefagging and talking with myself right now.
Larpception of a larpception

the chair nerd No. 986140

My fucking sides.

Anonymous No. 986142


I'm in reality chair nerd, larpception of a larpception

Anonymous No. 986143

Larpception in progress


Anonymous No. 986150

Stop typing and start making the donut

Anonymous No. 986168

Well thank you for not spreading your mental illness making another human anon. I seen the neet META, my same age friends who tried it all have morbid obesity and Cheeto dust all over their fingers .
Meanwhile I still look like I'm in my 20's, prob because i have a family who loves me.

Any time I've felt lonely I... Wait I don't because I'm not a fucking NEET.
The answer is simple; I'm not, it feels like I've dodged such a massive bullet in never have took the black pill.
I actually stopped dating random women because I married one.

Spending your life alone is cool and all but it's really like smoking in a bathtub full of napalm. I touched that sun so many times and my wings didn't melt.
But you keep pushing your luck it's gonna run out sooner or later. I came in what I conquered countless times and I got to walk away unscathed and with a family.

Anonymous No. 986183

How did I miss this?
Thank you for the new material

Anonymous No. 986213

Yeah I can tell, you're so happy having a family that you invest your time arguing with someone you claim to percieve as a no-life nobody on the internet
rather than, gee I dunno, being with them? I don't buy it anon, you seem profoundly miserable being so invested in letting me know just how rich your life really is.

>"I must own this nobody NEET!" **eyes roll backward in skull** - happily married man™

Anonymous No. 986226

Yeah I can tell, you're so happy being alone that you invest your time arguing with someone you claim to percieve as a prisoner of their family on the internet
rather than, gee I dunno, being looking for a job? I don't buy it anon, you seem profoundly miserable being so invested in letting me know just how meaningless your life really is.

>"I must own this nobody working man!" **eyes roll backward in skull** - happily unemployed man tm

Anonymous No. 986227

When I take time to type at you I waste precious minutes I could've spent removing lint from my belly button or jerk off because all my day is nothing but free time.
when you waste time typing at me you invest that limited quality lone time you had to yourself getting infuriated by some random anon that means nothing to you.

Can't you see how futile it is to try to sway someone of my disposition that you're some kind of winner when this is the sort of thing you decide to do with your very limited spare time?

Anonymous No. 986230

NEET anon, I think you are a bit slow
He is copying and pasting what you wrote and changing the the word family for the word
neet, you are arguing with yourself and its funny but you are not mentally well if you take a troll so seriously.




the chair nerd No. 986240

I'm rolling on the carpet. KEK

Anonymous No. 986243

That's not a troll anon, I've seen it many times before, it's someone desperate to prove to themselves they're above you.
They see someone living a carefree existence void of stress and they lose their mind trying to find some kind of kink in your psyche.

When there is none they freak out because what they invested everything in clearly wasn't required after all.
It's as if tho your happiness is somehow detracting from theirs and they can't have that.

Notice how I point out how he's trying to sell me on how 'rich his life is' and he twists this into
>letting me know just how meaningless your life really is.

He's very invested in that exact idea that a NEET's life needs to be meaningless, that's why he's continuing to argue to be like him.
That I'm not jealous and wouldn't trade my situation for his is infuriating to him given that high cost of what he's doing.

Anonymous No. 986292

That's right, I'm not a troll anon, I've seen it many times before, I'm someone who is above you.
When I see someone living a existence subsidized with my taxes I feel above you.
When there is a family man the Neet freak out because what they invested everything in clearly wasn't required after all.
It's as if tho your happiness is somehow detracting from their mental illness and they can't have that.

Notice how I point out how he's trying to sell me on how 'carefree his life is' and he twists this into
>letting me know just how having kids is dangerous.

He's very invested in that exact idea that a Married life needs to be meaningless, that's why he's continuing to argue to be like him.
That I'm not mentally ill and wouldn't trade my situation for his is infuriating to him given that high cost of what he's doing for his sanity

Anonymous No. 986295

Your edit's doesn't even make sense anymore. What I stated about your takes is factual to what those takes entail.
what you state about mine are these figments of your imagination. Someone being happy with a traditional life is just perfectly fine by me.

I just don't encounter all that many who are, and I don't believe you are that guy either anon since you're still here desperately trying
to dismantle the bliss of some NEET's who's having a grand ol' time on their own accord.

Anonymous No. 986296

It better have vore animations and blendhapes or they're not getting a single penny.

Anonymous No. 986299

Just picture if it was your own dad sitting there rephrasing what someone else says as if though he was some ~twelve year old playing parrot and attempting to annoy someone. "What you doing there old man?" "le epic trollolololing dot jaypeg son". Lucky fucking kid having such a mature father.

Anonymous No. 986302

obviously its working because you keep feeding him, for being a NEET you don't know much about the internet

Anonymous No. 986303

Your posts doesn't even make sense anymore. What I stated about your takes is factual to what those takes entail.
what you state about mine are these figments of your imagination. Someone being happy with a NEETlife is just perfectly fine by me.

I just don't encounter all that many who are, and I don't believe you are that guy either anon since you're still here desperately trying
to dismantle the bliss of some family man who's having a grand ol' time on their own accord.

Anonymous No. 986304

>obviously its doing something because when you type he type your type back, for having a internet connection you don't know much about human psholololgy


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Anonymous No. 986308

This thread should post their work!

Anonymous No. 986309

I could kiss you

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Newest model.jpg

Anonymous No. 986313

Here you go, anon.

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the chair nerd No. 986316


the chair nerd No. 986317

Oh cmon dude I just had sex. *unzips*

Anonymous No. 986381

That is your display gamma and what you are usually working in, but when you linearly interpolate between 2 colors in sRGB gamma color space
you get that darkening as the brightness of each color component in sRGB isn't the same. 255 green has a lot higher luma (brightness) than 255 blue.
Like paint something full green and full blue and splash white over it with the bucket set to color and you see how dark the full blue is compared to green.

But if you drop down to linear space, gamma 1.0 and interpolate between 2 colors you will smoothly progress thru the spectrum towards the color.
So a gradient moving from saturated blue to saturated red will transition thru saturated purple to arrive at the saturated red.

It's not the color blending behavior you want most of the time but if you wanna color something very vibrantly or emulate what happens when colored
light blends together like painting a sky or filling in colored lights and whatnot this is how to do it.

Anonymous No. 986383

Friendly reminder that All the shaderfags are getting replaced by AI first. Get fkdd

Anonymous No. 986384


Anonymous No. 986385


Anonymous No. 986403

Get some help

the chair nerd No. 986419

My fucking sides. /3/ Threads do go bad faster than milk in the sun.

Anonymous No. 986499

This is why I love this place, I mentioned I had a wife and a job and without realising I started the 3rd world war.
this is hilarious.
I'm going to read this I'm my way to work later.
Please/3/ never change

Anonymous No. 986507

Have fun in the wagecage, I'll have fun with your wifey

Anonymous No. 986513

Why would have fun watching him fuck his wife? You Neets really are cucks with no end.

Anonymous No. 986514

Why project your weird sexual fantasies

Anonymous No. 986526

Someone said color theory was pseudo science, you got irrationally pissed over it, and then you brought your wife and kids into the aegument because that's just the type of weasely little man you are.

Anonymous No. 986538

Keep going, I'm having fun watching your mental declining on real time

Anonymous No. 986547

Learn color theory and maybe you can get a job

Anonymous No. 986552

>Everyone I disagree with is... LE SAME HECCIN GUY!!!
I'm not saying you guys are wrong, I just thought it was funny that I walked into this thread only to see you turn it into a shitshow over something so silly.

Anonymous No. 986559

You don't understand he has sluggish sex once a month with his fat pig of a wife therefore he won the argument

Anonymous No. 986562

I don't recall it like that, I said that I wouldn't hire someone who doesn't want to learn something as basic as colour theory and when an anon called me a wage slave I pointed out that I have a family to feed, only in the mind of a child that's irrational.
I won the argument the second you had a brain aneurysm because I have a wife and a job.
Your sex experience is masturbate to children's cartoons, so by I win by default

Anonymous No. 986569

>I made a post about how not mad I am so you all know just how not mad I am, as a married man™

Keep going anon, I feel like you're making headway in declaring your victory here.
Just afew more posts and all them filthy NEET's will bow before the supreme being that managed to reproduce.

Something only a few billion currently living people ever managed to pull off.
Truly an aspirational feat that should have everyone stand up and clap.

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Anonymous No. 986571

this thread

Anonymous No. 986574

This guy gets off on imagining everyone who disagress with him never had sex and is unemployed. Pretty weird for a supposedly succesful person huh

Anonymous No. 986577

>Something only a few billion currently living people ever managed to pull off.
But you didn't, that's why you are became a rage pig.

Anonymous No. 986578

Gee, If you are going to samefag at least change the way you write, huh.

Anonymous No. 986579

Oh no, the NEET is into Netorare, can someone get lower than that?

Anonymous No. 986580

Learn colour theory everything you need is there OP

Anonymous No. 986584

Not true, neets are scared to go outside

Anonymous No. 986591

Not true, I bike-hiked over 30 miles today. Day-trips out into the wilds anytime you please are sweet.

Anonymous No. 986629

It doesn't count if it was in a videogame

Anonymous No. 986644

In your mind a NEET is not allowed to do things that is actually fulfilling with all their spare time mmh? Bit of a cope mmh?

>Do tell me what videogame I can do this in tho...

Anonymous No. 986657

Humm, yes, that's exactly what I believe, geeh, Sheesh, you can't take a joke, gosh

Anonymous No. 986659

>>Do tell me what videogame I can do this in tho...

Anonymous No. 986676

Pfftt.. The island isn't even 10 klicks top to bottom and the 'wilderness' is about ~4minutes worth of content on scorcher.

>Ask me how I know.

Anonymous No. 988082

2 seconds

Anonymous No. 988089

this seems like the right thread, those on the know please tell me about and show me examples of 32 bit float light effects and compositing in CGI, please and thank you

Anonymous No. 988091

>there's a way to make PS gamma correct
what the sigma?
is there a fast way to turn this on and off or do you have to crawl through the settings every time you want to edit a normal map?

Anonymous No. 988154

Anything HDRI related or PBR can make use of that. You do all your shader computation in linear space enabling you to do things like lighting your scene with an HDR image.

In standard 8-bit per channel if you show the sun and and a white wall in the same image there is no telling how the sun is much brighter than full white so you try to illuminate your scene with an image like that you can's make it such that the sun in the image makes your model brighter on the sun side than the white pixels off the wall.
Where as in HDRI it can be many times beyond full white.

Biggest difference once you move to 32-bit is that you will always have to use an exposure controller to determine how you compress the dynamic range in your scene to one that fits your display device.

Just go into settings and flip it on and off whenever you have to. It's a reason it's not enabled by default as it'll give unexpected behavior with how layers and blending modes work compared to when it's disabled. You will rapidly understand when and why you wanna use it once you grow familiar with what it does by using it in projects.

Anonymous No. 988202

>you will always have to use an exposure controller
right on the money, lad, other than that, linear vs 2.2 and log gamma, can you infopill me on that?

Anonymous No. 988203

* and, what about the "flat" approach, aka whites and blacks unclipped on purpose to adjust later in postpo? off course this is assuming full 32 bits pipeline