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🧵 3D design software for Linux

Anonymous No. 986416

I want to start doing learning 3D modelling since I want to design small accessories and jewelry, mainly the kind of stuff that would be injection moulded.
So, what software should I be using? Blender seems to have a lot of tutorials available but a lot of people also decry it as having an unintuitive interface. It also doesn't seem to be that good for when you need exact measurements, which I'll undoubtedly need to be able to fit in pre-fab components such as snap buttons etc.
AutoCAD is unfortunately Windows only, which I'm not going back to ever considering the dumpster fire it seems to have become since I left. FreeCAD might be sufficient for my needs, but would using a straight-up CAD program actually be good for my use case which isn't really that technical?

Anonymous No. 986417

>but a lot of people also decry it as having an unintuitive interface
that's because Blender modeling relies on keyboard shortcuts a lot and some people prefer button-clicky modeling even though they're slower doing it.

Anonymous No. 986418

polygonal modeling is a little inaccurate for this kind of stuff

so freecad it is

Anonymous No. 986420

You can not use polygon modelling for injection molding anon, no mold manufacturer that I know will make you an injection mold from a poligon model

Anonymous No. 986432

the blender UI is fine, it's very intuitive and easy to learn and troubleshoot. People on this board just hate it so they have something to be angry about.

That said, CAD is better for what you want to do. You could try plasticity, it's a CAD program but a lot less technical. But you're probably fine with freeCAD.

Anonymous No. 986437

What's wrong with polygonal models in this case?
I have some experience with 2D vector graphics by the way, aren't polygons basically just vector graphics but in 3 dimensions instead of 2?

Anonymous No. 986438

1. The polygons curve and bend to create shapes. Even if the model is subdivided 10 times these fragments are still there but smaller

2. You don't measure in polygons, you just kinda gauge looking at it.

3. Making holes dents in grooves is much smoother in cad. You don't boolean or model that stuff

Anonymous No. 986439

So polygon modelling doesn't involve using bezier curves, it's just a bunch of straight lines?

Anonymous No. 986442

I just checked out a tutorial for Plasticity. This looks way easier to use than Blender or any other polygonal software. It seems kinda like vector graphics but in 3 dimensions.

Anonymous No. 986454

CAD and modeling programs is like art pencil and compess. You can create robots with Blender/Maya while CAD/Compess will say that’s stupid because science says so.

Anonymous No. 986511


Yeah, it's very intuitive. It's not ideal for inputting exact dimensions which you'll need for injecting moulding, but it can do it. It might be useful to do the design work in plasticity then bring the models into freecad to set up exact dimensions, tolerances, draft angles etc.

Not sure how useful that workflow would be, the work I do is just artwork and occasional gaming stuff, so I do my hard surface design in plasticity then take it into blender for texturing and refinement. It might be better for you to work exclusively in freeCAD. Try both and figure it out.

Anonymous No. 986515

What makes Plasticity less ideal for all of those exact dimensions?
Also, any good primers for how draft angles etc work? I'm not gonna be doing any advanced engineering exactly.

Anonymous No. 986537

It's just not user friendly for inputting dimensions, it's not really a drafting program. It's pretty exclusively about direct modelling, not parametric modelling.
>Also, any good primers for how draft angles etc work?
Not my line of work. I just know you want an angle for pulling your shit out of the mould, but as far as specific considerations for injection moulding I have no clue.
How come you're talking about injection moulding and not 3D printing? That's a pretty specialised and expensive thing you're talking about for someone who doesn't seem to know too much about this stuff.

Anonymous No. 986548

OnShape is easy to learn, very powerful and always online in your browser. Your linux bros will fucking hate you forever.

Anonymous No. 986549

>How come you're talking about injection moulding and not 3D printing?
3D printing is not suitable for mass production, but I'll obviously use it for prototyping.

Anonymous No. 986551

Moreover, 3D printing is less limited in a way than injection moulding, so anything I design for injection moulding can be 3D printed.
With regards to cost, I'll start out with designing stuff that can be produced using laser cutting and the like, since that doesn't require a huge up-front investment. Injection moulding will have to be for once I get the ball rolling.

Anonymous No. 986554

>What's wrong with polygonal models in this case?
Polygon models can't be used to make injection molds.
The machines that cut metal don't work with poly models. Don't make that mistake.
If you need to make a mold for injection molding you need nurb surfaces, that why we use cad instead of blender.

Anonymous No. 986568

It's foss, has a parametric constraint solver and is intuitive.
There's also dune3d which uses the same solver

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Anonymous No. 988527

linux? a kernel for server operating systems? why would you sneed a 3d design software for that?

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Anonymous No. 990180



>Polygon models can't be used to make injection molds.

>You can not use polygon modelling for injection molding anon, no mold manufacturer that I know will make you an injection mold from a poligon model


1) I call bullshit despite never getting a mold made

2) This industry (injection molds) is very small and specialized.

3) From the fact that I know for a fact that there are metal injection molds made based on physically made clay sculpts.... there is no fucken way they will not accept a .blend file.

Then 3D print it (4K resin or more) and ship it to them.

However no one will know until someone actually tries. And getting a professional mold made costs more then a luxury car.

Either way I call 100% bullshit.

>Muh CAD muh CAD
CAD is for fagots.

OP using cad to do anything art related is like torturing yourself.
I know almost nothing about CAD however I know one video where some CAD fag creams himself about doing simple edits that are trivial in blender.

From this alone I deduce that CAD is shit and only for drilling 0.001mm line and a 0.005 hole 0.00001 to the left.

Lets solve this the fun way I made this in blender.

Let the CAD fag do the same, if he can not he is one of the 100s of no skill fagots on this board who shitpost all day.

>b-b-b-b- the dimensions the dimensions
Of what you retarded fuck?
I remind everyone that toys where made in clay physically. You do not need the retardation of
>Muh 0.00000001 nanometer hole is 0.00000000001 nanometer away from this other hole

If you need visualization simply take a picture of your hand or something similar and model with this in the background.
As for precision holes I either bet the company you are paying $$$$$$$$$$$$$ for the mold will do get some retarded CAD monkey to do a simple insert hole at coordinates XYZ or you can do it yourself at any stage of the process.


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Anonymous No. 990182

Modeling anything fun looking in CAD is basically impossible. You will wast your time and creativity with CAD shit. You be better off making it in real physical clay then go to CAD.

>Blender can not... precision
You are a fucken retard!

1) Blender can into precision modeling see
Yes it is not the perfect
>Muh 0.00000001 nanometer hole is 0.00000000001 nanometer away from this other hole
CAD autism however you do not need this level of CAD autism for a fucken hole in a keychain figure!

2) Toys used to be made in physical clay (some still are) and this was turned into IRL professional metal molds.

Every toy from the 80s is made in physical clay and was transferred to a metal mold.

3) if for some reason the company you are literally paying over half a million dollars will refuse to accept a .blend file you can simply 3D print the figure and ship it to them.

Realistically if we are talking this level of money they fix the problems in house or convert the .blend file to anything.

>Muh under cuts muh muh undercuts
Fake and gay.
4.1) Any problems will be auto fixed if this thing is 3D printed since I doubt a resin print will replicate perfectly the unrealistic pertly sharp polygon model.

4.2) if this level of money is involved then these corporations have people on staff who will fix this for you
Worst case scenario you get some calls from their department where some guy says something like
>Do you really need a internally facing 0.00001mm cavity oriented this way?
>Or can I smooth this out?

PS: metal molds are overkill if rubber can do fine.


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Anonymous No. 990183


5) I know from living that there are 3D models made in Zbrush for toy making and also physical sculptures.
(notice in the background )
Also if they fucken accept 3D printed figures or literally physically made figures then .blend files are not a problem. Worse case scenario you need to convert your .blend into whatever zbrush farts out.

This is how toy making looks like:

I bet that CAD fag can not make this simple sculpt I made he will struggle with the ears and be unable to make them look like this. Despite this being a easy thing to make. If the CAD fag fails to do this remember to ignore everytihng he has to say.

Anonymous No. 990363

>despite never getting a mold made

You are beyond retarded.
Go ask for an injection mold with a polygonal model and they are going to laugh at you like the mentally ill faggot you are.

Anonymous No. 990364

I made a drawing on a napkin, I'm sure they can make a mold with my napkin doodle, they just need to convert it to a zbrush file using the napkin importer.

I know that for a fact, even If I've never made an injection mold.

Anonymous No. 990368

The state of /3/
>metal molds are overkill if rubber can do fine
Yes anon, I'm going to use a rubber mold in my injection machine.
I'm also going to bake a cake on a plastic colander

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Anonymous No. 990574

>Go ask for
WOW. I won the argument.
Like unbelievable!

1) Projection
2) CAD fag I made a chalange. Make in cad the model I made. I wait. If you can nto do this then I win all your wast of time text posting proves me more right.

>>I bet that CAD fag can not make this simple sculpt I made he will struggle with the ears and be unable to make them look like this. Despite this being a easy thing to make. If the CAD fag fails to do this remember to ignore everything he has to say.

Get of /3/ you LARPing retard. You have no skills and you can not model not even in CAD you only shitpost.

Anonymous No. 990584

Is using blender linked with mental illness?

Anonymous No. 990650

>You have no skills and you can not model not even in CAD you only shitpost.

Shit, are you schizophrenic for real?
I said nurbs, not cad, every software that can nurb model it's good for injection mold making.
Get some help or stop posting while taking your homemade HRT, your schizoid ramblings are not even funny.
you are the reason people hate blender.

For the rest of normal anons here who are asking the same question, you need to make a model in nurbs to get a metal mold for injection.
It doesn't have anything to do with blender, most machines don't work with poly models.
If you want to use blender make your model using nurbs.

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Anonymous No. 990657

>model in nurbs
Cool nurbs is not a program go and model in whatever nurbs shit you like the simple model I made.
If you can not do this you literally lost the argument. And are only loosing harder since this is your #2 post without anything modeled.

Holly schizophrenic meltdown batman!
Projection schizo zoomer retard.
>I said nurbs, not cad,
Lets see you tech iliterate zoomer with the magic of CTRL+F
>not cad,
Lets see:
>so freecad it is
>That said, CAD is better for what you want to do. You could try plasticity, it's a CAD program but a lot less technical. But you're probably fine with freeCAD.
>3. Making holes dents in grooves is much smoother in cad. You don't boolean or model that stuff
>CAD and modeling programs is like art pencil and compess.
>in plasticity then bring the models into freecad to set
>It might be better for you to work exclusively in freeCAD
>that why we use cad instead of blender.

What was it zoomeroid? Never did say CAD?
Did you fucken think I have the brain of a fucken zoomeroid goldfish?

The only post talking about le nurbs is
>you need nurb surfaces, that why we use cad instead
And then you immediately shill CAD.

>not cad
Literally the only post before your talking about nurbs immediately shills CAD.
It is unreal how hard you are melting down right now.


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Anonymous No. 990658


>Poly bad, blender bad
>Muh nurbs
>muh CAD
>I made a drawing on a napkin, I'm sure they can make a mold with my napkin doodle, they just need to convert it to a zbrush file using the napkin importer.

The meltdown of you retards is out of this world.
This post is so bad it is priceless comedy.
What files exactly dose zbrush output? The ones used for making metal molds?
And others like
Are you seriously compering a working 3D model to some retarded napkin drawing? STL is what 3D printers use (most common) whatever Zbrush outputs it can be converted from blender output files. And like explained before if they accept PHYSICAL sculptures they accept 3D printed models and
blender -> STL -> Resin 3D printer
Is the way to go.

>b-b-b-b- poly not perfect and
And you think physical sculpts are you dumb fuck? They literally made all toys in the 80s by creating molds from sculpted objects, sculpted by hand, there are lots of imperfections if you do this, microscopic imperfections.

>b-b-b-b- poly not perfect and
And what the fuck do you think Zbruash is outputting? Try to nurbs model a face you dumb fuck. I seriously wait.

However you can not model, you never modeled you are a LARPING retard who shits up this board and you need to be bullied into suicide.


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Anonymous No. 990659

>you are the reason people hate blender.
GOOD! Seriously GOOD!!!!!!

This board is shit like the rest of 4chan and while you schizo no skill retards hate on blender all day places like r/blender post work all the time. Work that is above your skill level.

You never model, you never sculpt you do nothing in 3D only shitpost how bad blender is. Meanwhile professional Zbrush artists say that blender is OK for sculpting and create things like this in it:

Blender is comparable to Zbrush while inferior in most advanced areas.

Bulling retards like you is the reason I'm even on /3/ it is amazing how fast you can shut down retards here by saying

You will never use blender, you will never use any 3D software, you are a fucked schizo NEET who can not model and will never model.

Anonymous No. 990691


Anonymous No. 990764

>meltdown batman
In not batman, batman is not real, it's a comic book, and you can not sense reality from fiction

> zoomer with the magic of CTRL+F
Ctrl+f is not magic, it's technology, are you stupid?
Boomers still believe in magic OMG
You are stupid but I'm glad you are old and don't have much time on this board

>Did you fucken think I have the brain of a fucken zoomeroid goldfish
Why do you speak in riddles?
Get some air and speak like a white man.

>is unreal
No, this is 4 chan, why are you shilling for epic games software?
Mentally ill LGBTQ millennial

> is out of this world.
We are on planet earth
Mmmmm..... Let see
There's air and plants and mentally ill humans like you
This is earth.

>is priceless
Everything has a price fucking communist

>Are you seriously compering a working 3D model to some retarded napkin drawing
Yes, I'm serious about it, napkin is the next blender
Napkins drawings can be made on 3d and 3d printed
A napkin is a PHYSICAL element.
They accept napkins for metal molds
>STL is what 3D printers use
3d printers use electric cables to work
Electric cables are also used on machines that cut out metal.
Electric cables exporter to zbrush is peak aesthetics for mold making

>This board is shit
No, this board is /3/
Did you get into the wrong board?

>hate on blender all day
I don't hate blenders, I make smoothies every morning

> Meanwhile professional Zbrush artists say that blender is OK
Zbrush artist like smoothies too

>Bulling retards like you is the reason I'm even on /3/
Bulling is bad, nobody likes bullies.

>You will never use blender
How I'm going to make my smoothies now?

Anonymous No. 990772

And I win for the 3 time because the CAD retard can not model anything. Seriously how many times can I win OVER and OVER like this?

>In not batman, batman is not real, it's a comic book, and you can not sense reality from fiction
It is a meme zoomeroid

>Ctrl+f is not magic, it's technology, are you stupid?
AHAHAHAHA next level shit!
>Ctrl+f is not magic,
Yet it exposed your lies zoomer retard.
>Ctrl+f is not magic
once again it is a meme zoomeroid.

>is unreal
AHAHAHAH this is next level mental illness
>why are you shilling for epic games software?

Do zoomeroids relay thing the EG corporation invented the word unreal?

>Yes, I'm serious about it, napkin is the next blender
>Napkins drawings can be made on 3d and 3d printed
The bot broke!

>3d printers use electric cables to work
>Electric cables are also used on machines that cut out metal.
>Electric cables exporter to zbrush is peak aesthetics for mold making
Holly fuck! I broke the BOT!

Anonymous No. 990773

>And I win for the 3 time
Cris wins every time

>Because the CAD
Is the cad there with you? Tell me where the cad touched you
>It is a meme zoomeroid
I don't understand that language, is this how kids talk this days?

>next level
Are you talking about a videogame?
Sorry kid I don't play those

>Do zoomeroids relay thing the EG corporation invented the word unreal?
Do you have some dictionary for those new words kids speak this days?
I know the word gyat but that's all

>Holly fuck! I broke the BOT!
You need to repair it immediately, because your dad would be really upset about you breaking his things

>Yet it exposed your lies
It's called yeti, and it's a mythological creature

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Anonymous No. 990788

I win for the 4 time CAD fag. No model yet you keep on making me win over and over.
>Is the cad there with you? Tell me where the cad touched you
Like I have shown:

>not cad,
Lets see:
>so freecad it is
>That said, CAD is better for what you want to do. You could try plasticity, it's a CAD program but a lot less technical. But you're probably fine with freeCAD.
>3. Making holes dents in grooves is much smoother in cad. You don't boolean or model that stuff
>CAD and modeling programs is like art pencil and compess.
>in plasticity then bring the models into freecad to set
>It might be better for you to work exclusively in freeCAD
>that why we use cad instead of blender.

What was it zoomeroid? Never did say CAD?
Did you fucken think I have the brain of a fucken zoomeroid goldfish?

>It's called yeti, and it's a mythological creature
I'm fascinated to see how long until you break down Zoomer-BOT/CAD fag

Anonymous No. 990792

>What was it zoomeroid?
Are you asking me the dictionary definition of zoomeroid?
I don't find it on my dictionary

>Never did say CAD?
Not true, you said Cad before

>Did you fucken think I have the brain
No you don't have the brain

>zoomeroid goldfish
Is this some dish?
I don't eat fish.
>I'm fascinated to see how long
Yes I'm long, but don't say it in public man.

>Zoomer-BOT/CAD fag
Are you playing Scrabble?

>I win for the 4 time CAD
Still less than Cris
>No model yet
It's yeti, and I don't have a model of a yeti, you can commission one

>Like I have shown: CTRL+F
Are you a magician now?
Magic it's not real

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Anonymous No. 990793

I win for the 5 time.
The bot broke.
And it was a glorious experience.

Anonymous No. 990795

>I win for
I won for my sister, it was because of her I made it.
> the 5 time
You bathe 5 times and you still have the same smell? Go to the doctor man
> The bot broke
The bot who keeps crying about cad got broken?
>And it was a glorious experience
Was your first time having sex?
It gets worse every time, love is what it matters

Anonymous No. 990797

I win for the 6 time.

You never disappoint /3/
>I won for
Make that model I posted or shut up. You are only making me win harder with every post without a model.

Anonymous No. 990801

>I win for the 6 time.
That's so cool my boy, you won so many times, you are so good at videogames, even if i don't understand the way kids speak today I'm still proud

>Make that model
What model?

> or shut up
I'm typing not speaking
How I'm going to shut up?

>You are only making me
I made you, you are my son, and I'm proud of you even if you are autistic

>win harder
Are you winning son?

> with every post without a model.
I'm not a model, I don't pose for the camera. But I bring food to the table for you and your mum.

Anonymous No. 990802

Bot won

Anonymous No. 990803

oh shit, are you the neet from the old thread?
I can recognise the way you type from miles away

Anonymous No. 990806

I win for the 7 time.

>oh shit, are you the neet from the old thread?
No. Still no model posted.
Post a model fagot or stop posting.

Anonymous No. 990808

Lol you are the neet.
Glad you are still alive

Anonymous No. 990813

I won 8 times.

Anonymous No. 990871

>I win for
I use winrar, I'm a basic bitch
>the 7 time
Your anus must hurt at this point, 7times is too much
>No. Still no
You truly have a steel rectum my friend
>Post a model fagot
I don't have pictures of homosexual models on my pc, just victoria secret.
>stop posting
This is not fashion, it's /3/ so it's retarded to think that I would have pictures of models, I'm not interested in fashion
> 8 times
Your anus is more stretched than my budget at the end of the month
You need to stop or you are going to hurt yourself

Anonymous No. 991024

>I use winrar,
I win 9 times.

Anonymous No. 991039

>I w
Don't be so lewd
>9 times
Stop it bugchaser you will never sit again

Anonymous No. 991060

Zamn the two bots have yet to post their work!!! Industry veterans everyone.

Anonymous No. 991146

Cris won, Go cry on Reddit filthy neet

Anonymous No. 991147

>Industry veterans everyone.
I love /3/ of how easy it is to debunk the LARPing fagots here.

It is incredible how fast they get debunked when you demand they post their work.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 991148

>Zamn the two bots have yet to post their work!!! Industry veterans everyone.
Are you accusing me?
Here is what I QUICK (key word) quick modeled:

This is a simple model and I expect the industry insider CAD fag to replicate this. In his nerbs or whatever non-blender or CAD shit he is shilling.

He can not do this and has autistic meltdowns over this request.
If CAD fag can not replicate this he has no say in posting on /3/

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Anonymous No. 991149

>Zamn the two bots have yet to post their work!!! Industry veterans everyone.
Are you accusing me?
Here is what I QUICK (key word) quick modeled:

This is a simple model and I expect the industry insider CAD fag to replicate this. In his nerbs or whatever non-blender or CAD shit he is shilling.

He can not do this and has autistic meltdowns over this request.
If CAD fag can not replicate this he has no say in posting on /3/
Forgot picture

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Anonymous No. 991942

I don't know why you schizo's are screaming at eachother but I made the rabbit.

Anonymous No. 992436

It's just a blender faggot sperging because he has to learn to use nurbs for injection molding.

Anonymous No. 992437

You are mentally ill, you can use nurbs on blender.

Anonymous No. 992668

i want to buy cune