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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 986630

I'm actually scared about AI, like is there any point learning to draw or model when computers are becoming capable or generating shit within seconds?
I really don't know if it's worth to keep learning

Anonymous No. 986637

>is there any point learning to draw or model
People like you who "consume end product" were never going to learn in the first place. If you can't understand why people find enjoyment in creative endeavors, then you're beyond help.

Anonymous No. 986642

cris thread

Anonymous No. 986643


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Anonymous No. 986655

Was there any point to learning chess after Deepblue beat Kasparov?

Anonymous No. 986660

Cris won

Anonymous No. 986662

No, it's not worthwhile for a career, for fun yes.
99,9% don't make money with chess. Except for chess manufacturers.

Anonymous No. 986665

99,9% didnt make money with art before AI

Anonymous No. 986667

Agree with you in that statement but you are not seeing the full picture. AI don't make you more money, but lower the costs of lot of things in production

Anonymous No. 986678

you're nothing more than a hobbyist, you'll never understand professional work

Anonymous No. 986684

chess is meaningful when you play it against another human, just like a sport such as soccer is meaningful when you play it against another human. If you play soccer with a human against a robot that is trained on billions of nodes of data on how to do the perfect volley or header into the upper corner of the net, not only is it against the rules, but it loses meaning.

"productions" are terrible.

hobbyists have all the power now. Commercial work is so terrible and full of computer crap that I go out of my way to devote large parts of my work to traditional mediums without computer. 2D, pencil and pen, marker, guache. No forced updates, no hidden fees, no spyware, no telemetry, no forced, barely disguised agendas.

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Anonymous No. 986687

you dropped this

Anonymous No. 986688

no aluminum hat needed, anon. When you've been around cg for as long as I have, you've seen it all. Softwares coming and going, sales and acquisitions to worse companies, software folding all together, prices going up, hilarious terms of service changes, app store fees and service agreements, it goes on and on. It gets old.

There is nothing more pure than 2d without a computer in the mediums i described and none of the bullshit. I still do 3d, but the stuff I have to deal with on a daily basis is absolutely out of this world compared to 2d without a computer

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Anonymous No. 986694

AI 3D is flawed and won't be fixed anytime soon.

Consider the following:
You can teach an AI a concept to it can reproduce it, but you cannot teach it what IS. The AI does not KNOW it's showing you a building, just reproducing the concepts linked with the word "building". It has no spatial awareness of what constitutes a building nor depth to understand how perspective affects it.
For static images this flaw is fine, but for 3d it doesn't work.

The result is a rotoscopic-like 3d illusion.

The latest AI videos flooding tiktok and twitter today show that: They have very static backgrounds and characters sightly moving their necks or hands because if there is too much movement everything melts. They trained their AI to keep backgrounds almost static because AI doesn't know how depth and consistence work.

See this image of the "latest" and most advanced AI. The clouds move up and down because the movement of the wings is affecting them, AI can't understand depth nor how to render things near a moving object.

Anonymous No. 986695

"AI" is a grift and can't be art directed at all. It's good for making tiktok slop and that's about it

Anonymous No. 986696

wrong, there are videos with rotating cameras now, and saying it can't be fixed anytime soon is retarded considering the massive progress AI has done in the last few years

Anonymous No. 986697

>wrong, there are videos with rotating cameras now
You did not read.
How does it affect the background?
Does it properly show how walls and other things look in terms of perspective?
Does anything melt in the background?

Or does it show very very limited movement, trying to keep the background as static as possible?

I am talking of the inherent limitations ALL AI have.

Anonymous No. 986700

Yeah that is exactly my point. Very very few people interested in Chess know what a LCZero or Komododragon is because nobody cares about mathematical perfection. The human error that brings the human element you find in chess, and in art is what makes them interesting, its why people study Fischer and not Stockfish

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Anonymous No. 986701

TFW the machines were generating absolute slop only 2 or so years ago lool

Anonymous No. 986703

this is so fucking bad cris

Anonymous No. 986704

>Very very few people interested in Chess know what a LCZero or Komododragon is
I think everyone interested in chess knows about stockfish and lczero, komodo is a bit more obscure.
At least everyone who plays chess at an elo >1000 knows what stockfish is

Anonymous No. 986706

>current year
>playing chess and not street fighter 6

Anonymous No. 986707

Bruh, what you're describing is AI specifically trained on 2d images or animations to produce 2d images or animations.
Yeah, even that can produce rendered 3d, which is often very problematic, which makes a lot of sense.
Just wait for AI trained on *.blend files which produces *.blend files.

Anonymous No. 986708

>opening someone else's blend file and getting a virus

Anonymous No. 986712

how are people still this delusional? How many times already has an AI come out of nowhere with results years and years ahead of our expectations. You don't need to know anything about how AI works to make this observation

Anonymous No. 986715

none times, cris.

Anonymous No. 986720

I'm not arguing op's point here, I'm saying you should move forward under the assumption that the AI will eventually be perfected. For op and yourself that means giving up

Anonymous No. 986721

please cris, do us all a favor and perfect yourself leaving this board - permanently

Anonymous No. 986723

make a single point, also check out rule 2 "You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18."

Anonymous No. 986758

that same face pixar character

Anonymous No. 986760

--That teams of people are currently employed at Pixar to make..

Anonymous No. 986765

I'm 41, cris. Now fuck off

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garden arc.png

Anonymous No. 986782

This is exactly what i was talking about >>986694.
>The background is a static image, with frozen background characters.
>The dude on the stairs mutates in the beginning because the AI thought he changed too since he was close to the girl's hair. AI does not understand depth.
>The background is blurry (because the trick devs used to train their "revolutionary" AI are static and blurred backgrounds).
These errors are not new, these video AI are built from already existing AI tech.
And said AI tech is flawed.
To fix it, devs tried tricks like the ones i mentioned, but to truly fix them they would need to rebuild the entire AI from 0, with completely different approaches than the current AI tech, and that takes hundreds of millions with no guarantee of success.

As long as they don't re-do how AI image generation works (which is also the base for video generation) from 0, with revolutionary approaches, these kind of errors will keep happening, no matter how much devs try to hide them.

Anonymous No. 986788

The animation is so bad, you can’t teach AI how human behavior. This girl character should be either mad or scared because of (X) reasons. Instead the AI is just making her do mood swings with very bad decisions on how the voice actors should respond. Her eyes are dead, any good animation person would think to reflect her feelings into the eyesight, movement is part if human perception to us.

AI is a scam concept, not even Disney would publish this video.

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Anonymous No. 986790

you're so dishonest, we got to that just like a year after this
AI is progressing at extremely high speeds, you're constantly goalposting about AI doing something wrong, and then when it fixes it you move on to something else to cherry pick and there are constantly points where you complain about it doing shit that neither you nor most people can get right

Anonymous No. 986794

I love the unintentional soulless vs soul example on your pic

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Anonymous No. 986795

If anyone is being dishonest it's you. The AI can't make memes, no porn, nothing new, you just allowing it to copy from other sources with no human thought.

Anonymous No. 986805

wait until you find out artists need references to learn, and getting good at art is essentially integrating what you've copied

Anonymous No. 986806

I don’t think anyone would want a box head flying over a tuxedo, hands with polygon and eye lids that extends to the entire size of one sided box.

Your AI can’t do that.

Anonymous No. 986808

>Your AI can’t do that.
you say this all the time only to get btfo every time it makes progress and does what you called impossible

Anonymous No. 986809

If you entered an artistic field to make money you're beyond help.
The work to reward ratio is awful. You rewire your whole brain and practice and work all day long, even when you try to get downtime you can't stop looking at things and learning about them to integrate it into your work.

Basically everyone enters into this knowing it's stupid and they're most likely going to be poor.
Okay AI comes along and makes it even more likely that you're going to be poor.
So? I'm an artist I'm already retarded. I'm going to keep doing this because I love doing it. End of story.

This is also why the calls to integrate AI into your process to keep up with the competition is retarded. Why the fuck would I not just change fields if I had to work here but I don't get to make my own art?
>worth it?
Fuck no it's not worth it learn to do art, it never was. Do it anyway if you're retarded enough to be a real artist.

Anonymous No. 986810

This time it actually can’t, you are just making stuff up. The gif I uploaded was from a clip that is weirder than AI. The concept of new thing isn’t possible for AI. You can not tell it to make a new thing. Everything this fake AI does is from the database.

So let’s run down the impossible thing it can’t do:

1) New content

2) Horror

3) Memes

4) random ass bullshit continuation

5) staying on topic

The AI isn’t AI it’s a scam that OpenAI is trying to avoid going public. The moment it is discovered to just be a scam, that will be the moment copyright infringement happens.

Anonymous No. 986814

adding to the list of cope doesn't make it any more valid

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Anonymous No. 986815

right? and as if these errors couldnt be composited out and still save tons of time.

still, the majority of content coming out of this will be slop. Anyone using a shortcut this big that forfeits such huge portion of creative control probably lacks any kind of vision to begin with. But the number of people stuck in denial is genuinely surprising

Anonymous No. 986817

You don’t have a valid point about AI being smart. You have zero legal authority. A real AI will tell you how stupid you are into being this scam.

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Anonymous No. 986818

wow look at this novel and horrific meme it made for me over a year ago. it seems you cant get them to produce anything like this because you yourself arent novel, horrific, or meming enough

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Anonymous No. 986824

It’s not a meme, if anything it just a copycat of slice human flesh that you see everywhere. Now look at this, real art.

AI dies it dies, simple.

Anonymous No. 986863

It doesn't matter if it is slop. Time and time again the masses have proven that it doesn't care and will continue to consume slop after slop after slop. Those keen eyes pointing out errors, and the queers crying about "taking muh jobs" on twitter are in the vast minority. The people actually consuming it don't give a shit and they're the ones who companies profit from.

Anonymous No. 986868

Looks pretty nice, but what if you need to change something, like the time of day or the design of her earrings? Can you retain the same character across different shots and generations? Do the hieroglyphics have meaning? What if you want to make the people in the background walk?

Anonymous No. 986885

It will never be useful, animation requires constant change. Games require changes. The dumb AI isn’t even good for concept. Ask any director and they’ll do a better job at management than any AI.

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Anonymous No. 986892

>AI does X
>"It will never do Y"
>*time passes*
>AI does Y
>"It will never do Z"
>*time passes*
>AI does Z
>"It will never do A"
>*time passes*
>AI does A
>"It will never do B"
>*time passes*
>AI does B
>"It will never--"

If your response to someone asking you "where will AI be in the future" isn't "I don't know" you are a lower lifeform.

Anonymous No. 986896

>where will AI be in the future
right beside nfts, trash

Anonymous No. 986903

The best thing about the AI apocalypse is it will dissuade millions of people like you from even trying to become artists making less compettion for real artists. Without Greg Rutkowski AI is nothing.

Anonymous No. 986908

>inherent limitations ALL AI have
does this help you sleep at night?

Anonymous No. 986922

You're not human

Anonymous No. 986923

I like how artists are coping by saying money was their goal even though being an artist is all about having no money. AI changed nothing except give you another excuse to fail.

Anonymous No. 986948

Can’t do money laundering, can’t do crime and it doesn’t work in pornography. See how useless it sounds.

Anonymous No. 986949

>even though being an artist is all about having no money

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AI Bro BTFO.jpg

Anonymous No. 986952

you are scared of demonic slop?
>>generating shit within seconds
you answered your own questions there boyo

Anonymous No. 986959

You have a better chance making it as a professional gambler rather than as an artist. Those are just the facts.

Anonymous No. 986967

>troon flag
>shit piece
lol no wonder they're getting replaced by AI

Anonymous No. 986974

>working on one of the most popular series in the world
I'm very curious what your achievements are, can you please list some? Please back them up with proof

Anonymous No. 986983

>working on one of the most popular series in the world
only the people working at the top of the company get the money and recognition for it
people like him just do chores like tracing or coloring what an actual artist designed, that's why they're so disposable, they don't create anything and don't need skill

Anonymous No. 986989

">working on one of the most popular series in the world"
/3/'s Glorifying waging as a nobody again...

Anonymous No. 986997

not only that, it's the most milked anime so they're hiring low cost wagies and even outsourcing to thurd worlders to make mass produced weekly slop for decades

Anonymous No. 987004

As if you Americans are rich, Amazon pays $5 an hour. The guy makes more than you.

Anonymous No. 987006

>you Americans
seething thurdie, no one said anything about america
and when companies outsource to thurd worlders it's specifically because they work for pennies
if companies were going to pay a decent salary they would be spending it on people from decent places with real education, an AI is already taking the unskilled labor because it's cheaper and smarter than any pedro or pajeet could ever be

Anonymous No. 987007

I appreciate you trying to explain to me why working as an animator on one of the most beloved series in the world is bad but I didn't ask abour sour grapes. You didn't tell me about what you have achieved. Please, don't be shy, tell me all about it. Surely you have something?

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Anonymous No. 987040

pretty sure they used a base image as the prompt so they can redo it but yeah there isn't any control with their tech.

other companies, like RunwayML, are working on actual tools.

Anonymous No. 987042

Not him but the latest OP season(what he's working on) looks like shit. I laughed when I realized this was why. A third worlder bragging about working about it on twitter really opened my eyes.

Anonymous No. 987056

>Not him but the latest OP season(what he's working on) looks like shit.
yup. I've also seen some things even by big companies that are obviously extremely heavily influenced by ai and they all look horrible. Unwatchable, basically.

Anonymous No. 987107


>is there any point learning to draw or model when computers are becoming capable or generating shit within seconds

Yes, because achievements are meaningful to oneself and doing stuff is fun.

Tool assisted speedruns haven't stopped people from testing their skills against each another, CPU players haven't stopped people from inviting their friends to play games with one another, and calculators haven't stopped people from bragging how much they know about math to their acquaintances.

At first I was forced to learn how to draw because I realize that I could not depend in someone else to make everything I want, but with time I've realized that drawing is entertaining on its own no matter how ugly the end product might be.

You need to understand that, no matter what end result the AI produce, they'll never give you the same satisfaction as moving a pencil over a paper or applying pressure over a piece of clay.

Anonymous No. 987193

>is there any point learning to draw or model when computers are becoming capable or generating shit within seconds?
Eventually no if you want to keep getting paid to do it

Anonymous No. 987196

>You didn't tell me about what you have achieved. Please, don't be shy, tell me all about it. Surely you have something?
I got rich and now sit at home and make 3D art all day that people happen to like..

Anonymous No. 987238

cris, in your dreams.

Anonymous No. 987787

I'm not saying AI is not the future (it is) but what I will say is you're still playing "generation roulette". The consistency just isn't there yet. Ask the AI to generate that model in your pic 10 times you're gonna get ten different characters. Ask any /3/ anon to render a model ten times and it'll be the same each time.

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Anonymous No. 988050

One year ago you thought something like this was completely impossible for AI
all you can do is move the goalposts every time you get BTFO

Anonymous No. 988683

the actually good models will be locked behind massive paywalls and kept away from the public because it could be too disruptive to industries that more or less own the government. they'll probably still offer some utility, idea generation is up there, but as far as replacing layman's tools like blender and stuff it'll never happen in our lifetime unless your name is Paramount or Sony