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Anonymous No. 986633

When are they going to make a proper 3d modelling software?

Anonymous No. 986635

Judging by fuse, they'll probably just buy out another one.

Anonymous No. 986636

And then kill it off when the realize normies want nothing to do with 3d modelling.

Anonymous No. 986638

Imagine the meltdown if Adobe just buys Blender.
Even a sketchup acquisition would generate so much kvetching it would be funny.

Anonymous No. 986639

Blender would sell themselves, the developers only care about themselves and the money. No matter how much the community fixes certain issues in GitHub or suggest actual improvements, Blender team will always ignore it.

Anonymous No. 986650

Adobe doesn't make software, they just buy and rebrand existing software, then make it worse.

Anonymous No. 986654

You cant buy or sell FOSS

Anonymous No. 986670

That’s where you are wrong kiddo.
> Blender is a registered trademark (®) of the Blender Foundation in EU and USA. The Blender logo itself is property of the Blender Foundation. The logo and the brand name “Blender” are not part of the GNU GPL, and can only be used commercially by the Blender Foundation on products, websites, and publications

Buy Blender brand and everyone will have to visit the Adobe Creative Suite to run the software. They can replace the entire team with their own and stop developing the free software for a paid subscription service. The only reason Blender ever gets updates is because of the company inside Blender, not the users.

Anonymous No. 986672

Emphasis on
>not part of the GNU GPL
The branding belongs to the Blender Foundation, but the software itself is under the GNU GLP license, which means anyone is free to download, modify, or redistribute the software in any manner they desire, but may not use the Blender brand.
Adobe could make their own version of Blender right now without needing to buy any rights, all they would have to do is take a copy of the program, make it worse, require people pay for licenses, then rebrand it. The problem is that no one would use it.
They could purchase the Blender Foundation, but they can't change the license used by previous versions of Blender. If Adobe purchased the Blender Foundation, people would simply make their own fork of the program.

Anonymous No. 986679


Anonymous No. 986681

i wouldn't be surprised if they acquire maxon. it makes a lot of sense.

Anonymous No. 986692

Why would Adobe needs to buy blender?
Do you mean the logo and name?
You should read the licence blender it's in.
I can right now distribute the blender software under the name Screwdriver since the license permits me to.
I can make the Screwdriver foundation and pay developers with the donations I receive.
Do you think Adobe would buy the screwdriver foundation from me?

Anonymous No. 986713

Aren't they trying to turn substance painter into a modelling software?

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Anonymous No. 987134

>she doesnt know about the old soul Adobe Dimensions (not to be confused with Adobe Dimension, without the "s")

Anonymous No. 987135

No way...
Adobe soul?

Anonymous No. 987137

I remember this. My dad used to have it on his computer and I would fuck around with it as a kid. Obviously I didn't know what I was doing, nor did I make anything good, but still.

Anonymous No. 988425

this is literally impossible under its license you moron, someone would fork the code in ten minutes.