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🧵 /Daz3D/ general - Kristen Stewart edition

Anonymous No. 986993

Previous: >>979755

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Suggested Blender Bridge:

Similar programs:
Vroid Anime Tool:

Hair Creation: (Being reworked?)

News: James Thornton, Leader of Tafi and Daz 3D, Named 2022 Utah CEO of the Year

Some anon created a cool morph. May require editing since it auto applies to any Gen8 female. Quinn -mega(.)nz/file/2qpGmDoD#YdTIb5G1dMRMnpPneyGGRpp5t5KUTC7glXwgu_daL_8
Fix in next post.

Anonymous No. 986994

To fix any ill-behaving morphs, do as follows;

1. Load your base figure or the developer version.
2. Select "Show Hidden properties" in the Parameters-Tab, drop down menu (right-click)
3. Zero the figure (Found in Parameters-Tab, drop down menu)
4. Memorize the figure (Found in Parameters-Tab, drop down menu)
5. File->Save As->Support Asset->Save Modified Assets

This procedure will zero the default value in the ill-behaving morph/morphs, and while saving DS also shows you a list of the morphs it is changing.

If the situation has not corrected, install your "Genesis 8 Starter Essentials" again and repeat the process, every line.

The only way to remove Amandha sliders from any and all of your G8F figures is to remove Amandha completely - The character is just a morph for G8F base figure just like (almost) any and all other figures for all Genesis 1-8 base figures, any and all morphs will be read and the sliders applied when a figure/character is opened/loaded/merged into the scene.

Usually the morphs have their default value set at zero, so they are not applied unless the dial is used to apply the morph, but some morphs/characters have been distributed with a non-zero default value and accordingly the effects will be automatically applied to any and all characters/figures (using the same base figure) opened/loaded/merged from then on - No matter if opening a previously saved scene.

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Quinn test.jpg

Anonymous No. 986996

I suppose a preview of anon's morph would help.

Anonymous No. 987005

Make your renders come to life with lumalabs™ dream-machine™ AI video.

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Anonymous No. 987013

should i bother trying to learn weightmaps on skin so I can make things like skin impressions.. I thought I could just figure it out to make this grab ass animation way better but it was too difficult.. also the lighting in this video is fucked I tried setting the render limit to like 1000 but I guess it was too low light in the end. Also it's 2 clips I just put into 1 animation so that's why theres a stutter in the middle...

Anonymous No. 987018

Impressive that you've done that in DAZ. Harness your autism and do it in blender.

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Anonymous No. 987020

I don't think the work to do this in DAZ is worth the end result. If you really want to do complex things, better try migrating to Blender as another anon said. If you're going to animate in DAZ, keep the scope of the animations as simple as possible.
Note: the animation would have been better if the girl hadn't been 100% immobile. In addition, you spent a lot of precious renders to make the animation of his hand going to her ass, you could have started the movement already near the part where he is going to grab her ass to save time and also avoid those mechanical movements typical of DAZ Studio.

I've tried a render but it seems a bit pointless. Another AI application that people think has potential just because it's new, but probably won't be adopted except as a simple toy.

Anonymous No. 987053

why is the light spazzing out
also if you want to animate just use blender

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Anonymous No. 987082

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Anonymous No. 987086

Toto aint bad sometimes

Anonymous No. 987088

What even is the point of Daz at this point?
Even the coomers are jumping ship since AI is easier and quicker at delivering their fap fodder

Anonymous No. 987089

Video killed the radio star

Anonymous No. 987090

DAZ is basically a poser and there will always be people interested in creating an entire scene with total control.

Anonymous No. 987100

which pajeet farm is openai sending .5 usd to every month to get this regurgitated post nonstop?

Anonymous No. 987101

I hate sharing the same planet with you.

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Anonymous No. 987103

AI still can't do good, clear, consistent backgrounds.

I guess you could use DAZ for backgrounds and then make character cutouts with AI to put on top... but it's nice to have characters actually be IN the scenes, with shadows n stuff, y'know?

Also I have tried AI and it was fucking whacky with all the weird nodes and modules and shit you had to plug in. I'm sure you can follow a guide but are you really learning if you're just following instructions? Once you get the hang of it DAZ can be pretty fast once you get the hang of it.

Anonymous No. 987110

Holy fuck that AC unit is so hot im gonnA COOOOOOOM

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Anonymous No. 987112

Animation in DAZ is not the greatest but been trying it out. Its very old school but fun.
NSFW Link:

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Anonymous No. 987113

Very nice. Did you just do parameter settings for her breasts or is that some fancy dforce/weightmap thing?

I have watched some videos on weight mapping and gravity stuff, but didn't get very good results so I gave up.

I just recently discovered and started using ghost lights. I watched some videos on aperture and f-stop, so I "think" my lighting is improving. Lighting has been a constant uphill battle for me.

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Anonymous No. 987114

>Did you just do parameter settings for her breasts or is that some fancy dforce/weightmap thing?
tried some fancy stuff. Didnt work out. So its just hand dialing and posing.
>Lighting has been a constant uphill battle for me.
yeah its a place that always can need some more work. Lightning is half the fun though so I enjoy it. Most people tell me my lighting is bad because its too dark and such but I just go with what I feel looks best.

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Anonymous No. 987124

I can't play with dolls the same way with AI.
Plus it's genuinely soulless. Also, AI guro is still shit.

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Anonymous No. 987125

I mean it's overall dark but doesn't that make it more of a darker atmosphere feeling? Also jeez those lasers, photoshop much or what? I really need to use Krita more eventually so I can post-process too...

Anonymous No. 987138

yeah but people generally dont like dark lighting. Its the number one complaint I hear.
Those lazers are very simple to do in DAZ. Just create a good opacity texture for the lazer and but it on a plane. Then set the emission and attach a spotlight to the end for that DOT effect.
Then scale as you need and then you have a decent looking lazer. No post pros or such needed

Anonymous No. 987139

ur tellin me those red dots are just really tiny spotlights? too funny, I would have never guessed

Anonymous No. 987141

Kek i recognize that whore. From twitchthot to onlyfans whore

Anonymous No. 987168

yep, and the lazers are just planes with opacity and emission. Keep it simple anon. No need to make it more complex than needed.

Anonymous No. 987171

they do it for free

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Pornstar Gianna M....png

Anonymous No. 987194

Decent lighting is an art in itself and requires a lot of study and practice. But for depicting everyday scenes that are not intended to be epic or super detailed, you can achieve totally acceptable results using very simple solutions and without knowing much.
One thing I've learned through trial and error is that the construction of the scene is extremely important for the lighting to work. If you search for professional photos of everyday scenes on the Internet, you'll notice that 99% of the scenes are "fake" in the sense that the person is in a setting set up just for the photo. The problem is that DAZ assets are usually real locations, so when you try to render a person that is using a computer, or cooking, or washing dishes, etc., you end up positioning them more or less realistically without much thought, and you often end up generating a situation that is not favorable to lighting.
I think the ideal is to leave plenty of space around the person you're trying to portray. That way you have more freedom to position and focus the lights on the model without altering the surroundings too much. In the image I made of the famous slut and pornstar Gianna Michaels, I just positioned two ghost lights (they're actually ghost emissive surfaces), then adjusted the color temperature and clicked "render". Some professional will probably see a lot of things wrong with this lighting, but it looks good enough for me.

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ghost planes.png

Anonymous No. 987198

Here's all the lighting I "set up" for the scene. Just a plane on the right side of the camera, and a plane at the back ot the character for a bit of backlighting.
Of course, there's natural lighting too, but it's not very significant because the planes are emitting a much stronger light. But leaving natural lighting (in this case, the light from the HDRI coming in through the window, and two lamps in the room) helps to make the image richer, I think.

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Anonymous No. 987199

Here's the image without the ghost lightings, just with natural lighting (window and lamps) and ISO 250, I think (you can adjust the ISO in the rendering settings).
In fact, come to think of it, from this image I could have done a much better job just by adjusting the dimensions of the emissive surfaces and their luminance correctly. But I don't know, I'm a total amateur learning...
For now, the easiest way I've found to make acceptable lighting is this.
1. create a scene that is friendly to lighting
2. use the place's natural lighting to get a general idea
3. place at least one ghost plane next to the camera (headlamp always off, by the way) and another for backlighting, and then play around with the temperature and luminance of the plane's surfaces until you achieve the desired look. You can place as many planes as you like and their dimensions will affect how soft or hard the shadows are.

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 987215

>the scenes are "fake" in the sense that the person is in a setting set up just for the photo
I think you mean how studio sets are usually open on the side which is where the camera shoots from? It reminds me I saw a tool that is basically just an adjustable invisible square that hides all geometry that is inside it. So if you had a closed room you could put it over half the room and it would hide it so the HDRI would be able to shine through. I never downloaded it though because most scenes would let you just hide a wall or something, and I wanted to use HDRI's that really mimicked light coming thru windows. In the end I decided to just crank the environment up to like 50 and lower f-stop to get the scene above. Here's how many ghost lights I used and I think my render still looked average. Maybe this model just isn't that detailed and is too pale, I'm not sure.

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Anonymous No. 987227

Good advice, take inspiration from film and television show behind the scenes. Rather than breaking up your scene, this feature might be helpful -

Anonymous No. 987228

Did you create those ghost lights 'assets' or is there a package with them?
Regarding the light, that first render of yours is really too white. Try reducing the temperature of your ghost lights radically, like something around 4500k-5000k, so that the colors are warmer.
Another thing that I think works (again, trial and error, I have no theoretical knowledge), is to use that technique I mentioned of first having a somewhat dark image, which you can get either with a lot of secondary light sources or with the natural lighting of the location, and then restricting the main lighting to just 2 or 3 light sources that are much stronger than the rest.
But I don't know, someone with more knowledge could teach us better.

Anonymous No. 987229

Found it:

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Anonymous No. 987239

I rendered the image again with proper ghost lights instead of the improvisation I did with plans. I also changed the model because that Gianna Michaels is ugly as hell.
I need to find out why my renders seem to lack definition, now.

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Anonymous No. 987243

dang, looks good to me! I changed the temperature of my lights and remove two of the ones on the right so it's less bright now but I'm still convinced this character is just too pale

Anonymous No. 987245

Does anyone know a resource for toe rings?

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Anonymous No. 987251

So this is the power of Daz

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Anonymous No. 987483

Open wide, it's time for more Emma Watson

Anonymous No. 987499

Who the fuck is distributing 3D assets on Facebook?

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Anonymous No. 987553

What outfit is this?

Anonymous No. 987591

Is it worth it to transition to G9?

Anonymous No. 987599

You take a look at the default G9 shape and it carves itself in your subconscious. You're going to see it everywhere.
It also offers less body diversity than G8.
It's a bad product but it's pushed really hard by the mormons.

Anonymous No. 987601

The same is also visible in random game mods. Though for now its mostly conversions from V4 and G2. Its how we've wound up with something made for skyrim using V4 as a base, then ripped and converted for G8 by 3DUK or any of the other video game converters.

Anonymous No. 987603

Addon texture for Breakaway Outfit

Anonymous No. 987605

Good eye

Anonymous No. 987608

Can someone explain to me in autistic detail why Dforce is crap?

Anonymous No. 987611

Dont let the clothing item intersect or be "pushed" through any part of the body. Such as hands on hips, holding breasts, etc.

Anonymous No. 987615

Some vendors truly make me question how they see the world. What sort of horror show would the world look like through their eyes?

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romfx Emma.png

Anonymous No. 987647

Not bad I guess

Anonymous No. 987688

Still more talented that you'll ever be tho

Anonymous No. 987714

>You take a look at the default G9 shape and it carves itself in your subconscious. You're going to see it everywhere.
it's true, ever since i looked at it i feel cursed

Anonymous No. 987780

No matter, it is still not very good innit?

Anonymous No. 987785

Has anyone created their own opacity maps to make regular clothing more revealing/slutty? I make my own opacity maps all the time but I have no /fa/ sense. What makes some clothing revealing/slutty as opposed to clothing that simply shows a lot of skin?

Anonymous No. 987786

Rather than cutting out boob windows and such, use more translucency. Leave a bit to the viewer's imagination.

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Anonymous No. 987790

What i meant is that the default shape is some MK ultra level of fuckery which is supposed to mix both male and female shape, or none (wrap you head around this), so when you dial a "feminine" shape you still can see the persistence of the original fucked default shape. You can see it, feel it behind any feminine shape you dial.
Only a deranged tranny could have come up with such an unnatural combination.

The worse is the chest: G9 Topology has clearly been made around a male figure as a base, the chest give it out because it clearly focus around the geometry or the Pectoralis Major and the Pectoralis Major is a rectangle when a bobs is round. Are you seeing the issue?

They also completely ditched the areola and tits topology, again, trivial is you work on a man, essential for a girl.

To add insult to the injury they locked the tits shapes behind their well know HD morph scam making the use of Geo-graft mandatory which has its own limitation and cumbersomeness.

G9 is a step back which only pleases deranged FAGGOTS and their fake square bobs.
G9 is a travesty.

Anonymous No. 987797

This is why I keep telling people in daz threads to learn zbrush! Unintuitive user interface aside. Actual sculpting on the mesh overcomes the limitations of dials.

Anonymous No. 987815

what the fuck is daz?
I've installed it, used it, looked at these threads.
I can not understand what it is and what you people are doing.
Is it a dress up game where you buy clothes for your sexy girls?
Can you make things with it?

Anonymous No. 987818

It's a program that gives you pre-made characters bodies, faces, hair, clothes, and accessories as well as scenarios, props, and so on. The program also allows you to easily edit the pre-made assets so they can fit your wishes.
People often use them to create scenes without going through much hassle and even those that use other 3DCG programs like Blender, Substance Painter, Photoshop, and so on can find a good use of the program since you can easily get a pre-made character or scenario and then polish it up in those other programs.

Anonymous No. 987819

You use a bunch of sliders to "make" characters out of a basemesh (Genesis 3/8 or 9 (don't it's not worth it)
Out of the box there's very little available but it has the largest library of morphs available, either characters or specific body parts or features.
There's also pre-rigged clothes, hair, and what have you along with environments.
All of that can be purchased from the daz website, renderosity and renderotica for the nsfw stuff or pirated what basically everyone does from various sites you find on google by just looking up the product name.
It also includes posing, rudimentary animation features and scripting. It also has a pretty good path tracer on nvidia cards.
People mainly use it to make >>>/aco/ slop.

Anonymous No. 987826

I see, thank you. No use to me.

Anonymous No. 987866

You have to create a new material with the awful Geometry Editor Tool if you want to isolate specific outfit parts.
It's sometimes just as quick to edit the Cutout Opacity and find the right shade of gray to apply.

Anonymous No. 987912

What do we think of this crazy rambling guy?

Anonymous No. 987926

Better question yet, is there finally some good tool to convert both G8 shape and texture to G9?

Anonymous No. 987930

using both of these work

Anonymous No. 987931

I'll check it out. Thank you, good anon.

Anonymous No. 987968

Genesis 9 status?

Anonymous No. 987971

Bogged and bucc'd

Anonymous No. 987980

You're simulating your hair wrong.

Anonymous No. 988016

Not all hair has amature to manipulate, most use blend shapes. Also, it's not going to address the issue of hair closer to the scalp not moving as much. Plus, if the model moves their head you have to repose the hair, that's a pain in the ass. Morphs can solve that. Having all 3 (morphs, armature, and simulations) is the dream.

Anonymous No. 988020

do you think I am retarded or something?

Anonymous No. 988041

I like how in his pro-G9 video he says don't buy G9 assets.

Anonymous No. 988070

I remember reading somewhere that if I plan to bring my renders into photoshop and Lightroom, that I should set the 'crush blacks' and 'burn highlights' to zero as well as keep the saturation and gamma at default. The renders now come out overly grey and desaturated. Is this really the best starting point for post work?

Anonymous No. 988088

No, it is not. You've been meme'd. There should be a color consistency, but that's about that.

Anonymous No. 988107

No that is just stupid.
What you should do is always use a beauty canvas and use that as your final render (ignore the rendered png).
Beauty canvas is the highest quality image DAZ can give you without any tonemapping (you want to do that in PS).
The image will be in 32-bit and and if you load that into photoshop you will mostly see a white picture. You have to lower the exposure to something around -13 for it to look close to normal.

Anonymous No. 988193

Just saturate the shit out of your render in PS. Autistic fucks are obsessed with Lego bricks colors.
See the "Show your Daz skills" on F95zone.

Anonymous No. 988205

That thread does a good job of making me want to quit Daz

Anonymous No. 988207

Anons make it a lot more complicated than it is. Just use some basic, common sense render settings, and then play with it in camera raw. Everything else is an overkill, fixing shit lighting, or cope.

Anonymous No. 988217

I meant the abominations that are posted make me want to not be a dazlet anymore. I guess improving is one way out of that.

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Anonymous No. 988219

Anyone recognize this?

Anonymous No. 988220

The source, I mean. Not the items.

Anonymous No. 988318

Anon, could you say more about this?
I did a test here, I used the "Beauty Canvas" on an image, and in addition to the rendered PNG (with tone mapping settings from DAZ), it also originated a 32-Bit EXR that I can edit as you explained.
Is this EXR disregarding the tone mapping settings I made for my render? Or do I need to turn off the tone mapping altogether, reconfigure all the lighting in the scene so it looks right in my viewport before rendering the beauty canvas and finally editing the final image in an image editor?
Thank you.

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Anonymous No. 988322

>Here's your original character bro (do not steal).

Anonymous No. 988323

Somehow less awful than aeon soul's anus lipped monstrosities.

Anonymous No. 988324

>aeon soul's anus lipped monstrosities.
Weird test tube looking lady aside, he probably makes the best daz clothing.

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Anonymous No. 988341

G8 is still the best base.

Anonymous No. 988359

Hello esteemed Daz users... Are there any anime/bara/y/ models that would be suitable for tracing, or should I just go the clip studio route. Please help.

Anonymous No. 988363

clothing wise for me it's herschel hoffmeyer because his name sounds like he's probably a 60 year old redneck and i respect that
plus he makes nice latex stuff

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HH werewolf.jpg

Anonymous No. 988364

>herschel hoffmeyer
For me its his monsters. They were built for fair maidens

Anonymous No. 988379

Herschel is fucking great, that is true. I haven't seen a single shitty asset from him.
I think I've watched some tutorial with him years ago, and he looked a little like a young redneck, btw.

Anonymous No. 988400

I've heard that in Blender the use of strand-based hair is the norm, but in DAZ it's almost always textures with transparency.
Has anyone tried working with strand-based hairs in DAZ Studio in a more advanced way? Does it work well in this program?
I think it would solve so many problems... many DAZ hair assets are largely incompatible with poses that aren't obvious.

Anonymous No. 988403

The canvas render ignores all tone mapping settings. Just use the default tone mapping settings for your viewport. When you change the exposure in PS or any other program you will get nearly the same look of your viewport render but in higher quality.

Anonymous No. 988404

Strand-based hair is in DAZ for years now but barely anyone uses it because if you don't know what you are doing it gets heavy really fast.

Since the release of the new hair shader you see more and more Strand based hairs in the shop for example the hairs from chevybabe25 look pretty good.

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Anonymous No. 988417

Ive nearly only been using strand based for years now.
performance is not a major issue IF you know what you are doing. But its like with other things (like subdiv, displacement and others) that scale very heavily. Most store assets of daz strand based hair is HORRIBLE for performance so you need to change it yourself to make it useful.

Anonymous No. 988418

>Most store assets of daz hair is HORRIBLE*
ftfy. Ten gorillion of triangles with 10k textures. And when you tard-wrangle it with the most braindead retard level of optimization, it looks EXACTLY the same.
OOT might be the king retard with this thing. Or queen, as she is supposedly a woman. Which would also explain quite a lot of things.

Anonymous No. 988422

well optimazation appears not to be something DAZ creators care about. Its all so tiresome

Anonymous No. 988428

I think they're just dumb and believe bigger number = better quality.

Anonymous No. 988459

Is there are way to get hair to look thicker like it does in Blender? Hair almost always looks so thin in DAZ

Anonymous No. 988461

yes? But how thick. Got any refs?

Anonymous No. 988467

Could you summarize more or less what your procedure is?
Do you pose the character and then simulate from the T-Pose and the hair will automatically adjust to the new pose? Do you use those things to manually 'comb' the model? etc.

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Anonymous No. 988483

Played around with some water sims
After setup and pose I always start from t-pose. Do an animation and have frame 0 and 30 be t-pose (base pose) linear and then depending on how extreme your pose is place it somewhere between frame 60-100.
That gives you some time to work with so you can move the hair into place. Dont be afraid to scale parts of the model to 500%+ or 0% (like maybe one ear to 0% at frame 0 and then 100% at from 30 or remove an arm that would get in the way of how you want the hair to flow) if you need the hair to move or pass something. Also dont be afraid to use primitives as "guides" to move the hair into place. Like a ring to catch the strands and move into place and then scale it to 0% (remember to change away from the default interpolation in the timeline).
This way you can make the hair pose pretty natural with the model. And it might some like a lot of work but it really isnt. To begin with it will be annoying and slow. But that is how it always is when starting out.
Also remember to use different simulation modes: they are ALL very useful. Ignore the names of "better" and such. But you might already know this.

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Anonymous No. 988495

Anonymous No. 988535

Is the decimator tool on 3dload safe? I need it, but it's an executable so I'm a little scared.

Anonymous No. 988562

How hard is it to make the switch from DAZ to Blender?

Anonymous No. 988563


Anonymous No. 988566

Making the skin sweaty or oily does via dual lobe specular weight and top coat weight does not seem to work on some models. Any ideas as to why?

Anonymous No. 988613

Reading DAZ threads is like watching toddlers argue about who designs the best trucks.

Anonymous No. 988614

Post your work.

Anonymous No. 988673

Eh, better than the pornstar ports that one guy does
Man does to them what western gamedevs do to their face scanned models

Anonymous No. 988685

So help us, anon.
I want to improve but it's so hard to find useful tips. I don't think anyone takes DAZ seriously enough to have high-level discussions on the Internet.
For example, I still don't quite understand how to use various geografts in the same model, if I make the girl's skin wet because she's in the pool, now things like her pussy are all white and if I go over there in the wet skin thing and manually turn off the pussy area, the pussy is now correct, but it's not wet. Is it impossible to reconcile more than two 'geografts' in the same area?

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Anonymous No. 988695

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Anonymous No. 988735

Any help here? My plugin won't install. I'm thinking maybe the newest version of DAZ can't run it.
Am I going to have to just buy it on the official store?

Anonymous No. 988736

Dear model creators, please stop using Genesis 9, it's shit and nobody wants it


Anonymous No. 988773

Damn, the body of the Abe Shapiro model is terrible, and you can't just apply her head to the model, you have to use the troglodyte's body.

The problem is that the assets are being made for Genesis 9 now. I decided to stick with Genesis 8.1 + face controls to remove DAZ's terrible facial expressions.

Anonymous No. 988774

This one?

Anonymous No. 988786

Yes. I pirated the asset on Zonegfx in the hope that it would be possible to use the head and recreate the body, but it's only one thing, and it's ultra exaggerated.

Anonymous No. 988788

Odd, the paid version has separate head and body morphs. The body morph is absolute retard tier for sure though.

Anonymous No. 988831

is it possible to make a geoshell out of multiple selected objects?

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Anonymous No. 988871

Forget it, I'm retarded and I hadn't looked properly.

Anonymous No. 988872

Jesus fucking Christ is there some DEPENDABLE way of importing props/non-figure objects WITH materials from Blender to Daz?
Or at least UE to Daz, please.

Anonymous No. 988873

No, not really

Anonymous No. 988913

write your own material file and script to import/export it from both programs.

Anonymous No. 988917

You dazlets disgust me to no end. Get fkd

Anonymous No. 988918

That's the point, you semi-aborted mongoloid. Every other software I work with is fine. UE works as it should, Blender works as it should, Cinema works as it should, even fucking Zbrush works as it should. Yet Daz is the only software that doesn't seem to have any functional import/bridge/etc. for non-figures.

Anonymous No. 988920

Just cut Daz out the equation then. Problem solved dazlet

Anonymous No. 988922

Imagine shitposting on a small, slow board like /3/.

Anonymous No. 989037

Daz Studio 5.0 will be the first version with native Linux support.

Anonymous No. 989038


Anonymous No. 989043

Why is there a morph just for her feet?

Anonymous No. 989048

>Why is there a morph just for her feet?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anonymous No. 989051

does diffeomorphic not do props?

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Singing at Karaok....png

Anonymous No. 989155

I feel like I can do more with this shot. Any Ideas?

Anonymous No. 989169

>Daz Studio 5.0 will be the first version with native Linux support.
Please, don't give me hope....

Anonymous No. 989179

>having actual devs developing the software
>having actual devs developing the software right
>having actual devs
People who reverse-engineer it so that they can make HD morphs work faster than the non-existent Daz developer team.

Anonymous No. 989206

Good database of free models for daz? I'm a broke ass nigga

Anonymous No. 989237

Zonegfx is your boyfriend for free stuff.

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Anonymous No. 989269

I made this.
It's not my worse Lego project.

Anonymous No. 989272

I am not immediately repulsed by it. Good job anon. You're well ahead of the curve of the average daz user.

Anonymous No. 989286

Anyone got a copy of the ghost dynamics file for g8? It's practically essential.

Anonymous No. 989322

No new Emmas yet? Slacking creators

Anonymous No. 989340

How do I avoid fuzz/filmgrain on my renders?

Anonymous No. 989344

There is no body self collision option which defeats the purpose.

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Anonymous No. 989452


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Anonymous No. 989453

Anonymous No. 989460

I'll wait for the Totocandy version.

Anonymous No. 989461

Dangerously based

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Anonymous No. 989468

Here is your new G9 character, chuds.

Anonymous No. 989474

i still want to use the push/pull function

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Anonymous No. 989490

who asked for this?

Anonymous No. 989491

>cant fix their fucking software
>cant even add the most elementary functions
>cant release non-shit genesis model
>you'll get two geriatric senile mutt politicians instead

Anonymous No. 989497

mesh grabber is better but is 40 bucks

Anonymous No. 989503

Does having a lot of sliders/morphs/plugins installed have any impact on performance even when they're not in use?

Anonymous No. 989504

AFAIK, just load times

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Anonymous No. 989533

Anonymous No. 989550

Non vendor don't have access to dforeskin strand hair, right? How do u deal with this?

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Anonymous No. 989552

I spent today fucking around with pixel filter settings between .70 to 1.10 - and I can barely fucking tell between photos unless I zoom in. I even tried rendering a 4K image and down sampling it to 1080p and I'm not sure if I like the blurriness better than a higher pixel filter. I think I'm obsessing too much and am just procrastinating at this point.. I was going to make my VN in 1080p but maybe I should just do 4K and let Ren'Py naturally adjust it to peoples lower resolutions or whatever..

Anonymous No. 989572

Sorry, I don't use software that's hardcapped at
>it's quite shit, but I can tell you tried

Anonymous No. 989576

If a Daz asset contains a virus, where is it likely to appear? I want to unzip a bunch of stuff and I figure it might be safer to unzip everything in a VM first, but I also figure if there turns out to be a virus then it might not trigger until I've installed it into Daz.

Anonymous No. 989577

.exe most likely. Theoretically possible but very very unlikely, the .duf files.

Anonymous No. 989578

I hate how the plugins need to be installed with an exe

Anonymous No. 989579

Old plugins use exe and they just copy some dll files to the daz folder. Just cooy those file and archive them for future use

Anonymous No. 989625

How viable is it to shit out some celeb via face transfer and sell it on renderhub? There are many low effort characters on there, do they sell enough to warrant posting?

Anonymous No. 989681

Does MakeHuman work on Windows anymore?
Tried installing the later version and all it does it close some folders and rearrange some programs in my tools bar.
Doesn't open at all.

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Anonymous No. 989682

Did it a second time.
I got these file instead.
I just wanted the actual program ready to use.

Anonymous No. 989684

isn't it an unreal engine thing? you probably need that installed

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Anonymous No. 989730

New ayyylium princess model released
she doesn't have the buccal fat removed here either so that's good

Anonymous No. 989733

Needs more Emma

Anonymous No. 989777

Render them for longer

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Anonymous No. 989784

>heheheheheh that'll be only $49.99 + tax + 20% tip for basic modelling tools dumb goy- I mean dear customer *rubs hands furiously*

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Anonymous No. 989788

Which hair is this?

Anonymous No. 989790

increase breast size

Anonymous No. 989829

I'm just starting to get into Daz. What are your guys's go-to site for pirating/free assets?I looked into some and its dead links galore. Also, is there a good starting megapack with with assets like poses,outfits, props etc for basic daz3d coomer slop?

Anonymous No. 989848


Anonymous No. 989860

Sufficient brightness, gpu rendering instead of cpu, less translucent surfaces (glass/water)

Anonymous No. 989890

imagine paying for a totocandy commission

Anonymous No. 989914

I've bought seven commissions from him, fight me

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Anonymous No. 989920

>less than a month after she turned 18
lel, truly shameless
I respect the hustle thoughever

Anonymous No. 989923

The Gillian Anderson model is named Agent S(cully) but is based on her current age.

Anonymous No. 989925

surprised they waited that long tobehonest

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Anonymous No. 989928

this guy also did this, which is supposed to be the jurassic world dominion girl
I don't see it tbdesu, he kinda fucked up with this one

Anonymous No. 989939

Ngl I fapped to this grace girl a lot, since the first ghost buster movie

Anonymous No. 989943

>1 star rating

Anonymous No. 989956

The same artist also sells Queen of Spades lingerie and jewelry.

Anonymous No. 989960


Anonymous No. 990031


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Anonymous No. 990051

after some screwing around I think I made her look closer to her JWD look
rendered in Blender btw

don't judge me

Anonymous No. 990059

Why is it so hard to find Squid Game assets? I can't believe no one has made the lobby yet.

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Anonymous No. 990062


Anonymous No. 990068


Anonymous No. 990070

Not even on renderhub? I swear rhey cover that kinda shit.

Anonymous No. 990076

I just started messing around with diffeo. How many steps does it take to make skin textures look this decent?

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Isa 2.png

Anonymous No. 990094

I dunno, I have the latest version with Blender 4.1
I did pretty minimal jiggering right after importing

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Anonymous No. 990104

i'm trying to port a centaur to blender, but the skin gets fucked every time
how do i fix this?

Anonymous No. 990106

take a look at the material setup in the shader editor
take a screenshot of it

Anonymous No. 990107

also it looks like zfighting textures to me
I think the horse model and girl model are blended with a geograft overlay or something

Anonymous No. 990117

it's not an issue with the materials, if it was i would have already fixed it
i looked it up and found a youtube video on it, seems it creates a double mesh, and while you can remove that it causes other issues and the guy didnt know how to fix them
so i guess i will give up on it

Anonymous No. 990123

So I got back to daz3d, got some new assets and stuff, I can't believe genesis 9 genitalia have less versatility than genesis 2.

Anonymous No. 990130

I'll try to import a centaur to see if I get the same error

Anonymous No. 990131

here's the video i mentioned if you're curious

Anonymous No. 990147

In a sculpting program, if I mask the arms, seperate them, sculpt to my liking and combine it back, would it mess with the morph or could I import it fine as long as nothing was added

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Anonymous No. 990149

As long as the geo matches, faces and vertices. It should work. Just test it out with a simple inflate or deformation.

Anonymous No. 990150

I ignored that video and just winged it
I just went into edit mode, selected the faces with empty textures, selected by similar material and deleted all of them, I even added a centaur body paint to make it harder
I just had to modify the material for the main centaur body and [spoiler]the easy rider geografts didn't import it's shell materials correctly[/spoiler]

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Centaur loli.jpg

Anonymous No. 990153

here's a render by the btw, both in EVEE and Cycles
also messing with diffeomorphics built in strand hair converter thing, I fucking hated trying to get DAZ strand hairs working in Blender for the longest time

Also you need to create your own custom IK rig for figures like these since the auto IK tool doesn't work for figures like this

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centaur girl 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 990155

the female figure is ND Emilia if anyone is interested
This ND3D guy has been releasing the cutest lil' girl morphs recently but I haven't had a good idea on how to use them yet

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Anonymous No. 990161

New loli just dropped. 40 year old midget man with a wig.

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Anonymous No. 990162


Anonymous No. 990163


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Anonymous No. 990166

doing that i still get these holes in the mesh
if i fill them, the texture gets fucked there, and merging the vertices doesnt exactly look good either

but it's certainly an improvement, thanks

Anonymous No. 990167

yeah got those too, just filled them up and then selected the face and went into the UV editor and just tried to jiggle the UV vertices around until it looked more or less normal, no idea why it's those few faces specifically that are like that

Anonymous No. 990170

i dont know anything about the UV editor
i did try messing with it and moving the vertices around but couldnt fix it at all, there's only skin texture instead of the white fur texture

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Anonymous No. 990177

Friend asked me to make her for him, i'm not really a fan so I did the best I could.

Nice job.

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Anonymous No. 990178

friend also asked me to do Ariana Greenblat from the upcoming Borderlands movie. Still a WIP

Anonymous No. 990185

is it getting hot in here or is it just the summer?

Anonymous No. 990198

Looks good. Do you have a website for paid commissions and other works?

Anonymous No. 990201

Summer heat plus perfecting muffin top morphs. Name a better combo.

Anonymous No. 990208

I don't have a site, I just do this for fun and to make a little side money.
even though renderhub jews me out of 45%
Sometimes I do commissions when i'm not busy.

Anonymous No. 990232

Would hit, with a shovel.

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Anonymous No. 990258

>Make a bunch of decent celeb characters
>Dont sell any of them
Damnit anon!

Anonymous No. 990275

there are several versions of her available though

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Anonymous No. 990284

not feeling these ones, but make a prime Sophia Lillis or Emily Browning and I'll buy those ones

🗑️ Anonymous No. 990339

God love world that He gave His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins on a cross then three days later rose Him from the dead, that we receive the free gift of eternal life. If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. You will receive this free gift. He also promises to heal your body. This Is Gods Love for You!

Anonymous No. 990405

is Zonegfx dead? What happened?

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Anonymous No. 990406

Interesting. Noticed a popular 3D porn site (rule34video) has also been down for a week. Maybe a certain company is cracking down on this shit

Anonymous No. 990415


Anonymous No. 990420

3duk warned them

Anonymous No. 990431

kek, his absolute seething was always entertaining. Followed by his ability to only have the thumbnails removed.

Anonymous No. 990449

I think they just fucked up their ongoing server "improvements." I'm sure they will be back soon.
At least I cope by believing this.

Anonymous No. 990450

This happens every few months

Anonymous No. 990524

Still not up. I don't feel so good bros...

Anonymous No. 990526

It's zoever.

Anonymous No. 990538

kemono is down too

Anonymous No. 990539

3DUK wins again!!!

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Anonymous No. 990547


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Anonymous No. 990548

freakfest on renderhub kek

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Anonymous No. 990550

That almost looks like the morphs the lesbian mcmanface guy used to post here years ago.

Anonymous No. 990556


Anonymous No. 990558

One of the many randos that rip from games and resell on marketplaces for daz. This one is a huge spergelord who takes pirating as a personal attack and rants on their deviantart.

Anonymous No. 990562

>This one is a huge spergelord who takes pirating as a personal attack and rants on their deviantart.
Where can I find his rants? I only see his shitty models in DeviantArt. Need to kek myself at them

Anonymous No. 990563

Sort by all and go to the earliest entries. He had some other unhinged "notes" or announcements or whatever the site calls them but I dont see those anymore. Here he is targeting the person whom he believes is behind the leaks. Thats my guess anyways, im no psychologist.

Anonymous No. 990565

>even asses have to be non-gendered now
it's joever

Anonymous No. 990566

render state won
rip in piss zonegfx
3duk sends his regards

Anonymous No. 990569

errrrrrrrrmmmm sister, I don't want to scare you but....
you better reload the zone

Anonymous No. 990571

it's an fbi honeypot set up by 3duk's fbi contacts
it's over for you

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Anonymous No. 990577


Anonymous No. 990578

i looked this guy up and apparently he steals models from artists, claims them as his own and then dmcas people sharing them
recognized one of the models immediately from a certain artist and there was no mention oh him anywhere on the page so i doubt this guy got permission to use it
what a faggot

Anonymous No. 990604

Is there a simple solution for building geometries?
Maybe, I don't know, a package of modular things that allows you to easily create interiors, choose wall textures, etc.? Or maybe I should try building things in Sketchup, for example, and importing them into DAZ? Has anyone here ever had to build simple interiors with walls, columns and any good ideas on how to do it?

He also doesn't know how to solve problems and puts the responsibility on the consumer. On one of his models I read something like "this model doesn't close its eyes properly, don't buy it if that bothers you", lol.

Anonymous No. 990608

Bruv, if I'd passed geometry I wouldn't be using Daz.

Anonymous No. 990615

kemonosisters are dead though....

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Anonymous No. 990618

Renderillo sure has a type..

Anonymous No. 990620

is he the guy doing all the buccal fat removal in hollywood?

Anonymous No. 990621

it's up for me thoughever

Anonymous No. 990632

Does anyone know how to manually install Character Creator 4 content? Do I put stuff in the Templates folder or the Custom content folder?

Anonymous No. 990633

Ported G9 to blender and saw the seams, discovered the concept of texel density (both torso and face textures are 4K but face area is much smaller then the torso so pixel/texel density is mismatched). How do I fix it, is there a way to find what is a correct texture resolution for each body part so I can try upscaling torso textures (or downscaling everything else)?

Anonymous No. 990636

My PC is kind of a toaster. How good can I make a model like Genesis or Genesis 2 look if I make an effort?

Anonymous No. 990638

As long as your PC can run it, yeah. You'll even be able to render things in Daz and Blender, it just might take a really long time though. If you're going for still images, you can just eat the long loading and render times. Making animations will make you want to upgrade your PC.

Anonymous No. 990639

Is it possible to animate a character in Daz Studio, then render the animation in Bryce? I can't seem to find any online documentation on how Daz and Bryce interact.

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Big autistic milk....jpg

Anonymous No. 990641

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Anonymous No. 990686


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Anonymous No. 990701

I have a potentially retarded questions. In order to make a floor I added a plane and placed it at world center. Now my renders have this white square in the middle. I'm thinking this square marks the world center but it only started appearing when I added the plane. Can tell the render settings not to draw the square or do I have to build something on top of it to hide it?

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Anonymous No. 990705

That looks like it could be a reflection of the light source on the added primitive. By default, the material has a pretty high reflectivity/specular when it comes to lights. Try applying shaders or materials to the floor or messing with specular values. In your image it looks like that might be the headlamp of the camera.

Anonymous No. 990707

Thanks anon, you were right. I applied a matte shader to the floor and now there's no white square.

Anonymous No. 990709

show booty

Anonymous No. 990710

It's been at least a month since the last Emma Watson clone. Is it over for daz?

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Anonymous No. 990714

It's Sonne's 2B model so you can download it and check out her booty. I think he made it too big but I don't know how to reshape it. I'm just trying to make a pretty phone wallpaper for now and eventually a dakimakura cover if I can get everything just right.

Anonymous No. 990715

>wallpapers and prints
Based. I started Daz for similar reasons.

Anonymous No. 990717

Made a fresh reinstall of windows and trying to load custom morphs (from obj), daz says 'created morph sucsesefully' but it just doesn't appear in shaping no matter where I look.

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Anonymous No. 990720

It's not in this section of parameters? This is the default location for new custom morphs.

Anonymous No. 990726

Is there a plugin that makes clothes change more naturally when you increase boob size? I'm 90% sure i've seen something that does exactly this, but I can't remember what it's called.

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Anonymous No. 990727

You have a few options. The two major products for most generations are Breast Helper and Fit Control. Aside from that you can also use dforce like shown here:
For the best look, export the item to your software of choice and sculpt a proper "strained top" then import that as a new morph.

Anonymous No. 990735

Daz is retarded and sometimes imports morphs as hidden. So, show hidden in the option and check if it is there.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 990756

Where can I find models like this? Especially the detail?

Anonymous No. 990757

Based coomer retard. That is barebones coomer morph bullshit. Step it up.

Anonymous No. 990765

Export to Marvelous Designer, let it simulate and import the clothes back. MD is the best software for it. if you want to manually sculpt that shit there is a plugin to auto import to Zbrush and auto import it back to Daz

Anonymous No. 990774

Never did 3D shit before but I'm curious about DAZ since I realized most of the 3D porn I fap to is made by this program. How long would it take to be decent at it?

Anonymous No. 990784

just watch some tutorials on jewtube and try it out
there are sites to get shit for free if you dont want to spend millions buying them

Anonymous No. 990800

I'm learning it for the same reason. Daz has interactive tutorials which are worth it just to see how to add figures to a scene and dress them, but they give you some bad advice in terms of rendering and lighting. Don't just turn the exposure way down the way Daz suggests, instead turn the headlamps off on your cameras and let an emissive plane or dome take care of the lighting. This video helped me a ton:

Download a character you like and poke around for a little bit each day, you can get up and running making decent stuff pretty quickly. Where I'm stuck right now is making bodies that look like DoA characters.

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Anonymous No. 990809


Anonymous No. 990818

>as a matter of fact, I am fucking jelly.jpg

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Anonymous No. 990824

Are there any pants that look like this?

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Anonymous No. 990838

Can I make a character's face less flush/red without modifying the texture directly? I tried selecting her face with the Surface Selector and changing the SSS colors to white but that just fucked it up (not pictured).

Anonymous No. 990852

I like it. The base model is meh, but the potential of what you can do with it is pretty great.

Anonymous No. 990853

feel bad for Parmy. He quit his job to make comic books with Daz...

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Anonymous No. 990854


Anonymous No. 990884


Anonymous No. 990930

A Diffuse Overlay can do that, you need a black and white mask then pick a color.

Anonymous No. 990931

I want to add that you shouldn't mess with the face's channels because you inevitably will have visible seams between face and torso. But if you don't care just play with the Translucency Weight.

CheeseNinjaXZ No. 990961

i like your burger

Anonymous No. 990969

how do i fix thighs getting deformed when bending the knees

Anonymous No. 991010

"Bend Control" and your own morphs.
Daz3d is a fuck up who's shit at his own job.

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Anonymous No. 991014

i'm talking about this
it only happens with some characters

Anonymous No. 991017

Boneitis claims another victim

Anonymous No. 991029

You have a rogue morph dialed somewhere.
And now you have to find it.
Good luck.
Also " Align Bones to Shape".

Anonymous No. 991036

well i exported the model, loaded the base model and then loaded the old model as a morph and now it's fine

Anonymous No. 991117

Rate my render. Very NSFW.

Anonymous No. 991159

If you were making a comic with Daz would you save all the poses and make a new camera for each panel and then go back and render them all at once, or would you just wing it and do everything as you go along?

Anonymous No. 991166

Not bad at all, I approve it.

Anonymous No. 991167

Is that you, parmy?

Anonymous No. 991199

Render Queue, you retard. Save every panel as a new scene.

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Anonymous No. 991292

Is there a way to move all the tabs from the top of a panel to the side without resetting my ui?

Anonymous No. 991299

Is there any way I can pin g8 in place? I know you can hit pin but with enough force they still move

Anonymous No. 991300

>in three popular versions
Bogged, Mega Bogged and Gigabogged?

Anonymous No. 991301

Like what

Anonymous No. 991310


You have a common bug, go to "parameters" right click in the panel and select "unhide parameters", then go to the Morphs in use subpanel and the offending morph will be something like "shin/thigh set to 700%"

Anonymous No. 991328

This tip should be added to the next OP

Anonymous No. 991332

bigger, anon

Anonymous No. 991334

Perhaps if she stumbles upon some sort of breast enhancing serum.

Anonymous No. 991350

i checked but there's nothing like that

Anonymous No. 991352

Let me teamviewer you.

Anonymous No. 991359

Look for the "Anime breasts" morphs on RS or 3DL.
Or just use the Inflate Zbrush tool

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Anonymous No. 991391

Is there a way to zero out or reset the morphs on specific body parts? I'm using a foot morph with wrinkles but the wrinkles look a little fucked up as you can see. I wonder if that's because the figure has a body morph to begin with, so applying the foot morph on top of that is giving the feet a combination of the two morphs. Should I be able to make just the feet standard G8F before applying the custom feet morph?

Anonymous No. 991404

fetish addons like the foot wrinkles will tend to go ham on details. I'd suggest not using 100% of the morph.

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Anonymous No. 991437

I was able to make it better by turning down the normal map

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Anonymous No. 991551

Tips on skindentation?

Anonymous No. 991553


Anonymous No. 991561

Your own morph with i higher poly count geog-graft. You can't work on high poly bodies, The Mormons locked it.

Anonymous No. 991562

Anyone can do HD morphs now and this should be added to OP

Anonymous No. 991596

can you ELI5 this? I'n new to daz? Or are there any good videos on this? I love the skin dentantion but dont know where to start

Anonymous No. 991604

NTA, but you can sculpt fairly nice skindentation without any grafts and without making HD morphs. You can also use a publicly available graft like Breastacular for a quick and easy tits which you then sculpt without fucking with the HD morphs.
If you don't know where to start, skip Daz for now and learn 3D basics.

Anonymous No. 991613

The industry standard is zbrush, not blender.
Call me once the solved that.

Anonymous No. 991615

>Some creators only use G8.
>Some creators only use G9.
>Some creators just give up and literally make 2 different version of product
>Some creators semi moved on to G9 but half of the work is g8

G9 only separated the community. It has not improved anything.

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Anonymous No. 991653

Found this on zonegfx

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Anonymous No. 991654


Anonymous No. 991655

G9 has nothing over g8

Anonymous No. 991661

G9 is awesome for anything sexually ambiguous. Traps, futas, femboys, and such.

Anonymous No. 991662

Yesss xizters!!!! We queenzz slayz <3

Anonymous No. 991663

>traps and futas are now trannies
Peak newfag

Anonymous No. 991664

Equally as gay, yes absolutely.

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Anonymous No. 991676

Anonymous No. 991682

is there any way to build a new skin, with a base skin that already exist

Anonymous No. 991721

I dont remember the name of the artist but they had really good morphs for voluptuous women, idr if it was gen8 or 9

I think they started with B, does anyone know?

Anonymous No. 991800

Is angelwings still unmatched when it comes to loli morphs?

Anonymous No. 991802

>90y/o Beavis

Anonymous No. 991806

So unmatched the were deleted from the Daz store, apparently.

Anonymous No. 991813

What happened to butchdyke guy? I remember him making a deviantart, posting a couple of things, and disappearing out of nowhere.

His stuff is on zone and load I think.

Anonymous No. 991818

Where should someone go to commission rigged geografts?

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Anonymous No. 991823

Anonymous No. 991824

U want what geograft? Tail geograft?

Anonymous No. 991825

Extremely close! NSFW mermaid tail for g9

Anonymous No. 991835

u can use g8 clone and use the g8 mermaid tail products instead. make the g8 clone shape fit your g9. this is much better than some half assed geograft.

Anonymous No. 991898

Any good skin textures for Genesis 9? For Genesis 8 I have a couple that I always fall back on but for G9, I got nothing

Anonymous No. 991911

HID's stuff from the official site, though they do all look sort of samey

Anonymous No. 991912

Are there any addons or methods that can show me the locations of all files are in a library from a specific character? I want to do some trimming of lesser used content from my non DIM installed libraries. Stuff from other vendors and freebies just piled into another library.

Anonymous No. 991914

if you hover over something it shows the file path and you can right click and select browse to file location and it opens the folder

Anonymous No. 991916

Thanks, I've got that down and can find the .duf or whatever but the shapes and textures are in other directories that can be found in a similar manner, make the whole process a bit of a pain when I'm looking to remove a bulk of freebies I've installed. I was hoping there would be something that outputs file locations to a plain text of some sort so I could then write a bash script or something.

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Anonymous No. 991917

Anyone have experience with Golden Palace or other genital add-ons? I can't raise the legs on my figures without these fucked up creases appearing on their inner thighs. Is there a setting or am I just posing them wrong?

Anonymous No. 991918

iirc there were some "gen cap" addons or maybe GP addons for those sort of things. Dig around the product site on renderotica, they should show up in related content.

Anonymous No. 991919

Alternatively, try gens from another proudct like "New Gens for GF_" or "Advanced Pussy"

Anonymous No. 991937

Futas are best when you graft something (probably huge) on a girl body. Little girl. Big girls. Tall girls. Muscled girls. That's all good bases for futas.

G9 doesn't help with that. It helps with grafting something huge on an androgynous body. The end result is not a futa it's a xister of the xisterhoud of troons.

Last I tried G9 the "big boobs" official morphs literally didn't work. It created man pecs. Oversized man pecs. You can't do futa with that, be serious. You literally cannot do girls with that, so how would you even fucking do futas like that.

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Anonymous No. 991938

Apparently he was banned from ATF. Real drama there, it was real drama shit. I don't care enough about ATF to even go into that cesspool, but it was real drama shit, some anons are so pissed off by him that they can tell you more.

I fucking like his Zailey textures, thoughever, it's one of the best textures I ever got. For any character. Really.

Anonymous No. 991939

If you are asking me how to do a good-looking gen9 futa tits, then it is very much the same as with gen8. Just use Breastacular and Futalicious, and if needed, just sculpt.

Anonymous No. 991946

Ngv8 blows golden palace out of the water mate.
Also try to use smoothing modifier, set interactive update to on, collision object to something in the scene but faraway, best would be the environment setting/tone maping itself.
Can you show me that gen cap addon? Can't seem to find it

Anonymous No. 991947

>Ngv8 blows golden palace out of the water mate.
Thanks anon, I'll try it out this weekend

Anonymous No. 991948

whoops, meant "gen gap"

Anonymous No. 991949

Wow I swear I have never seen those gen gap and gen shift products before, and Im no stranger to Zev0 stuffs

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Anonymous No. 991980

Can anyone confirm that there's a legit version of this out there? Is it worth having enterprise or is the free version good enough?

Anonymous No. 991988

Real drama there, it was real drama shit. I don't care enough about ATF to even go into that cesspool, but it was real drama shit, some anons are so pissed off by him that they can tell you more.
QRD on this?

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Crow of judgement.jpg

Anonymous No. 992039

Is there a simple way to export my most used characters for use in blender and add them to an asset library so I can eventually drop daz? Seems like most of these standalone characters on smutbase are exactly that, just daz characters.

Anonymous No. 992040

well the diffeomorphic addon is pretty simple

Anonymous No. 992085

Is there an easy way to convert virtamate characters to DAZ?

Anonymous No. 992086

They are Gen2 characters

Anonymous No. 992088

There are tool that do vam>gen2>gen3>gen8 conversion. But some of the likeliness will be lost in translation im sure

Anonymous No. 992126


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camera light.png

Anonymous No. 992144

Holy shit, I had a good idea that I don't know if it's common: make a camera the parent of a ghost light.
For example, I have a conical surface that I use as a ghost light. I lined up a camera pointing exactly where that surface points, made the camera the “parent” of the surface, now to position the light instead of fighting the terrible DAZ controls, I basically choose the camera in the viewport and “look” where I want it to point.
It took me dozens of hours of suffering before I thought of it, but I recommend it.

Anonymous No. 992145

>anon invents spot light

Anonymous No. 992146

Yeah, but spotlights don't work in DAZ for some reason, the field of view is all fucked up and it's hard to control them from the camera, plus they have several disadvantages compared to ghost lights, such as not having a geometry indicating shape and size, it showing up in reflections, etc.

Anonymous No. 992163

I don't know the full story, but he sperged the fuck out multiple times for some reason, got banned, multiaccounted to samefag to make himself look better, got banned again. Alt account and spergouts while getting his alt banned again.

Anonymous No. 992175

There's already a product for that, iradiance hdr mesh light by dimensiontheory. They stick the light panel to the camera likes u said so it's very easy to control. Very good product, I pirated it. Sorry not sorry, dimensiontheory, a man oughta do what he ought to

Anonymous No. 992176

U can use this product here >>992163
With the script to turn every light source to ghost light(no reflection, no showing up in render etc)

Anonymous No. 992178

What do coomer creators use for pussies? There are some geoshell add ons that do this but they all have weird looking pussies. I just want a fat meaty pussy with a nice shape and not 20 variations of roast beef. How do I get a good pussy shape? I can't find anything

Anonymous No. 992181

Tips on making monster girls?

Anonymous No. 992190

"new genitalia for victoria 8" is what i use
it has morphs to change the shape if you dont like the base look

depends what you're making
there are horse parts for centaurs, tails for mermaids/lamia, etc

Anonymous No. 992263

Shinteo is such a fucking faggot...

Anonymous No. 992264

What happened?

Anonymous No. 992266

So many of his models have some issue or missing files. And if you go to his patreon, it's full of comments of people pointing this out to him, but he's somehow convinced that it's not his fault but the user's fault

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Anonymous No. 992310

Multiple available assets us this technique

>such as not having a geometry indicating shape and size

Spotlights have the option of multiple shapes and any size you want.

Anonymous No. 992314

>Multiple available assets us this technique
Likes what?

Anonymous No. 992315


Anonymous No. 992316

I will never understand why would you advertise a "proper" lighting system with renders that look like crap.

Anonymous No. 992317

What else? You said multiple. I want it all.

Anonymous No. 992318

nta but this one works:

Anonymous No. 992319

More. I want MORE!

Anonymous No. 992444

Hello, has anyone tried using a mocap solution to make facial expressions for DAZ Studio? I think with face controls (FACS) this should work fine, right? Thanks.

>Spotlights have the option of multiple shapes and any size you want.
Yes, but you don't have a visual representation (as far as I know) of the shape and size. You just choose the radius, I don't know 2 meters, but it's hard to understand how huge a circle with a radius of 2 meters is without actually seeing it in the scene and noticing that it's bigger than a whole fucking room, lol.

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Anonymous No. 992466

does anyone knows any good armpit products? I want the fold, the HD armpit morphs, likes pic related. I know there are some things like that for feet, HD displacement maps and stuffs, but couldnt find anything for armpit

Anonymous No. 992475

Get this AI slop outta here.

Anonymous No. 992476

couldnt find any picture other than that, sorry.

Anonymous No. 992477

>Yes, but you don't have a visual representation (as far as I know) of the shape and size.
In the light options of the spotlight you can activate to render the emitter.

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Anonymous No. 992488

I asked in several places, but I'm not able to find this female face. Does somebody know where it's from? Someone told me to check crocodile-liu, but it doesn't seem to be from that store. I know for sure it's a DAZ model, but the user that's using ot doesn't want to give me an answer

Anonymous No. 992498

looks like HID characters, that skin texture. The face looks modified tho. Could be a VAM model

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Anonymous No. 992499

muscular morph

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Anonymous No. 992501

u asked where? That painted in eyelash and blurry eyebrows definitely looks like VAM
do a search here

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Anonymous No. 992502

the textures could be gou luk by rare stone and nirvana
especially that brow

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Daddario 8.1 body....jpg

Anonymous No. 992532

Time for a new thread but what's the theme?

Anonymous No. 992539

Its only page 6 dude

Anonymous No. 992540

Am I the only one who thinks G9 women generally have prettier faces?

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Kara Covert Front.jpg

Anonymous No. 992574

Kara from Covert Front

Anonymous No. 992577

Is there a Daz discord?

Anonymous No. 992578

There are a few general ones and one official one filled with NFT shilling.

Anonymous No. 992633

I asked the DAZ users but they didn't help me. The question is: why do the eyes of the models, when they focus on a point (for example, the camera) look like they are “broken”?
I use Unity sometimes and in that engine, when you make a model look at the camera, the eyes seem to work properly, but in DAZ they look like broken puppets. Is there some “rule” about how eyes should work that DAZ doesn't apply? If so, what should I do?

Note: I know of a technique that works more or less, which is to set the eyes to focus on a point far away from the camera. But it's still not 100% functional.

Anonymous No. 992658

More celebs! More Emma Watson!

Anonymous No. 992662


If your eyes are off mean:

1) Eye(s) has been set to point at an object.
2) A morph is involved, good luck with that.
3) eyes skeleton is off, try "Morph Rigger Plus".
4) eyes aren't zero, zero them.
5) Use "Look At Me II"

Anonymous No. 992722

Is there any tools make it easier to pose characters? It takes forever to make one poses with those awkward controllers, and I'm not even sure how to mirror it left and right.


space mouse.jpg

Anonymous No. 992723


Anonymous No. 992724

I unironicly own one of those, how does this helps with the posing? I thought this thing was only used for navigation purpose

Anonymous No. 992725

You can set it so that the axis control the bends/twists when you select a joint.
Edit > Device Settings > transform scene item
recommend lowering subd and hiding clothes for faster posing.



Anonymous No. 992729

Did you try that out yet? How did it go?

Anonymous No. 992730

it's not great, the driver is not implemented well, When the axis moves and changes, it does not go in the intended direction but goes to the strange place due to shity implications, it work flawlessly for zbrush and maya but it's just not for daz. And also it's lagging too hard when you try to move something even with the lowest resolution + no clothing at all. I think he gave me a meme answer to my question, and did not expected to I actually own 3d mouse, anyone whos in right mind wouldn't recommend this to daz. It's that bad.

Anonymous No. 992731

It was meant for >>992729

Anonymous No. 992732

I've only tested it on base g8 with no materials but seemed fine to me.