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๐Ÿงต Jack's Low Rez Texture Garden

Anonymous No. 987098

Is anyone in possession of this mythical pack, courtesy of world4jack, and willing to share? The mega folder listed on his website is sadly empty :(

Anonymous No. 989880


Anonymous No. 990487

Found it here,
But I'm too much of a brainlet to install WGet or the alternatives to actually download all the files.

Anonymous No. 990493

Why is the frog shitting on his pants.

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how 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 990500

Actually, I'm retarded. Turns out you CAN just download from the site normally, but they just give some BS about wget to sound 1337 or some shit.
All you have to do is select the folder (there's a checkbox on every file, so just go to the parent folder that has all of it), and at the top left there's a tiny as fuck download icon to download the selected files.
I had the textures for years, and used them in a few projects, but lost the textures in an HDD failure. Good to have em back in case I ever need to re use those projects for something. Not that old textures are hard to come by, but it's good to have this because the file names and shit will be the same so I can just point those projects to this and it'll just work.

he shiddin