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🧵 Blender General:

Anonymous No. 987105

Blender General - Aren't all /3/ threads *really* about Blender tho edition

Previous: >>984313

Anonymous No. 987130

I'm thinking about buying Grant Abitt's course but I can't focus while I have easy access to time wasting sites (this one, youtube etc)
Would it be weird to ask for a download of the course if I pay? Otherwise I have to resort to piracy.

Anonymous No. 987150

why the fuck did they get rid of face sets in edit mode? i can't use a vertex group. this fukking sucks

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Anonymous No. 987163

n00b here
i need to play a gif (or maybe a video, haven't decided yet) during a blender animation for a little project of mine, but i want them to start playing at a certain point in the timeline, how can i do that?
i have put the image on a plane by assigning it a material and then an image texture (by clicking the dot near base color)

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Anonymous No. 987188

literally what the sequencer is for

Anonymous No. 987232

think in a simple way: edit the fucking gif, and don't ask a CGI software to be a gif editor

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Anonymous No. 987249

more progress, if you could call it that
original plan was to have him get up and use a 3d cursor thingy to spawn a default cube and crush the red guy but idk if I can handle that lmao it's already been almost a month off and on with this and I only have 3 seconds to show for it

Anonymous No. 987250

I'm so tired of drawing softwares not letting me customize their shortcuts to use blender style navigation (alt-click to pan, ctrl-alt to zoom, F to resize brush, etc)
If blender had a lasso select tool for texturing, I wouldn't use another drawing software

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Anonymous No. 987257

I'm a newfag and i'm trying to practice basic rigging, but keep encountering this, what basic shit am I fucking up here?

I select the objects, then the rig, then I parent them with automatic weights and then the rig doesn't work and I have these lines that just run to the center point.

Anyone able to tell me how I fucked up?

Anonymous No. 987258

rigify is retarded, the first step is to stop using it. the second step is to make sure you've applied scale, parented correctly, etc.

Anonymous No. 987261


I've used it before and it just worked, suddenly i'm encountering this. I don't know what you mean by 'applied scale' and I seem to be parenting correctly as far as I can tell.

Anonymous No. 987267

I figured it out, I was trying to parent a lot objects at once and I apply all transformations aka scale and such.

Anonymous No. 987309

How to make Eevee look good? Every tutorial I see just says "if you tinker with it, you can make it look good" but never explains how to do it

Anonymous No. 987359

1. use something else

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Anonymous No. 987406

hehe you can't
but what you can do however, is to look at eevee as some versatile renderer for games, that way you maybe can produce something kinda good with it using the tricks made for said industry
it's perfectly doable, but you need to tinker quite a lot with it

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Anonymous No. 987417

Thanks very much. Really appreciate your response
>you should absolutely make your own individual thread when you finish your donut
Kek, A thread of my donut? Will it be worth it anon? What if my donut is bad?

It does seem both you and that other anon suggested following blenderguru's tutorials if I want to learn Blender with no prior knowledgeso that seems to be the tutorial to go with. Thanks.

I also appreciate the link to the courses and especially the recommendation. The trouble with having lots of courses to pick from is you can also pick a bad one, but your rec is the one I will go with once if I make my donut and want to continue.
Unless it's too advanced in which case any beginner animation tutorials are welcome as well.

Anonymous No. 987428

What's up with the fact that most of Blender usage is dominated by Russians, Indians, Koreans, and Japanese? Where are the Americans? The English?

Anonymous No. 987430

Auto-Rig Pro is free for today only:

Anonymous No. 987436

>What if my donut is bad?
no such thing, donuts are ALWAYS cool and based and you should make a donut thread at every available opportunity

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Anonymous No. 987439

Am I hopeless if it takes me hours to pose characters and in the end it's shit? I don't understand the human body

Anonymous No. 987440

Dude, c'mon. You're basically spreading throughout the board.
Take this thread. You literally have two paid courses teaching you about rigging. Why not download one of them?

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Anonymous No. 987441

I can't. I don't have the skill, I don't have the talent, confidene or self esteem to even try. I'll fail. I've failed.
A guy did the poses I wanted in 30 minutes

Anonymous No. 987442

don't you already have your own containment thread you fucking faggot

Anonymous No. 987443

I wasnt getting answers.
Tell me, why did I fail? I know its not nornal to be unable to pose after hours
I mean 5 hours I mean 6

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 987446

So i got this course. Link to course:
The problem is that the course is huge. Easily almost 200 GB. I'm also busy at the moment.
So as of now i'll leave the link to the website with the password for anyone interest in downloading. You just go to the website below, punch in the password, download the application that they'll push unto you and download the files to your computer.

Later on whenever i got the time i'll try to see if i can upload it somewhere else.

黄惠峰角色特训营第四期 | [Fourth Session] - Huang Huifeng's 3D Character Special Breakthrough Training Camp [Special Training]丨Live Broadcast]
Password: arau

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Anonymous No. 987448

I have decided it doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as I do a little bit every day and finish it eventually. idk what to do in the sort of idle pose before he winds up the punch. experimented with a few things but none of them felt good.

Anonymous No. 987455

The problem is very apparent to the outside eye. Maybe you can't see because you've been at it for weeks now.

The doll receiving the punch is acting like a badly trained stunt who's obviously expecting to receive a punch. It takes a step back and then stops before getting punched. Make it so that the doll is taking another step back, basically making it take the punch WHILE in the process of walking back another step.

The Spider-Man clone punch is too rigid. You've to make the whole process more fluid, with a push and pull effect. As it is the character is just placing his fist forward, stopping the first midair, then in that exact same positing of the fist dragging his hands down. It feels mechanical. He needs to push his first forward then pull his arm back and only then place his hand down.

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Anonymous No. 987457

What's the diagnosis? Why cant I ever learn 3D?
Hours wasted on poses that should take minutes

Anonymous No. 987459

>As it is the character is just placing his fist forward, stopping the first midair, then in that exact same positing of the fist dragging his hands down.
as I understand it, you referring to the pose after the punch? sorry

Anonymous No. 987460

practice gesture drawing
get those books by walt stanchfield, they're on libgen

Anonymous No. 987461

Yes, precisely.
After the punch make the character pull his arm closer to his body before relaxing and rest his arm down. Like a proper boxe would do after punching forward.

Anonymous No. 987462

ah yeah
like recoil or something? I'll get on it, thanks

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Anonymous No. 987463

I tried that years ago.
Same issue, I dont underatand motion, volume or the body.

Anonymous No. 987480

what's a good CAD software to use alongside Blender? I tried to make a box the other day and the process of creating 30 degree bevels is hinting that I do not want to use Blender for that in the future

Anonymous No. 987482

Remember to get autorig pro for free for probably a few more hours

Anonymous No. 987485

>I can't. I don't have the skill
Take your time to learn

Anonymous No. 987492

So I tried basic stuff to understand gesture >>987487
How do I learn for real? I am just playing virtual barbie,to be fair. I got no work done today due to depression and whining

Anonymous No. 987538

Blender Market is shitting itself D:
Could anyone upload all 10 freebies? <3

Anonymous No. 987545

does anyone here know anything about substance painter? shit is confusing as fuck

Anonymous No. 987575

I've been using it for a few months intermittently, it's a pretty good program. The layer system is a little weird and confusing at first, I guess, but there are tons of youtube tutorials for it

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 987588

I'm trying to follow up this video, but I have no idea how to form the head and make the neck without making these double spikes. I just wanna elongate and shape stuff into shape. halp. also is there a place where all sculpting techniques and written in detail so I don't end up asking a billion questions?

Anonymous No. 987590

mask the neck area, invert the mask, move it down, remesh.
The mask and then invert technique is very useful for all kinds of extrusions in sculpt mode, like neck, ears, limbs if you want to do them that way

Anonymous No. 987652

>sculpt and/or model
>test for proper deformations etc
>rigging and scripting
is this the character pipeline (for animation)? am i missing anything or have stuff in the wrong order?

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Anonymous No. 987660

scrapped that pose altogether. didnt make sense now that I think about it. why would he look tired after one punch? Truly retarded. think I maybe need more bend in the arm but that is something for the next day

Anonymous No. 987661

big improvement

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Anonymous No. 987665

Is Blender 4.1 and .2 sculpting also laggy for you guys?
I just opened an older project with around 2 million polygons and holy fuck, each brush stroke takes like 1 or two seconds to register. What the fuck?
I still have Blender 3.6 and 4.0 so I tested the file with them and it's butter smooth with these versions.
They must have fucked something up with 4.1 that isn't fixed in the 4.2 Beta

Anonymous No. 987676

Blender sucks for sculpting. I got my 11 million mesh off zbrush which worked butter smooth into blender to retopologize it with an addon and it eats all of my ram, including each action taking up to 10 seconds to do.

Anonymous No. 987677

32 GB, 31.2 of usage, 16gb usage during retopology

Anonymous No. 987679

4.1 is fine to me at 12 million triangles, do you have modifiers on the mesh?

You can find ways to work around the polycount, I work on a laptop so I have to, for example use a 0.1 decimate modifier while you're doing your retopo

Anonymous No. 987800

So about add ons

Anonymous No. 987810

A plague on the Blender community, a bunch of hungry parasites

Anonymous No. 987816

>search for a blender tutorial
>how to do XYZ in blender
>seems legit, check it out
>it's a paid addon showcase
at this point I only use default blender addons purely out of spite. fuck youtubers and their shitty undisclosed ads. may your ik joints always snap and your textures never save, niggers.

Anonymous No. 987872

The anon failing at Blender here

I couldnt even do this little challenge

>Try this:
>Pose a character sat in some sofa, looking outside and holding a mug.
>The picture is bright, light coming from the window, the character is comfortable and relaxed. Think of cozy, comfort. And dont fucking get back to posting or reading any board until you have an image that reads this.
>If you can't nail something as simple as this, you wont be able to do some studio lightning with anatomy deformation and contact with other bodies.

Be honest with me, is it over?

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Anonymous No. 987878

Yo bros, I asked this elsewhere and got 0 answers so far, lets see if /3/ can beat the reddit and discord.

1. How to make playback animation length change automatically in timeline? When switching from one animation to another I always have to do it manually in timeline, for some reason timeline doesn't automatically pick up new animation's length after switch.

2. How to make playback animation length change automatically in NLA? When viewing multiple animations it's convenient to switch between them in NLA by pressing star icon, you can quickly go between animations this way, but the problem is: they all loop for the same duration of timeline even though all animations have different lengths.

3. What is the best way to change current animation when working in timeline or graph editor? I use at least 2 right now: one is to go to "Dope Sheet" and pick it from dropdown in "Action Editor", another is to go to NLA and press star icon next to animation. But I mostly work with animations themselves in Timeline or Graph Editor, weird I couldn't find a way to just switch current animation there.

Anonymous No. 987889

I'll extend what >>987406 said by adding that eevee is also useful for some type shaders that can't work on cycles or npr renders, it's not completely useless, but trying to make a photorealistic, good-looking render on eevee is just masochism. We'll see if the next version of evee will change things, but personally I'd prefer if it gets more optimized for stylistic renders and cycles remains for the more realistic stuff.

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Anonymous No. 987898

I'm retarded and don't know how to fix this... just want both alphas to be transparent

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Anonymous No. 987899

nodes for reference, would appreciate any anon kind enough to save me!!

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jinx hair.webm

Anonymous No. 987900

How does one do something like this in your rig?

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Anonymous No. 987909

figured something out, but I'm sure there's more to it than just constraints

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Anonymous No. 987918

What's an easy way to make my model on the left look like the actual plant on the right?

Anonymous No. 987927

I would try mixing the alpha using the screen blending mode. It's like the inverse of multiply blend mode, combining 1 with 0 = 1.

Anonymous No. 987947

How did you do that?

Anonymous No. 987951

He probably used the Damped Track constraint.

I get pretty similar results to >>987909 using influence of 0.85
protip in case you didn't know: use alt while setting the value to affect all selected bones at once instead

Anonymous No. 987952

damped track constraints. 1 targets 2, 2 targets 3, etc. can mess with the influence to get different looks, this one in particular was with .75

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not jiggle physic....png

Anonymous No. 987953

forgot pic kek
nigga beat me to it by a mere 30 seconds

Anonymous No. 987964

oh, I was thinking of it.
But I guess this has the same dependency limitation as other bone chains. So it probably wouldn't work well for a whole mesh pattern.

Unrelated: I've been trying to think of a way to measure the distance between points in geometry nodes. The most basic way, is to sample nearest. And then you can iterate to sample the second nearest and the 3rd nearest, etc. This is limited by how many iterations you bother to make.

A more advanced way, is to create a list of all points to all other points, and then delete all points that aren't in range of each other. This doesn't have the iteration limitation, but it's costly. Because the initial creation of the list, means creating an exponential amount of points first, before deleting the ones you don't need. So even if you mesh is as small as 10,000 verts, it has to create 100,000,000 verts first, then delete them down. After deletion, they'll be a manageable number like 25,000 or something like that. But even so, the initial creation of the points is taxing. Slows everything down.

So I'm trying to think of a method that doesn't create so many points in the first place, but still capable of testing distance. So far, I'm thinking that it would require creating sort of "containers" of space. Creating an ID for every container. And then doing math on every point to figure out which container each point resides inside. 1 point could reside in multiple containers. It would count all the containers it's inside, and then only create as many points as containers it counted.

I don't know, my head is swimming thinking about this.

Anonymous No. 987973

>measure the distance between points
Do you mean, for a given point, you want to know all points within a given distance?
If so, it seems like using blender's internal spatial query system by means of sample nearest or some other node should be the cheapest way (other than running a python script)
Isn't there a way to loop until some threshold is exceeded with geo nodes?

If you wanted to do use this for the purpose referenced in the filename, you might only want to run constraints based on polygon edges anyway

Anonymous No. 987975

>Do you mean, for a given point, you want to know all points within a given distance?
Yes, exactly.

>If so, it seems like using blender's internal spatial query system by means of sample nearest or some other node should be the cheapest way
Right. I know how to do that.

>Isn't there a way to loop until some threshold is exceeded with geo nodes?
Kind of, they created a simple loop node. It can only loop as many times as you tell it to loop. You can plug in some math nodes to determine the amount of loops(iterations). But it doesn't allow you to create conditions for multiple variables. So you can't have one thing loop 4 times, and another thing loop 6 times. Everything that goes inside of the loop, loops the same amount. If you're savvy, then you can create threshold conditions inside of the loop. So say one of your things should stop at 4, you can do some wacky math to make max out at 4, and then ignore the last 2 iterations.

The loop node is actually alright under a certain number of iterations. I used it to get the strings working here: >>986784 The repeat node is correcting the distance. However, there are about 10 points per string. So the loop is only doing 10 iterations. If I were to bump it up to 50 iterations, it would slow down by a lot. So the loop node wouldn't be good for a mesh wide distance calculation.

>you might only want to run constraints based on polygon edges anyway
Yeah, but how? Chains are essentially edges. Layering edges creates a mesh. So I need to be able to manipulate a large amount of edges at the same time. And in a way where they all react to each other. Which I could probably do, if I could capture their distance from each other all at once.

Anonymous No. 987985

that worked!! thank you anon!

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Anonymous No. 987987

Anonymous No. 987989

cock inspections mate
heeheee your dick is my niw starter file

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Anonymous No. 987995

How do I make better shadows with eevee rendering?

Anonymous No. 988002

why is he so greasy? eeww
is that why he makes his blender donuts look greasy too? hmm
really makes you cringe

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Anonymous No. 988008

How can I achieve this look or something similar?

Anonymous No. 988010

I feel like the new hair curves/geo nodes system has flopped
I get its potential but what we currently have is very barebones in terms of actual features
They basically opened the hood and invited everyone to tinker with it but no one did anything helpful yet

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before and after.png

Anonymous No. 988049

turn on AO, turn on bloom, turn on screenspace reflections
turn up your shadow resolution, consider if soft shadows or hard shadows would look better or do an extra render with the shadow render pass isolated (view layer properties -> passes) and blend them in photoshop
adjust the bias of your lights so they properly cast shadows through stuff like hair or use contact shadows (these can create weird visual artifacts)
use reflection planes and cubemaps on things which are reflective (mirrors, shiny floors) but keep in mind sometimes the reflections don't play nice with screenspace reflections
use irradiance volumes (and bake the lighting) for better diffuse lighting/shadows
eevee has limitations and will never be cycles but you can still do good stuff with it

Anonymous No. 988080

Lookup how to make L-systems with geometry nodes. This particular one looks like you can just use a noise texture into xyz coordinates afterwards.
Depending on your definition of easy that won't be though.
If that's the case you can draw curves and use the elastic deform tool to distort them into the 3rd dimension.

Anonymous No. 988087

can you generate hair curves from existing hair mesh/cards and then use that to make particle hair?

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Anonymous No. 988092


Anonymous No. 988093

flip the green, frenchie

Anonymous No. 988095

idk what that means, but i tried the multires modifier and after 4 subdivisions it crashes my PC when i sculpt shit. It's over

Anonymous No. 988102

You could keep the axe mid-poly, uv-unwrap it, and then add the displacement/normal-map details with texture painting, which will have no performance problems and allows very high detail. Or just use zbrush.

Anonymous No. 988103

>add the displacement/normal-map details with texture painting
idk how to do that, i don't even know how i'm gonna shade it. It's over

Anonymous No. 988113

Is there much point to me learning Blender with the hopes of getting a job in 3D animation at some stage?
From what I gather a lot of animation is outsourced for cheap anyway and no longer done in house. Both 2D and 3D. I've not used any of this kind of software before either and I ain't exactly young either.

So to that end, would it be quite fruitless and more something just to do as a hobbyist? I don't really know how the process works if I'm honest.

Anonymous No. 988133

no reason not to expand your knowledge if you have time and it's something that interests you. You can't know if it's "worth it" and you can't predict the future, all you know is that if you start learning you'll have that knowledge

Anonymous No. 988135

Not out of the box.
Theoretically you can make a node system that does that automatically.
And that would be a major undertaking, only worth it if you want to convert a big library of mesh hair.

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Anonymous No. 988137

Hey guys I'm new to blender and started working on my own custom project zomboid player model.
I've been using the elastic deform tool when fitting all the clothing to the body but it definitely takes a little time doing this since there's 1000's of different pieces of clothes so I do a dozen or so each day then take a break.

So I was wondering if there's any methods to speed this up or is this just how everyone refits armor/clothing to custom vidya models?

Anonymous No. 988158

would it really be that big of a task? i'm not familiar with geonodes other than some very basic shit but i see a mesh to curve node with some kind of selection thing to map the start/end
can i not like.. separate the hair mesh into disconnected pieces, work out some way of selecting the start and end sides of the mesh (the UVs perhaps?) and putting it through the mesh to curve node?

Anonymous No. 988179

Depends on how you want to do the conversion I guess.
The simplest way is to find all edges that go along the length of the hair cards/tubes and mesh to curve those.
You might want make sure the direction of the generated curves is correct, so that the point closest to the scalp is the start and the other one the end.
That's the easy part. If you want more hair you'd have to interpolate them based on the existing ones somehow.
Hopefully you can use this for it:
It'll all depend if you get to feed the interpolate node all the info it needs.

Anonymous No. 988180

I did forget to mention, most of the new hair stuff needs a surface mesh (scalp) where the hair grow out of.
If you generate your curves and not use the standard way you'd have to create that data somehow.
You might be able to get the surface normal by proximity to the scalp mesh and raycast transfer of the scalp mesh normal.

Anonymous No. 988187

chopping the scalp off the model i'm trying to convert the hair of should be fine i think. you're right that making sure the curves are in the right direction is probably the hardest part, i'll have a play around with it and see what i can do. ty

Anonymous No. 988199

Holy shit, this is so cool, I thought I had to animate my dude's cloak manually.

Anonymous No. 988234

when hollywood finally comes out with the donut movie, /3/ gonna be eatin good!

Anonymous No. 988241

Except for the chair faggot nerd

Anonymous No. 988243

it has as many uses as it does drawbacks. use with caution and don't be surprised if your cloak doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 988249

which bone should this ball joint thing belong to?

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Anonymous No. 988250

which bone would this ball joint belong to? kind of a cartoony arm

Anonymous No. 988252

Blender texture painting fucking sucks
any better alternatives for texturing?

Anonymous No. 988253

I've been considering picking up substance painter on steam
would love a decent free alternative though

Anonymous No. 988254

Ucupaint greatly improves texturing in blender, supporting layers and procedural masks so that you can use a very roughly substance-like workflow. It lets you easily drive effects with AO or cavity masks
It's free

After working with it for a little while, I realized how much better substance painter really is, it's simply much more powerful and versatile. Yeah, you can get (almost) the same results for free in blender, but it will take hours to get something you could get with 20 minutes in painter.
Still a great addon, though.

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Anonymous No. 988298

ok after many blender/windows crashes, i managed to improve it a bit. I think my CPU can't handle sculpting/drawing mask with multires modifier higher than 3, constant crashes. But whatever, done now. Question: how would you shade this ? i need different colors in the sunken, raised and normal parts. Only doable by selecting those faces manually or is it possible with UV somehow ?

Anonymous No. 988306

can someone please review my portfolio ;-; thank you in advance

Anonymous No. 988309

Bake ambient occlusion and normal maps to use as a guide in your image editing or drawing app then draw the albedo/emissives. I think you can also bake material nodes output to textures but it requires setting up a destination mesh iirc, might not tho. You can also use vertex painting or texture painting which requires small setup and it's best used with a tablet. All of this is assuming u have ur UVs unwrapped

Anonymous No. 988310

after reading this i concluded that i might not be able to shade this

Anonymous No. 988334

You can make a custom material with a depth or normal-direction threshold to render a mask for the details.
Might require compositing multiple render passes with different parameters for the different areas, but it should be pretty quick and save you a lot of time over manually painting everything.
Could also just bake the AO like the other anon suggested, and then use photoshop or some AI tool to extract the features

Anonymous No. 988335

well the problem is i am very new to Blender and 3d in general and i don't really understand any of this

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Anonymous No. 988338

>update to 4.2
>test render a sequence
>taking more than twice as long per frame as 4.1
>stop, check render settings
>eevee is totally different
what happened to ambient occlusion? how do i get just plain ambient occlusion, without any of this physically based raytracing global illumination gobbledygook, on all non-emission materials?

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Anonymous No. 988340

gonna start a product animation after this, any ideas on what to base it on? i am thinking of doing headphones since its perfect mix of organic and hardsurface modelling. and any thoughts on wip?

Anonymous No. 988345

you're not very bright, are you

Anonymous No. 988346

no, but as i said here >>988335 i am very new to blender and i don't know how to do any of what was recommended to me.

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Anonymous No. 988353

r8 my low(ish) poly sci fi gun/cannon? Any suggestions or tips?

Anonymous No. 988354

How do I convert hair object that consists of nothing but vertices and edges to have faces?

Anonymous No. 988358

im polishing it then im gonna bake it and put it on 2s because fuck you

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Anonymous No. 988367

version 2

Anonymous No. 988368

is there any good telegram group for blender addons?
(and this is okay by the way, due to blender licenceing downloading blender addons for free is fully legal)

Anonymous No. 988374

Looks more like a scifi racing spaceship than something that shoots.
Gonna ask yourself: What does it shoot, where does it come from (the sphere), how can it be aimed, where can you hold it or where does it swivel.

Anonymous No. 988375

If the sphere is supposed to focus a beam of energy, make it look like a lens or a crystal.

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Anonymous No. 988394

You hold it on your shoulder. The cube thing at the back is the shoulder rest. Your right arm goes straight forward. and is placed on the grip directly under the ball thing. Your left hand goes on that protruding handle under the "barrel" of the gun.

The spiky thing at the back is a fusion reactor. The ridges are cooling fins. The back of the fusion reactor should have a hose/cable connecting it to a back-mounted power pack, which supplies the fuel.
The ball is meant to be a ball of white hot plasma, kept in place via magnets. When fired, the fusion reactor shoots more plasma into the ball. The ball grows, glows more intensely, then after a short delay, fires a beam of plasma down the barrel of the gun.

The heat isn't a problem since a normal human would be unable to lift this weapon in the first place, it's meant to be used by a robot, or a person with power armor. The weapon is supposed to be a repurposed space mining tool, with engineers taking the base fusion reactor and figuring out a way to make it fire a single destructive burst of plasma, rather than a steady beam for cutting rocks.

this >>988345 isn't me

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Anonymous No. 988397

ah, makes sense.
In that case I'd make the sphere a torus, magnetic fields lines have to go somewhere and a degenerate torus is a sphere. You can also animate a torus easier if you want that, more interesting looking deformation.
You can look at diagrams of real tokamaks on the arrangement of electromagnets, see picrel and
If the gun is attached to a robot or mech suit consider make reactor look like it's liquid cooled, fins won't do much in that power range. Not that it's about realism but it makes more intuitive sense and you can use technobabble to justify why some exotic liquid can remove so much heat.

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Anonymous No. 988436

A friend of mine (yes really) has recently downloaded Blender in order to try his hand at SFW/NSFW 3D art. This is is his first time doing something like this and he's confused when it comes to applying the correct textures. Here's one of the models he recently got his hands on. He's absolutely stumped and hasn't been able to find any guides that could explain in detail on what goes where and in what order. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Anonymous No. 988438

how is my weight painting looking? shits hard man

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Anonymous No. 988439

the painting. that one loop seems to ignore weights. it only follows the one directly above it, unless I remove all weights from it altogether. anyone know what to do there? not a huge deal but it makes the neck look a little fucky from the right angle

Anonymous No. 988441

i fixed it by involving the chest as well. kinda weird how that works though but idk. I'm assuming then it's good practice to involve both bones that are connected to the one you're working on? for more flexible organic shapes like this one

Anonymous No. 988473

I don't really care for the extension thing they're working on

Anonymous No. 988481

Agreed, the Grease Pencil task force is where it's at right now.

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Anonymous No. 988485

Should a clueless retard learn SFM or Blender? Got no experience in 3D animation, and strictly hobbyist. I just want to make cool epic animations

Anonymous No. 988486

Avoid SFM, it is beyond dead.

Anonymous No. 988489

Any recommended character design tutorials?
I already know the basics in blender and want to get good at modelling characters

Anonymous No. 988493

rendered these breast physics using surface deform and cloth physics and they're not rendering at all. what retard mistake did i make, bros?

Anonymous No. 988496

sfm is for severely autistic pornographers that are literally incapable of handling change and valve employees
and I'm pretty sure even valve has moved on

Anonymous No. 988500

sfm has a better animation system and tons of free premade assets. more retardproof than blender's convoluted idiosyncratic bullshit if you just want to jump right in and move characters around for fun and/or porn

Anonymous No. 988502

plus you can make tweaks from pre-made models rather than just starting from scratch with a process that makes you want to kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 988506

it's time to move on old man. sfm is dead. barely anyone ports models to it anymore and it does not have a better animation system, you're just comfortable using it

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Anonymous No. 988508

getting a little easier, had to figure some stuff out but im happy with how it ended up.

Anonymous No. 988509

Good job anon, I like the weight painting.

Anonymous No. 988520

blander says i've run out of gpu memory. how do i fix this. if i have to render for 2 hours using cpu again im going to blow my brains out

Anonymous No. 988521

turn on the status bar (Window -> Show Status Bar) and look at your vram usage
resize some excessively large textures or something

Anonymous No. 988522

>resize some excessively large textures or something
by how much?

Anonymous No. 988523

until everything fits in the vram of course
you can also just use the simplify settings, there's a texture resolution limit there and you can cap all the subdivisions which may also help

Anonymous No. 988524

thanks anon. that worked. lifesaver. hope you have a fantastic day.

Anonymous No. 988531

from the animator's point of view, what matters other than the animator's comfort? i'd already been using blender since 2.42 and have continuously been animating in blender since then, but spent a few weeks with sfm maybe 10 years ago and it was much more comfortable to animate in than blender is even today. like a night and day difference.
sfm's "sampling" paradigm is unfortunately unique, but objectively better for the animator than blender or any conventional function curve animation system because of the way you can seamlessly and nondestructively do layering, space switching and reparenting. having to fight the rig to do basic, intuitive stuff like that has been the bane of 3d animators forever, and those valve devs got it right because they started from scratch with this in mind. the basis of stuff like akeytsu, cascadeur, anzovin's ephemeral rig tools, and project baklava (RIP) is trying to shoehorn the way sfm does animation into other production pipelines.

Anonymous No. 988538

>valve creates something truly unique
>does absolutely fucking nothing with it
>it fades away into obscurity
tale as old as time. wish steam flopped so they'd be forced to innovate to stay alive instead of resting on their laurels for the last 20 years

Anonymous No. 988548

Newbie here. Does GPU rendering only really scale well for larger scenes? I have a 5950X and an RX 7800 XT. I was rendering a single simple snapshot at 1080p. Took 4.6 seconds on CPU and 4.6 seconds on GPU. I'm guessing GPU benefits start coming into play with much larger projects?

Anonymous No. 988553

do you guys know how to export a honey select model to blender

Anonymous No. 988576

not gonna lie its kind of fun in its own autistic way.

Anonymous No. 988600

are you sure you're using cycles? eevee (aka viewport shading mode even with cycles selected) uses the gpu regardless

Anonymous No. 988601


Anonymous No. 988603

you're right, I wasn't. Im retarded. I thought setting rendering device under preferences would automatically enable cycles. thanks

Anonymous No. 988608

That's fair, I've no issues expanding my knowledge, but it's about the level of time commitment I put into it.

If I could realistically get a job, then perhaps I pour more of myself into it. But if it's inaccessible because all the roles are done offshore for a cheaper rate, then maybe I should step back and treat it as just a hobby.
I guess I'm just wondering if I could make a career of it starting from where I am now, which is 0 knowledge

Anonymous No. 988629

3d artists are literal slaves. better off keeping it a hobby and making art you actually enjoy than redoing one frame for the millionth time because your boss's boss's boss's boss thinks one pixel is off.

Anonymous No. 988646

is there an easy way to make your DEF bones copy transform constraint onto your ORG bones without running a script and without doing them one by one? shits kinda tiresome

Anonymous No. 988701

Oh shit, are you doing that effect art of rigging? How is it? Are you enjoying it so far?

Anonymous No. 988702

see for yourself. I like it so far, a lot to figure out though, definitely will have to practice things many times over before truly figuring it out. if my lazy ass could get started on those damn characters i've been wanting to make...

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Anonymous No. 988703

Can someone help me? I've been trying to study some hard surface models for a while but I can never figure out why artist "break down the model" in separate pieces and then put them together
Like picrel.

Why don't they just extrude the base and detail it that way? Why do they make a new object for the selected area (the blue area) in the first place?

Is this the right way to do hard surface modeling?

Anonymous No. 988706

I've been told (by a former dreamworks guy if that matters) that it doesn't matter that much in the long run. I think he said he prefers having it separated because it makes uv and texturing easier but idk its probably up to you and/or whoever is signing your checks

Anonymous No. 988709

Thank for you for the answer!
Also, do you think it matters for animation sake? for example, a character using a mouse or some other hard surface model.

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Anonymous No. 988713

I'm trying to change sprinkles color but I have no idea what the hell happened in my geometry nodes. Where is color ramp?

Anonymous No. 988726

Ignore this post I figured it out

Anonymous No. 988775

Do share your solution in case anyone have the same problem.

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Anonymous No. 988801

its all coming together

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제목 없음.png

Anonymous No. 988906

this one is added from poligon addon (which from tutorial) but how can i make maeteral and texture working on another Computer ?

Anonymous No. 988921

Blender finally fixed the rigid body simulation for 4.3.

Anonymous No. 988944

Please recommend me some intermediate tutorials
every tutorial I've found is just the most basic beginner shit and I feel stuck

Anonymous No. 988947

donut, then use the tools learned from that to create other things. Check out speed modeling timelapses on youtube.

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Anonymous No. 988966

weird question but is there a way to inset without getting bending on certain center edges? or would i just have to correct them manually?
pic related

lookin' good brother

Anonymous No. 988973

disregard, i'm probably going to set this up a different way

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Anonymous No. 989016

how can i make perfect belt systems like these in blender?

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Anonymous No. 989054

Is there something out there similar to Smart UV Project that automatically unwraps a model but is careful to NEVER make uv maps that are super tiny islands? That is to say, will never produce islands that are completely fucking worthless?

I know how to UV unwrap, but when all I want to do is bake lighting/reflections onto the surface of a statue-like voxel remeshed object. There's gotta be an easy way to just get decent enough uv maps with the push of a button.

Anonymous No. 989055

noob question, is there any merit in learning multiple tools like 3ds studio max, maya, zbrush, blender, daz studio, and so on, or should i just learn one thing (blender) and focus on that? or are all of these tools good for different purposes?

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Anonymous No. 989060

anyone know any good free metallic matcaps?

Anonymous No. 989061


Anonymous No. 989063

sick, thanks a bunch. unfortunately can't use the ZMTs since i don't have zbrush but found a guy who exported them.

if anyone is also curious about matcaps.

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Anonymous No. 989073

I'm working on my first model and I noticed her butt crack is getting bridged over when I subdivide even though I've set the mean crease to 1.0. Is there anything else I can try to fix it? Or should I just add more geometry?

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Anonymous No. 989074

nevermind, I just realized the geometry is fine and it was just smooth shading making it look off

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Anonymous No. 989106

hello anons, i am about halfway into the donut tutorial after installing blender yesterday. i am at a point where i should be trying to rotate an object along its local axis, but pressing r and tapping y twice (as the video instructs) doesn't seem to be doing the right thing, instead it swaps between view y and local y. did the shortcut change? thank you.
picrel my (unfinished) donuts.

Anonymous No. 989108

looks awful

Anonymous No. 989109

based, the chair nerd could never


Anonymous No. 989112

Am I the only one who doesn't like the 4.X changes over 3.6? Everything feels like it needs extra steps now.

Anonymous No. 989116

You're the only one that needs extra steps, fatty.

Anonymous No. 989120

rude :(

Anonymous No. 989123

like what?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 989129

[spoiler]just realized i wrote "local" a second time. i meant global.[/spoiler]

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Anonymous No. 989136

i've always disliked using rigify but I'm starting to realize why pretty much every rig I've ever encountered was made with rigify or arp because damn this is tedious. fun, but tedious.

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Anonymous No. 989137

is there a way to automate generating in-between loops instead of doing it manually? i remembered you could do it with support loops by using a bevel modifier and bevel edge weighting, but was wondering if you could do the same for this?

Anonymous No. 989138

ctrl+r then scroll up to increase the number of loops

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Anonymous No. 989141

ah, sorry that's what i meant by doing it manually. i was wondering if there was a way to automate adding loop cuts instead of using ctrl+r every time. that way i can edit the base shape without having to re-add the loop cuts in between when editing the main shape. since those loop cuts would be perfectly in place but only when they're initally added. very very autistic use case but was curious if it was possible. but if not i'll just continue doing it normally. i'm getting mad deja vu i think i've asked this before.

also another question, is it possible to change the rate that these value boxes increase and decrease? like maybe a "steps" option in the settings?

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blender fail.png

Anonymous No. 989154

I'm learning off of youtube and the last time I worked on it, my house was all fine and angular. When I restarted, it looks all rounded and shit like a balloon. I guess I must have fucked something up while I was working on the mountain backgrounds, but there are no modifiers when I check the house.
I'm loading off a save so I can't undo my way out of this one. How can I fix it?

Anonymous No. 989157

could just be the shading. can you try selecting something in object mode, right clicking, then clicking "shade flat" (if there is an option)?

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Anonymous No. 989158

There we go. Thanks anon, I'm not sure how I accidentally did that but all that matters is that it's better now.

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Anonymous No. 989163

no prob

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Anonymous No. 989170

it will tell you what rotation mode you're in here (top left). also perhaps your default transform orientation is set to something other than global (top middle circle)

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Anonymous No. 989172

thanks anon. i might try to make the base more bready looking and then move on to another tutorial.

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Anonymous No. 989173

Anyone know where I can find blender tutorials of how to make Woody and maybe the other toys from Toy Story? I thought that there would be no end of ones but I can't find one.

Anonymous No. 989174

just learn to use blender and download a bunch of reference images, you don't need a tutorial for everything you make

Anonymous No. 989175

yeah but im new and it helps to understand how it works.

Anonymous No. 989180

i don't think such specific tutorials exist

Anonymous No. 989181

do you just want him for animation? because there's a couple free woody rigs out there that you can get.
but yeah if you just want to make it yourself you're gonna have to do what the other anon said and do it yourself.

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Anonymous No. 989185


AAAAGH IT'S WORKING ! Shading with weight paint seems to be what i need to do for my axe. Or at least what i know for now. Sorry for the delay, been playing Elden Rang

Anonymous No. 989193

Okay so I got a bit of experience with modeling some basic stuff and done some animation with models Ive downloaded
Now I want to properly get into character modeling
I seen some people argue over Blocking Vs Sculpting but I assume either can get me the same results for what I want as Im not trying to do realism at all

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Anonymous No. 989209

Hello. I'm extremely fucking new and need a bit of advice.

I want to make a butt imprint on some sand and it looks passable for what I need it for. However, the areas around where the butt was dont seem to be affected by the texture.

Why is this? How can I fix this?

Anonymous No. 989211

Did you just booleans cut spheres into a textured cube? You'll have better luck using simulation to push the butt shape into a heavily subdivided sand block. As far as the details, I cant tell you as I'm rather new myself but look up simulation tutorials.

Anonymous No. 989213

lmao, that's exactly what I did.
I'll look into simulation. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 989217

>i don't think such specific tutorials exist

Anonymous No. 989218

I just want to learn to model him from scratch because I plan on making loads of stuff in the style of Toy Story 1 and 90s CGI. I found a timelapse of some guy making Woody with just core shapes and the sculpt tool so I might look into that.

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Anonymous No. 989227

back on this shit again
anyone know how to stop them from disconnecting? they're technically supposed to be connected, but for some reason they come apart when I stress the mechanism. I think it has to do with the constraint? idk. maybe I need to do some intermediary bones to prevent it?

Anonymous No. 989241

just heavily subdivide the plane and sculpt some indents with a shapekey
then you can animate it too if you need to

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Anonymous No. 989252

>3d artists are literal slaves. better off keeping it a hobby and making art you actually enjoy than redoing one frame for the millionth time because your boss's boss's boss's boss thinks one pixel is off.
Is it really that bad? Do you think pursuing a career in animation really isn't worth it then?
I enjoy the medium a lot, desu even when I watch a film or something I can't help but feel it'd be cool to be a "part" of it. But I currently have no workable skills to that goal, which is why I was considering learning a bit of 3D animation and maybe I could start off small.

But is it just soul destroying? What would you guys recommend instead if I did want to work in a creative field?

Anonymous No. 989253

None, the 3D industry is literally collapsed with massive layoffs everywhere. You're competing with 5000+ seniors for a junior position. Just pursue a trade like engineering and keep 3d art as a hobby or freelance work.

Anonymous No. 989255

Shit, it's that bad? I'm not US based, in Bongland. I thought I saw some roles around but of course it's another thing actually getting one.

What about expanding the scope to anything within an animation production? Are there any trades worth pursuing in that regard, in terms still being in a creative industry or nope?

Anonymous No. 989258

Any creative industry will be filled with trillions of pajeets, trannies and other people who like the idea of slacking off infront of an computer all day doing their "dream"

Nobody likes doing actual physical work like some engineering role, so you will not be replaced by an indian, will earn great money than poverty peanuts given to artists and the job will be in demand at any place in the world. Trust me, it's not worth it. The era is over, the 1990s early 2000s was the peak.

Anonymous No. 989261

the other guy is a bit demotivating but if you enjoy being creative then I don't recommend working in a creative field
it will suck the passion out of you, and a job is a job
try to simulate a work week during your holiday to see if you would enjoy working a 9 to 5 in 3D animation

Anonymous No. 989264

So what's this meme about people using Maya?
Should I buy Maya then? Assume I'm willing to pay money.

Anonymous No. 989265

unless you're already an industry professional making big money never buy something like maya
obviously you pirate it instead

Anonymous No. 989266

but I want to make something professional.
I'm making mid poly PSX style

Anonymous No. 989270

>try to simulate a work week during your holiday to see if you would enjoy working a 9 to 5 in 3D animation
that's a good idea
only problem is given i haven't started in 3d animation, if i do like it i'd probably enjoy that week a lot since i'd be learning a lot. It's only after maybe a year I'd burn out.
I don't know, it's weird. I don't really consider myself all that creative honestly, but when I play vidya or watch an animation I just think it's cool and want a part in making something like that even if it's some small time shit instead of big budget. It's got to be better than dead end jobs anyway, right?
>who like the idea of slacking off infront of an computer all day doing their "dream"
But doesn't this sound sorta comfy anon?
I get what you're saying though, sounds like the job market is shit for animators. Is that across the board then? 3D in all sectors like games, animations, commercials, all just don't pay very well?

Anonymous No. 989271

Yeah it is. Doesn't anyone want to escape their shitty manual labor job to work inside a game studio instead where they can rofl through with the team working on a game infront of a computer and drinking coffee? That's the fantasy they have but the reality is they're being overworked with terrible hours and are underpaid. I can only speak for games. Animation would likely be the same. I heard being in there will just mentally decimate you. Gaming and animations are 100% oversaturated especially entry positions, even seniors have a hard time finding a job.

Anonymous No. 989274

do people actually use the move/scale/rotate tools via mouse in the viewport? actually maddening that that's the default behavior instead of activating the appropriate dongle

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Anonymous No. 989275

Made my first model in blender today, but the UV is rather confusing and shit. Any way to fix this or make it more organized?

Anonymous No. 989290

Chud, before you make ugly guns with low skill level understanding, model a chair and UV unwrap it!

Anonymous No. 989298

that's tangential and doesn't answer my question

Anonymous No. 989331

Newfag, i know people use telegram for getting free stl files
where can i go for blender files?
i was looking for a snake for a prop and the first site i found had the files for $100-$300, the only free one looked like it was made by a 12-year old

Anonymous No. 989338

if u dont know how to model guns properly to be able to unwrap them let alone know where to cut uvs then dump the model and create simple shit learning uving fundamentals from the internet
>getting filtered by UV

Anonymous No. 989373

thanks for the advice.
Honestly I can't lie, the scenario you presented wasn't far off my own thoughts. Not that I was thinking it will be some walk in the park idyllic job, moreso that I'd prefer doing that than other types of work.
I guess I should look elsewhere. Kinda sucks because I do like the idea of both, even with the knowledge that it could be dull as shit doing the same tasks over and over.

Anonymous No. 989376

stl files are just blender files without the scene

Anonymous No. 989377

>do people actually use the move/scale/rotate tools via mouse in the viewport?
what else would you do? the gsr+lock is core blender

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Anonymous No. 989378

stupid question time. in one of the very basic tutorials at this point the guy wraps the orange edges and vertexes to the decimated preview. I can't fucking find it because obviously wrapping is the wrong word. anybody know what to toggle?

Anonymous No. 989379

Toggle the triangle button on each modifier (mirror, subsurf) in the bottom right pane.

Anonymous No. 989381

im retard and forgot you can lock to an axis. i had rebound the hotkeys to activate the gizmos

Anonymous No. 989382

You will have more fun working as a hobbyist or doing freelance jobs. You can decide what you can do and when, not some greedy ceo who will tell you to do that for 10 hours a day.

Anonymous No. 989383

Also, don't feel bad about not being able to do it as a full career. I wanted to go into the 3D industry aswell yet ended up just keeping it as a hobby or doing side gig, shrug.

Anonymous No. 989385

yeah I love pouring hours into a gig only to have them decide not to pay. getting paid to sit around for 10 hours a day and spend 2 hours actually modelling shit is awful, I hate that guaranteed paycheck and corporate workload.

Anonymous No. 989390

What causes a man to see the world in such a BUCC'd way?

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Anonymous No. 989392

Do you work in the industry? How do you find it?

I don't feel bad per se, it was just an option I was considering. I wouldn't even mind being an environment artist or something like that, modelling in 3D. It just appealed but given I haven't taken any steps to learn any of that shit yet it doesn't affect me much. I just wondered if I should work towards it.

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Anonymous No. 989393

i'm doing it, but weight painting all of this is so slow, my poor PC can barely handle it

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Anonymous No. 989394

a bit...high poly..haha..

Anonymous No. 989395

nigger you aren't supposed to weightpeint 709877776 polygon meshes this is why it's slow

Anonymous No. 989396

I like the way it looks

Anonymous No. 989397

i know, but shit i'm in too deep now, idk how tf i am supposed to shade the runes

Anonymous No. 989398

ok obunga, my african niggerman. I'll teach you some skills now. you retopologize your high poly mesh by hand and then bake all the details like the slits into your low poly mesh. thats called normal maps. understood, obunga?

Anonymous No. 989401

sounds good but i have no idea how to do that

Anonymous No. 989404

you ever heard of something called google? all the information at fingertips

Anonymous No. 989406

>Do you work in the industry?
programmer and graphic designer. went from 120k to not being able to collect $1500 freelance checks because it's too small to sue for.

Anonymous No. 989413

i mean idk, how would shading work? those lines need to be high poly and smooth, how would i add that to a low poly axe and also shade them nicely ? also idk how to retopologize

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Anonymous No. 989436

>tfw cushy gubmint job
>get paid to pretend to look busy while learning 3d on the side for fun
>almost impossible to get laid off or fired
I don't envy you industry folks. anyways scripting is hard but this little guy is done. this course is great.

Anonymous No. 989450

normal maps do the shading already, obunga. theyre faking the depth onto the low poly mesh and it works with lighting without adding polygons. normal maps are used everywhere, 98% of the time.

ok niggerman, you need a good baking software. install a pirated copy of marmoset toolbag

stop what you are doing and look up retopology.

Anonymous No. 989482

Source on course?

Anonymous No. 989484

Source is

Anonymous No. 989485

art of effective rigging 2
been posted earlier in this thread, definitely check it out

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Anonymous No. 989487

you talk funny so i decided to NOT follow your advice

Anonymous No. 989488

obunga, niggerman, what have you done....

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Anonymous No. 989493

why does particle hair look like fucking shit?

what's the alternative? any tutorials?

Anonymous No. 989494

oh, another niggerman from central africa. look obanga, you use hair cards instead of particles and texture them well. don't stress it though, you're learning like obunga.

Anonymous No. 989495

let him go, some people are not meant to make it

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Anonymous No. 989496

nah i think imma make it bro dw

Anonymous No. 989498

obunga, when employer looks dat mesh, see 2 billion quad, employer say, retard. obunga no job, got it niggerman?

Anonymous No. 989499

fooken excellence anon, gj

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Anonymous No. 989508

no worries, i don't have a job
thanks ! but truth is yes, i wish i could have made it easier. I followed this tutorial but this guy probably has a much better PC and skillset so i went along with his sculpting part not knowing what i am getting into. I still have a low poly version, saved it before going up so maybe i will look into normal maps too

Anonymous No. 989513

i know there are no jobs in central african savannas. so you did manage to retopologize the mesh at last by hand, obunga. good, keep evolving niggerman.

now UV unwrap it

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Anonymous No. 989517

i didn't, as i said that's the initial mesh before i used subdivision and multires modifier on it, the original axe basically

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Anonymous No. 989522

Rigify problem, please send help
>deleted three of the five fingers
>get error that it needs at least two palm bones (siblings with the same parent)
>add one back in, correct naming, hierarchy, etc.
>same error
I'm probably missing something obvious here, but please help me out.
I guess it may have something to do with the new bone collection system in version 4?

Anonymous No. 989523

obunga, i have a retopology addon .zip for blender i don't use anymore. it's built for you, niggerman.

Anonymous No. 989525

Since that guy who replied to you is being a massive twat, I'll do it (and show you how).
Just upload the .blend file

Anonymous No. 989528

Rig a path with hooks, and animate an object with an array modifier and a curve modifier (attached to the path ofc) to make the belt move, while animating the hooks (through some rig) to animate the wheels moving the belt position.

Anonymous No. 989529

Probably just blender failing to update the constraints for that preview frame. Try moving the timeline cursor or something. It's usually just a viewport problem (doesn't occur in actual renders).

Anonymous No. 989531

Is there any solid guides on how to move Blender models to Source Filmmaker? Some of the YouTube guides I tried are either outdated or have inaccurate info.

Anonymous No. 989532

>Source Filmmaker
Please, for your own sanity, stop.

Anonymous No. 989534


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Anonymous No. 989547

how bad is it
gonna do the eyes next i think to start sorting out that mask topology thing.

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Anonymous No. 989624

remade the axe to practice, lower poly, i started from the circle and felt better

Anonymous No. 989633

what if he keeps that mesh and only subdivides where needed? or should he keep it low poly and apply something like normals for the engravings?

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Map projection.jpg

Anonymous No. 989680

How can I put a map on a sphere without ugly shitty lines and seams?
What projections are best used for it? Let's say I have a robinson projection, how can I prep it for that?

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Anonymous No. 989698

wanted to see if i can sculpt the little gem sockets myself and it turned out pretty good, nice tips on how to make clean holes from Aryan on yt

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Anonymous No. 989700

and the triangle

Anonymous No. 989701

>not a boggs-eumorphic chad

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Anonymous No. 989702

first time doing retopo, the shell is fucked, its all quads but the loops are all over the place but there are no shading issues and the normals baked out fine, is it okay?

Anonymous No. 989703

you pass for a first time but I would have preferred if the geometry followed the shape of the shell, even if it broke "good topology" rules

Anonymous No. 989704

when baking normal maps do the 2 objects have to be identical in every way when it comes to sizes ? like does the overlap have to be perfect ? also can you only do it for certain parts of a sculpt ? Trying to do it for the axe above but some bits don't match, the new one is thicker for example and the blades don't overlap perfectly

Anonymous No. 989705

>I would have preferred if the geometry followed the shape of the shell, even if it broke "good topology" rules
yeah i was confused if i should capture the overall shape or follow the shape of the sculpt.
in my limited experience, the low poly has to be slightly bigger than the high poly, also you don't have to unwrap the high poly one only the low poly.

Anonymous No. 989706

ok cool, and yeah i figured the second part, i can't even unwrap it cuz blender crashes kek.

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Anonymous No. 989707

is it better to bake stuff in substance painter? i want to get the curvature map to texture the snail or is there a better way?

Anonymous No. 989708

In case you were wondering: i drew the map myself, so I wanted to make sure I can place landmasses with a shape AND size roughly representative without having to calculate in distortions. Robinson kind of achieves that with a healthy balance between preserving shape and size.
Now, can you actually answer the question?
Should I just try to use a cage transform in a drawing program to turn Robinson into Square?

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Anonymous No. 989713

i tried multiple times to bake a normal map with all kinds of settings and tutorials and it doesn't work, they all turn out like this

Anonymous No. 989717

show your low poly + uv and high poly, nigger.

Anonymous No. 989718

is substance on steam worth it

Anonymous No. 989719

pirate it, nigger

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Anonymous No. 989720


Anonymous No. 989723

this looks weird. the topology is a complete mess and witchcraft. obunga, is that you again?

Anonymous No. 989725

go like 1/10th of that. most 3d stuff you see is way lower poly than you think it is.

Anonymous No. 989729

Lol, you are supposed to unwrap the lowpoly, not the highpoly. Remember: ypu're baking from the highpoly TO the lowpoly, so the lowpoly mesh corresponds to the UV and texture output.

Anonymous No. 989731

but anon..that IS the low poly

Anonymous No. 989732

that doesn't answer the question

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Anonymous No. 989735

Can somebody point me in the right direction here with this retopo? I tried 2 different ways and they both look pretty bad with slightly rippling when the mesh has a subdivision mod on. This model will be animated with too so that may exacerbate the issue maybe? Big noob here

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Anonymous No. 989736

so let's say i made some progress with a normal how the FUCK do i make it so the bumpy part of the normal map has 1 color while the area around it has a different color ? I've been trying all kinds of shit, tutorials, chat gpt for 4 hours now and i have no idea.

Anonymous No. 989757

Just fucking paint a texture? Attach it to the base color input? You can bake a UV layout to a texture map to use as a guideline or you can draw directly in texture paint mode.
Or you could separate the bumpy lines with a bool in the highpoly and bake another object ID map from it, to use as a mask.

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Anonymous No. 989758

Way too many polygons on the boob if you intend to use subsurf. It's much easier to get it smooth and perfect with less loops.
Red: Don't ever do this
Green: Do this

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Anonymous No. 989760

And it's better for boob degormation if you make it like this. It should stretch up over the shoulder. Unless you're going for s bolt-on silicone balloon look.

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Anonymous No. 989766

i realized while texturing that snail's skin doesn't look like that. no i need go find a alpha texture to fit the skin of the snail then bake and redo everything all over again

Anonymous No. 989769

I think you need the kino subsurface scattering

Anonymous No. 989772

should i do that in substance or blender?

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Anonymous No. 989776

why do the normals look so crunchy on the shell in blender?

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Anonymous No. 989778

looks like garbage. I find it crazy that i can't find a reliable method to change the color of the bumpy parts of a normal map and not look like shit, like anywhere. Must mean it's basically not possible. Seems like there is nothing i can do to make the low poly look remotely as good as the sculpt

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Anonymous No. 989779

here it is with texture paint, fuck this crap

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Anonymous No. 989787

okay so the chain is a series of objects and I want to taper it as a group s.t. it scales like the rectangle object next to it. how do I do this with a group of complex objects so it's consistent?

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Anonymous No. 989791

ok so I tapered and then scaled each piece manually. New question and this keeps fucking me: How do I subdivide this plane?

Select plane, right click Subdivision just adds points on edge loop as shown.

If I select vertices and F to divide it with a line, I can grab the line, x constrain, and crease the plane outwards for example but the resulting two faces are still one plane and are both selected when selecting one. Operations such as (e)xtrude function on the whole plane as the halves are not selectable.

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. CTRL+R will add a loop but only to the faces on the other side, not across the plane or adjacent extruded faces.

For the record the plane I'm trying to work with is extruded.

Anonymous No. 989792

>For the record the plane I'm trying to work with is extruded.
on second thought I think it was alt-select edge loop > (f)ill after splitting the object by deleting vertices.

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Head Torso.png

Anonymous No. 989793

I see, thanks. I'll redo it trying to use those loops instead. Can you comment on this pic, I was initially trying to use these as references (one is a youtuber model and the 2nd is a ow porn model). Are they doing bad practices or did I just emulate them wrong?

Anonymous No. 989795

So it's shit? There's literally nothing good left in it?
I guess hobbyist is the only way

Anonymous No. 989799

No offense but if you are so easily dissuaded from following something you want to do by 1 or 2 anecdotes on a basket weaving imageboard, you never had what it takes to begin with. Any goal should be something worth pursuing in your mind and your mind only, full stop.

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Anonymous No. 989803

I see where the confusion stems from.
You're doing a retopo, but the right (gray) one here is a dubdiv model. It has some ugly topo (red), which probably won't deform perfectly as is, but which is also probably never meant to be rendered without an extra level of subdivision. This topo is used more for making the actual shape, while you are trying (I presume) to make a neatly deforming retopo of a sculpted shape you already have.
The green one is pretty good and will work well as is (for a video game, for example).
The purple lines are important flow-lines for the boobs. You want it to flatten out towards the top, and you want the sides to flow into the arm and over outside of the shoulder. That way you can make it follow a bit when the arm is lifted.
The stomach holding ring (blue) is basically optional, but may help the deformation stay a bit more anatomically correct. You fon't need to give the navel a hole or dedicated geo at all, depending on the level of detail you're aiming for (adduming you're going to bake this).

Anonymous No. 989804

Because you have a flipped green channel (direct X vs OpenGL format)

Anonymous No. 989808

i wish i knew macs were shit for rendering/blender before i bought this piece of garbage

Anonymous No. 989831


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Anonymous No. 989930

How to I make it so my modifier dropdown is like the tutorial I'm watching? It looks like something that would save a ton of time.

Anonymous No. 989938

They changed it in 4.1.
And yes, the old version saves a ton of time, and the UI devs are retarded sometimes.

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One piece.png

Anonymous No. 989944

I have no idea what happened, but the chimney and roof have become one object. Is there a way to separate them at this point?

Anonymous No. 989945

edit mode - select the chimney - p - selection, if they are all connected into 1 mesh then you can add a seam around the base of the chimney then do what i wrote at start

Anonymous No. 989946

Nevermind, I figured it out. I just selected the individual faces and went into edit mode>p>selection
>All these tutorials teach the hotkeys while barely telling me their menu locations
A day will come where this will be some adeptus mechanicus shit where I have the muscle memory for this shit but have no idea how I make things happen.

Anonymous No. 989963


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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 989969

Worth it.

Anonymous No. 989970

what's useful to you this update?
I'm pretty happy about fast bool in sculpt mode, trim was useless on high poly meshes, and I can appreciate GPU compositor even if I don't use it that much

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Anonymous No. 989973

okay i feel like i am tripping, last week i saw a video about having that water edge interaction in blender and its gone now. anyone else saw it? it had suzzane on the thumbnail. please link it because pic rel looks ass without it

Anonymous No. 989977

Blender by DURGASOFT?

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Anonymous No. 989998

Hey thanks, I have spent some time redoing the retopo and it looks much better following your advice. I'm not sure what you mean by baking, but if it has to do with securing high detail from the sculpt I can tell you the sculpt is fairly low detail anyways

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osaker NEXT.webm

Anonymous No. 989999

i thought everyone said eevee next would permanently break npr rendering, forever, permanently, and irrevocably. so what the frick is this???

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Anonymous No. 990004

I'm still very new to topology, how could I fix her face to remove that weird lighting where it starts to curve upwards towards the middle of her face plate?

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Auto merge vertices.webm

Anonymous No. 990006

What am I doing wrong? All I'm doing is automerging the vertices by alt clicking, pushing G twice and then sliding it up (or down) and this happens.

Anonymous No. 990007

I ended up fixing it by removing the edge crease, it looks fine without it.

Anonymous No. 990008

That object might have a very messed up scale value. Try apply it with Ctrl A > 'Scale' in object mode.

Anonymous No. 990010

the best way would have been to use support loops instead of creasing and move the poles away from the edges (the poles are the intersections with 5 edges) because they can cause shading issues

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Anonymous No. 990011

I'm only replying to the last post of your chain of posts, but yes, you need to stop being so high poly on everything. If you were doing a one off render or something of a still image and wanted pristine high quality of everything, sure, go all out. If you want a functional object you need to learn how to shape out the axe in as few polys as possible (super easy it's a fucking axe) then you add all the details in shading and textures you don't carve them literally into the axe. Get better at texturing and stop saying it looks like shit doing that method when you're the one who's being shitty.

Pic related, A stone wall I did but it's literally a flat surface otherwise.

Anonymous No. 990012

good suggestions i used this on my own

Anonymous No. 990014

thank you, I'll give it a try

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Anonymous No. 990016

shouldve included image

Anonymous No. 990017

I don't take offence, it's a solid take, thanks.
The only thing is I don't actually know the state of the industry.
If entry level roles are too hard to get then it isn't feasible for me to pursue it as a career right now but I can work on it in my own time. That's the kind of thing I was wondering.

Anonymous No. 990021

Why does the pose library system suck so much ass? Why does it feel needlessly complicated?

Anonymous No. 990042

does eevee have light groups yet

Anonymous No. 990048

is there an easy way to symmetrize weights? accidentally had x mirror turned off during weight painting

Anonymous No. 990055

delete half of your model and use the Mirror modifier

Anonymous No. 990057

it has been some time but i do believe that there is a drop down menu option to just symmetrize from -x to x and the rest

Anonymous No. 990060

should I checkmark just the GPU or both?

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one or both.png

Anonymous No. 990061

>>990060 forgot pic

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Anonymous No. 990082

i was disappointed to find out the brush asset update is pushed to 4.3, after it was included in early alphas of 4.2.. what is the best way to use a brush library in blender now, without having to import them into a new project every time?

Anonymous No. 990091

import them into your startup file

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Anonymous No. 990112

you arent using any shading.

Anonymous No. 990115

I like Kronos PBR neutral, it's so saturated

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Anonymous No. 990126

Where do you anons ask for help when run into an issue while doing something?
Is there any active blender community?

I ran into an issue where when applying a mirror modifier to a boolean difference operation, the result will be that the boolean is mirrored in a local axis rather than a global one.

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Anonymous No. 990136

Anyone had any success using POV ray with blender? Initially was a bit put off by POV ray because it’s code based but if I could model in blender and use the render engine of POV ray that would get me to where I wanna be

Anonymous No. 990137

Tested out 4.2. Immediately getting really bad lag from raytracing. My little test scene only had a few objects with no more than 15,000 tris. Yet, when I enable or disable raytracing, blender will freeze for about 30 seconds before continuing at normal speed. Clicking most other settings doesn't seem to have that problem. It's just the raytracing part, and shadows. When I change the steps for shadows, again it takes another 30 seconds to work it out.

I figured something broke when the file was converted, so I opened up a general file for testing on a clean slate. Everything was working fast, until I put a plane under the cube. Then suddenly the raytracing and shadow options got slow again. Not 30 seconds slow, but 1-3 seconds, which is still way too long. Something is definitely broken.

Blender Stack Exchange for technical questions. It sounds like your question belongs there. for more abstract questions, and general project posting. You can also get help there:
Right Click Select for begging developers for features.(lol fat luck)
And there's a place for bug reports too.

Anonymous No. 990144

works fine on my machine

Anonymous No. 990160

I figured out that you gotta install addons in extensions and then you can activate the addon.

Anonymous No. 990169

Google is usually good enough, I barely ever run into issues that people haven't faced yet

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Anonymous No. 990188

>Tfw still being filtered by the new keying system

Anonymous No. 990193

And now, 4.2 has arrived. But is it still an improvement over 3.6?

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alpha blend.png

Anonymous No. 990210

Anyone know where alpha blend went in 4.2 from 4.1 material settings? I can't seem to find it even using search. Docs say it should still be there?

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Anonymous No. 990212

Any idea how the wheat field in this is made? It's described only as "Wheat (procedural textures)". I don't want to pay $25 for a peak inside.

Anonymous No. 990219

It should be 'Render Method = Blended', I think?

Anonymous No. 990229

is there a way to smooth topology without deforming mesh? like smooth tool in sculpt mode but doesn't deform. just want to clean stuff up a bit without ruining my shit

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Anonymous No. 990230

yes, you can set the smooth brush to "surface" deform instead of laplacian, it will smooth the geometry without affecting the shape too much
the slide relax brush can also be useful for moving geometry around with changing the shape

Anonymous No. 990234

That might be it, but still odd the other modes are missing.

Anonymous No. 990238

what the fuck are extensions and can i change the directory so it doesn't point to my appdata folder like with legacy addons

Anonymous No. 990266

multires modifier's implementation is shit, whenever I try to use it I have to end up applying it at some point anyway

Anonymous No. 990286

kinda helps, fucks my shit up with the center seam on the mirror modifier though. guess i have to apply then reapply it. thanks

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Anonymous No. 990292

hows it looking? edit mode vs 1 level of subdivision.

Anonymous No. 990294

4.2's raytracing isn't real. The reflections only show for surfaces that are facing the screen. when the surface isn't facing the screen, the reflection on nearby objects goes away. You can see for yourself by just adding a plane under a sphere. And then moving the your view up and down. The under side of the sphere will be bright as long as the top of the plane is visible, and dark when the top side of the plane is out of view

Looks solid for an anime/cartoon face.

Anonymous No. 990297

3.6 LTS versus 4.2 LTS
the great debate

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 990300

I keep individual versions depending on the addons and their EoL. With the latest version installed through the installer and associated with .blend

Anonymous No. 990301

bone collections alone give 4.2 the lead imo.

kinda goin for a more western style cartoony, ty. eyes are gonna be rough, do you have any insight (heh) on how to go about thtat

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eveee ssgi.png

Anonymous No. 990302

>4.2's raytracing isn't real.
I already knew this would be screen-space fakery the moment it popped up in the beta by constructing one of these rooms. When it is on screen, it looks pretty neat and works fast. But as soon as you turn the camera, the illusion falls apart. That is the case for emissive shaders at least. For real lights? It kind of seems to work here. Turning the camera still tends to break the illusion in more subtle ways.

Also god damn where did all the shadow options go for the lights.

Anonymous No. 990303

Have they fixed the issue with alpha textures being SLOW AS FUCK to render with Cycles yet? I rely a lot on cards/billboards that use alpha textures and these seem to rely on the transparent bounces a lot.

Anonymous No. 990306

Is there any elegant way to quickly figure out if a bone is a zero weight bone? Or maybe if any of my meshes contains a vertex group with that bones name be it with weights assigned or without? I feel like an idiot for manually checking through every mesh.

Gomenasorry if this is a retarded question.

Anonymous No. 990308

uncheck deform in the bone property menu and it won't make a vertex group when you parent it to the mesh. can also click armature, shift click mesh, go to weight paint mode, then alt click the bone and you will see if anything lights up.

Anonymous No. 990311

Thanks but I can only highlight one mesh at a time in Weight paint so I'd still have to manually grind through 200 vertex groups / bones for like 30 different meshes and compare. I guess there is no shortcut here, kind of fucked myself by not keeping it clean from the beginning. Annoying learning experience but I won't make that mistake again.

Anonymous No. 990316

>200 vertex groups / bones for like 30 different meshes
damn nigga, you gon learn today

Anonymous No. 990317

The worst part is knowing that 80% of them are weightless clutter

Anonymous No. 990349

>do you have any insight (heh) on how to go about thtat
Not really. I've been practicing topology for a couple years now, but my skill with eyes is still weak. I want to make eyes using transparency and fancy overlapping masks and all that jazz. and I'm starting to get the impression that it's either not possible using Eevee, or not worth the effort. It seems the easiest method for cartoon eyes, is create a texture of the iris and pupil, UV map the thing on top of the surface you're using as the eyeball. That way, you can make the eyeball any shape you want, and still make the eyes move along the surface in a clean fashion. You'll probably want to do that, because it frees you up to make irregular eye shapes. Cartoons can't always have spherical eyeballs. You have to consider just faking the eyeball with a plane that fills the eyesocket, and then texturing the iris on top. If you set it up right, you'll have full control, and it will look good.

My guess is a tutorial like this would help:

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Anonymous No. 990362

this is super cool, how to accomplish it in rigging? is it a shapekey/driver thing? picrel only moved one controller on the mouth.

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Anonymous No. 990381

a ridiculous longshot, but I recently lost all of my textures. back in the day I downloaded the link this Anon posted, a huge mega link of 90s-00s stuff but it's all missing now
did anyone download this by any chance, that could reupload it? I really can't be bothered trawling for countless texture CDs

Anonymous No. 990390

You can download that model and pick it apart. I couldn't tell you exactly what they did, but I have observed that the Blender Foundation does crazy stuff with geometry nodes and shape key drivers in their animation models so I wouldn't be surprised if it were elaborate.

If you asked me to replicate that, it actually isn't all that hard, you just add a face bone that is just floating there at the edge of the mouth. Weight it to the edge of the mouth and you should be able to pull it around like that.

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no shapekeys.png

Anonymous No. 990399

yeah dug around a bit more. couldn't find anything related to geo nodes in this one. here it is all the shapekey drivers deleted. they definitely help the look, but aren't 100% responsible. a shitload of b bones, which i know very little about. so maybe b bone stuff + good weighting + constraint shenanigans. every time i think I know enough to be competent at something, something like this comes around and shows me how little i know. i found a series of vids from blenders youtube channel where they rig the male version of this character in realtime so i'll have to sit down and watch that later.

Anonymous No. 990489

know its a longshot but is there a way to simultaneously see weight and the texture at the same time? like one overlaid over the other? i guess I could make two different windows but this would be easier

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Anonymous No. 990514

wait, so now I need to install the built-in addons one by one using their extension website?
this is not the right way of implementing it, who said this was a good idea?

Anonymous No. 990515

you can easily do that with geonodes instances

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Anonymous No. 990516

Slowly learning modeling by following a tutorial, but I was wondering what these lines I got between the eyes do? Why are they here? Can I remove them?

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Anonymous No. 990522

Who the fuck thought that a decision for original EEVEE to be cut so sudden would be a good idea, for fucks sake?
90% of all my EEVEE scenes now look like complete and utter shit because the pseudo-cycles bullshit fucked over all the lighting, and half the options i used constantly are either nowhere to be seen, or are moved somewhere else, like bloom or, i think, shadow modes too.
It's the first time i genuinely feel CRIPPLED by a blender update, instead of it actually bringing in something good.
Couldn't they just have EEVEE (Legacy) stay there, like it did in beta, with a warning that "This shit is no longer supported use at your own risk lmao" or something?

Anonymous No. 990603

yeah it also sucks that they permanently deleted all previous versions of blender from the internet, forever, permanently. no one can ever use and download them again and that really sucks. Even if it was already on your pc, it's gone forever. oh well, there's literally nothing that can be done.

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my bunny render.jpg

Anonymous No. 990607

Its done! Its far from perfect, especially since I had to use a mouse to paint the textures but alas I'm very happy to finish it. I've learned so much

Anonymous No. 990613

what were the lines? looks like a curve but can't know for certain unless you post the outliner. had the same issue myself a while back but they randomly disappeared eventually and never appeared in the render. guess it's just a bug

Anonymous No. 990614

no idea, they disappeared for me as well

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Anonymous No. 990625

>Just use an old version lmao
>It's not like there are any other changes as well as new EEVEE nope lmao
You are such a dumb fucking nigger handwaving over the actual issue i have no idea what to tell you.
Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 990626

telling me to kill myself will definitely fix all your issues :^)

Anonymous No. 990627

Using an older version is common. At least it's not 2.8.

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Anonymous No. 990640

r8 my w8s

Anonymous No. 990644

be in weight paint mode
overlay settings then change weight paint opacity

Anonymous No. 990662

>Just use an old version lmao
For your projects that rely on the old style of eevee, literally yes. When you're ready to learn the new eevee, you move on. It's not that hard, you raging spastic.

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Anonymous No. 990679

Blendabros how do I put the face on? This is the low poly head and an SVG imported as grease pencil. I want raised topography in these shapes, maybe projected on the head surface. I don't even know what to call the process I should be using in blender.

Anonymous No. 990682

bro not skipping neck day

Anonymous No. 990693

Image bump mapping not working, I need physical features. pls respond

Anonymous No. 990702

I couldn't get png to bump map to work either so I just did svg > bezier > path. Blender is fucking obtuse sometimes.

Anonymous No. 990712

legend, thanks
was not as helpful to me as I hoped it would be but good to know nonetheless

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stupid fucking mo....png

Anonymous No. 990785

Is there a way to fix my rendering? I'm trying to get to the donut but this rendering looks nothing like what the guy did. :(

Anonymous No. 990820

nvm, I downloaded the latest version. It does that on my shitty laptop. 3.6 works fine.

Anonymous No. 990826

any riggers have any strong opinions about corrective shapekeys vs corrective bones?

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at a loss.jpg

Anonymous No. 990833

Alright /3/, you're my only hope. Apparently this has never happened to anyone ever, because google gave no results for my issue. All I'm trying to do, is change these keys from vector to auto clamped. But no matter what I do, they're staying on vector.

Edit before posting: Turns out these baked keys were set to constant, not Bezier. Going to the action editor, and changing the keys from "Constant" to "Bezier" allowed me to change the keys to auto-clamped. Figured I'd post this anyways in case I forget in the future, or someone else has this issue.

Anonymous No. 990836

Just heard 4.2 is out and I'm on 4.1. Any notable changes?

Anonymous No. 990837

eevee has raytracing
some rigging stuff
some geo node stuff
general qol
can't remember what else. reworked eevee is the big seller here. personally I really like it but this board is super negative and everyone has to hate it to fit in.

Anonymous No. 990842

Amateur rigga here. If you are a 1,000,000 IQ rigging God you do everything with corrective bones. If you're a normal person you fix fucked weights with shape keys. I think both are fine so long as the end result is good, but be careful with how much and where you push the shape keys. Something like fixing a flat elbow is fine, but if you're using them to unpacake shoulders or drastically alter something, you're in for a nasty surprise when you try rigging clothes.

Corrective bones

Anonymous No. 990869

fair enough, thanks my rigga

Anonymous No. 990887

I read in the 4.2 feedback thread, that this is a priority fix for them, since it's their number 1 reported bug. Hopefully it's fixed soon.

Anonymous No. 990888

They did break toon shading after all, because it create a fuzzy look in the lit areas. One of the developer comments saying it's something to do with shadow threshold(or something like, that I forget the exact terms)

Everyone notices a high Vram usage. And a bunch of people are getting slow performance in the viewport. As it's taking Blender ages to handle memory.(I'm not being very precise with the descriptions, because I hardly understand it)

Shaders takes forever to compile now too. And when it does, a message pops up to tell you you can speed up shader compilation by changing some memory preference. I increase the subprocesses from 0(disabled by default) to 4. And swear it actually make the compiler work 10x slower.

Like the other anon said, the big thing is raytracing in eevee, and some new nodes if you care about that stuff. Everyone says the new matrix nodes will finally give users real control over mesh deformation. But it requires you to actually know a thing or two about matrices. Which is rather mathy.

The one thing I truly enjoy about 4.2, is that shadows are waaaaaay more precise. You don't have to deal with biases and contact shadows. The shadows just cast where they're supposed to.

All in all, I wouldn't take any important projects into 4.2 yet, until they work out some of the bugs. But it might still be worth getting on the side, in order to start learning the new nodes.

Anonymous No. 990892

works fine for me. though I do wish they kept legacy eevee in. hope they fix that in a future patch.

Anonymous No. 990893

Is it me or did 4.2 mess up some weight painting functions? Transfer weights for example doesn't seem to work as it's supposed to. Instead of replacing weights it just mixes them. I tried doing this with two identical meshes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating and weights on mesh 1 are different from weights on mesh 2 despite them having identical topology which wasn't the case before.

Anonymous No. 990894

I was just about to post here about weight painting too. I added a bone and then locked most of my vertex groups to prevent fuckery from happening during weight painting. then after I parent with empty groups, I find that a locked group has been assigned to the new bone with 100% influence. the bone that used to have that group now has random vertexes across the mesh at 50% influence. fixed it by reverting the entire file and doing it all over again. not sure if it's 4.2 or user error but that's never happened to me before.

Anonymous No. 990896

I think they might have fucked something up. braverabbit's smoothweight addon also doesn't work as it should on 4.2 for some reason (just discovered this). Instead of flood smoothing and mantaining max influences it just does the normal blender flood smooth.

Very fun losing two hours of work to a bug. Thanks Ton!

Anonymous No. 990902

Dunno what your case is exactly. But be warned about undoing actions while weighting in edit mode. Creating or deleting vertex groups, and then undoing in edit mode, can cause the vertex groups to shift IDs. Weights from one group will be shifted down to the next group, and down the list until the end. It's really bizarre and annoying behavior that could potentially fuck everything up. Just something to look out for. You might have experienced that. You might not. I dunno.

Anonymous No. 990903

that's great to know. I don't remember undoing anything but it may be the case because the two bones had similar names so they might have been next to each other on the list. one of the other bones was normal though. didn't bother checking any other bones before reverting so who knows. still great to know, thanks.

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Cool walkmans 4k ....png

Anonymous No. 990914

Thanks for the info. I don't use Eevee so I'll just stick to 4.1 if things are allegedly slower.

Anonymous No. 990915

following a rigging course, drivers are breaking for my corrective bones when duplicating my deformation layer to org layer. the solution offered in the course doesn't seem to work. did 4.2 break some shit there? considering just doing it with constraints instead honestly, this shit is annoying

Anonymous No. 990936

is it me or 4.2 doesn't feel as solid as previous updates?

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Anonymous No. 990966

Posting my donut.

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Anonymous No. 990974

>follow the 16 color limit PS1 texture rule for a 128x128 object
>looks like shit
what's the trick here? I have to bump up the colors or else it looks completely washed out. unless I should be giving myself more space by making a texture atlas, so each side can have its own 16 colors

Anonymous No. 990976

change color management to Standard or Kronos PBR, in the render settings

Anonymous No. 990984

I'm not very familiar with indexing or PS1 graphics. But an idea would be to make an index by manually sampling from the original image. Like you know you need orange and blue for the logos. And brown for the rust. So manually select 1 or two of the oranges for the index. Manually select 1 or 2 of the blues. And manually select like 2-3 of the browns. Orange and brown are near each other. So together, they will probably capture most of the rust and logo detail.

16 colors is pretty strict. Are you sure that's correct?

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Anonymous No. 990985

>16 colors is pretty strict. Are you sure that's correct?
honestly I don't even know anymore. the more I look into it, it seems like nobody has an actual clue, and there's a surprising lack of texture dumps for PS1 games online,for%20old%20consoles.
>The max size of a texture is 256x256 with 128x128 being more common. Textures were often atlased together into a tile/trimsheet to save on memory. The textures were indexed at 4bit or 8bit colors (16 and 256 respectively) and could go as high as 24bit but texture memory was a major limitation for old consoles.
this guy says this, but then the actual Silent Hill atlas he shows has fucking 2357 unique colors, as determined by this tool at least:
same thing with pic related from Spyro, 1162 unique colors somehow. no idea

Anonymous No. 990996


Anonymous No. 991006

>have a realistic engine and a stylized engine
>people love them and play to their strengths
>remove the stylized engine to make ANOTHER realistic engine (but shit)
Legitimately the most baffling 3D decision any company has ever made.

Anonymous No. 991011

Hey, I need to have an animation in 4k, and while I CAN render it in 4k, it's gonna take 30 hours a shot (3m/frame, 600 frames), and I've got multiple shots.
Is rendering at 1080p or 1440p and using AI upscaling or similar a common workflow? Anyone here tried it or have any advice? I can't imagine it being worse than rendering at 4k with a super low sample count and letting the denoiser have at it.

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 991094

can anyone tell me why this happens to this model when i use blender 4.2?

Anonymous No. 991103

followup on this, how do you prefer to control your corrective bones? drivers or transform constraint?

Anonymous No. 991104

>coomer rig
i know why but I won't tell you, sorry!

Anonymous No. 991105

Well, I managed to get times down.
Turns out I was running out of ram, and my page file was on my HDD, which is super slow since it's mainly for storage. I moved my page file to the SSD for the time being and things are progressing smoothly.
I've read differing opinions about whether or not it's safe to have it on the SSD, but considering the page file more or less fucks HDDs and SSDs, I'm just gonna say fuck it and use the SSD for now. I've got 16gb of ram, and while that's enough for normal shit (so it's not like the page file is being used often), clearly I need more ram for rendering. I've got another job lined up, and I'll be using part of that to upgrade to 64gb.
I've also read 1000 IQ strats of using a really fast SD card/USB stick as a page file, and just swapping them out when they crap out, which could be neat, but I think RAM is really the way to go.

Anonymous No. 991106

well it could also go towards non coomer rigs that break...

Anonymous No. 991112

>I've also read 1000 IQ strats of using a really fast SD card/USB stick as a page file, and just swapping them out when they crap out
Jesus christ lmao.
>but I think RAM is really the way to go
Yeah considering how cheap RAM is currently I don't see why you'd bother with anything else considering the performance and drive-wear issues of paging.

Anonymous No. 991113

>I don't see why you'd bother with anything else
Money is a big one. In that I have relatively little. I mean 16 had me going for a few years, and I thought that was plenty, but I'm really pushing past that these days. Not by a ton, 20 gb or so, but it's starting to be an issue where I'm asking more than it can really handle. Obviously I could always optimize the hell out of projects, which I am, but I'm still needing quite a bit to pull off shit that I wanna do. 64 seems like a good chunk that I have plenty of overhead. 128 is some real "fuck off" sizes, but 64 is more reasonable. Turns out I'm in need of faster speeds anyway, since the new 12th gen CPU I have apparently doesn't play nice with the lower speed RAM I have now.

Still, at least with RAM you HAVE a page file to take advantage of. VRAM you're just fucked. I've got a 4070ti, and it can push its weight around just fine, but holy shit the VRAM is so restrictive. It's a stupid idea for sure, but it'd be cool if there was some extra VRAM modules you could slot into PCIE slots or something. I'm not entirely sure if that's feasible or not, but with the amount of data that's being pushed through a graphics card anyway, I can't imagine it hurting it if you just need the space.

Anonymous No. 991114

>Not by a ton, 20 gb or so
I mean that I'm using 20gb total instead of 16, not that I'm pushing past 16 by 20gb.

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Anonymous No. 991190

can anyone fucking explain how I can just adjust the strength of an emission shader over time
I just want it to be 0 at one frame, 0.5 at the next frame and 1 at the third frame. that's it.
every fucking 'guide' I've looked at is telling me to mix them which is why I have two in this pic but not only do none of their fucking solutions work they don't mention anything about keyframing it

Anonymous No. 991196

>wind just refuses to blow a rigid or soft body at 100000 wind strength
i hate this dogshit software so much

Anonymous No. 991206

Just animate the strength value?
If you want it to look like something underneath, I'd probably just use the emission part of the Principled BSDF, so when it's off it just looks like a regular material. But if you're not turning it off, then yeah, just animate the strength.
I've got no clue what the fuck you're looking at or why you did all that. Even if you did have to mix 2 things, you could re-use the node setup you plugged into the color. So the bit in red that you outlined can be plugged into both emission shaders. They're the exact same and you duplicated them for no reason.

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Anonymous No. 991228

Hello, I am just trying to use a 3D printer. I am too new to do any proper modelling. I found some some blenders of characters I wished to print but they are T-posing like this.
I just want to know: how do I move the limbs? Joints intact, maybe spin a bit the legs to make the standing more normal, as well as the arms.
All tutorials I see are complicated trying to teach how to modify bones or how make complex joints. I just want to change the position of what I already have.

Anonymous No. 991232

Enter pose mode. Either with the dropdown menu at the top left that says "Object mode", or by selecting one of those controls, and hitting ctrl+tab.
From there you grab the handles and pose how you need.
That being said, you're probably not going to be able to print it as-is. I don't do 3d printing, so I'm not 100% sure of what goes into it, but from what I understand it needs completely solid meshes, so you'll probably have to do some shit to get it right to print.

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leviathan 20001-0....webm

Anonymous No. 991253

haven't been here in a while, hell you're probably right about everything but i just wanted to make a REALLY nice axe and i am quite happy with it (pic rel). No it's not game ready but i learned a lot from making it and that's what matters.

Anonymous No. 991283

Thanks, it worked somewhat until I botched everything up. It seems the movement is symetrical and it seems to try to keep other joints in position, so while I did manage to get the upper arms closer to the body, the forearms stayed closer to T-posing position.
Regardless, with Pose Mode I should figure out the rest.
Also it shouldn't be a problem for printing. When you load the program it shows how it would be, size and stuff. The big problem is complex figures get too many polygons.

Anonymous No. 991308

That armature should have automatic IK. So if you wanted to position the arms, you'd just have to move the hands. Same for the feet.
If you want to have the model squat, you either grab that box near the hips, or the saddle looking thing in the same area.
If you mean the motion is symmetrical, where when you move the arm on the left side, the right side changes, there's a little "XYZ" box at the top/bottom of your viewport that you just need to toggle off.

Anonymous No. 991318

Thank you very much

Anonymous No. 991329

Dunno if this is a really stupid question, or it'll just die along with the thread but here goes.
Is there a 3d format that acts like a container of sorts for 3d models with animation? Like say I want to make a tiny 3d animation that repeats, and put that as it's own self-contained thing in another file (lets say as a hologram), is there a format I could use? Opposed to bringing in a rigged model, and animating it in the final destination, just bring in a file that has all of that baked into the model already.
That's what allembic (.abc) does, right? Takes an animated mesh with bones and stuff, turns it into vertex animation, and then can just be exported and played back where you need?
Like the equivalent of an image sequence/movie texture for textures, but for 3d. The model and animation all neatly packed into one file that can be re-used without fucking around with bones and stuff, and without bringing in keyframes or actions for the NLA editor. It's just all in the file.

That's a thing, right? I know the use case is probably extremely small, I'd be using it for holograms in my project. So I could just animate what I need in one project, export it to this file format, and bring it in to my other project as a self-contained unit that I can plop around the scene. Ideally materials and textures would come along for the ride, but I don't know if that's feasible.

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Anonymous No. 991331

im just gonna call this a study, that way I can say I completed it instead of just slacking off and moving on.

please tear it apart, thanks

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Anonymous No. 991377

When I try to do Soften brush when texture painting, blender freezes like a crazy for 6 seconds and uses 40% of CPU

Anonymous No. 991379


I will add to this that I tried it on 4k texture. But even on 1024x1024 its still laggy as shit

Anonymous No. 991414

Is your CPU a piece of shit?
Blender might also be shit and have brushes like that operate on a single core.

Anonymous No. 991416
gonna start working on this. terrible at animation but that's kind of the point. done a few walk and run cycles before but nothing too crazy in terms of personality. what is a good way to go about it? like do you start with a generic walk cycle every time and then modify it as needed? ie start with a generic walk then lean the character forward and clench their fists to change it into an angry one? or do you just fully make the angry one from scratch? if that makes sense

Anonymous No. 991442


>Is your CPU a piece of shit?

Ryzen 7 58003D

RTX 3090 Ti

Anonymous No. 991514

anyone gonna do this? think I'll give it a go, looks fun. want to use this one character but the only models I've found for her are porn models so maybe I'll get to have an extra fun version just for me

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blender shitty.png

Anonymous No. 991521

Why does my version of cycles rendered mode look way worse than the tutorial guy's screen? I assume I followed instructions incorrectly at some point, but I'm open to the possibility of my computer just being shit.

Anonymous No. 991522

Are you talking about the noise? Turn on viewport denoising... that's the only major difference I see

Anonymous No. 991523

Yeah it was the viewport denoiser. Looks like I only ticked the denoise option for render but not viewpoint.

Anonymous No. 992123

I had a similar bug once, I think it's related to your tablet input type?
Try switching Tablet API to Wintab in Preferences>Input>Tablet

Anonymous No. 992165

where would you send suggestions to the blender foundation?

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My pirate raft.png

Anonymous No. 992213

finished pirate raft tutorial
I really like the teacher, he speaks in a clear and concise manner

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pokemon balls v3.png

Anonymous No. 992312

pokemon balls, haha

Anonymous No. 992326

looking good. who's the teacher?

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weird grey box.jpg

Anonymous No. 992331

Please /3/, I need your help. This annoying-ass grey boxed appeared when I fat fingered some keys, and I have no idea how to make it go away. I also have no idea what the fuck to search on google, because every search I make assumes I'm talking about the default cube or something.

EDIT *before posting: Okay nevermind. Apparently, you can just scroll to one far side of the grey box, and click and drag it up and down (and dragging it down far enough makes it go away).

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walls i guess.png

Anonymous No. 992410

I wanted to be smart by using geo nodes to create walls, but the uneven thickness of the curve approach looks bad. Separating the edges helps with that but leaves gaps.
Should i just discard the idea of "smart" walls or is there a way of making this work?

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Anonymous No. 992413

Would a curve line (polyline) with a solidify modifier on even thickness mode work for your purposes? If you want to stay completely within geo nodes, the Higgsas geo node pack has a solidify group node in it which works the same.

Anonymous No. 992456

Sadly not, even the regular modifier breaks if i tick "even thickness"

Anonymous No. 992492

Fresh thread
