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🧵 Is there even any point learning 3d?

Anonymous No. 987145

Learning to 3d model has always been my creative end game as a graphic designer, but like everything other form of visual art, I feel like once I get good it won't matter because it'll all be automated by AI. This has already happened with my 2D illustrations, with people thinking it's AI (pic rel) even though I spent a day meticulously drawing it.

Should I try 3d modelling or have I just missed the boat at this point?

Anonymous No. 987149

we are still a generation away from the best computers in the world being able to create animated movies from a simple prompt, which means we are 5 or 6 generations away from bringing that tech to the consoomer. there has literally never been a more critical time to get into 3d modeling. The earlier you get in on something the better. but no in 100 years 3d modeling will be obsolete, but over the next 20 or 30 years 3d modeling will become vastly more important.

Anonymous No. 987151

thats a reassuring thought but how can we rule out the prospect of 3D Midjourney coming out in less than a year

Anonymous No. 987153

if there is anything in this world that i could give less of a shit about, it would be midjourney

Anonymous No. 987156

it sucks, I agree, but theres no escaping that people are using it to replace commercial illustrators and that's why im moving away from graphic design. My latest fear is that they'll come for 3D and music next.

Anonymous No. 987175

Don't stop doing stuff just because "something can do it better", do it because you like to create. Find a place where people appreciate that you did something yourself no matter the end product and you'll be able to prosper.

No matter how much an AI improves, it'll never be able to give you the enjoyment you get from doing things yourself.

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Anonymous No. 987185

3D modeling can make you a better 2D artist. I use 3D software to make simple models and set up scenes for reference to make sure I get the perspective and lighting correct. It's similar to using a wood mannequin for anatomy. Even basic 3D modeling skills go a long way to helping 2D art.

Anonymous No. 987192

If it's money you want, you'd be hard pressed eventually

Anonymous No. 987213

>100 years is code for 7 years

Anonymous No. 987233

Drawing and modeling are just labor. There are tons of workflows and functions within any asset production pipeline that will rely on human judgement and communication. Giving up on 3d modeling just because of AI is an overreaction.

Honestly reminds me of how people in the 90s used to say Excel will make accountants obsolete because its capable of automating repetitive mechanical tasks.

And if you just want to learn as a hobby, then by all means keep practicing. Art isn’t going to die out just because some pajeet learned to use a plagiarism database.

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Anonymous No. 988756

Where can I see your other stuff?
Like your style, remids me of italo disco covers

Anonymous No. 989028


Yeah I love Italo disco and that airbrush style is exactly what inspires me. I'm glad someone noticed.

Anonymous No. 989029

please stop with the ai threads holy fucking shit

Anonymous No. 989030

You're trying to ask us a question that only you can answer but you're also telling us how much of a loser you are and unwilling to put in actual work. If you enjoy the process, then who gives a flying fuck. If you're that worried about AI, then you're not only a fucking idiot but someone who is isn't willing to try and just do something rather that worrying about the bullshit. Stop being a little bitch and just do something creative.

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Anonymous No. 989083

the physical world is a pathway to many artforms some consider to be non-automatable

Anonymous No. 989084

These are losers that never would make it in general. It's pretty much useless to engage and they're lost causes in the scheme of things cause they are first rate failures. They just have excuses more than actual motivation. They're the first ones to give up rather than adapt.

Anonymous No. 989100

>some consider to be non-automatable
grong it is indeed automatable, the question is if the mega rich would fall for it

Anonymous No. 989101

>Is there even any point in posting here? Cris?

Anonymous No. 989319

5 years ago:

last year:

Anonymous No. 989330

>doing things based on what other people think and not for yourself
>implying that because AI can make something better than you (it can't) and getting upset and talking about quitting is any different to seeing a person who can make something better than you (they can) and getting upset and talking about quitting

Unironically NGMI mentality.