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๐Ÿงต Rate these running animations

Anonymous No. 987157

- Most well made
- Most realistic
- Most sexy

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normal looking.webm

Anonymous No. 987158

Sorry, here's the correct one.

Anonymous No. 987159

leaving the far left one being most sexy for obvious reasons, I think Zelda's animation, when it comes strictly to animation quality and realism is in a whole other level when compared to the other two

Anonymous No. 987162

>leaving the far left one being most sexy for obvious reasons,
I don't see those obvious reasons.
>I think Zelda's animation, when it comes strictly to animation quality and realism is in a whole other level when compared to the other two
And why is that?

Anonymous No. 987169

>I don't see those obvious reasons.
the ass shape is way more defined and explicit than in the other two
>And why is that?
ok you get a pass cause I'm an ex-animator, the reason why is because the body reacts to the steps, as in has counter forces that are meant to happen when walking, or like they used to say in animation, "just exaggerate". , there's probably more to it than just that, but I don't feel like writing an essay or analyzing the animation more than the 3 seconds I put into the other two are not bad but when put side to side with zelda's you notice more attention to detail than the other two

Anonymous No. 987170

>the ass shape is way more defined and explicit than in the other two
Are you saying she has a big butt?
>ok you get a pass cause I'm an ex-animator, the reason why is because the body reacts to the steps, as in has counter forces that are meant to happen when walking, or like they used to say in animation, "just exaggerate". , there's probably more to it than just that, but I don't feel like writing an essay or analyzing the animation more than the 3 seconds I put into the other two are not bad but when put side to side with zelda's you notice more attention to detail than the other two
The only difference my non-animator-background eyes can see is that Zelda's ass looks like it's full of lard.

Anonymous No. 987172

>Are you saying she has a big butt?
Oof, you're making me work hard here anon, look it's the equivalent of wearing leggins but two girls wear grandma panties and the other one wears a thong up her rectum, get it now?
fuck you for making me look twice, but zelda's despite the very non sexualized ass, I mean let's not focus on the ass for this one, looks as if it is walking, as in every step generates a counter force, while the other two seem "floating" in that regard

Anonymous No. 987173

>Oof, you're making me work hard here anon, look it's the equivalent of wearing leggins but two girls wear grandma panties and the other one wears a thong up her rectum, get it now?
But aren't you talking about the design of her outfit, rather than the actual animation now? Vanessa on the left has a tighter suit, and therefore a more defined ass, isn't that right? But that has nothing to do with the actual animation.
>fuck you for making me look twice, but zelda's despite the very non sexualized ass, I mean let's not focus on the ass for this one, looks as if it is walking, as in every step generates a counter force, while the other two seem "floating" in that regard
It's kind of difficult to now look at Zelda's ass when her butt cheeks look like two squirrels fighting over the last nuts before winter.

But you're trying to say that her whole body is animated according to how she runs, while the other two have more unnatural and rigid animations? That's correct for Lara, but not for Vanessa I think.

Anonymous No. 987176

>But that has nothing to do with the actual animation.
I understand your point and I won't contest cause I'm too tired
I'm not going to look at the webm again

Anonymous No. 987177

Well, go to sleep and come back tomorrow. We'll have an interesting debate, anon.

Anonymous No. 987179

no no no, fuck you

Anonymous No. 987180

Hey, no need to be rude.

Anonymous No. 987181

ok, sorry, you just ask too many questions anon, and I'm not up for it

Anonymous No. 987183

I score all three as sufficiently well made but I find neither to be amazing.

Lara's is the most realistic and most pleasing to my eye, it's a gait that looks plausible for someone who runs long distances.
No wasted movement, correct looking arm pump and hip/shoulder sway within the kind of range you would see a high level triathlon runner use.

I think 'pink-butt girl' moves outside the envelope of sexy and dips into thirsty/pornographic territory
and the side to side movement of whatever that thing on her back is makes it look like a massless piece of plastic.

Leg cycle and cadence of cartoon girl (Zelda?) looks good but that snap at the end of her free arm looks janky and off so that part makes it the least well made one.

Lara thus wins all three categories as pink-butt girl is disqualified from 'sexy' by trying too hard.

>A fine performance from Croft as she dash across the finish line. Everybody clapped.

Anonymous No. 987186

>Lara's is the most realistic and most pleasing to my eye
I agree on this
>I think 'pink-butt girl' moves outside the envelope of sexy and dips into thirsty/pornographic territory

Anonymous No. 987210

B, C, A

Anonymous No. 987212

What it is is that Zelda is wearing a bunch of gear on her belt and it's concealing her dramatic hip waggle. Shepard is naked with a body suit texture applied so you can see the waggle a lot more. Both of them are waggling sexily and they have an extra ass bone bridging the deformations between their pelvis and femur.
Lara is just low tech, streamlined. I bet she has fewer bones and her animation has fewer keyframes to save disc space. Very little hip waggle.
I wouldnt go so far as to call shepard's run pornographic. It's how an athletic woman would run and that's sexy because fit women are sexy. If I were going to make a sexy run on purpose the hip waggling would be intrusively extreme. Like to compromise the efficiency of the running.

Anonymous No. 987218

That is not Sheppard but a character from a fan-service laden PS2 game I've forgotten the title of, that characters whole moveset is this weird Jap-erotica style where they like women to behave a bit clumsy and low-IQ like as if their mind-body connection is very immature.

Anonymous No. 987219

Ah I see that isn't shepard, but otherwise the running animation isnt that extreme. It's very normal looking too me. It doesn't scream "sexy running" it just looks like how women run with their giant pelvises and crooked legs.

Anonymous No. 987222

> where they like women to behave a bit clumsy and low-IQ like as if their mind-body connection is very immature.

I think this is what ruins this sort of thing for me. The movement itself has an erotic appeal as it shows a very feminine type motion and sway.
But when displayed prolonged as a default running animation it's so apparent how it's construed to appeal to a specific type of man
who is into the whole 'clumsy = sexy' thing.

Which in turn is indicative of some inept dude who get a bulge from women being physically inferior even to him.
Like you're a strong guy you'll dream of a woman who can keep up running alongside you and not one you gotta roll around in a
fucking wheelchair so she don't trip on her titties and knock things over in trying to get from A to B.
(Prob while knocking herself on the head with limp wristed first sticking out her tongue and calling herself baka.)

It's in knowing the audience of such content the turn-off really peaks.

Anonymous No. 987224

>'clumsy = sexy' thing.
I just dont see what you're talking about. Her feet land on the ground. Her balance is consistent. She shifts her weight with her steps. Where is the clumsiness? Where is the eroticism? beyond her design being a naked women. swap out her model for a woman in a sweat suit and a baseball cap and there'd be nothing erotic about this.

Anonymous No. 987226

In isolation I would not react that strongly but I'm familiar with the whole moveset.

The game is called 'P.N.03' She has this very exaggerated flappy moveset where she moves with her knees overlapping inwards
like she's a bit too anorectic to move at run speed. Weak women attempting athletic movement sometimes have that gait.
Whenever She stops she snaps into these exaggerated seductive stripper pose and stuff like that. It's just a very overtly thirsty game.

Anonymous No. 987231

w/e I've seen it dicussed before. This thread is about these 3 specific running animations. I'm not going to judge this animation because it's in a set of others which are supposedly over the top.
The pn03 animation and zelda's animation are virtually identical. The difference being zelda has a bulky costume with props covering her body.

Anonymous No. 987236

>The difference being zelda has a bulky costume with props covering her body.

Check your eyeballs anon. 'Zelda' has minimal sway compared to 'P.N.03'. Zelda is running with way less hip motion as she's hold the upper body more stationary holding the sword. P.N.03 has this big wasted torsional motion to drive this artificial pumping of the ass cheeks.

Zelda is just running in a believable fashion, pink girl is wiggling her booty at the camera with intent to wiggle. It's breaking the 4th wall with the ass of the character.
She very clearly moves like she's aware someone thirsting for her butt is staring at it. Same with those stripper poses she'll strike when she stops.
We know absolutely no one moves like that unless someone is watching them and they are actively showing off their body with intent to seduce or titillate.

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Anonymous No. 987240

Im looking at it and there is nothing extra happening with pinky's butt. I'm also looking and zelda is doing the same thing. She's 80% yellow hair. I have seen a million booty dances and twerks, pinky butt is just running. The strip tease is in your mind. Prompted by the character's costume. Secondly zelda's chastity is an illusion created by youre staunch nostalgia and that fact that she is covered with other meshes driven by dynamics and breaking up her motion. You can see her right shoulder and her right hip. She is contorting at the same angle and pinky. It is the same. If you wanted to nitpick zelda is doing it more in this particular frame.
Hell lara's hips are at a similar angle too but her animation is stiff and has almost not shoulder or hip movement. she just has wide hips. So does pinky and zelda. If you animate someone running you have to animate their pelvis, if their pelvis is big then the throw on either side will be longer. If you're a heterosexual male, swaying hips on attractive young women will give you a boner.
That's it.

Anonymous No. 987244

your read of angles are very poor, pink has much wider range of pelvic rotation, like 200% + more.

Anonymous No. 987513

Lara looks good. A bit of squish, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Vanessa and Zelda both look flabby.

Anonymous No. 987514

Stop samefagging and kill yourself, Sybb. This is beyond pathetic.

Anonymous No. 987606

>'This is beyond pathetic' he types in a rate dat ass animation thread.

Yeah stop disagreeing with anon ya'll, this is too serious to have any sort of divergent opinion.
You must heed anons request for ritualistic suicide by strangling yourself with ur wireless keyboard cord
because it is such a warranted and sound request from a healthy mind that not at all belong within the confines of a padded cage.

Anonymous No. 987843

Please do not engage in discussion with this autist.
He's literally been at this FOR YEARS. On /3/, on /v/, anywhere he can get people talking about his waifu's ass from a forgotten game from the mid 2000s.

Anonymous No. 988096

>most well made
pinky butt
>most realistic
for the lard ass that she has: Zelda
>most sexy
Lara by a mile

Anonymous No. 988274

years? I was in grade school when this faggot started this shit. This is decades now.

Anonymous No. 988289

Decades are still comprised of years anon. Dunno if they taught you that in grade school or not.

Anonymous No. 988325

Keep downplaying it vegan

Anonymous No. 988352

Downplaying what?
Dude's a fuckin schizo and I wish he'd fuck off.