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Anonymous No. 987279

Can someone who has worked with blender geometry nodes, give me a QRD on what the limitations and possibilities are.
I've literally never even had to touch 3d modeling software up until recently for game dev stuff.
How schizophrenic can you get with parametric designs? How crazy/precise can you make the logic chains? Can it be used for 3d printing/engineering projects as well?
I have yet to hear someone say it's shit because _____, other than for a seeming lack of problem solving skills. It kinda reminds me of when FM was first starting to get really popular in the sound design space and I know you can go off the deep end with sound design pretty fucking fast. I'm hoping parametric modelling is the same.

Anonymous No. 987286

if you're not attached to blender by the hip, just go straight to houdini.
geo nodes are built so closely to the way things work in houdini that skills transfer over if you do want to use both eventually (most geonodes have 1:1 houdini node analogues).
difference b/w the two being houdini's been around for dog's years and everything in geonodes is already in houdini + a lot more.
also fm comparison is silly, eurorack/modular would be better.

Anonymous No. 987292

>what the limitations
I've barely scratched the surface, but you can't do recursive geo nodes.
Like if you had an object created with geometry nodes, and you wanted to use that object on another GN setup, you can't do it.
Here's a real-world example
>You make a procedural tree with GN that randomly makes a new tree with every instance/duplicate
>You make a plane, with the intent of scattering that procedural tree all over it, with the hope that every tree scattered will be random
>Blender kicks you in the balls, fucks your mom, and tells you to go fuck yourself, because you can't nest GN setups like that, and even if you could, the trees won't be random
The only solution is to do it ALL in one single GN nodetree (i.e. create the tree, and scatter that tree in a single GN modifier), defeating the point of creating modular assets as tiny, self-contained, units.

Other than that, GN has been pretty handy. And this is coming from a fucking retard that hasn't had to teach himself something in like 10 years.

Anonymous No. 987296

Like I said, I don't know shit about 3d modelling apart from all the blender 101s I've binged over the past week.
I've looked through what Houdini has, and idk man, I don't like that I have to sign up/pay for it. Even if I could probably get it off the bay.
Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but blender seems to be the swiss army knife of anything 3d related, and I want to avoid having to switch between different software/workflow where possible. The only reason why I would swap between the two is if geo nodes would take a long while to/never catch up to those of houdini, because from what I understand they're still a relatively new feature in blender. Thanks though, I'll keep my options open.
And yeah, I forgot about the modular schizos, I had a brain lag on that one. But honestly, you can have a whole 1950's computer building type modular chain going and it still not come close to some of the Phase Plant patches I've seen.
yeah, that sounds like a pain in the ass. Although I don't really plan on making complex parametric animations like that in blender yet. But I can see it coming back to bite me in the ass later, for sure.
Do you think it's something that will be implemented at some point either by blender/ by a community mod?

Anonymous No. 987303

>The only reason why I would swap between the two is if geo nodes would take a long while to/never catch up to those of houdini
it's very unlikely geo nodes will catch up to houdini. it's just a consequence of how the two pieces of software were architected, the user-base for each, and the pace of development on both.

if you primarily want to manually model/sculpt/animate and dabble with nodes then blender is a better option
if you primarily want to build procedural systems and do simulations then houdini is the way to go - you'll still need blender for modelling/sculpting
knowing both is ideal, they compliment each other very well

houdini apprentice is free with minor liminations and yes, piracy is possible

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Anonymous No. 987369

possibilities are endless and the limit is you. duh.

is there something you actually want to do that isn't already well within the use cases?

>How schizophrenic can you get with parametric designs?
you can get very pedantic, aka very autistic, I don't know how being a schizo is going to help but you can very easily make geonodes seem schitzo.

>How crazy/precise can you make the logic chains?
functionally limitless although it certainly seems like one would experience a decreasing roi after a certain number of nodes.

>Can it be used for 3d printing/engineering projects as well?
yes. is there some reason you suspect it wouldn't?

>I have yet to hear someone say it's shit because _____,
It is shit because you cannot choose to reseed your generations. sometimes you just get a bad seed and in an otherwise limitless system it's fucking ass that you can't just regen the seed if you happen to get unfortunate results in an otherwise sound system of geonodes. almost no one experiences this because of the limited way in which they are actually used, however the limit exists and if this one very specific problem of a bad gen affects you you're basically fucked.

Anonymous No. 989892
