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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 987524

Why cant I do 3D at all?
I cant even pose nor understand poses

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Anonymous No. 987525

I cant get poses or movement or volume
Let alone light

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Anonymous No. 987526

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Anonymous No. 987527

Anonymous No. 987528

Oh wait. Are you the guy who tried drawing and who'd write "FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE" all over his 10 minute sketches?

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Anonymous No. 987529

That's me
It takes me hour to pose or light a character as I dont get it

Anonymous No. 987530

>That's me
holy kek
Yeah, your main problem is psychological issues. Get those fixed first.

Anonymous No. 987531

I cant
I have no talenrlt

Anonymous No. 987532

"How can I improve?"
"Like this."
"No, I won't do that!"

Anonymous No. 987533

I just dont have talent
He did in 30 mins what I coildnt do in 5 hours

Anonymous No. 987543

oh no don't quit you're so good at this!

Anonymous No. 987547

Troll thread pt.2

Anonymous No. 988365

Chud thread.

Anonymous No. 988452

Talent is a myth fucknuts
If you're a low iq midwit who is incapable of learning you will never succeed.
The fact that you feel the need to complain on 4chan about being shit is proof enough you're a dud

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the chair nerd No. 988470

And they banned me for trolling....

Anonymous No. 988477

I know this is a schizo thread but find an image you like the pose/lighting of and copy it until you understand it

Anonymous No. 990654


Anonymous No. 990673

you only get banned if someone reports you

Anonymous No. 990926

Holy fuck it's Wandafag I can't believe you're here too. Saw you screaching about Hakobe in /fng/ and /Co/ years ago, are you still mentally insane and too stubborn to stop self hating and assuming you have to be born with talent?

Anonymous No. 990945

They banned you for being a namefag.
Also post your donut

Anonymous No. 992243


Anonymous No. 992762

I remember seeing your threads a while ago. have you made anything new? the last thing i remember you made was something with Hope from fortnite
>Let alone light
lazy procrastinator wrote a blog about lighting. maybe it'll come in handy? it's a good read. if the page doesnt load just refresh it. it worked for me after i refreshed it

Anonymous No. 992771

his lighting is mediocre beyond belief