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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 987936

When did you realise this software is for women?

For me it was when I was looking up guides and all the comments were about making clothes for their Sims.

Anonymous No. 987944

When did you realize Op was an incel?

For me it was when he complained a piece of software he used had a mostly female user-base.

Anonymous No. 987945

Anyway, what's the male version of this software? Marvelous feels very feminine, right down the the UI elements.

Anonymous No. 987961

it's cloth making software ya foo. Ya know, sewing patterns and stitching. Tf did you expect? Cloth design is great for making cash, but most of their software also works great for your daz/poser models and shit. For something more "3d" looking there's belnder's cloth weaver plugin, but it's shit.

Anonymous No. 987962

Making clothes im Zbrush

Anonymous No. 987963

Hating women is perfectly allowed, mr sn0yjak. You forgot where we are. On an mysoginistic, toxic, bullying, incel nazi right wing 3D board which is a child of /pol/. Only 3D anime are worshipped and fapped to with crusty dicks as 97% of everyone here does.

Anonymous No. 987965

>You forgot [Headcanon]
Ic's bitch. Soifuckboi. Literally look at the headcanon.
>Only [More headcanon]
Daz3d literally OWNS every poster here. Including op. 3d starts and ends at daz. Gen alphas dont even know who emma Watson is but make porn of her anyway thanks to depraved boomers.

Anonymous No. 987972

I intuited this approximately 300 milliseconds after learning that the software existed

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The Moorish Chief....jpg

Anonymous No. 987976

MD is for queers, faggots, and women
CLO3D is for patrician dandies

Anonymous No. 987977

Its the same shit nigga and every tut there sill a higher femoid to male ratio. Hell ever more since it makes REAL clothes. The mormons boomers at daz3d need to fix this.

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Anonymous No. 987990

Haters gotta hate, this will never stop being a thing in fashion.

Anonymous No. 987991

Have you considered how if you ever find a male dominated software for making clothes you will only have succeeded in finding a hardcore gay application?

If you need to sew something IRL do you do it any different than a women? No you use needle and thread to make suitable stitches because that's what sewing entails.
The heterosexual thing to do would be to weld it together but since we don't wear metal anymore that would just set it on fire, so either you embrace your femininity for the time it takes you to stitch together what you need to fix or you stay straight and just use duct tape and pay the price of looking like a fallout hobo.

My tip is to just get over yourself anon.

Anonymous No. 988000

If Marvelous is for women, CLO3D is for turbo women.

Anonymous No. 988001

Clothes made in ZBrush aren't really clothes. They're cartoons of clothes. But working with marvelous really opened my eyes as to how deep and involved making actual clothes is. Also if your clothing adheres to real World principals like it does in marvelous, work like texturing etc is much easier later on.

Anonymous No. 988003

>Work on textures is easy
No it’s not, you have to make sure it works with simulation and body. It’s not a real world scenario where you slap colors in.

Anonymous No. 988281

You will never be a woman
both are fine.

Anonymous No. 988284

Making clothes in blender like a man.

Anonymous No. 988313

When I got it I thought "Cool I can make soldier uniforms n stuff"
but then I found myself studying actual clothing design principles and techniques. I never even made anything cool in the end :(

Anonymous No. 988384

It took me like a week from getting the software to make outfits for characters to me staring at women's outfits and thinking
>Oh that's an interesting princess seam on your blouse

Anonymous No. 988395

>Playing dress up with virtual girls is female
No fuck you and fuck our boomer parents which still peddled that stuff.
I wish I had to get to play with dolls as a kid, but no it all was about ingraining into the young minds that "though shall not touch the women"

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Anonymous No. 988908

Time to learn Houdini

Anonymous No. 990274
