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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 988015

Where can I pirate Keos Mason's stuff?
I want to see their tutorials and have their resources.

Anonymous No. 988765

Those videos cost less than a meal at McDonalds now

Anonymous No. 988772

That's right.
You have some explaining to do now, chud. Your bigotry is crossing the line now, refusing to pay FIFTEEN dollars which can be earned in two hours.

Anonymous No. 988790

Buy the fucking videos, you filthy communist

Anonymous No. 988794

>I need to pirate that indi game, I would never afford 0.90usd.
>My shoes? They cost 500usd, they suck but Colgate's logo makes me cum

Anonymous No. 988805

I literally have no money, I live 100% outside normalfag society. I don't even have a bank account. I don't pay taxes. I don't have a passport or any identification. I'm not sure if I even exist legally at this point.

Anonymous No. 988806

communists hate piracy though
they hate it when poor people get access to things

Anonymous No. 988817

is your suitable place

Anonymous No. 988830

I am as removed from that as one can be.

Anonymous No. 988836

it's one guy mate, one guy
the fuck? fucking commie bastard, fuck off!!

Anonymous No. 989587

does anyone have Mike nash brush? I don't want to spend $20 because he's already dead