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Flouride stare.png

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 988037

What's the board obsession with DAZ? I regularly use blender, Zbrush, etc in my pipeline and never even once considered using DAZ. I don't even know what it does, yet you all seem to insist on it.
The only thing I know about DAZ is that every model that comes out of it looks like a single mom with a skin disease and a permanent fluoride stare. Even the stylized characters seem to have a "look" about them that instantly betrays their dazzieness. What's the deal? What's being offered in DAZ that I can't get anywhere else?

Anonymous No. 988043

DAZ is a coomer videogame disguising as a art software. It's purpose is to enable the userbase of
taking creep shot photography off women pretending like they're doing something more elevated than that.

It's popular with an audience that pretends like this isn't the case and seek out art-communities to spam renders pretending
like posing, staging assets and lighting scenes is a craft in it's own on a similar level to making stuff from scratch.

It's nothing new. Before DAZ it was poser Bryce 3D etc. Don't confuse the DAZ-lets with real people.

Anonymous No. 990023

Someone's salty. Do you get bent out of shape when people call photography "art" as well?

Anonymous No. 990028

Found the dazlet.

Anonymous No. 990030

Post ur works before bitching faggot

Anonymous No. 990034


Anonymous No. 990038

It's essentially an "analog" equivalent to AI, as in it's and older tool that enables essentially anybody to create something that seems good at a glance.
I like to think that ultimately it's not the tools or even the style someone goes for with whatever medium they're using that makes art good, but rather the artistic and creative sensibilities the person has.
The issue with these types of tools is that people with no artistic or creative sensibilities are attracted to it, so most of everything made with it looks bad.
The most annoying part about it is that people who aren't familiar with 3dcg get fooled by it easily and will shower the dazlet with compliments about how talented they are.

Anonymous No. 990049

>posing, staging assets, and lighting scenes
I get your point, but composition is 100% an art on a similar level, it's not just highly work intensive
Couldn't have said it better myself

Anonymous No. 990063

Yes, I use DAZ. I'm also under no delusion that I'm producing great works of art from scratch like an actual artist would. I'm using someone else's assets and creating my own compositions with them. It's a shortcut - same as using models from any other asset store. Not all of us have the time and dedication to handcraft 3d models. And I'm not going around claiming that I made everything in my daz renders - I label it as such, "This is a daz render using other people's assets." The way people on this board get bent out of shape about it tickles me, though.

Anonymous No. 990064

Watch your language

Anonymous No. 990065

>Yes, I use DAZ
Aaaaand stop reading. Get fkd

Anonymous No. 990067

There is no need to defend yourself on this board. Very few here can claim to be artists, or even productive

Anonymous No. 990069

>Perma /wegs/ hyperfags squirting anal liquid over daz of all things when even zbrush bros use genesis dolls
>Even niggit spaces his posts
>So nigger brained, he can't even spell fucked
What level of jewtubing is this?

Anonymous No. 990071

Cool it with the racism but I agree.

Anonymous No. 990090

The source of cancer...

Anonymous No. 990127

>Buttfucked dazlet sperging out

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Anonymous No. 990146

Casual CHADcism is the requirement for a healthy board. Do you not rememeber when /3/ was the top board on mobile apps? Every thread suffered except daz because EVERYONE off all colors of dazdolls enjoys some level of racism
>Perma /weg/ seethes so much, he you's me twice
Kekychonky! How are newfags STILL like this over dazdolls? It's almost 2025 even and they still get analwrecked for fucking posing software.

Anonymous No. 990152

>>Perma /wegs/ hyperfags squirting anal liquid over daz of all things when even zbrush bros use genesis dolls
>>Even niggit spaces his posts
>Kekychonky! How are newfags
Trying this hard to fit in, lmao! You will never be one of us, dazlet newfag. Go back to your board.

Anonymous No. 990156

>I'm so based, he you's me not once, not twice, but more than thrice
Kek-lmao! You can smell that butthurt though the screen! Why are perma /weg/ meltdowns so funny?
>Reddit spacing
>Using "us" when its just you.
>Implying the daz threads arent the most consistently good threads on /3/

Anonymous No. 990159

Are the terms this prodaz newfag uses even part of any boards lingo? I've never seen anyone or anything going 'kekachonks'.
Comes off as OTT inauthentic, like a FED at a drugdeal trying to blend in to the point of standing out.

>gigganiggachadchonga I'm the ambassador of kekkalonga

No you're not, you're some kind of imposter. You're not even a real DAZlet-bro, I don't trust you one bit anon.

Anonymous No. 990184

I am a dazlet ya fool. Do you really call foul when you see someone shitposting?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 990194

All me. I'm trans btw

Anonymous No. 990196

>I am a dazlet ya fool.

The proof is in the PYW. You're no dazlet, you're just some wannabe.

Anonymous No. 990200

>He thinks ANYONE on /3/ would pretend to use a software for dick points
This isn't /ic/, newfag.

Anonymous No. 990220

>Knows about /ic/ boardculture

You're not making headway in proving your the real deal being a dazlet you poser.

Anonymous No. 990226

>gigganiggachadchonga I'm the ambassador of kekkalonga
Couldn't stop laughing to this my god...

Anonymous No. 990492

My only problem is that all the renders I've seen look like shit
Why not just use blender or sfm?

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Anonymous No. 990495

I just like playing doll dressup from time to time my main mane
nothing wrong with that

Anonymous No. 990507

It's the 3D slop equivalent of Koikatsu