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Anonymous No. 988206

Maybe dumb question, but for character animation is it better to sculpt the character and then retopo or simply model it, and why?

Anonymous No. 988209

is it better to shit than to piss

Anonymous No. 988210

I'm so autistic that when I studied CGI I made my own way of modeling realistic faces using spiky triangles and smoothing modifier on top, my then classmate fren was tripping balls and his mind was full of fuck, sad that I didn't continue that path 2bh

Anonymous No. 988224

I'd argue it's generally faster to sculpting and then retopo, but when it comes to animation specifically the approach doesn't matter much as long as the topology is good for animation in the end.

Anonymous No. 988229

> simply model it
in my experience it's a lot more difficult to 'simply model' a head than to sculpt and retopo. You need to know what you're doing to model it, whereas with sculpting you can just figure it out as you go and only worry about topology once you've made all the creative decisions.
I honestly feel like sculpting and retopoing is a much superior workflow for most high-detail characters, it's what everyone in the 3d industry uses I think.
But if you're doing a fairly generic character and you know what you're doing, pure modeling can certainly work well
(t. hobbyist, I have no professional 3d experience)

Anonymous No. 988238

It doesn't matter, if the topology is good it's the same.
Do whatever is easier for you

Anonymous No. 988376

Box modelling to final geometry makes sense if your mesh is fairly low poly and will be heavily subdivided, like 4-6 levels of subdiv. The reason to do this is with careful planning you can make models with low amounts of verts that look higher resolution than they are, compared to retopologized models.
The model in the thumbnail has too many polys for that so it's pointless.

Anonymous No. 988381

why does topology even matter? why can't computers just figure it out if they're so smart. it's literally just dots connected by lines, how hard can it be. fucking scam.

Anonymous No. 988383

where do you draw the line, what are some examples of models that you'd prefer to sculpt instead of modeling?

Anonymous No. 988389

nta but I sculpt everything. What I imagine is you could possibly boxmodel extremely low poly characters, like those 200 poly anime girls.

You still need normal map details to project it onto your low poly model which only comes from a highly detailed sculpt or you stylize and handpaint everything which is just more laborious.

Anonymous No. 988392

If the geometry can be defined using smooth surfaces and you don't need details.
Like mentioned anime characters, or anything stylized is a good choice.
Another factor is if it's supposed to be actually low poly, either for stylistic choice or performance, say models part of a crowd.
Clothing made out of leather and shoes, hats, belts, etc.. is also excellent to box model.
Inanimate objects in general.
Only there if it's technology, gadgets, some other man made objects I'd go even further and use CAD and export as a mesh for the asset.

Anonymous No. 988474

it should be illegal to make something this ugly

Anonymous No. 988476

Happy pride month

Anonymous No. 988734

do you guys use Bsurfaces to retopo?

Anonymous No. 988737

it depends on what I'm doing but I like to sculpt so I can define the shape in 3D space without thinking about topology
but that doesn't matter for stylized characters because the shape is simple and the topology is already determined

I do it the old fashioned way, F and snap skinwrap, but I don't do it everyday

Anonymous No. 988748


Anonymous No. 989021

Sculpt then retopo. You can always bake a normal/height map from the sculpted model so that you can keep finer details.
Its also much easier to clean up edge flow and topology on a low poly model than a sculpted one

Anonymous No. 989031

this guy HATES animators

Anonymous No. 989515

Sculpt and retopo is good if you're working out the shape of something but end of the day, it's the same result. So if you already know where everything should be and how it flows, it can be simpler to just make the thing with subdivision. Especially with simple styles like anime.

Anonymous No. 989521

this is correct. op's thumbnail is to bait lazy adhd blendjeets or any other retard into this one superduper life hack which only takes 1 minute to do or cuts off a lot of work.

sculpting and comfortable retopoing will always be superior. and you get shipped with a free package of detailed normal maps.

Anonymous No. 989940

Is the built-in quad remesher from blender good enough for retopo?

Anonymous No. 989966

The build-in quad remesher SUCKS, but if it's good enough for your requirements, that's great.

Anonymous No. 990189

Just do whatever you find the most time-efficient to get the result you need.

Anonymous No. 990423

What do you guys think of bsurfaces and the annotation tool?

Anonymous No. 990530

do you guys just not know what subdivision is or...?