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Anonymous No. 988326

So, why am I so happy? I usually do humans in sculpt mode which I fucking hate for some reason but I did this mostly in edit mode! How amazing is that! I didn't know I could do it like that and it seems so much easier and I can make heads more accurately!

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Anonymous No. 988349

Now he's low poly!

Anonymous No. 988350

I didn't have to do retopology whatsoever with this way of modeling humans and shit!

Anonymous No. 988444

Doesn't really look like Elvis, but I'm glad you're happy with the results. I Typically do things in edit mode first too. And then I touch it up with sculpting tools. And sort of bounce back and forth between edit and sculpt until it looks right. But yeah, they call it "box modelling". It was the standard way of modelling before sculpting really took off. Box modelling can be easier than sculpting, if that's what you're accustomed to. Personally, I find sculpting still useful to quickly smoothing and filling out.

You should work on shaping the eyes and lips. The eye sockets are definitely not done. And Elvis doesn't have stretched out thin lips like those. He has pouty lips.

Also, I'm a topology nerd, so I'll appreciate if you posted the wireframe.

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Anonymous No. 988482

Kek, it reminded me of my first sculpt ever.