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🧵 How did JP people make rectangular UVs like this in older games?

Anonymous No. 988488

It may still be used in mobile games or modern games, I'm not sure. But I'd be really curious to hear if there's a particular process to get this done in a fast enough way or if it's a matter of spending time on it.
Tips to make the actual texture fitting this would be appreciated too.

Anonymous No. 988497

Was done manually, now there's a few add-ons to do this.
It's still used on low poly models with small resolution textures so the pixels don't appear rotated 45 degrees and to make seamless textures.

Anonymous No. 988545

I'd like to know this too.
I cracked open some PSP models and many of their textures are laid out so neatly. How the hell do they do this?

Anonymous No. 988557

Just, like, fucking do it.Turn on snapping or do stuff like scaling selection to 0 on one axis (select, s, x 0 on blender to align all selected UVs vertically) and there you go.

There's few enough vertices that it's totally manageable.

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Anonymous No. 988559

Also, plenty of games just didn't do it and looked great all the same.

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Anonymous No. 988565

>rectangular UVs
You're looking for the "Follow Active Quads" function when doing the whole UV layout thing. Watch this tutorial son

Anonymous No. 988619

Do you have links to said addons? I'm curious

Thank you anons, I'll experiment with this!

Anonymous No. 988631


Anonymous No. 989438

looks great*
Vivi is my nigga, poor dude only had like a year to live, and learnt it, big sad =(

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tpl editor.png

Anonymous No. 989824

Can anyone translate what does he meant by this? I'm trying to figure out how to extract models from this game but currently I'm stuck at the file type .pak and .tpl. I know .tpl is texture file for the models but what the hell is .pak and how to read it?
I've been following this tutorial when I encountered the extracted file.;wap2
>It's been a while since I last ripped from Radiant dawn so I might not remember all the steps correctly, but here we go:
>First, open a path of radiance iso with a program called GCTool (I'm not sure if wiiscrubber works there as well) and find where the battle models are stored. Then extract every single file that you will find in a character folder (every character works).
>Now open a radiant dawn iso with wiiscrubber, find where the battle character models are stored and then find a folder called SwoLE, which contains edward's myrmidon files. Replace everything except the pack.cmp (which is edward's model) with path of radiance's files. That will make the character go to the famous T-pose in battle.
>Then find the folder that contains the character you want to rip (for example, trueblade mia is SwoSW I think) and extract the pack.cmp and the tpl files, which are the textures.
>Replace edward's pack.cmp file with your character of choice and convert the texture files using a program called tpl converter. Then you should have the texture images in an usable format.
>Close wiiscrubber (it automatically saves the changes) and run the dolphin emulator with 3d ripper dx. Start a new game and skip everything until you can control edward. attack the bandit and voila! you get the character of your choice t-posed. >Get the frame with 3d ripper DX and find the character in a 3d editing program (know you'll have to deal with the weird double sided faces).
>And that's it, you need a bunch of programs but in the end it's worth it.

Anonymous No. 989834

Just work in majority quads and triangulate afterward holy shit

Anonymous No. 989846

Try these Noesis plugins here

Anonymous No. 990925

This only works for neat quad meshes, for low poly games which tend to have a lot of tris, you'll still need to manually move around stuff.

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Anonymous No. 990999

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Anonymous No. 991000

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Anonymous No. 991001

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Anonymous No. 991002

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Anonymous No. 991003

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Anonymous No. 991687

>38 day old post
wew. anyway, what's the best way to go for this look? I've tried this method before
>create model
>mark seams, unwrap efficiently, create some island margin, turn bleed up
>paint directly on model in blender
>reduce resolution, index colors
but whenever I've tried this it always gets fucked somewhere. should I be painting at the target resolution, like 256x256 or 128x128?
this one guy on twitter seems to have a similar style. I've never actually seen how they mark their seams and stuff to get these clean unwraps, either

Anonymous No. 991709

dude has a website where he roughly describes his process

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Screenshot (72).png

Anonymous No. 991714

yeah. would be nice to see him do it in a video though
he mentioned FF9 as a reference, looking at the models myself I can definitely see the similarities, even if FF9 does go above what's commonly seen as the texture size and poly limit (I'll post a pic after this to show it)

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PlayStation - Fin....png

Anonymous No. 991715

here's a texture for a basic enemy, quite a bit above what people would assume which is a 128x128 or 256x256 limit. the larger enemies like bosses are even more packed
the polygon sizes for some of the models even in FF7 are 2-3x more than what you'd expect is possible on the PS1. those pre-rendered backgrounds freed up a lot of space

Anonymous No. 991717

You need to learn how UV mapping works. Don’t just assume texture is 1:1, you need to know how far away from the original source camera it is. You only learn the basics so I’m assuming it’s somewhere within 10:1 which means pixels aren’t visible thus creating unnecessary noise.

Anonymous No. 991739

I have absolutely zero idea what you're talking about

Anonymous No. 991740

This is the closest video I can find of someone explaining it:

Anonymous No. 991742

Basically you're looking at it the wrong way. Like, for example ff9 models use 128x128 texture pages. That pic you posted is not one big texture but 3 128x128 pages used by 3 submeshes of the same monster

Anonymous No. 992121

Japanese don't unwrap their UVs unlike what they're teaching us westerners. They just place the planes as it is.