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🧵 Old school CGI

Anonymous No. 988594

Would it be easy to make and render these kinds of vaporwave graphics on a MacBook Pro M1? I dont want to bother with expensive PCs and graphics cards and I also hate windows.

Anonymous No. 988595

no it's impossible

Anonymous No. 988596

Ya pic rel would be a walk in the park for modern MacBook. Could probably render semi-photorealistic CG if you're willing to wait.

Anonymous No. 988597

Are you going to keep posting this crap? You've got your answers already

Anonymous No. 988598

this is the first time ive made this post

Anonymous No. 988604

>zoomer ""old school cgi"" thread #9478208934623946772

This has to be advanced shitposting by now, there's no other way

Anonymous No. 988605

Everyone he doesn't like is the same guy.
Sorry pal, that's just the way it is.

Anonymous No. 988617

Install POV-Ray

Anonymous No. 988650

I’ve actually been really interested in this. I’ve downloaded for Mac but not sure how to install it on mac

Anonymous No. 988657

I presume you've downloaded the source code or an ancient OS X binary that can't run on Apple Silicon. Here's the compiling instructions:
Though I'd suggest that you install it through MacPorts instead.
Keep in mind it's a command line tool.

Anonymous No. 988667

Can some one make a general to contain thses people

Anonymous No. 988669

Sorry, only very few selected people can make threads.

Anonymous No. 989323

If you know what you're doing you can shit these out in any modern software

Anonymous No. 990956

Thanks anon I'm going to try it