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🧵 Is 26 too late to get good at 3D?

Anonymous No. 988711

I trained as a graphic designer and I’m now a somewhat accomplished commercial illustrator but 3D has been my endgame for years now but was too busy with photoshop and illustrator to learn it.

Realistically how long would it take to get good. I only really wanna do stuff like picrel initially.

Anonymous No. 988712

This is the 1134th thread about this topic just this week.
Yes. You can do picrel in your first day of picking up a 3d program. Fuck off get killed fuck your mom for having you.

Anonymous No. 988714

One day I’ll be gone and you’ll miss me

Anonymous No. 988721

if you have an art and design education/background 3D will come naturally to you. In some cases it's easier because a lot of the lighting/perspective is done for you.

Anonymous No. 990958

This type of art is peak aesthetics, I want to try it

Anonymous No. 991009

Yes. You're too late.
You should have started yesterday. At the very least you can start today.