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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 988930

Ok here's the score. i keep seeing users wish there was some board wide project to contribute to and ive figured it out. Pic related is Gauntlet legends(the expanded version ark legscy to be precise). if youre a zoomzoom and never saw it in an arcade ill explain:
it is a mechanically very simple game with characters that run around and beat up big hoards of spawning mobs. use special abilities collect treasure, use special items, fight bosses. its also a major collectathon. the mobs are mostly reskins of each other. the levels are very simple walk throughs with minor switch based back track puzzles.
the point is its a very acheivable game to remake mechanically.
my proposal to /3/ is that i will work on making the game work. /3/ can brainstorm new themes, characters, items, everything. anyone can drop in contribute what they want and drop out at their leisure. ill go into more detail on the structure and figure out a reliable file sharing method too.
its not 2004 anymore so were going to go bigger than midway did but also we can keep poly counts and intricate details very low. animations are also going to be super simple and very easy for a beginner to pull off. im in the midst of making charts to keep track of ideas and assets.
if no one else participates then im alreadybplanning to do it all myself. full disclosure: im a degenerate weirdo so if im left alone thats the direction im likely to go, but if people contribute and we want to make it more wholesome thats great. if theres a conflict we can fork the project and ill share my code and stuff with anyone who can prove they know what theyre doing woth it. eventually id like to make it so you can just drop in models into the right place and it will just work.

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Anonymous No. 988931

here's the forst page of the theme chart. in gauntlet there were worlds with a theme like "spooky graveyard". the world had 5 levels and a final boss. there were 3 tiers of mobs. a low tier, a high tier, and an ankle biter. there was also a player class associated with the world.
the bosses all fit into 2 styles. free range moving character and a stationary character at the front or center of the stage. these would be the most complex and varied assets.
all of the mobs had an idle walking, attack1 attack2, pain, and death animation.
my thought is even if you jave 0 ability to model, draw, or animate you can still fill out a chart with ideas.

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Anonymous No. 988932

i would like to ask that if anyone just wants to spit ball an idea create some media for it. even a shitty mspaint sketch is better than nothing.

this chart is for player classes. as you leveled up your character would get a better costume so i have room for 4 on this chart plus the projectile. the game play style your character ran around and all classes could shoot. when close to enemies theyd do melee attacks. so theres a spot for the projectile too.

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Anonymous No. 988933

this chart is kind of bare because all the animations and props will be different based on the boss. bosses will probably be collaborative or left up to the most skilled users to complete. all bosses also had a special item you could find which made them easier to beat.

Anonymous No. 988934

ill make more charts and fill some out myself. originally i was planning to solo dev this game so i actually jave a basic concept for a whole roster of classes, worlds, levels and bosses already.

the chair nerd No. 988935

Nice another schizo thread.

Anonymous No. 988937

You're gonna have to do 80% of the work yourself and other people may add 20% if you're lucky.

Anonymous No. 988940

Even if people did magically contribute, it'd be a jarring mishmash of quality, polycount and styles unless you can somehow enforce an art direction and some technical limits. Do you have an art direction in mind? Even something loose like "WoW-like" or some other game. And what would be the technical limitations? Things like if you can use custom shaders or if there'd be a unified shader with set limits like whether and how you use vertex colors, and the amount of texture slots and texture types like normal/roughness/etc. You can't really start making assets without this information.

Anonymous No. 988941

plan A is to do 100% of the work myself. its not "luck" if anyone contributes. do you want to? do you want to make models that do things? do you have fun doing that? im inviting you to join me.
yeah ive got a hamster running on the wheel regards to that. and as i go ill add technical guides like polycounts and materials. best practices for level design etc.

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Anonymous No. 988942

and heres a chart for tier one and 2 monsters.
the way gauntlet worked is there were generators that spawned minsters up to some max. you had to fight your way through a crowd to get to it and destroy it. monsters had a big medium and small version and as the generator took damage it would shrink spawning smaller monster. as well as starting out small in the early stages

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Anonymous No. 988943

and the ankle biters only had 2 sizes.

Anonymous No. 988945

poly limits will need to be experimental. off the top of my head i think 1,000 for a player character is overkill. maybe 250 for mobs. major set pieces 20 x the surface area of the bounding box. players being 1 unit tall. boss creatures are meant to be elaborate and have specially designed arenas to keep total polies down. lets call it 2,000 for the boss character and 500 for the arena itself.

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Anonymous No. 988952

I think 250 is terribly low for anything, especially today. Even if you were targetting mobile. Here's a goblin and a skeleton I made for a project I put on hold. The goblin is 3k triangles not counting the dynamic outline generated in-shader (so 6k with it). The skeleton is 5k triangles. And this is no armor, no weapons. Granted the models were to be medium sized on-screen, but still. Maybe I'm not getting the scale of the amount of onscreen mobs, but with a poly limit like 250 they'd have to be tiny to look any good and the modeling would take a backseat to manual texturing, which tends to be most modelers' weak point.

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Anonymous No. 988955

I gotchu senpai.

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the chair nerd No. 988961


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Anonymous No. 988969

yeah lets lush and pull on poly limits. i just googled some gamepmay screen shots. the characters are fairly small on screen and theres an emphasis on lots of mobs at once. even back then with their hardware restrictions.

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Anonymous No. 988970

i got interrupted and all my notes are in a book i dont currently posess. hut i remember one of my themes pretty well.

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Anonymous No. 988971

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Anonymous No. 988972

in the middle of sketching the monsters still i have to "work" at my "job"

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Anonymous No. 988974

you could just come up with names for things. you could doodle monsters or items.
obviously no ones going to want to invest in making a .odel with textures and a rig till you see that ive done so and put it into a game enviroment that works. so consider this a solo devlog till then.

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Anonymous No. 988975

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Anonymous No. 988976

Anonymous No. 988991

What actual qualifications do you even have when it comes to programming?
If it's fucking nothing, you're just a shitty idea guy. People aren't going to rally behind some faggot with no competency. At that point it'd be just some anon making his lame ass "dream game" with free labor while he sits back and lets everyone else do the work.
Same goes with if you're just a shitty dabbler and never actually completed any game projects.
>"I'm still learning, but I imagine I'll get more skilled as time goes on!"

Anonymous No. 988994

Cris here. I'll gladly join the team. The artstyle perfectly fits mine :)

Anonymous No. 989003

my qualifications are that ive been learning to code for about 10 years and have already made several functional games. and of you paid 1% attention then youd see im putting myself as the opposite of the idea guy here. im willing and able to do that part no one wants to do which is the programming. i am inviting, not asking, anyone whod like to to contribute ideas or models to do so. strictly for fun. im also offering to share the code so if you wanted to take it and make your own thing you could.

Anonymous No. 989071

If Cris is in I'm also in

Anonymous No. 989078

You should, unironically.
I'm making a player model for the scientist play right now. Just finished UV mapping. Gonna do a quick texture, rig it, and start making the character controller

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Anonymous No. 989114

This should have taken me like 2 hours to do but it took all night because my computer continuously crashed while maya was open. totally nuts.
Here is the mad scientist, imported into unity. He needs some animations, but seeing as maya is killing my computer or something I'm gonna hold off. Maybe make them in unity if im desperate. Today is about making the character move and shoot. Which is like 75% of what characters did in gauntlet legends.

Anonymous No. 989117

Arms are too long fren. Seems they reach the knees

Anonymous No. 989118

We should unironically make a protagonist skin which is Chudjak to represent us

Anonymous No. 989119

here you go >>988932
and a chud world with chud monsters and a chud boss. go for it.

Anonymous No. 989122

more like transgender basedjaks and redditjaks

the boss will be a huge purplehaired troonjak with a gaping axed vagina which shoots out corrosion projectiles at Chud

then we get cancelled on xitter.

Anonymous No. 989124

What should be the ankle biter enemy?

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Anonymous No. 989130

Gave it a try

Anonymous No. 989132


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Anonymous No. 989142

Just built-in animations. Shortened the arms and lengthened the neck. I need an attacking animation to test projectiles.

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Anonymous No. 989152

Now working 100% like they did in gauntlet legends yet though

Anonymous No. 989153

that is to say they are NOT working 100% like in gauntlet

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Anonymous No. 989164

shootable target flash white when shot, and also auto-aim. That's it for tonight.

Anonymous No. 989176

great work chud

Anonymous No. 989191

I have a few months left on an mmorpg I'm art directing, if it's not dead and Cris is in I'm modelling some stuff.
The models are around 3k?

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Anonymous No. 989199

spot on. My scientist is 2990 triangles. Here's a screen shot of the original game. Of course theyre low poly because of hardware limits, but also the characters are pretty small on screen.

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Anonymous No. 989207

enemies in the original gauntlet had no navigation. They looked at the player, and walked forward. Making nav meshes and agents that can path around complex passages is really easy to set up. From a game play stand point idk which is better

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Anonymous No. 989210

Anonymous No. 989212

artist here, i can donate from time to time in my free time. props, items, environmental art, characters, modular assets for world construction, about anything. Just that I never did extremely low poly art before.

Anonymous No. 989222

Don't even sweat any requirements. we are at a maximum casual level. We can cross that bridge when we get to it.

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Anonymous No. 989223

here's a sculpt for that villager zombie. Ibox modeleled the scientist and walked away with about 3k tris. There ought to be like a 10-1 ration of mobs to players, so this guy's gonna get trimmed down a lot.

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Anonymous No. 989229

here he is in unity down to like 2k tris i think

Anonymous No. 989309

This is actually super cool and a step well beyond the idea phase that plagues artists on this board. Keep it up!

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Anonymous No. 989445

thanks. I appreciate it

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Anonymous No. 989446

So my mob prototype only has 5 animations.

If you want to make a mob you only need those animations to make it work. I'll also find a way to share the hierarchies of the creatures I make. Then maybe the animations will be compatible.

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Anonymous No. 989512

So generators.
The way gauntlet worked is there were these static entities placed around and theyd spawn mobs out of them until the players destroyed them. The generators had 3 sizes just like the mobs and larger generators shrank into their smaller forms as they took damage. The generators were also thematic. Zombies came out of graves. Ghosts came out of mirrors. Trolls came out of mine shafts. They had no animations.

Anonymous No. 989524

Have you had anyone donating an asset yet or is there anything from /3/ in?

Anonymous No. 989535

zilch. All communication is via this thread. So if no one's posted a link or anything, I got nothing. I count that cool drawing of the Sand Nomad as a contribution though.
I have some thoughts on much simpler things people could contribute if they wanted to.

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Anonymous No. 989536

The outhouse style generator for this villager monster

Anonymous No. 989538

Dude please make a 3D beat'em up style game like Gauntlet:DL, It is legit one of my favorite games of all time and it bums me out that the genre kind of died with the Xbox/GC/PS2 era. Those games are such a good time but there were so many that the market moved away from them; Please god if you can hear my prayers, make this game into a reality; let me play with my friends online too because while that is a big hurdle of programming, it results in a lot of people who wouldn't play the game

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Anonymous No. 989539

We are brothers, and I feel this pain so much I want to make it real myself. Online play would be tits, and I hear it's not THAT hard to do, but we shall see. Maybe if I have a fully working prototype it will attract the attention of big boy programmers who can help.

Just now I implemented:
hold to auto fire
cant move while firing
shots pass through dead enemies
and now it is starting to FEEL like gauntlet. While stuck in a horde of mobs i instinctively tried to turbo.

Anonymous No. 989611

I spent about 15 hours in UE5 learning how to use it only to get stumped by the camera setup that would work like Gauntlet. I had this idea last year, inspired by Seven Sorrows. I couldn't get the camera to work exactly how I wanted to mimic Gauntlet's style, I could keep it on a rail like a side scroller or have it follow like GTA. I had made a couple of levels with that camera movement in mind and they were useless when I couldn't get it to work properly. I built them like dioramas, with certain camera angles in my mind that would open up the action or squeeze in tight when I needed it to.

I'd imagine that I could learn more from people who make UE shorts, but this kind of game isn't popular so there's not many tutorials for it. I had zero experience with UE beforehand and there wasn't a ton of documentation for it when I was trying last year.

Anonymous No. 989613

Looking back on gameplay from Legends, the camera titls and turns with the environment in places, I realize now that my spline camera idea was dumb, but for Seven Sorrows I don't think I was wrong.

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future gauntlet.png

Anonymous No. 989614

Nice man, I was able to get the generators to work and spit out guys and even destroy them, only got the enemy to follow to my location, without much intelligence. You can see the general idea I had with the spline in the picture. You're doing great!

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gauntlet spline t....jpg

Anonymous No. 989615

It's sad because modern CPUs are so powerful that you could have hundreds of enemies on screen at the same time now. Imagine Dynasty Warriors 4 with a good draw distance. This anon is a lot further along than I got with it and I'm excited for a demo.
Is Unity anything like UE? ie. visual? Building environments was the easiest part about what I learned in UE. It was mostly just drag and drop.

Anonymous No. 989616

I should reveal that my intention was to have a damsel in distress on every level and the overworld where you meet the wizard in gauntlet was going to be the player's harem that you could upgrade with your loot collection. Basically you go fight, rescue the girl, and go back to your base and have sex with her. Gauntlet meets The Sims. I thought it would be cool if player's could import their own characters, or had a character creator for the damsels like the Sims so player could fuck whatever they wanted. The sex wasn't going to be more than interactive animation at most.
My favorite part of the game is unlocking combos to use in battle. Seven Sorrows simplified a lot of the game so that was my target.

Anonymous No. 989629

YEah the camera does some interesting stuff in gauntlet. Also how it would cut away to important events when you hit a switch, or rotate for special rooms.
RN the camera tries to find the average position of all the players, and just sits at an offset of that position I arbitrarily chose. There's only 1 player so I havent seen it actually work yet.

Anonymous No. 989630

>does UE compare to unity visually?
just compare our screen shots lol

Anonymous No. 989631

Sorry, meant could a retard like me throw assets together to make playable levels as easily as UE?

Anonymous No. 989632

Unity is very friendly to that style of development. There are a lot of assets available for free that allow for making specific kinds of popular game types. I actually used one of their character controller scripts and edited it to make another game, and I'm using that script in this one.

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gauntlet blank te....png

Anonymous No. 989635

Anonymous No. 989636

Can this sand nomad have two swords?

Anonymous No. 989641

yeah w/e. it can be literally anything. i just made a few animations for the scientist. ill make a chart of how many and what animations a pc needs to have.
off the top of my head the needs are
>light shoot
>heavy shoot
>light melee 1
>light melee 2
>light melee 3
>heavy melee 1
>heavy melee 2
>heavy melee 3
>doge move
>half turbo
>full turbo
>level entrance.

maybe i gotta explain some of these

Melee Attacks No. 989643

you only do melee moves when in melee range otherwise you shoot. you can chain 3 light melee attacks. pressing heavy attack after 1, 2 , and 3 light attscks does a heavymove with different levels of aoe.
the 3 light .oves should be very simple weapons swings that chain together.
the heavy moves end the combo, maybe end on a sweet pose. one heavy attack should be a focus attack on one enemy. another one should get enemies in 360 degrees. the last shoud move the character forward with the attack. they can and should be in any order so thatvplayers jave to learn the combo for the right attack for each class. jeavy attacks could make use of particle effects but that would have to be done in unity, i assume.

Dodge and Turbo No. 989646

gauntlet has this turbo meter. it increase when you deal and receive damage. it gives access to desperation moves and a dodge.
the doge is a little movement animation that should be thematic. the character simply moves a short distance through enemies without taling damage. a cartwheel or slinny dance or a back flip w/e
the turbos are big attacks that insta kill mobs in big groups. they definetely infolve particles as well as extra meshes. i recomend looking up videos of them to get the idea. the half turbo kills all enemies around you. the full turbo spawns a big(possibly animated) projectile that kills everything in a path with a very wide hitbox. the sorceress spawned a crowd of skeletons that ran forward the dwarf spawned a cheesy looking model of a "fissure" that just moved forward. it could be anything with emphasice on being impressive and powerful.

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Anonymous No. 989647

I can't really draw.

Level Entrance No. 989648

players teleport in to the beginnings ofnlevels and have a little entrance animation thats as simple as standing up from a kneel or big cartoony jumps. just them emerging, rising, descending, etc to play at the beginning of a level.

Anonymous No. 989649


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Anonymous No. 989650


Anonymous No. 989737

Was that dust up about the Unity engine license anything to worry about?

Anonymous No. 989774

if your game is free you dont have to pay unity anything.

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Anonymous No. 989979

A staple of gauntlet levels were chests, gates, and keys. You found keys around levels among other items, and oyu needed them to unlock gates and open chests. some times you had to pick between opening a chest or opening an optional area.

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Anonymous No. 989980

just generic meshes for testing and proving concept

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Anonymous No. 989986

in action

Anonymous No. 989993

Looking like a real game homie.

Anonymous No. 990029

nigga speedrunning a video game like not tomorrow, mad props

Anonymous No. 990033

Thanks! like I was saying. This gamedesign is highly attainable. No complicated systems or simulations.

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Anonymous No. 990043

OK so this post kept me thinking and here's my attempt at this camera problem.

The camera here is a child of an object whose origin is determined to be the average location of all the players. With only 1 player it just focuses on them. The camera has an offset local position which is stored at the start of the game as the "standard position". The parent object has a player sized collider attached to it, and when that collider enters special "camera zones" the object asks the zone what it's offset is, and moves the camera towards that position and a set speed. When the collider leaves the camera zone, it sets the target position as the saved standard position and moves the camera back. The camera is always looking at the parent object.

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Anonymous No. 990044

things use up your keys
>gate opens twice

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Anonymous No. 990046

Locked things do not open unless you have keys. Key pickups give you keys. Healing and treasure items work too.

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Anonymous No. 990264

The Scientist's full turbo move:
Corpse Cart

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Anonymous No. 990265

a better look at Igor

Anonymous No. 990271

is it inspired on lol's Ornn's ult?

Anonymous No. 990280

nah I dont play lol. I was just thinking it's Frankenstein themed, I need a thing that travel's in a line. Igor is funny

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Anonymous No. 990391

This might very well be "it" as far as the mechanical pieces of a complex gauntlet level.
Here a switch activates a door. A special camera turns on to watch the door opening.
Most gauntlet levels amount to, go hit the switch, go back to the door. With key juggling, big battles in between.

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Anonymous No. 990395

A close up of my switch with some wood material.

I'm showing all this just to show that it doesn't need to be very complex or "good" to work. Everything I've posted is a template to what anyone could make as a contribution. I'm going to make the level exit entity next, and this I've made could function as a complete test level. I'll build it and share it somehow.

Anonymous No. 990448

It would help to actually put up something like a git repo. I'd be more likely to make something if i could just go in and compare files to get a feel of scale/units, bones, keyframe timings, etc. instead of making educated guesses and adjusting afterwards. Doesn't even need to be the full project repo with the codebase, just an asset repo would work. Then i can fork, push, and submit a pull req of the stuff i shit out with minimal crosstalk. It would solve the file-submitting/sharing for sure at the very least. FOSS is still communism though

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Anonymous No. 990470

That sounds like a good idea. I will figure that out.
With that too I have a playable version of this test level.
>WASD to move
>mouse1 shoots
>q does turbo
If you don't try to get stuck you won't. This is not representative of how I want the level's to be. Not this high def ground textures and terrain geometry. Modeled like in the original game. Just a very easy way to make a test level with assets I already have.

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Anonymous No. 990482

Super cool man. You got something to show for your efforts.

I enjoyed the cinematic camera angles during transitions. If you overdo that, tho, you'll unsettle the player. The wooden board shortcut to return from opening the lever was a good choice and shows some thought toward level design. The funnest part was using Igor to smash down hordes; very satisfying.

My biggest issues are two:
- An aiming reticule to tell where I am aiming. Aiming was very hard.
- Shooting the hordes with the default attack is time consuming and the the hordes come so fast that it felt tedious to make progress. I abused Igor cuz it was more fun than the stop-and-go of shooting (plus he looks silly as fuck).

All in all I give this game a solid "This can be amazing one day."

Anonymous No. 990483

Oh and I had to hold WASD + Shift to move. Dunno if that's a bug but for awhile I thought that I could not move.

Anonymous No. 990490

nah thats my bad. shift is to run. forgot to mention it.
the next features will include the magic system and the melee system. that will break up the monotony of the stand there and shoot game play. magic was basically very powerful AOE attacks and melee let you do combos that also had AOE. thought i definetely turned uo the spawn rate much higher than thenoiginal game, for fun.

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Anonymous No. 990535

To keep this all VFX related here's impact particles for projectiles and a dissolve effect for the enemy mobs.
In the original gauntlet the mob base texture changed when they died to this skinless meat swirl as they dissolved. I'd like to avoid installing fancy rendering packages to keep this as lean and simple as possible, but my technique for replicating it didn't work how I expected it to. Still the dissolve makes enemy death look much more in place

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Anonymous No. 990536

>- An aiming reticule to tell where I am aiming. Aiming was very hard.

Anonymous No. 990541

The impact effect is so important to player feedback, a pillar of good game design. Great addition!

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Anonymous No. 990551

Oh yeah it's upping that satisfaction level a lot.

Added small tier of the village zombie and his generator. Big generators become small versions as they take damage and spawn the smaller enemy too

Anonymous No. 990718

melee moves. 3 light moves and 3 heavy moves.
Now I'm getting it to do the moves instead of shoot when an enemy is right in front of you.

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Anonymous No. 990719


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Anonymous No. 990760

Melee is working well enough and the mechanics are reliable enough that I took away the 9 million HP.

Anonymous No. 990762

Those melees, from a distance, look unreadable. Needs a second pass on the animations.

Anonymous No. 990789

sorry brub, I've got director complex. Here's my task, for (You), research solid games takes on hability/attack reticle. I say these are some candidates:
. lol (a plenty here and all of them diff)
. wow
. starcraft
. diablo
. age of empires
. ?????

Anonymous No. 990790

I almost came when I saw the potion spill and stains in the ground, I say make blood spill as well

Anonymous No. 990794

also, when the potion is used as melee, it breaks in 3 steps/hits, glass breaks in 3 phases, and after that he pulls a fresh new one

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Anonymous No. 990810

i cant for the life of me find a screenshot of it, but in the original gauntlet there was a toggleable aiming arrow. it was just a sharp arrow sprite that sat under your character and poited whoch way youre facing. there shouldnt be a need for high fidelity aiming. if there's a thing that responds to getting shot, and its vaguelly in front of you, youll auto aim.

Anonymous No. 990816

seeing not reticles here, perhaps this is not the specific version?

Anonymous No. 990819

yeah thats legends. dark legacy was like an expansion sequel. you could toggle your aiming arrow by pressing the player start button. then the console versions all had little quirks. inpkayed the gc and ps2 versions. in anycase the design should eliminate the need to really know where youre aiming. theres also no ammo so if for some reason you need to hit a target you cannot autoaim just use your shots as tracers.

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Anonymous No. 991122

Not terribly exciting. Added treasure. Added shootable barrels to hold items.
I predicted 17 animations would complete a player character. I currently have 15 for the scientist. I'm missing the half turbo and the dodge move.
The animations are all very short, and the characters are so small on screen they don't need to be super intricate to look good. So I know whoever thinks theyre too good for a project like this won't participate, but on the other hand if you're intimidated by it don't be.

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Anonymous No. 991179

floor traps

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Anonymous No. 991211


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Anonymous No. 991212


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Anonymous No. 991213


Anonymous No. 991357

Good work, made me chuckle

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Anonymous No. 991869

Started making components for the overworld, and then I looked at the original game and was reminded how detailed they made these sections of the overworld map.
So if you're not familiar you're jogging around a wizard's tower and around the tower are turrets you can step out onto. The doorway to each turret, the turret itself, and the skybox when standing outside on it are all customized for the level

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Anonymous No. 991870

Here is the main area you start in in the original game. It's the area I was trying to recreate. You can see the entrances to 2 worlds on either side. That should be added to the asset list for every world. The level select area needs decorations.

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Anonymous No. 991944

OK something more interesting. Next Player class "The Dancer"

Anonymous No. 992174

This is really awesome dude. Always loved this game. Please keep at this project

Anonymous No. 992226

post closeups of that semen demon anon pls

Anonymous No. 992227

seconding this, I was hoping you'd post MOAR and I'm pleased

Anonymous No. 992230

sure, when i get home, but this is impressionism bro. its meant to be tiny and far away. since posting that i did repaint the textures in photoshop at least. i couldnt get the brush up in her nethers in zbrush

as for an update i wanted to show everyone multiplayer working but unity's input system still keeps secrets from me.

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Anonymous No. 992234

I Love gauntlet legends and dark legacy, me and my little brother loved finding it at arcades until we discovered it was on the N64. I'm totally on board for the harem aspect to so I came up with this quick draft of one of the bitches for the PC to save. I believe my strength lies more in writing and storyboarding than being an artfag but it was kinda fun to fuck around in MS paint.

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Anonymous No. 992236

More of the Dancer. I thought I had fixed the skin weights so her boobs didnt get yanked by the arm joints so much, but such is unity imports. Always a work in progress

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Anonymous No. 992237

coolness bro.
My next big proof of concept move is the level design, and what I think is the best way to concept a level is actually with a story board. Just quick thumbnails of what the points of interest are and in what order. as well as a kinda of "technical" map just to show how the level is layed out.

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Anonymous No. 992238

The Dancer is already very popular

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Anonymous No. 992239

>as well as a kinda of "technical" map just to show how the level is layed out.
Just as a preview here's my map of the first level. Based on the test level I made. Very rinky dinky. Not meant to be an art asset at all.

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Anonymous No. 992240

This technique promises to look substantially worse than the test level which is all fancy downloaded assets.

Anonymous No. 992291

Oof, excellent taste anon

Anonymous No. 992292


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Anonymous No. 992383

a look at the modeled test level and hubworld

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Anonymous No. 992387
