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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

wall No. 989409

its been almost 3 years since my last job and i don't get why im not getting hired

i know my portfolio is not perfect but god damn, im not able to get even junior jobs anymore, i have even lied on some job application and still not hired

what do to improve/get hired? giving up not an option

the chair nerd No. 989411

So let me get this clear: You haven't had a job for 3 years and all you have is 13 mediocre artworks in your name?
I literally work in viz 50% of the time and I sitll make more content in a single week than all your portfolio.
Believe it or not I fucking wish I was you and had all that free time.

Anonymous No. 989412

quality over quantity

Anonymous No. 989414


wow >>989409, you've posted work, that takes courage

Anonymous No. 989420

Trade school..

Anonymous No. 989421

Post your work,

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the chair nerd No. 989422

What is quality for you?

Anonymous No. 989423

>What is quality for you?
clearly not this

the chair nerd No. 989424

Then post yourk work you pussy.

Anonymous No. 989425

i did im op
theres no way you found a job with that quality

the chair nerd No. 989426

Have you done it with yours? Oh yeah right hahaha joke's on you ROFLOLMAO

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the chair nerd No. 989427

Also I'm the best 3d modeler on this board. look at my skillz.

Anonymous No. 989428

why tf did youeven reply to this post then? And maybe fix your shitty work before calling mine mediocre

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the chair nerd No. 989429

Actually your game assets are good. They work they do the job. And yet you can't find a job. I wonder if it has something to do with a personality that makes you salty against anon on 4chan. Seriously start flipping burgers you are a lost case.

Anonymous No. 989430

im able to control and change the way I act on "professional environments" man, you really think i talk shit and act autistic for job interviews

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the chair nerd No. 989431

No I bet you are the most professionalest and bestest modeller so if you are not the problem it must be everyone else right?
>i know my portfolio is not perfect
>what do to improve/get hired?
Any hints? Cmon puppy you know what you have to do. Stop laying on your ass and get working. I would kill to have 3 years for personal projects.
You pussy.

Anonymous No. 989433

were tf did i say i was the best?
im literally asking for advice

I work almost every day. There is no reason to spam my portfolio with stuff i do, just posting the ones that come out good

you got problems dude

the chair nerd No. 989434

>im literally asking for advice
>just posting the ones that come out good
Make sure the outcome depends on you.
>I work almost every day
My honest advice. Make it every day.
>you got problems dude

Anonymous No. 989441

Don't worry about the chair chud, he only has a career because he's been doing this shit since he was a toddler.
He normally acts similar to this, but the almost cartoony way in which he's doing it makes me think it's his personal schizo pretending to be him.

the chair nerd No. 989442

Oh no it's me indeed it's just that I had one too many beers watching the soccer game.But yes, never take anything I say on this shitposting site seriously.
My advice anon is to follow your passion and live your dreams. If you want to get hired put more effort and love into your work, you can do it!There you go, you got your precious 4chan advice.

Anonymous No. 989448

You should make porn

Anonymous No. 989451

>try to push into an oversaturated career with global mass layoffs
>1 junior positions surronded by seniors fighting for it
>entry positions oversaturated
Nigger, you've been living under a rock

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Anonymous No. 989454

so this is weird but i liked the walkie talkie on the artstation page in OP so i wanted to look for references to try modeling my own. while looking i found this artstation page that's eerily similar to OP's.

now OP i'm not shitting on you or calling you out or anything, but if portfolios like this are common enough that i can stumble on them while looking through google images then you might just be fucked kek. either that or you're just using some random poor bastards page to shitpost.

Anonymous No. 989455

Fuck off schizo.

Anonymous No. 989456

huh, i have no idea what you saying
nehhh that aint similar

Anonymous No. 989457

that wasn't really the point of my post. i meant the subject matters of the posts are similar and that OPs doesn't really stand out from other portfolios.

Anonymous No. 989458

Yeah, we believe you.

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Anonymous No. 989459

thanks, glad we came to an agreement

Anonymous No. 989464

You can't even make a doughnut, so shut up faggot

Anonymous No. 989465

retarded? maybe a huge factor to your neetdom is the collapsed industry. Your blendlet renders which look like google stock images aren't helping it either. Use more background.

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Anonymous No. 989467

chair nerd's gotten pretty annoying lately with his midwit takes and poorfag renders

nice tiling bro

Anonymous No. 989472

since when are detailed backgrounds important to present a single asset ?!?
i aint taking advice from you without seeing some work, because you sound like you dont have a single idea what you are talking about

>>collapsed industry
yeah okay, whatever you say schizo

Anonymous No. 989473

Post your work.

Anonymous No. 989476

yeah, you're a nigger.
>3 years jobless
that fact already proved me. the joke writes itself. you have higher chances being employed as an CS code monkey at this point.

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Anonymous No. 989477

here's one more spoonfed picture for you to get started, maybe then your analbanian shitskin ass might get it

Anonymous No. 989480

so your not posting your work?!
thats what i thought

Anonymous No. 989481

worry about flipping burgers at mcdonalds not a random 4channer

Anonymous No. 989483

Cool it with the racism.

Anonymous No. 989489

4chan is not your place, tranny. it's time to go back.