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Anonymous No. 989921

New AI 3D character generation paper.

Anonymous No. 989927

I don't get it.

Anonymous No. 989931

New Cris thread, Cris Cris Cris Cris Cris Cris AHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.

Anonymous No. 989932

New kino just dropped?

Anonymous No. 989935

so why don´t they throw in a retopo step in the pipeline?

Anonymous No. 989942

Don;t expect much in the next 2-3+ years,but at least it's progress

Anonymous No. 989947


Anonymous No. 989948

That's what humans are for

Anonymous No. 989950

I lift weights for fun. could a machine lift weights for me? absolutely. but it takes the fun out of it. I'm sure this analogy could be applied to many things. glad it's not my job though because I'd definitely get laid off and replaced with a machine :^)

Anonymous No. 989957

I doubt the machine can understand bug, cars and monsters weight. The AI is nothing more than a scam.

Anonymous No. 989958

Dw we will be replaced very soon. Enjoy it while it lasts.

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Anonymous No. 990026

It can't produce real 3D models. Print 3D and Blender can't grab the data. Whole thing is a scam.

Anonymous No. 990054

its over
AAA studios finished and bankrupt

Anonymous No. 990202

When you think about it, what exactly has Cris
done wrong?

Anonymous No. 990221

>the exact same overly hostile and negative reaction to ai advancement that /ic/ had.
let me guess,it will never make good hands right? lol.

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new workflow.png

Anonymous No. 990222

skill issue.

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athena AI 3D.gif

Anonymous No. 990225

It's over for /3/cels.

Anonymous No. 990242

That’s not even close to what you claim or made anything original. Zero credibility whatsoever in higher depth analysis. Get lost loser.

Anonymous No. 990251

Post a high res athena ref so I can try making this by hand

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Anonymous No. 990257

It still is very usefull as refrence, since I only need to retopo it.

I used an AI picture of athena 2002.

Anonymous No. 990277

>Ai can’t understand the difference between cups and horns
Program fail, it’s junk. Useless for anything animal related.

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Anonymous No. 990278

skill issue.


Anonymous No. 990285

How did you do the retopo? Manually?

Anonymous No. 990287


On blender.

I just use the 3D mesh as reference.

Anonymous No. 990296

It doesn’t matter because you can’t do anything with the hands, legs or smaller items. The whole concept defeats the purpose.

Anonymous No. 990298

there's another websites that can do that.

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Anonymous No. 990307

It's fucking over. How can we compete?

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Anonymous No. 990313

The whole thing is a scam, time to stop.

Anonymous No. 990314


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Anonymous No. 990325

pretty sure this looks good for horror stuff.

Anonymous No. 990345

That’s a lot of more work than just creating it. Stop it already, you proven it’s a scam.

Anonymous No. 990354

cris, with all the effort you are putting into not learning how to 3d model, you could just get a job at McDonald's and pay a guy to it for you on fiverr instead.

Anonymous No. 990359

Who's Chris?

Anonymous No. 990365

Is the soul of /3/

Anonymous No. 990366

If Cris need help with anything I would work for free, Cris is my hideo kojima

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Anonymous No. 990367


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Anonymous No. 990382

chuds, BTFO.

Anonymous No. 990386

The knee area looks really messed up
also, for models like this, the difficult part is in texturing, so I hope you don't consider this finished

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Anonymous No. 990392

And, now.

/3/cels, BTFO.

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Anonymous No. 990393


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Anonymous No. 990396

why don't you learn to texture and copy some fes256 models, those are so much more appealing than this aislop grainy filtered stuff

Anonymous No. 990397

because that's not pixel art.

Anonymous No. 990410

Cris only churn crap to shitpost.
this >>989921 is not pixelart neither, Cris.

Anonymous No. 990427

because cris refuses to put any actual effort into his work and has been searching for a 3d equivalent of a get rich quick scheme for a decade now

Anonymous No. 990428

Go suck a bag of dicks you fag.
Cris won and you know it

Anonymous No. 990429

Peak aesthetics

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Anonymous No. 990430

>You can't have an original style
>You must only use my goyslop aproved industry standart style

Anonymous No. 990477

>Wants to have an original style
>Decide to churn anime shit with IA
haahahhahaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA, you can't be serious.

Anonymous No. 990478

>Nooo, stop enjoying things I don't like

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Anonymous No. 990481


Anonymous No. 990655

pls don't tell me this is AI

Anonymous No. 990685

Cris won.

Anonymous No. 990695

quality, ngl

Anonymous No. 990778

people were saying that with programming ai at first now it can do super advanced stuff that people just like you were saying it impossible, do you guys just think it doesnt advance at all or something? you think it just stays the same trash level forever? give it 5 years. face it we are being irresponsible with ai and society will collapse because humans arent needed

Anonymous No. 990786

The AI is already plateauing though, we saw fast grow at the beginning but now despite the models literally requiring hundred of gigabytes of VRAM to run barely differ from the ones that just require a few tens of gigabytes
There are a lot of unexplored territories where AI can be applied but it probably won't get much better than it already is

Anonymous No. 990804

Ai is shit, Cris is the future of/3/

Anonymous No. 990823

In 5 years it will still not create Public Domain Mickey Mouse. That’s how stupid you sound.

Anonymous No. 990830

This mentality is why you are getting replaced shithead.

Anonymous No. 990848

You don’t want to admit that the AI is just a piece of junk that failed. If it can’t create something new from scratch then it’s useless. Micky Mouse public domain is not hard to create.

Can you believe it, humans created an iconic character in a era where computers didn’t exist. Yet the AI you love can’t even imagine it much less recreating it.

Anonymous No. 991018

How did you pixelized it

Anonymous No. 991021

He did not, it’s part of Blender’s rendering technique. Well technically anyone can do pixelated if you program it in.

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Anonymous No. 991108

*sigh* looks like ill still have to 3d model to make games, why must a writer be subjected to making 3d art? I just want to make a better disco elysium.

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Anonymous No. 991210

Neat, but the models are shit 90% of the time.
I'll be waiting for its progress (But it will get abandoned again most likely)

Anonymous No. 991217

It doesn’t understand the elf not being human and made up stuff like shoes that are not part of the image. It’s not going anywhere, the thing is s scam.

Anonymous No. 991225

If you can't find people to do it for you and also get paid to write at the same time means you are a shitty writer with shitty ideas

Anonymous No. 991229

No, we do not live in a meritocracy anon