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Anonymous No. 990168

what are some good methods or techniques for doing 3d gibs and other weird gruesome stuff? or at the very least, depicting broken bones or injuries? are models instanced to replace the original model with broken parts? is that animated in manually or is there a workflow that supplements this?

Anonymous No. 990171

Bump. I also want to know

Anonymous No. 990214

>is that animated in manually or is there a workflow that supplements this?
I've got absolutely no coding knowledge, so take it with a heaping helping of salt, but I imagine you can just detect where a shot is placed on a model (possibly giving it a health value), and when it's blown off run a snippet of code that shrinks the bone to zero (hiding it), and spawning in a fucked up gibbed leg or arm.
I think a lot of it really is just model swapping, not running a body full of organs and shit all the time. Then again, maybe it might be performant to have those gibs shrunk to 0 inside the mesh so they're always loaded in, and do the inverse of shrinking the bone to zero for the gibs, swapping them out, so there's not any hitching when you spawn them in. As long as it all happens in a single frame, it's not going to be a visible transition, aside from different textures and shit.
If we're talking like blowing off a limb or full body gib.

Weird shit like bones poking out and the like is probably just sticking a broken bone mesh out of the body (with some added meat), and adding a bloody wound texture to mask the clipping.

Anonymous No. 990227


Anonymous No. 990312

This >>990214

Anonymous No. 990342

Your rigged character will have multiple variants of it's skin with models that has the missing limbs.
You then have hitboxes connected to your game logic such that when say arm hitbox says limb has taken enough damage to come off
you hide your character model with complete skin and start drawing the version with a stump for a arm, at the same time an
additional fully rigged arm is spawned in and articulated in such a way it matches the configuration of your skeleton at the time the
arm becomes attached, then this gib arm is free to fly off simulated under the physics engine or however you handle that stuff.

Your rigged skeleton remains intact you just disable colliders on any missing limbs so your ragdoll don't care that your rigs missing arm is clipping thru geometry.

Anonymous No. 990343

This sounds like... A LOT of work.

Anonymous No. 990346

It depends on how many points your rigs can get severed, but yeah you want such a system it's a lot of work that goes into setting it up.

At the same time it isn't any rocket science, if you already know how to model characters and how to program custom ragdolls adding gibbing functionality
to your system isn't any big R&D hurdle to overcome, it's just putting in the hours making all the necessary art assets.

Writing the instantiation logic for the ragdolls can be done within a day or two, you will spend a lot of time tweaking it so the bodyparts fly off at angles
and velocities that look dramatic and seamless so they don't just 'pop in and fall off' and getting it to look just right will take a lot of experimentation
but so does setting up a ragdoll to behave proper during falls even without gibbing logic.

It falls into the category of being rather easy to do and accessible even for very novice developers to get up and running.
But at the same time being something that is time-consuming and requiring a lot of iterative tweaking before it'll look good during game-play.

Anonymous No. 990348

A pro-tip as someone who has built these kind of systems is to not try to have the limb sever in the frame you actually sever it but instead ub the next one and store all
your angular and translational velocity deltas for the limb so it'll naturally follow whatever trajectory the combined motion of whatever your animation system is doing
and how your characters translates thru the gameworld so the severed limb automatically obey Newton's first law of motion.

You're basically doing Verlet integration to arrive at all the correct physics for what happens to your severed limb pretty much for free.

Anonymous No. 990383

zeroing scale on bones usually looks really bad. mesh swapping the the way to do it. your normal charavter model should already be split into parts with manually adjusted normals so the seam are invisible. then when an arm gets blown off you turn off the arm mesh, turn on a bloody stump mesh, and spawn your giblet meshes that fall or fly away.

Anonymous No. 990384

>your normal character model should already be split into parts with manually adjusted normals so the seam are invisible. then when an arm gets blown off you turn off the arm mesh, turn on a bloody stump mesh

Bethesda games handled it like that, but I assume they instantiated to the pre-cut model and added the stump props at the time limb severing occured?
Does manually edited normals really cover up a seam during regular animation?

I imagine it will looks seamless in the rigpose but the seam becomes visible as soon as you have articulation.
On a blended skin the vertex normals of deformed vertices have to be perturbed by adjacent normals somehow.

Anonymous No. 990385

> the vertex normals of deformed vertices have to be perturbed by adjacent normals somehow.
Is that true? I would have thought that each vertex's normal would strictly be determined by it's original normal multiplied by the computed skinning matrix (or the inverse transpose for correct normals, w/e)
If that's the case, then as long as the seam vertices have the exact same position and the same weighting, then they will undergo the same normal transforms during animation and no seam will be introduced

Anonymous No. 990394

I hope you are right and that's how it works, I will give it a test later I guess cutting up some rig and manually edit the normals and see what happens.

Anonymous No. 990400

have a look at this zombie model from re2 remake. there's loads of gore meshes inside the body and they hide the outer layers as you damage them

Anonymous No. 990414

Yeah, I'm done. I got fucking filtered. How much would you charge me to set this up for my characters? If you were willing to do it of course.

Anonymous No. 990729

just buy a system

Anonymous No. 990920

Is there a way to do this in Blender amd animating it in blender alone?

Anonymous No. 990923

Not op but Im wondering how buying stuff off of Unreal's market works, are you given the license to use it as you please? Do the creators have to recieve some sort of payment from your game if you are using any of their assets or systems?

Anonymous No. 990960


Anonymous No. 990977

I think another way of handling it is through Material swapping. Suppose you have a character, it has a material slot for each limb: when a limb needs to be dismembered, you swap the material of the limb in question with a transaprent material, you make sure there's a plane inside the mesh with a "meat stump" texture and lastly you spawn in the gibs. This is only theoretical speak as I didn't test it myself but I read others talking about it

Anonymous No. 991023

>read others talking about it
Link please

Anonymous No. 991155

I want the link as well.

Anonymous No. 991174

in mk case you have a shader that allows you to hide parts with basic extra opacity masks, then you render an extra mesh in the hole around what you hid to do gore

if you wanna cut somone in half, just spawn the same model twice, then on one model hide the right part, on other the left, on both place a special "cut in half" mesh so you cant see inside out
for extra fancy effects make sure all models share uvs for under the clothes parts so you can blend in a brunt, bruised textures, and add in skeleton, musle and flesh models attached to the same rig as the main model and use the same trick to hide parts

its all simple stuff, just swapping multiple meshesh around, you cant afford physics in real time