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Anonymous No. 990438

Im not sure where else to ask this, in Blender 2D how do I stop my strokes from auto filling? I made most of the animation with Fill disabled and now that I want to use it everythings oddly filled

Anonymous No. 990442

I'm a high IQ maya overlord so I'm just guessing. Set your fill color to the transparent color. Often a white box with a red slash in the color swatches, or just turn the alpha all the way to 0

🗑️ Anonymous No. 990445

That's valid, Maya. But unfortunately when I set my fill to transparent, I can't use the actual fill tool. Not sure what this Line Fill is

Anonymous No. 990446

That's valid, Maya. But unfortunately when I set my fill to transparent, I can't use the actual fill tool. Not sure what this Line Fill is

Anonymous No. 990447

is that grease pencil? you need to create another grease pencil material for your filled strokes, if you modify your existing material then all of your previous strokes will get filled

Anonymous No. 990453

Grease pencil is an addon right? I wasn't using it but it does the same thing on other brushes I select

Anonymous No. 990464

This is why shouldn’t use Blender, stupid things like this happens and it’s the developers fault.

Anonymous No. 990467

I wish I'd known that. I'm also seeing that one dev broke a renderer because he personally believes in a new one that renders a ton slower.

Anonymous No. 990555

Stop listening to the morons on /3/, this is a bad place to learn.

Anonymous No. 990647

I figured it out, >>990447 was right. I think its really cool that they're making this program for free, hoping the problems don't run too deep

Anonymous No. 990651

It runs too deep, blender has problems in their employees and fire people they don’t like:

Anonymous No. 990861

this is horrible