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Anonymous No. 990455

Is follygon's Modmesh shit worth it? I like the way his stuff looks, and I would love to buy the mastery course thing, but its over a hundred dollars when its not on sale, and I'd like to get some kind of review before I drop that kind of money on some base meshes and videos.

Anonymous No. 990457

>Is follygon's Modmesh shit worth it?
If it's exactly what you want then sure, but I always recommend building libraries of tools (mesh's, textures, brushes, alphas) yourself

Anonymous No. 990458

the shapes look decent tb h
if you're a decent sculptor already it might be about a month or two of work to create a similar set
if you do this sort of thing regularly, sure why not, it's a timesaver maybe split it with someone if you're cheap.
it won't get you his results though. he's actually a decent sculptor.

Anonymous No. 990461

oftopic but
dont you just love how those types moaned and cried about black representation in animation and now that that movement has seized power and progressing their agenda. What we get a feminine sissy boys of all of their favorite browns.
>Here you go guys you're FINALLY the main character! As a gay.

Anonymous No. 990462

I'm trying to learn how to be a better sculptor, so maybe I should just watch his paid courses. Its tough work though; nothing I make ever looks right IMO.

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Anonymous No. 990465

>What we get a feminine sissy boys of all of their favorite browns.
They're too afraid of making a black character that's a stereotype. Except for the ones that do make black characters that end up stereotypical. Like black deadshot in that Suicide Squad abomination.

Anonymous No. 990471

Braindead /pol/niggers shitting up another thread

Anonymous No. 990473

>What we get a feminine sissy boys of all of their favorite browns.
Well, I managed to find a download for the base Modmesh heads for free, and they do look pretty nice. I just might sink hundreds of dollars for Folly's stuff if all the quality is like this.