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🧵 What features does Blender still lack in your opinion?

Anonymous No. 990870

Anonymous No. 990872

The one that let straight man use it

Anonymous No. 990873

The heterosexual modifier

Anonymous No. 990878

I want to use blender, but I've heard that they hate cis man, I wish I could be part of their culture. But I don't feel welcomed for being straight

Anonymous No. 990880

/pol/ is leaking again

Anonymous No. 990881

I just want to use blender, but I'm discriminated against because I'm Cisgender

Anonymous No. 990882

They need to get rid of the no Cisgender policy

Anonymous No. 990883

They didn't let me enter to the blender discord because I looked too cis, I don't know how you are in favour of this.
No disrespect to others go both ways

Anonymous No. 990904

Proper FBX support

Anonymous No. 990905

I have an idea for a feature that I think would really help game devs. Basically there should be a tiling modifier that doesn't just tile like a wallpaper, but instead allows you to define a full topology of which tiles should match eachother at which edges. It could look like a node editor for tiles essentially. Then any further editing should automatically be reflected across the relevant geometry/materials. This would allow much faster generation of tileable assets for complex things like shorelines and paths through overlapping terrain biome blends.

Anonymous No. 990924

The biggest elephant in the room is the shitty animation pipeline. They're so proud with their library overrides and asset collection when it's basically half-assed. You can't even use geo nodes, a feature that they've sperged for years, with rigs because of 'limitations'. The only feature I want is for them to get their shit together.

Anonymous No. 990928

Stop it. Convince yourself that Grease Pencil is far more important than a working animation system. If you disagree, you're a Blender hater and you work for Autodesk.

Anonymous No. 990932

The one that makes them stop working on their shitty grease pencil and start working on making Geonodes, Drivers and Attributes work together way better than they do now. Would do wonders for rigging, animating, modeling and shading. Can't articulate how infuriating it was to read their '24 roadmap and see geonodes being halted for that fucking scribble tool.

Anonymous No. 990933

joke's on him, they added pubic hair
I barely do animation, I remember that to make drivers and such was a shitfest and that the performance was horrible, performance is the main problem also in sculpt and edit mode, other than that they could add the retopo tools needed in edit mode, layers for sculpt mode, repeat last stroke, vertex colors in the multires, support for textures in the mesh filter, animation layers, animation nodes, texture layers with quick bake like Substance painter, smart materials, better booleans like boxcutter/hardops and a fuckton of other shits.

Anonymous No. 990934

Grease pencil is developed by a small Spanish animation studio, nobody gives a fuck in the Blender institute.

Anonymous No. 990935

The bottom line is that Grease Pencil or not, the animation system is broken and has been for 15 years and that's because Blender people prefer to author animations in proper software and then just import them at the end.

Anonymous No. 990937

It needs AI, they should at least integrate ChatGPT into it, there should also be a "text to model" feature

Anonymous No. 990942

I wish they stopped discriminating against straight white males
The level of toxicity and cisphobia is unbelievable.
And texture paint

Anonymous No. 990943

The biggest elephant in the room is the hatred against straight white man.
The blender foundation was taken by extreme far left.

Anonymous No. 990944

I care, I care more than everything else

Anonymous No. 990946

What's all about the blender foundation going against developers for being heterosexuals?
Is this true?

Anonymous No. 990952

Don't fake ignorance, you are just like those people
Discrimination against people you don't like is still discrimination.
I never said anything to you about you being LGBTQ, but when you say that I'm a nazi because I'm straight it's ridiculous.
Grow up

Anonymous No. 990962

If you're even remotely critical of the LGBT mental illness, you're literally Hitler.
Didn't you see in the documentary that they need to retain a psychologist 24/7 in the Blender Foundation's compound. I wonder why.

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Anonymous No. 990965

~texture painting suck
~big slow down on high-poly sculpting
~big slowdown on saving big files
~asset system is good for nodes but meshes/collections need to be instanced/ and cant be "bothways-linked"
~Video editing is missing basic things like chroma-keying

just some I've found

Anonymous No. 990979

>Grease Pencil
I don't understand the point of this feature. What is it actually used for?

Anonymous No. 990981

>What is it actually used for?
Nothing, if you want to do 2d animation for free you download OpenToonz.

Anonymous No. 990982

This sounds like it might fit better as an addon? Maybe something like this already exists even?
Can't you just bake your geometry from geonodes and then animate it as regular model?
Stylized stuff like this:
> animation layers
Isn't NLA exactly this? If you add multiple actions there in parallel and enable them all, they get combined together, so you can combine walking and shild block animation and stuff like that.
ChatGPT would be useless there, we need something like ComfyUI with nodes.
There is texture paint? A lot of people handpaint textures straight in Blender, also there is grease pencil.
Probably not, rightoids just being insane as usual.

Anonymous No. 990986

>Isn't NLA exactly this?
Currently it is technically possible to work with layered animation in Blender. It would require using the NLA, creating an Action for each layer and placing those on different tracks. Technically possible, but not a pleasure to work with. Not only does this create plenty of different Actions, it also makes it very hard to perform edits across layers, for example when retiming.
To exacerbate the situation, as already described above, NLA data cannot be linked as a separate ‘thing’ like Actions can, so taking these layered animations further through the production pipeline can be problematic.
The goals for a new animation layering system are:
One data-block that contains all the layers.
Tools for cross-layer editing, much like the Dope Sheet can edit keys in multiple F-Curves across different data-blocks.
Open up the possibility to put non-F-Curve data on layers. These could filter / manipulate animation from lower layers, like modifiers, or introduce new animation data, like simulations.
Make it possible to animate on top of those non-F-Curve layers.
I think we could see something in 2027-2029

Anonymous No. 990987

You have also this addon (paid):

Anonymous No. 990993

When you join geometry in geo nodes, any vertex group gets converted into regular attributes which breaks interaction with the armature modifier. I wanted to make rigged game assets where they easily export into a single object. There were other rigged objects that I wanted to make with geo nodes but is simply not possible because of the limitation.

Anonymous No. 990995

Why must reality often be disappointing

Anonymous No. 990997

Meanwhile, real professional programs like Maya already offer it. Blender doesn’t have excuses, the developers simply don’t hire more programmers and they don’t care about Blender’s progress.

Anonymous No. 991005

I guess you have to convert everything produced by geonodes to meshes before rigging.
Anyway, external game engines don't understand any Blender modifiers, so there is nothing Blender even theoretically can do to allow you do game assets with unapplied geonodes.

Anonymous No. 991012

>expecting opensource jeetware to be good

Anonymous No. 991028

You shitpost fags really aren't the brightest

Anonymous No. 991042

But I wasn't, I don't care about those people's mental illness.
They discriminate against me and kicked me out for being cis.
>Probably not, rightoids just being insane as usual.
You are part of the problem, just because I'm not LGBTQ like you doesn't mean that I'm right wing.
Grow up your stupid software is going to lose a lot of developers that are done with your leftists crap.
Because you hate straight white males it doesn't make it right to discriminate them.
I'm done with stupid blender, good luck with that.

Anonymous No. 991043

>Add public hair
Blender was co-oped by leftists LGBTQ, and they kicked me out because I am Cisgender.
After years of putting money and time on blender you made me a Maya user.

Anonymous No. 991044

And they discriminate against straight Man.

Anonymous No. 991050

Pray for Cris.

Anonymous No. 991058

I am a straight white male, and I'm on the Blender discord. I mostly use #help-me and #help-forum. It's not clear what you're doing to make them ban you for being cisgender.
If you start shishow like telling everyone around cool stories about racial realism or whatever, maybe that's why you're banned on 3d software discord, not for the fact you're cisgender?

Anonymous No. 991059

Non-retarded, non bugged panel management.

>do the move the close a panel
>it closes the panel
>it opens a new panel

>try the same shit again, same gesture, same position
>it finally closes the panel but now there are a dozen other panels to close

Anonymous No. 991077

>I am a straight white male
I doubt it
>If you start shishow like telling everyone around cool stories about racial realism or whatever

Wtf are you talking about? What racial realism, I don't even know what that means, they got angry at me because I didn't bash an artist for making a 3d model with big tits and small waist

Anonymous No. 991080

So curvy girls = racial realism?

Anonymous No. 991143

>racial realism
Fucking schizo

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Anonymous No. 991152

Much like javascript it was made to be different just to be different and as such has glaring issues in it's desperate bid to be unique.
It was adopted purely on the merit of being free and as such has exploded in popularity much like js, not as a result of quality but adoption by tards.
Some excel at using it for art in spite of the software but they would also excel in any other software package if they had started there.
The reality is it's carried hard by a few competent creatives and programmers contributing to the code and community freely but as a 3d package it is quite shit in comparison to other well established packages.
Sadly, autodesk are so greedy it's reaching cartoon villain levels and are also surviving purely by virtue of a preexisting community and industry but they have effectively priced themselves out of competition years ago and as such are unlikely to survive another generation.
I hate this industry.

Anonymous No. 991158

I can't imagine animating in Blender. Even the most basic thing like a curve editor is a fucking mess

Anonymous No. 991169

In Maya can you edit the viewport bone trails directly btw?
Honestly I was a bit surprised that blender doesn't allow that

Anonymous No. 991180

Javascript wasn't made to be different. Everything it has it copied from other languages. Extremely conformist syntax, purely pragmatic mindset behind anything, also designed in short time.

Anonymous No. 991184

It's layers upon layers of trying to fix itself and it uses retarded naming conventions that make no sense.

Anonymous No. 991186

>you're a Blender hater and you work for Autodesk.
Both are true. I love having a job.

Anonymous No. 991188

Your knowledge of JS is outdated

Anonymous No. 991189

No actually it's very fresh. Explain to me how I'm wrong without using the word frameworks.

Anonymous No. 991198

Answer the question, use blender and make good tutorials.
If you don't do all of the above everything you know will be lost forever.

Anonymous No. 991203

Best reply in thread and only reply is ragebait

Anonymous No. 991248

Stfu and pray for Cris
Cris is a Venezuelan artist and his country is in shambles

Anonymous No. 991260

What about not needing 50 clicks to move a cube?

Anonymous No. 991261

The most basic shit like, idk... drag n drop support?

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Anonymous No. 991269

>needing 50 clicks to move a cube

Anonymous No. 991270

It seems like zero consideration has been taken to make keyboard shortcuts readily accessible without you having to move your hand all over the keyboard while looking at it to find the right key for even the most common shortcuts.
This becomes doubly egregious when it seems like the entire application is dependent on your memorizing five trillion shortcuts and trying to click to what you need through the ui takes 20 additional unnecessary steps.
Even long standardized navigation shortcuts have been arbitrarily changed.

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Anonymous No. 991272

>idk... drag n drop support?

Anonymous No. 991274

>that trail
lmao even

Anonymous No. 991280

ES6 fixed the things you crying over.
ES7 will be better from what I have seen.

Anonymous No. 991281

No it didn't.
>the new one will fix everything
No it won't.
It's just shit on top of shit.

Anonymous No. 991288

well, it seems you are an expert in shit.

Anonymous No. 991289

Other than fixing animation/rigging which they are working on I'd like a improved baking system that works like geometry nodes so I can set it up and easily rebake and export multiple things after changes.

Anonymous No. 991293

That’s not how baking works, you can not undo an entire cake in real life, so you can’t undo animation mistakes.

Anonymous No. 991295

After seeing dozens of programming languages of all kinds, imperative, functional, oo, meta, logic, you won't find anything new in JS.
On the opposite, it's cheap dirty pragmatic language to get shit done. I wonder which naming conventions piss you off.
I was a bit pissed by C#, because it called function that was called "map" for good hundred of years by logicians, mathematicians and computer scientists a fucking "Select".
The same goes for "filter" -> "Where", "flatMap" -> "SelectMany", etc. But that's really a minor thing, and they only did it because of LINQ overloading thing.
But JS doesn't do such things, it's very conformist comparing to C# in this regard.

Anonymous No. 991315

eevee baking would be nice.

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Anonymous No. 991323







Anonymous No. 991324

it is the same shit with the dual quaternion skinning fix, a developer suggested it but never truly worked on that and the module coordinator doesn't give a fuck, at this point you could try to write the patch for the brush size and summit it, jfmatheu hasn't touched in 11 months.

Anonymous No. 991325

you could ask Sean Kim in too, he is the guy in charge now.

Anonymous No. 991326

Or you can try to ask for the radius thing in the Brush Refactor

Anonymous No. 991330

It matters not who you try to convince in the blender team. They will ignore you. I am 10x more likely to get a reply from real game developers from Nintendo than Blender team.

Anonymous No. 991353

I'm glad you admitted that you are hopelessly retarded.

Anonymous No. 991356

Isn't this a valid workaround?:

Anonymous No. 991360

No this doesn't work because the algorithm for the stroke is still essentially trying to calculate a brush radius on an X by X grid on of pixels, you're just cutting that radius in half. The brush painting algorithm is just the completely wrong implementation of this idea and they put no thought into the ramifications of this change and how it would break things going forward.

Anonymous No. 991363

the Blender studio did a blog post about pixelart a couple of months ago, you could try to ask for the size brush there.

Anonymous No. 991366

>Needs Blender 4.2
That’s a big no to many, you know because 4.2 is unable to open in the first place.

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cute marle.png

Anonymous No. 991423

>Ctrl+F "multires"
>1 match
I wonder how many anons have jumped ship already...
anyways, aside from that, the tools that spaniard left incomplete for the sculpt mode and a proper rigging system.

what was their project called again? animation 2020? 202X? 20XX?
maybe Ton wants to make a megaman reference

Anonymous No. 991436

Pablo did good things for sculpting but I read his manifesto once and his vision wouldn't have worked
The multires modifier sucks ass, I always have to duplicate the mesh and apply it at some point when I try to use it

Anonymous No. 991443

>and his vision wouldn't have worked
B-but that's what they are doing, ofc not at the speed that Dobarro used to work, all that shit could have been done in 2023, you can check the sculpt module page and it is there.,%20Paint%20&%20Texture
>Additional Content
>Long Term Design: Asset Creation Pipeline Design
they are working on the multires now, they want to fix everything and to add layers.

Anonymous No. 991675

One of the biggest issues I have with Blender is that sometimes I feel completely alone with a bug since some parts of Blender seem to be used by maybe 3 people on the entire planet.

I enjoy using the VSE for quick meme webm edits but at every new Blender release something gets fixed while something else breaks and makes the VSE unusable.
Doesn't help if I look up bug reports and the thing has been reported months ago but there's no activity.

Anonymous No. 991700

>you can check the sculpt module page and it is there.
it only links to Pablo's shitty speech
>they are working on the multires now
more like AGAIN, holy shit how new are you anon?
I need an edit of that TLoU gay-sex meme but it's Sergey getting fucked by the Multires modifier

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Anonymous No. 991712

>It's just solid color lambert shaded models run through a pixelation shader

Fucking pathetic.

Anonymous No. 992008

>they got angry at me because I didn't bash an artist for making a 3d model with big tits and small waist
you have screenshots?