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🧵 /beg/ - Beginner's General

Anonymous No. 991511

>Post beg related issues, concerns, and work. If you are med, or adv, remember what it was like to be a beg and DONT confuse the needy begs.
>List of free resources:

I made an eye cube

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Anonymous No. 991516

What would be the best way to maintain the style of the tooth in the ref sketch, while still ending up with an appealing model?
Really want to avoid having it be a regular tooth, but I think it'll clash/look ugly after I add regular teeth to the character, if I do keep it stylized.

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Anonymous No. 991525

How do I approach modelling something like this in blender so it has a more industrial look? If I want something like the rivets, I would think that it would be quite a dense mesh, considering the need to model the interior of the rivet as well, if I'm aiming for a close up?

And how would I rig this? I found an example of rigging this so that all 3 claws follow the movement of the centre piston via an IK rig, but is it possible to toggle each claw so that they can also be posed individually?

Anonymous No. 991533

>is it possible to toggle each claw so that they can also be posed individually?
Yes, you can use a driver to control the IK influence of each bone.
I think people sometimes create a 3d switch that you move to control IK, but you could also just add a custom property to the object. Drivers can easily access either one

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Anonymous No. 991536

I'm learning more each day
Blender so far is very nice to work with. I obviously have only scratched the surface of the software, but it's pretty intuitive

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Anonymous No. 991564

>/beg/ is back
fuck yeah

can I get some feedback on this walk? first pass just messing with the poses and timing going for a more feminine style walk

Anonymous No. 991578

Needs some secondary motion in the head + hood, and theres something funky w/ the arm swing, but I can't place it atm

Anonymous No. 991579

post donuts

Anonymous No. 991581

I lost my donut a few months ago when upgrading pc :/
i should remake it, it was super yummy with blue frosting and i made a silly animation with it

Anonymous No. 991582

I've never made a donut

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Anonymous No. 991588

I just decided I want to use Blender for a personal project. I mainly want to use it to make environments and backgrounds for my project, not really characters (yet)

Anonymous No. 991591

Are there really no good rigged normal human male templates? I've been digging through sites for a day and couldn't find one. The ones I saw look like shit, like low poly, extremely muscular, too toony looking or "realistic" as in disgusting looking.

Anonymous No. 991599

Gotcha. Thanks. I'll look into drivers, i guess. i saw some people use the 3D switch, but I'm not sure how to get that to look/play nice

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Anonymous No. 991635

need to work on head a lot more, just mashed some shit together and offset it by 2 frames for the hood. idk about the arms, I always struggle with those but hopefully this is a little better

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Anonymous No. 991639

following ian mcglasham's subd tutorials, just reworked part of the flow around the insets but too tired think about the next steps

zero animation experience but i think the deviation at the wrist is being pushed too far as it hits the back, makes it look like an intentional gesture and a little stilted as a result

Anonymous No. 991641

also how do I stop getting that weird snapping on legs when splining? not gonna move to spline just yet but it does look fucky when I do. do I have to swap to fk while the leg is in the air? looks like some ik fuckery to me but idk

i'll tone it down a bit ty

Anonymous No. 991647

I don't really consider this a /beg/ question, and I've been doing /3/ stuff going on 10 years at this point, so I wouldn't consider myself one either, that being said, there's not really any dedicated generals still active enough to ask this, so I'm gonna ask it here.

What's the best way to format/save a texture in a way that's lowest in terms of VRAM usage? For instance, a JPG may occupy 256kb on disk, but when Blender puts it on VRAM, it can take up like 20mb. Even more for other textures. Apparently, from what I've read, this is because Blender is doing some "uncompression" step, but that doesn't really make sense to me. Most of the usual formats, like JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc are compressed when saving, but in a way that it doesn't need to be decompressed (uncompressed?) to be used. Once they're saved, that's it, it's all there. Like, they're not a package that needs to be decoded like an MP3 file, what you see is what you get.
So yeah, IS there a file format that actually DOES load into VRAM at the same file size it does on disk? And, hopefully, is that file format relatively small in terms of file size?
Or am I thinking about this the wrong way?

Obviously I haven't had to worry about this for quite a long time, but now I'm really running up against VRAM limits with larger scenes, and I'm not really sure of how I can optimize the VRAM.

Anonymous No. 991701

anatomically speaking where is the canine tooth? Where would her bottom teeth be? This is easy to ignore in 2D but in 3D it's out of place on a whole extra plane

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Anonymous No. 991704

Finished my first ever Doughnut

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Anonymous No. 991706

Alright I've been working in blender for almost a week now.
Now the newest problem I'm facing is trying to multi-color an object.

I used the cell fracture to make a brick wall shatter effect, and trying to color each specific block, without having to color EACH block.

How can I multi-color this? It's got 302 pieces total.

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Anonymous No. 991730

more chess pieces, is there anything recommended to follow after finishing these tutorials? i'm thinking of picking up a moderate project, some headphones or a mouse or something, just not sure if there's more i should learn first
not sure what you're asking, if the problem is getting that material onto each piece you can select all of them, make sure a piece already assigned the material is active, click the arrow to the right of the materials panel and "copy material to selected"

Anonymous No. 991732

Can't you just use the same material for all of them?
You can add the material to all at once by selecting all of them, selecting one of the pieces that has the material, then pressing ctrl+L to link materials. It'll copy the materials and slots from the last selected object to all of the other ones. Works for modifiers too.

Anonymous No. 991737

I've got a really weird fuckin issue with Blender right now and it's driving me up the wall.
I've got a shader node group, with a group inside it, and for some reason the outputs are getting corrupted or something. If I go into one of them and check them in the viewer, they look fine, but when I leave the nodegroup and preview the same output (it's a direct connection from the inner group straight out), it's completely fucked up (masks are pure white, or combine inputs from masks that aren't even connected to it). Sometimes if I disconnect it and reconnect it, it'll fix itself, sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes I need to make an entirely new output on both groups to make it work.
It's not me forgetting to connect something, or something put in between them, it's a direct connection from the inner nodegroup, to the outer one, and then into the shader.
Searching for it comes up with nothing, and it's been happening randomly. I'm using 4.1

It's making working on this shit incredibly annoying. Something looks like it's not working, I have to troubleshoot it, find out I've done it right, then when I fiddle with the nodes it fixes itself. All for the process to repeat itself after I start getting into the zone again.

Anonymous No. 991744

The only thing I can think that of is that if you're using EEVEE and a bunch of Attribute nodes set to Object/Instancer mode. There is a hard limit of 8 of them inside 1 material before it starts to break.

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Anonymous No. 991754

I need to animate a toroidal vortex. Like a smoke ring. I need to animate it churning as it moves, and it breaking apart and dispersing as it hits a surface.

How the fuck do I do this?

Anonymous No. 991772

you need to learn to figure out shit on your own, or scope down your projects because this is beyond your skill level if you can't figure out how to do it

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UV fuckery.webm

Anonymous No. 991774

any idea why this isn't working?
trying to mirror one side of my UVs and paste it onto the other half to save texture space, since it's symmetrical anyway

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Dandylion Wirefra....gif

Anonymous No. 991790

Ive been messing around with blockbench and im having fun. I should probably swap to blender to learn more though.

Anonymous No. 991791

would recommend this vid if you're interested in low poly stuff, or just blender in general. Grant Abbitt is a really good teacher too

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Anonymous No. 991795

Well, I'm using eevee to preview the material, but ultimately it's in Cycles.
Not sure what you mean by attribute nodes though. I just have textures going in to them, and I'm using math and shit. If you mean outputs, the main group has 6, the inner one has 5, and another inner one has 1.
The inner one with 5 is where it's fucking up. When I'm inside it, and preview the bits that are feeding into the output, they're fine. If I go to the parent one, they sometimes fuck up, and the same goes for previewing any of the slots outside the group. Obviously as you can see, apart from the one mix node, there's nothing between them from inside to outside.

Please excuse the spaghetti.

Anonymous No. 991796

Just delete one half of the model, and use a mirror modifier to do it.

Anonymous No. 991801

holy sovl...

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Anonymous No. 991807

Bait used to be an art. Now you just get slop like this.

Anonymous No. 991810

That's not at all what the dude was describing though.

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Anonymous No. 991849

Thanks! I'll try this today.

Anonymous No. 991859

How does one obtain 3ds max without paying top dollar for it?

Anonymous No. 991862

a bellowing anus of smoke...

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Anonymous No. 991863

Much further along. Broke down and sculpted the body, because I didn't want to poly model it. Working on hair now, will do Hands + feet next.

Anonymous No. 991865

the SOVL... oh dear god the SOVL... i love everything about this. i wish i was even 1/100th as talented

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big hole.png

Anonymous No. 991871

How would you integrate this hole so it isn't just attached to the rest of the model by a big stupid ngon?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 991873


Anonymous No. 991874

if you're fine with triangles, delete the ngon, select both edges and use Bridge Edge Loops
if you want quads only you'll need to add geometry and work that knife
but ngons aren't bad on flat surfaces if you're not planning to subdivide

Anonymous No. 991875

is there any market for blender riggers? I probably already know the answer
it's probably the thing I'm the least shit at in blender

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Anonymous No. 991881

damn you anon, i wanted you to do my homework for me.
its not pretty, its probably not necessary, but it works.

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Dandylion Standing.png

Anonymous No. 991883

Not sure if this is sarcasm but I dont think it is? If so thank you anon. Its my first (finished) 3D model.

Anonymous No. 991884

i promise its not sarcasm i genuinely love this lil fella like you wouldn't believe.

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Anonymous No. 991885

dios mio, you can afford the edge loops, no need to torture yourself

Anonymous No. 991886

In that case here are the files if youd like to look at it closer :) I know its messy. I was doing the face as pixel art but it looked bad when at a low res so I just 3d modeled the eyes and mouth lines. I think it looks like an old Nintendo DS model a bit.

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Anonymous No. 991889

this is going to be a game model
so unfortunately i cannot

Anonymous No. 991960

It's a flat surface, just fill that shit with triangles and move on. Muh quads don't really matter here.

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Anonymous No. 991975

I'm tired of traditional poly modeling
looked into some SDF stuff like Adobe NEO, Womp and Spline. Womp seems the best and most intuitive of those, but it's held back by being web-based
now I'm thinking about VR modeling with either Adobe Medium or Substance 3D Modeler
literally all I want to do is make cool looking images, cartoony like pic related. should I bother with the VR stuff?

Anonymous No. 991976

Bro, just learn sculpting

Anonymous No. 991977


Anonymous No. 991981

are you dumb or just stupid

Anonymous No. 991982

I'm just tired of faux 3D flat screen shit, I want something that feels intuitive and organic to create with

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Anonymous No. 991983

anyone know what's happening here? when in IK mode, that one arm is jittery when moving (idk if webm quality will show it) then when I cancel the move with right click, it stays in place. the other arm is in ik here too but it's not having this issue. both arms are identical in terms of parents constraints etc as far as I know

Anonymous No. 991993

ok so go model with clay retard

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Anonymous No. 991995

what if anon got one of those machines that 3d scans irl objects into computer files

Anonymous No. 992004

Like in Tron?
Those don't exist, retard.

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Anonymous No. 992012

small scale LIDAR maybe? clay -> lidar point map -> 3d model?

Anonymous No. 992013

Should I do it and buy this? I'm terrible at modelling the entire human body. I just want to do heads, clothes, objects, scenes, animations.

Anonymous No. 992028

blender studio made free base meshes that are arguably better than that one. if you're not using blender it should be easy enough to bring these in whatever program you're using.

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Anonymous No. 992029

Fuck it, I'll break down and ask, anyone here have a link for a good tutorial on character hair for video games? I really don't feel like this is correct, or will turn out looking okay.

I would just toss a bunch of solid blobs on her head that vaguely look like hair and call it a day, but I don't feel like I would be able to make the hair dynamic enough during animation.

Anonymous No. 992033

How do I choose between sculpting and traditional modeling/do I have to? I've been following a lot of 3D content on YT and some of the artist I want to emulate model traditionally and others sculpt. I have a tablet, but I'm not sure which method would be better in the long run.

Anonymous No. 992035

What is your end goal? You'll have to learn both at some point, to some extent or another.
If you're just looking to make statues/figures, sculpt. Anything organic is almost required to be sculpted.
Hard surface? poly modeling. Misc props? Poly modeling.
Fabrics? Simulated + sculpting
Game Dev/ Animation? Base meshes -> sculpt -> Retopology(Requires skills/understanding developed by traditional modeling) -> final model.

Anonymous No. 992036

It seems like I should mostly sculpt cause I just wanna make cute models (possibly learn to rig them) and animate. I would want to learn more box modeling cause making props and weapons seems like a good skill to have aswell.

Anonymous No. 992041

personal preference, but you usually end up using both

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Anonymous No. 992045

doing UV maps for the first time on some little practice models

Anonymous No. 992046

fixed this by adjusting some constraints that were targeting the org bones on the hands. instead had them target the ik hand bones and that seems to have dealt with it without breaking anything else. downside is I don't think I can have the gun interact with the arms while they're in fk but not a huge deal and I can change the target to the fk bone if I have to.

still curious what caused this to begin with. it didn't happen in the course, so it has to be my fault but been messing with it the last few days and can't figure out what went wrong.

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Anonymous No. 992094

The meshes definitely look good but I need to quickly move beyond having an animation-ready human. I ended up buying this for $18 just for the rigging.

I just wanted the normal human male model which is kind of shit. The face still wasn't completely rigged so I've wasted two days troubleshooting through it. Right now I'm losing hours with the eyelid bones and cheek bone flying away when I move the head. This is why I want to avoid as many tedious steps as possible. If I don't have to reinvent the wheel by rigging a human body I'll save at least a week.

Anonymous No. 992097

The custom shape objects were the problem. I duplicated several faces from the mesh to make the shape, and they retained the armature modifier which would cause them to multiply the effects of the armature, causing them to fly away.

Anonymous No. 992125

What is the suggested roadmap for a beginner looking to get into 3D modeling and animation?

I made a donut years ago and kinda did nothing else. I have been drawing plenty though.

Anonymous No. 992136

How do I turn a high poly model with Subd-optimized geometry into a low poly model for a game engine?

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Anonymous No. 992325

same Anon here. FUCK
>get a Rift S headset with the controllers to try Substance 3D Modeler in VR
>headset is uncomfortable as hell
>Adobe and 'Meta' have 50 different steps to put you through before they dare allow you to use an app
>can't even get Substance 3D Modeler to fucking run, just loads endlessly in VR
>putting it on and off is such a hassle that my glasses cut into the foam and damaged the headset already
>give up, want to smash my PC and VR headset to pieces
fuck all of this. fuck the whole thing. pic related is some shit I made in Womp earlier, but it sucks and could've been done in 1/10th of the time in Dreams or actually using a VR tool if it would fucking let me

Anonymous No. 992329

Yeah, I'm kinda new here, after few months of ignoring sculpting mode, then I finally decided to give it a try and went through youtube tutorial explaining snake hook in dyntopo mode, then I used it to model a tree and it was almost orgasmic. Sculpting is the way for organic stuff and it's really fun to use. I also got into multires very barely over the last few days and I hated it even though it worked for what I wanted to do. But it's clunky and ugly to use. Sculpting in dyntopo mode feels best.

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Anonymous No. 992454

trying to bring a rig from maya into blender to practice rigging etc etc. pic related. it comes with a .ma file and a texture folder. I don't know dick about textures, or about maya in general. most of my experience is simple modeling, rigging, and animation so far. There don't seem to be any textures when I open it in maya, and I have no clue how to apply textures correctly via either software. so how do i either:
a) apply the textures correctly to the maya file so I can export it all to blender via obj or fbx
b) apply the textures correctly to the mesh in blender after exporting. because I can get the mesh in just fine.

the rig is nc-11 by a guy named arthurnal on gumroad if you care

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Anonymous No. 992534


Anonymous No. 992548

that's a penis

Anonymous No. 992562

Once he sees you, you're fucked

Anonymous No. 992569

I got accepted at a firm and I'm starting in a couple of weeks but I lied on my proficiency in Rhino 3D. Do you have any master courses I could take or exercises?

I'm already proficient with Autocad, Blender for 3D modelling and rendering and BIM like Revit and Archicad. Is Rhino 3D a huge step afar from those softwares?

Anonymous No. 992576


Anonymous No. 992634

I have very little experience with 2D animation but would like to learn 3D animation. Anyone got any experience with Bloop Animation's courses on Blender animation? Is it a good place to start? I know Youtube is full of tutorials, but I want something cohesive where I end up with an actual project.

Anonymous No. 992706

not sure about Bloop, but these courses look good