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🧵 /wip/ - Works In Progress

Anonymous No. 991621

/wip/ - Works In Progress - High Level Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>984984

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Anonymous No. 991656

Taking the time to finally make actual low poly versions of the buildings I made a few threads ago. I had made some medium LOD versions that I used in the animation >>983946 a few months ago, but even those were a bit too heavy to be using on a full city scale.
The highest poly versions are great for closeups, especially with the perspective correct windows, the medium LOD ones have the same setup, but they're a bit more economical, but these ones in pic related are as bare-bones as I can make em. Apart from the array modifier used to stack them, every vert is the absolute minimum to get the shape and nothing else. So with the low poly versions, I should be able to put down hundreds of them to equal out to one of the high poly ones.
It's only 2 of like 30 buildings done, but most of the time was spent figuring out how to bake, what I need to bake, and how I wanted to use em.

I was able to manage to keep the random windows, kinda. Each low poly building is a chunk of 10 floors, and I baked 3 different variations for the windows. Then using the "random per UV island", I could randomly select from the 3 texture variations for each face of a building, and it'll pick another each time I stack it up as well (why I did it in 10 floor chunks instead of an entire skyscraper). As before, neon lights are random as well, probability and color. Though for the low poly versions, I'm opting to skip on the dual color setup that creates neon strips of 2 colors that complement each other with color theory principles.
Most of the masks are packed into the normal map, just leaving the 3 window variations, so each building is just 4 textures. I guess I could make it 6 if I wanted to keep the accent colors. We'll see.

But yeah, I know it ain't much to look at, but I'm pretty happy that I'm getting rid of huge chunks of geo without much visual cost.
Thanks for reading my blog post.

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Anonymous No. 991658

started this prop over 2 years ago and abandoned it because I was busy with work and couldn't give it my full attention, just came back to it after 18 months now and started texturing it. Will hopefully finish it this time

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Anonymous No. 991660

Making Kris Dreemurr. Finished body mesh and now learning substance painter for skin painting. I wont call it I finished result since I'm still toying around and still not sure in what style to make his skin (definitely not realistic).

Some hair i ripped from other art for a placeholder but I'm not even thinking about how it will be look because it's another can of worms for later.

Anonymous No. 991665

Ugly ass Tumblr nose

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Anonymous No. 991667

Working on a music video for one of my songs.
Wondering if I should use the 1:1 ratio as shown, for:
- friendlier to vertical screens
- autism points
Or maybe I should switch to something wider before I do any serious animation.

Anonymous No. 991668

4:3 for the retro feel

Anonymous No. 991673

why not even wider? Space movies especially are shot in the widest ratios, for the feeling of, well, space, so might be fitting

Anonymous No. 991677


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Anonymous No. 991683

I wanted to try and recreate an old anime shiny bloom effect as a test but this was the only way I could come up with and it was really annoying to make, and it seems like it would be really impractical in a real project idk...
how would you have done it?
can I get some input on this?

Anonymous No. 991691

veryveig has a good video on old anime in blender you should take a look

Anonymous No. 991695

Seems like you could do something similar with a static map, then use UV warping to do the work for you.
I'm just spitballing here, but maybe by using a circular map of some highlights, then using polar coordinates or something with the vector rotate node, you can animate it shifting and stuff.

Anonymous No. 991698

For the image on the right, is that a shader to get that hand drawn look or just good texturing?

Anonymous No. 991738

Everything in both images uses zero texturing and shader materials from here:
Basically follow the tutorial, after that you can duplicate and tweak the shader to have different colors which you can assign to faces.

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Anonymous No. 991747

Is it possible to have only one object have infinite draw distance?

Namely the skybox. Instead of increasing the draw distance of the camera for all things in my scene I want only the skybox to have infinite draw distance, is that even possible? I looked it up on G**gle but I couldn't find results for my specific question

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Anonymous No. 991780

it's fun to model fun things :3c

Anonymous No. 991785

You could use a world shader instead of a literal box for the sky
You can map the camera view vector to a UV coordinate and sample your cubemap with that

Anonymous No. 991792

Oh that’s super cool

Thanks for the tutorial! Definitely going to try this out

Anonymous No. 991805

how would you go about rigging something like this? Looks good anon

Anonymous No. 991811

>how would you go about rigging something like this?
The same way you rig any humanoid figure? What kind of question is this?

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Anonymous No. 991819

Huh it works like a charm, thanks anon, I forgot the World Shader existed. I don't really like how the image I'm using (a simple flat image, no HDRI) is giving off background lighting (as in, the image is mostly cyan and the world shader is now giving the whole scene a cyan-ish hue) but it's fine, my question was to fix the draw distance and you answered that splendidly, thanks again brutha

Anonymous No. 991821

Me again, I did a little research and found a video going exactly over how to remove the "background lighting":

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Anonymous No. 991876

Comission to port this into CS 1.6. Some people apparently play this game and want new content lol. Back then we still had oldstyle diffuse and basic phong

This includes reduction (coplanar dissolve) to 11.5k poly after that I baked different islands to separate materials and their own UV maps
So I have 17 different 512x512 textures similar to a UDIM setup but not really. This game supports up to 64 textures per model but the resolution is extremely limited, so shit like this is necessary

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Anonymous No. 991877


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Anonymous No. 991878


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plasma gun1.jpg

Anonymous No. 991950

Making a plasma gun

Not sure about this one

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Anonymous No. 991951

Finished up the menagerie of low poly buildings. Takes around 100k of them to start making Blender's viewport chug a little (around 15m verts), and RAM usage is pretty low when rendering. So I'd call the work worth it. Especially considering I was reaching 15m with around 200 medium-poly buildings before.
There's some shit I have to fix up, like the materials being a bit fucky (mainly the neon), but at least I know it'll take more buildings than I'd ever want to put into a scene before it starts impacting things.
Feels like a huge weight off my shoulders now that I got that shit done.

Anonymous No. 991956

If you're looking for opinions, personally I'd make the diameter of the whole thing smaller, as well as add some sort of metal frame in the middle section so that the weapon can be held with both hands. I'm also wondering how this boomstick can be reloaded, there appears to be no way that cartridges of any kind can be inserted, unless this weapon has some kind of self-recharging mechanism thus not requiring such an element. I like the exposed wires, gives it that techy and prototypical feel

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Anonymous No. 991959

made some progress on the textures over the weekend, want to finish this before the end of the month

Anonymous No. 991963


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plasma gun 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 991968

Thanks for the advice. A lab bench prototype is exactly what I'm going for. I made it a bit skinnier and added a minigun style front handle.
It just ionizes air, so no special gas needed. The back has a spot for replaceable energy cells that you can twist in and out (reloading). I also added a coolant tank to the side, to help with all the heat.

Still not sure how I'm going to do the grip/trigger. Maybe just sticking out the back or top...

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Anonymous No. 991992

bros how do i get good at texturing clothing with details for characters? i feel holding me back is my textures look flat and boring, how do people give their clothing proper textures and shading?

Anonymous No. 991997

they learn how to draw and paint for NPR models
also don't go full black, it doesn't leave room to go darker, ask your mom

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Anonymous No. 992014

made even more progress on the wood, I think it's close to being finished now

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Anonymous No. 992019

Did a little self portrait. Just kidding, self deprecating humor is fucking cringe. Made myself some trash bins, created a version with interiors too, doors rigged and everything

Texturing clothes is something I have little experience in so far so take what I say for what it is, but to give my cloths (cloths without the e, I textured couches, beds and tents, not many actual clothes but the same basic principles apply) some detail I paint it directly onto the Diffuse map.
To create detail, first I start by drawing the cloth's suture/stitches, this is useful bcause in the case of couch pillows that's where a good chunk of folds will be found, running along the entire length of the stitches. As for larger details, those would be depressions found along the larger surfaces of the couch, such as on backrests: here I recommend using a large, round, soft, low strength brush. Lastly, once you're done with the shadows, I recommend drawing highlights: pick a white color and with low strength pass it by the cloth's more elevated areas, its ridges. Highlights are usually seen next to areas in shade, so there's this juxtaposition, this contrast. Remember to be subtle, with shadows but especially with highlights, crank the opacity for those pretty low.
Anyway when in doubt just grab some clothing references on G**gle images or other image search engines of your choice and eyeball that shit

Also this, >>991997 . I suspect the one you showed us was just you using the Flat Lighting mode but even under other conditions it's best you don't go full black, but if you still wanna use it you'll have to make sure to put several highlights in your texture: put plenty of low opacity white strokes on your Diffuse texture

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Anonymous No. 992020

Here's an example of some cloth I textured, for a low poly couch. I forgot to put highlights in this texture, alas, final results with those will likely make it all look better

Anonymous No. 992042

the yellow is too much, you are loosing readability
detail sharpness looks fine
if you want to imply some old sign it needs some structure, otherwise drop it

lmao, rthose scratches at the bottom of the slide, that looks so random

Anonymous No. 992044

>lmao, rthose scratches at the bottom of the slide, that looks so random

previous pistol broke, intact slide was carried in a backback on a long hike til armor got hold of it, slide wore along all exposed edges. Wasn't so hard to come up with a compelling story why the gun look that way. Gun nuts still being all autistic about minute surface details are what makes me lololomaoing untill my ass comes off.

You never see anyone being this way with other weathered surfaces "that's no a real grill tong, as ANYONE who used a grill tong for 10000 hours know the wear would happen here and here due to it being manipulated this way and that way" bro stfu lol.

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Anonymous No. 992047

I was shitposting in blender today

Anonymous No. 992049


i appreciate your guyes replies very informative

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Anonymous No. 992050

what is this weird discoleration anons? i cant get it to go away no matter what

Anonymous No. 992051

good wood

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Anonymous No. 992052

the yellow looks pretty much the exact same in the reference I'm following

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Anonymous No. 992053

the shading is weird because you dont have any sharp edges where the surface bends more than 90deg
mark these edge loops as sharp

Anonymous No. 992054

thanks anon that worked

Anonymous No. 992056

ooooo i like where this thing is going

Anonymous No. 992060

>contraved wall of text why it looks bad

dont need to be a "gun nut" to see the textyuring has little sense, with little wear on the grip, and and steel war on parts that are obscured instead of whre they should be ... on the corners of the gun
its what makes it look like an amateurish model, rather than something half decent

Anonymous No. 992061

still looks random as fuck with no context, you want to hint at least at the shape of the sign, otherwise it looks like random sports of pait
also your referece is an old yellow paint job, covered with a bad red paint job, so you have those bits of yellow sticking under the red, at lest yellow where originally it didnt peal off
your looks mor elike random paint drops, ... but its on the red, and under in some points, like where isnt there red paint everywhere under the yellow?

Anonymous No. 992078

Bro, you're fucking retarded,
It's obviously not a sign. All your crits are worthless because it's obvious how fucking blind you are.
Just stop. That anon knows what he's doing, you obviously don't.

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Anonymous No. 992082

finished my outfit pretty happy with the result used some random pbr materials i found, still pretty new to this but im proud of it

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Anonymous No. 992084

lmao, thanks anon for defending me, he's fucking retarded for sure.

Anyways, here's another progress update. It needs a couple more weeks of tweaking but it's very close to being done.

Anonymous No. 992135

looks baller

Anonymous No. 992137

Looks like Mike Wazowski fucked a Cacodemon

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Anonymous No. 992143

Working on my first ever project: a voxel character for a horni game

Anonymous No. 992148

if the UV map is cut like a clothing pattern you can just put the logos and shit on it, and they'll deform on the mesh how they would with real titties stuffed in a real shirt

Anonymous No. 992162

>That anon knows what he's doing,
cool, explain how the yellow paint can be both under and over the red pain?
obviously top layer stack is different than bottom one

and if its a full body yellow paint covered in red paint then why dosnt yellow show up more under the red?
to a complete newbie it may look "cool" but structurally its complete nonsense that dosnt match the reference the guy posted himself

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Anonymous No. 992197

following the funny french man course, first attempt at a non-ball animation. Now to actually watch the rest of the lesson and see how you´re actually supposed to do it

Anonymous No. 992222

imagine the smell!

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Anonymous No. 992321

Modeled and (first draft) textured mah moo boah. Will rig him tomorrow

Anonymous No. 992324

honestly had a hard time telling that it wasn't photogrammetry

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Anonymous No. 992343

So, I made this wamen scuplt as a way of practicing anatomy and im looking forward for some critics. Going to merge the pieces and fix the unions next, maybe do some repo if my lazy ass let me.

Anonymous No. 992350

No offence man but she genuinely looks like an alien. Off the bat the things that jump to me are:
>head + neck too large
>neck should be thinner since it's a woman
>neck is too long
>forehead looks a bit too large, the upper skull seems too tall to me, but admittedly i have little experience in doing realistic human females
>trapezius muscle is too tall especially in the front view
>arms are too thin compared to the hands, look at how large the hands are compared to the toothpick-arms she's got
>hands look manly, might just be because of their size when compared to the arms but it might also have to do with the way the fingers are shaped, which in males tend to be "blocky", female fingers on the other hand are more rounded off; that said it might just be the aliasing of your pic giving the impression of blocky fingers

Other than that, shoulder to hip ratio is adequate, legs look alright (maybe the lower shins shouldn't have the bone so exposed, the shin bone is mostly visible in the upper area next to the knee, then lower than that, barring the ankles, the person's flesh mostly hides it).
It looks to me that your intention was sculpting a realistic female with physique leaning towards the average to thin side. Nothing wrong with that, I just find that particular body type not particularly attractive so when there are incongruities I feel they become more apparent. I realize why stylized-idealized body types are more popular, as they are easier to make and more eye pleasing, even when they come with anatomical inaccuracies, because the parts that are idealized make up for them.
I hope at least some of my observations will be useful to you.
You picked a difficult subject matter, good luck with it, and always use lots of references in the unlikely case you weren't already

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Anonymous No. 992352

Early-stage center focal point type building for another city animation.
I need a big chunk of the sky visible, so I figured a big squat megabuilding would clear out a nice space. I figured a slighly Mayan inspired pyramid would be kinda neat to echo a bit of the Tyrell building from Blade Runner.
I think right now it's a bit too small, and the buildings are too close, but I'm still feeling out the general scale of things. I'm planning on a series of highways and stuff going through the center on the bottom, and some elevated train lines going through the middle.

Anonymous No. 992359

mate have you look at your image ? i swear some people don't even spend time looking at what they do before asking for feedback. it's OBVIOUS what's wrong, this is some extraterrestrial looking fucking character

Anonymous No. 992363

it looks like you sculpted some pieces individually without proportioning it with the rest of the body, but as individual pieces they look actually very well done, especially the face and lips, good work anon.
the neck and traps muscles are really jarring to look at and the delts droop far too quickly off of the shoulders. That secondary bulge underneath the knees, while it is "kinda" there, looks very exaggerated and should be blended with the flesh. Shes got some real big stompers too.
I agree with what the previous anon said about stylized bodies, i think what looks good is often better than what looks accurate, but if its not accurate it wont look good. of course when learning anatomy it is important to stay realistic but playing with the right proportions can add "personality" and really make a character pleasing. great work tho, keep it up.

Anonymous No. 992368

thanks anon, I've put a ridiculous amount of effort into the textures, it's almost done, just need a few adjustments here and there

Anonymous No. 992369

This is some really good quality bait; a lot of anons are going to fall for this one lmao

Anonymous No. 992379

...did you use a reference?

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Anonymous No. 992385

finishing up this one. started as an exercise in plasticity, but I might as well get a render out of it

Anonymous No. 992394

you can make ui transparent in top right, put few pics of side and front profiles, and move into a shape

most important i find when doing really good anatomy is fallowing 1 !!! ref, and using others only to understand where muscles and body landmarks are

also dont use other artists art, use 3d scans
pics are enough, dont need to buy the models

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Anonymous No. 992403

I've been messing with the povray addon for blender, wanting to find how to get that 90s rts sprite look, y'know, Like Starcraft, but way more low budget/amateurish since that's the kind of shit i used to get from shareware/Demo CDs

I think you need to abuse the Phong/Specular settings until you get that shiny, plasticy gloss, then, then deepfry the output image to get that low res, upscaled look.

Been told to lower the fps and Color depth, will look into it later.

Made some cutscenes this way but i didn't endear anybody with my, uh, "unique" design tastes/low skills.

Bad Ending:

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Anonymous No. 992414

A little more work on it.
I think the tiny windows/lights really brings it into that Blade-Runner esque "bigature" look.

Anonymous No. 992415

And I just realized I'm a retard and left the cursor in the screenshot.

Anonymous No. 992417

Looks badass, the lit windows really help feel the scale of this building, i.e. fuckhuge

Anonymous No. 992427

i know it's a plasticity export so this not a critique but that topology is wild

Anonymous No. 992432

Fair enough, still having trouble with the fundamentals as you can see, but practice make perfect. I haven't dive into any stilize stuff as i find my anatomy still lacking but both of raise some good points in that regard, maybe next time i wil give it a shoot.

Not for this one, but i tend to do one sculpt with reference and one without, something i heard from the FlippedNormals guys. First you study the references and then test what you learn in the blind run. So far, It has helped me find some of my weak points, which there are still many. At least i see the improvement in every piece i make, even if none of them are particularly good im enjoying the journey.

Also thanks for the link bro, im gonna start ripping some juice jpgs right now.

Anonymous No. 992447

Thanks bro. It still has a ways to go, but I'm glad it's coming together.

Anonymous No. 992449

wireframe is not at 100%, so it looks wilder than it actually is.

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Anonymous No. 992465

Mining Lamp, critique welcome.

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Anonymous No. 992467

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Anonymous No. 992480

Did some fuggin' machinery, here is a turbine. When looking for references the older machines, in about the 40s to 70s range, were those with the most visual interest, I like their more rounded shapes. I imagine for workers back then having the machines they work with have a more eyepleasing shape might have made for a slightly more tolerable experience, who knows

Anonymous No. 992507

I know absolutely FUCK ALL about open flame lamps like this (in terms of fuel and whether or not that fuel leaves a residue), but if it were me I'd put some black areas on the upper part of the concave bit so it looks like that area has soot or residue or whatever is left by a burning flame. I'd also put some discoloration in general near the areas the flame's heat interacts with since I feel like the heat would have done something to the metal, at least a little bit.
I'd also put some scratches and the like near the bottom, as if it's been set down a bunch of times, not particularly deep ones like it's been fuckin abused. Though if you wanted to go for abused, maybe some dents and the like via normal/bump in likely places would be a nice touch.

That being said, whenever I make an object like this, I try to learn everything I can about that object in terms of its use, how it will wear, and stuff like that. So if you do the same, you probably already know whether or not I'm full of shit with my suggestions.

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Library Capsule.png

Anonymous No. 992508

Been arranging graphics and visuals for my game, happy with how stuff turned out between the page and the trailer.

Anonymous No. 992520

Fishe! :D

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Anonymous No. 992537

WIP bug girl sculpt

Anonymous No. 992545

Based bug fucker. Show us a closeup of her pussy and asshole

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Anonymous No. 992601

Got the city going around it.
Originally, I had this complicated network of roads, interchanges and stuff forming a ring around the pyramid, with a giant park in the center of it, but I just couldn't get it to look dense and urban enough. Like the pyramid was meant to carve out a big chunk so the sky was visible, but I gave it too much.
I also needed a metric shit ton of buildings to fill out the space, and I was getting OOM errors despite having more than hefty enough specs. VRAM wasn't even peaked, but it said it was. Not sure how, considering I wasn't using very many textures. Claimed it was out of regular memory too, despite not filling my 64gb.

In any case, I decided to just focus things down to a single dense corridor. Went from several hundred buildings to like 60. Doesn't need to be an entire city there if you can just fool people into it.
I'm still fucking around with the compositing of it though. Not sure how you're supposed to get fog at night without brightening everything unnaturally. Throwing on color and setting the mix to add doesn't really fly.

But yeah, still a ways to go, but it's coming together. Should look pretty neat with holograms, flying cars, and shit like that.
Dude's obviously a placeholder, mainly just for scale and stuff when I detail the rooftop.

Anonymous No. 992616

rest of the buildings are too bright and too neon compared to your focal point imo.
it should probably also be a little taller/bigger
rim light as well to make the silhouette more apparent. right now it just kinda blends into the sky

Anonymous No. 992620

You can make the pyramid massive so the building looks smaller in comparison,
To make it look more like a massive city, put a lot of texture cubes in the distance and leave the big detailed buildings inthe front

Anonymous No. 992637

I'm still working on the main building, so it still needs lighting. Buildings came with lighting by default since I had them set up like that already. So it's early stages still, but I got to cheat a bit by jumping ahead with the skyscrapers.
As for the scale, the pyramid is already pretty fuckhuge I think (2.4km x 2.4km x 1.3km), with the buildings averaging around 800-1000m, all pretty high (higher than the Burj Khalifa). I guess I can accentuate the pyramid a bit by just moving it up some though.

As for the distance, I have a shitload of low poly buildings >>991951 which are just high LOD versions of the foreground ones, but like I mention in my long as fuck post, I need to keep the sky somewhat clear, as it's important for the animation. I guess I could fill out the sides a bit more, and leave the area over the pyramid clear though.
Unless you mean the low poly buildings in front of the pyramid to make it look really big. I feel like that might throw the scale off too much. Like don't get me wrong, the pyramid is big, and it's meant to be big, but having tiny buildings in front to make it look bigger might make it look off since that would mean the windows are fucking massive. Right now, the windows are about 2x2m which I'd say is pretty fair for a window, but if the building gets bigger and they stay the same size, it might just look like noise.

I'll have to play around with it. Maybe I can just make it look bigger by removing the buildings behind it, bumping it up a bit, filling the sides with more foreground buildings (since they appear bigger when they're closer), and letting mist take care of the rest.

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Anonymous No. 992640


Anonymous No. 992648

Have him float around and talk like the heads in Crash Bandicoot when you enter a level.

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Anonymous No. 992655

can't believe i fell for the autodesk meme for so long bros

Anonymous No. 992659

This is what peak graphics looks like too me and not that garbage 3M polys + 8k textures that even RTX will not save. Good job.

Anonymous No. 992667

R-really? Thank you anon-kun, I'm so glad you like what I made

Anonymous No. 992670

You know you can do the same texturing on a model with "3M polys + 8k textures" and it'd look the exact same. There's nothing inherent about the polycount or texture resolution here that contributes heavily to the look. It looks god, but stop being a retarded contrarian, /v/ tourist.

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Anonymous No. 992690

Anonymous No. 992701

Bros what's the best way to make powder in Blender for an animation? If it wasn't an animation it would be simple enough, but this shit is moving.
I've tried a smoke simulation, but that comes out too much like, well, smoke. I've tried a particle system, but I'm going need about 30 million of them for it to look like powder.

Is there a way to add that those fake particles, I can't remember the name, like there is with a hair particle system? Like for every "real" hair there's 10 "fake" ones so it looks like there's more except it stops your computer blowing up? Or maybe some sort of "clumping" I can do where some of the particles stick together more and some of them are more loose?

I'm not going to lie I think I might be out of my depth.

Anonymous No. 992741

I'd really just go with a smoke sim AND a particle sim. Depending on the consistency, powder is gonna look like smoke. Flour for example would absolutely just look like smoke. Sugar, probably not, but if you get that shit really going it can, see sugar factory explosions. Hell, certain kinds of dirt comes up as smoke too.
But yeah, you can use a smoke sim to drive a particle sim's particles (use the smoke force field). Do the smoke, and add some particles to get that chunkiness.



Anonymous No. 992751

Did what I could to bring the pyramid out a bit more from the background. I tried rim-lighting it, but no matter where I put the light, the shit just didn't want to catch the edges. Neon on the corners does the same thing though.
Also beefed up the sides a bit more, and tried to make a bit of an angle with them pointing towards the pyramid. The elevated highway on the left kind of steals focus a bit right now, but things should balance out a bit once I get holograms and ads and shit in there, since there's gonna be stuff all over the place. I really want the viewer's eye to wander and kinda get lost in it.

Also, I added a fuckload of flying cars.



Anonymous No. 992770

Learning animation for the first time. Eventually of course I want to do character animation but I have to learn the fundamentals.

Anonymous No. 992786

I want to touch the cow.



Anonymous No. 992787

Random Zbrush sculpt of a monster girl, didn't finish it



Anonymous No. 992788



Anonymous No. 992789

Anonymous No. 992790

looks blobby, drop the polycount and sharpen up what you want to make form changes

Anonymous No. 992791

blender sucks ass, but its good enough if you sue painter and other crap

Anonymous No. 992792

fuck knows how this lamp works
but i imagine there should be soot on it

Anonymous No. 992797

I did have that idea, but I couldn't work out how to do it. It does have much more of a flour consistency so I think it would work well. Especially if it had the chunkier particles in it too.
I'm really shit with particle systems and smoke and things though. I'll try again.
>you can use a smoke sim to drive a particle sim's particles (use the smoke force field)
It's this that I really need to work out how to do I think. Seems like one of those things you can do in about 10 minutes once you know what you're doing.
Thanks. I'm going to look into it.