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🧵 AI really is the future of 3D. There is no stopping it.

Anonymous No. 991751

Hyperhuman Rodin can generate 3D models from an image. Yeah the topology is shit but that doesn't matter. The first cars ran like shit because there weren't roads for them to run on. People assumed that horses would never be replaced since cars werent practical at that time due to fuel, terrain, maintanence etc. All it took was the infastructure to make them the better option. The internet is the infastructure that makes sure AI can only get better. Right now these 3D generation tools aren't usable in a professional enviorment but it is only a matter of time before the gaps are bridged and either way things like topology and UVs have been outsourced for a while now. It doesn't change the fact that you can generate a model like this with just a picture in a matter of seconds... There is no winning against that. It's just too useful for companies or studios. Butlerian Jihad isn't coming to save you. If you choose to die on the hill of artist cope you are going the way of the carrige and horse.

Anonymous No. 991753

You are such a pussy.
>If you choose to die on the hill of artist cope you are going the way of the carrige and horse.
Being an artist doesn't mean getting your dick sucked every day, it's horrible. There's a million easier things you could be, hell there's a million more worthwhile things you could be.
If you're an artist, it's already too late, you've chosen a stupid life and you don't care about anything else.
If you're a real artist, giving up is the same as dying. You know that giving up art is a failure you can't come back from. You'll be on your deathbed thinking about what you gave up.
Why the fuck would do I that? I've committed to this retarded path in life and I knew it was retarded from the start, way before ai was a thing.

If you can walk away with no hard feelings, then walk away, bitch. You were always going to walk away.

Anonymous No. 991757

The fact that you get so mad just shows how scared you are of AI. I never even claimed to be an artist I'm just not a retard. If anything I am happy AI is making artists irrelevent. Now I can make stuff just as good if not better than you idiots that wasted your life on something useless while still making more money than you. You are projecting hard bro.

Anonymous No. 991760

Who's being super salty hmm? Bet you're a hilarious tier right winger. Hatred for artist for having skills you're to weak to develop
because you're human waste on two legs tend to flow from that side like shit out a sewage pipe.
Now here you are making victory laps because you can make art nobody will care about because anyone can make said art.

The AI art of tomorrow that gain wider audience will still be driven by artists as you lack all the artistic sensibilities to exploit
even what a 'do anything machine' will hand you as you don't have the faintest clue what to request.

Why don't you evaporate like a fart and go spam some more pepe-memes and wojaks?

Anonymous No. 991761

You'll make nothing, and you will never feel accomplished.

Anonymous No. 991764

What about artists who use AI?

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Anonymous No. 991766

Imagine if cris starts using this.

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Anonymous No. 991767

>Bet you're a hilarious tier right winger.

Damn Straight. Trump 2025. Also I lied I am an artist just not a fag like you. Knew it would be easy to trigger you.

Anonymous No. 991769

post your work

Anonymous No. 991770


dangerously based and vangoghpilled

Anonymous No. 991775

I would really like to see any generative AI generating stylized trees and vegetation.
Prompts like "generate 5 different trees in 3 styles A, B, C, such that A is ... B is ... C is ...".
I think it may struggle both with generating different enough trees in same style AND with switching style dramatically enough.

Anonymous No. 991776

As some of the smartest AI researches said, modern AI are basically very good data compression algorithms.

Anonymous No. 991778

yes it's all over again
vfx studios have started recruiting AI bros

Anonymous No. 991779

'Being triggered' is not the same as pointing out how some weird retard is acting like a weird retard.

Coming to a artist board and shitting on the place is about as 'epic trolling' as walking into a restaurant and taking a shit on the floor.
Such behavior being met with anger is not those people being 'triggered' it's just a healthy reaction to the stimuli presented.

>Attempting ones very best to trigger people: weird.

Anonymous No. 991781

We already know you’re a scammer, nothing this AI can do about nonexistent 3D models like Mikey Mouse Public Domain. The AI doesn’t understand cartoon characters or anything related to unrealistic expectations of anime. A scam is a scam anon. Your claim of “it getting better” is worthless to corporate and sets a bad example for you.

Anonymous No. 991784

I only meant to trigger cris.

Anonymous No. 991830

Better get it working before techbros lose interest

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Anonymous No. 991837

You're right anon. Nobody really gets into art for the money or the fame or whatever. Art has always been a thankless job. People have always shat on the artist, most fameous painters only gained recognition long after they were dead. CG has always been even more thankless since people have always seen it as some digitized mass produced shlock and is only noticable when it is bad. Most normies don't realize that most sets and shots in movies are made with CG. How is this AI takeover any different? Companies were already paying us shit and treating us like shit. If you got into this expecting money and praise you picked the wrong path in life. The only reason we do this is because we are retarded and we love it.

Anonymous No. 991838

Right on. The hate stems from an envy of people who get to experience the joy of creative endeavors. Seeing people who can entertain themselves by sitting down and making something out of nothing bothers lot of these empty husks something immensely.

Anonymous No. 991845

Can it do hands?

Anonymous No. 991853

>The hate stems from an envy of people who get to experience the joy of creative endeavors.
they're also stupid and think if you make any kind of money at all with art that you're rich and famous and have achieved your dream. A lot of big artists on twitter are just barely surviving and have zero job security, and they have tech and marketing cunts telling them they're elitists for disliking AI.

Anonymous No. 991854

Whoever you are stop talking to yourself. It won't make this thread funny or make anyone else interact with it.

Anonymous No. 991857

Nope also can't do faces.

Anonymous No. 991936

this is the most trvthpill based gigachad shit i've read in a loooong while.

stay based anon

Anonymous No. 991954

>The hate stems from an envy of people who get to experience the joy of creative endeavors.
This is such a cope
Haven't you ever considered that hating some stuff is just plain fun? There doesn't have to be a deeper meaning to everything

Anonymous No. 991962

>Haven't you ever considered that hating some stuff is just plain fun?

Well it isn't, you lash out to mask something inside yourself. Carefully examined anything truly worth hating you will hate out of necessity, not for entertainment.
When you take time out of your day do go hate on something that is of low consequence you it testifies how you're not happy person who has time on their hands to go be a hater.
I was once young and had hate in my heart for all kinds of retarded stuff that made zero sense upon examination.
I know what it is to be an elitist little tryhard, self-righteous prick high on ones own supply of inflated ego.

>There doesn't have to be a deeper meaning to everything

But there is, there will be a deeper meaning to anything that lingers in your inner psychological life.
Everything you ever came to think or do by habit formed because of some kind of reason.
whether you have the tools or insight to reveal to yourself what those reasons are is another deal altogether.
It's not easy to decode because it'll hurt your ego the most to take that careful look in the mirror and see what others can see.

But unless a human deliberately sit down and try to understand their own darkness well they will habitually craft these narratives around
themselves that allow them to stay justified/righteous in behaving the way they behave.

'Know thyself' and all that jazz.

Anonymous No. 992009

I haven't gotten a job in like 5 years because I'm afraid if I finally give in to the monotony of working retail, I've admitted to myself I've failed a art.
I get consistient commissions and the like, so I'm always busy and on a job, but jesus fuck do I not charge enough. I feel like people would just scoff at paying what I'd realistically expect for the work involved.
Still, I do art because I like doing it. I've got no fucking clue where I'd find the time to "do it as a hobby". Considering everyone I know wage-slaves constantly and has no time to do anything except sleep.
Doing it as a job is my only option.

Anonymous No. 992021

He would never be be satisfied. He would never finish his project and never will. He's hopping on one thing after another like a gluttonous pig.

Anonymous No. 992024

doomer ainigger shills will NEVER get me to stop modelling NEVER EVER suck my entire cock and balls
also I'm not reading the rest of your post

Anonymous No. 992026

this man is generating deformed hentai women with fucked up hands and thinks hes hot shit

Anonymous No. 992064

>doomer ainigger shills will NEVER get me to stop modelling
I think it's for the best, that means more stuff to train on, literally everyone wins

Anonymous No. 992132

ai separating the art product form the 'artist' is the best thing clients could ever ask for.

Anonymous No. 992133

The client will sue you because you don’t know how to properly explain to the computer the “Anime gurl who’s a goat in a nutshell suit with 1 million wings behind it”. You can’t make AI understand something that doesn’t exist. Stop trying to scam us.

Anonymous No. 992134

Not uploading my models so no more training for faggots like you

Anonymous No. 992138

That's antisemitic anon, please upload them properly tagged

Anonymous No. 992157

at least clients will have no one to blame but themselves, fucking clients, how many exchanges do we need for you to actually tell me what you want

Anonymous No. 992158

what's the current " state of the art " 3D AI model ? I'm looking to set one up and try it out , better if it's some fine tuning node hell

All of the "one click solution" website I have tried produces the "Ian Hubert" artstyle where the mesh is shit but got hard carried by projected AI image with lighting baked in, they shit the bed once you try to light or customize them

Anonymous No. 992164

>two more weeks
The only thing generative AI seems to be pretty good at is making AIbros increasingly delusional.

Anonymous No. 992216

nonsensical cope rambling
more cope

you are the problem,not the paying client.
ai has done nothing but expose you gatekeeping faggots and I'm tired of pretending artists are anything other than parasites,good riddance.

Anonymous No. 992217

>ai can't make hands
>it will soon
yes,the two weeks came and went,and you moved the goal post further in delusional cope and projection
exactly the same that the anime goat in nutshell seraphim anontard said

Anonymous No. 992588

Sure thing Rajeesh, AI will become an actual usable product any day now, now lets get you to bed

Anonymous No. 992603

>AI will become an actual usable product any day now
It actually is already, maybe not 3D gen, but imagen is doing really well and is profitable

Anonymous No. 992605

I just wanna make 3d models for myself because it's fun, I don't care about what the industry is doing.

Anonymous No. 992610

>but imagen is doing really well and is profitable
name at least 1 significant/popular product (game, animation, movie etc.) that was made with/has a significant AI imagery used in it

If you mean the flood of botted AI porn games in Steam, then maybe.

Anonymous No. 992614

Steam allows any scammer to upload their games. It shouldn’t be any different than Twitter users who lie. You don’t know if it’s AI or brought assets.

Anonymous No. 992628

I don't play games or watch movies often so I cannot comment on that but I heard Sins of Solar Empire 2 had AI generated artworks in it and UI, and it's well received. Besides I didn't really mean games, I meant imagen as a service. Services like Midjourney, NovelAI, BFL and alike are really profitable

Anonymous No. 992635

This is what I’m saying, you don’t know if it’s AI or not. Steam allows developers to lie. Real AI is horrible mess and inconsistent themes. The developers are lying about it being AI art.