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Anonymous No. 991758

What are some good courses that actually teach Hard Surface and Topology fundamentals? Every course I've tried so far has been focused on boolean stuff, which I'm not opposed to using but I'd like to actually learn the basics first before instead of just b000000ling everything, if you know what I mean.

Anonymous No. 991814

Hard surface modelling is less about topology and more about making the right shape and a quality UV map.
So my point is look for resources pertaining to such instead of "hard surface modelling" in general

Anonymous No. 991816

Topology is an important core of subd without it your model has unwanted pulling pushing and normal errors.

Amateurs will under value this core element believing they can do it without a full understanding of it.

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Anonymous No. 991851

So one thing that's really important is whether you're making hard surface for games or making hard surface for raw animation. This will strongly determine what you need to know. for animation, you really need to make sure the shapes do properly end with geometry, conform together cleanly, etc.
For games, though, you can get away with murder and hide nasty issues between the shapes, have holes in places that lead to planes for extra details, use floating geometry to add extra details that would otherwise be too complex, a whole ton of things. It only really matters what the bake camera sees at the end of the day, which can have it's own weird issues at times.

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Anonymous No. 991852

this is what the bake camera sees on the low poly mesh, by comparison. you can really be dirty as hell when doing this kind of work.

Anonymous No. 991922

try this

Anonymous No. 991952

>Hard surface modelling is less about topology
Hard surface modeling is ALL about topology.

Tutorials won't help you as much as you think, you need seat time.

Anonymous No. 992072

Hard Surface Essentials Part 1 by Grant Warwick