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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 992195

Where the fuck are free packs with hundreds or thousands of sculpting brushes for Blender? I need to do rocks, I can't find anything. There is an old classic rocks brushes pack on blendswap and it doesn't work in Blender 4. There are some videos with VDM brushes but the whole workflow looks retarded - they have to sculpt outside of sculpting mode in some special magical plugin's mode and I don't want to learn yet another workflow and UI just to sculpt some rocks, also all their VDM brushes are mostly non-free anyway. Why is it so hard to find anything?

Is there a place where I can pirate packs like picrelated? Inb4 "free versions" of those packs are empty and I'm not sure why they even exist, maybe to bypass platform restrictions that require to have a free version.

Can I pirate some other sculpting program that has tons of environmental sculpting brushes included? What that program's called because I'm gonna do it.

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Anonymous No. 992196

I just installed "Zbrush Orb Stylized Brushes pack for Blender 3D" and it also doesn't seem to work in Blender 4. Instead of placing cracks it simply digs spherically into geometry, dyntopo enabled.

Anonymous No. 992198

There a scam anon, none of it was real. You can’t do the same trick on Photoshop into Maya/Blender because it’s never designed to work like it.

Anonymous No. 992199

Why though? I think it's more real than photoshop brushes, because the details placed this way are actual spatial deformations,
you can light them properly from any angle, you can further extend them using other sculpting tools, you can layer them together properly, etc.

Anonymous No. 992201

>Where the fuck are free packs

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Anonymous No. 992203

Thanks a lot, I figured the concept of alphas and got a pack from the second link, but I'm not sure how to make it work with dynamic topology.
It just doesn't paint on my mesh anything meaningful and produces some lowpoly glitches instead.
Any idea?

Anonymous No. 992204

Add the alphas to the clay brush, draw brush doesn't create geometry in dyntopo
why are you using dyntopo anyway

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Anonymous No. 992205

I tried this texture with clay brush and it doesn't work either, instead it just does lowpoly smoothing with or without dyntopo enabled.
I also tried manually doing subdivision surface and even with laggy polycounts it was still lowpoly noise shit.

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Anonymous No. 992206

> picrelated
That was manual subdivision surface. And here is what claybrush with texture does.

Anonymous No. 992207

Can "multires" modifier help with this? I couldn't understand what it does so I've never used it. I'll try to figure it out.

Anonymous No. 992208

>Any idea?
Dyntopo is disabled with anchored stroke, you can use the texture in stencil and the stroke in space, anyhow alphas work better with the multiresolution.

Anonymous No. 992209

it is like the subdivision surface for sculpt.

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Anonymous No. 992210

Thanks, multires works, but I also kinda hate it. And those alphas, they all seem to be too microdetailed.

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Anonymous No. 992211

Hm, but it makes more sense after smoothing.

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Anonymous No. 992212

What I'm really trying to do here is to get the most details in sculpt mode, then paint it with very basic materials,
maybe even flat colors (because all the details are in sculpt already), then make lowpoly variant, export both to substance,
bake there, and get lowpoly mesh with a lot of those details + ambient light + ambient occlusion of all the tiny cavities etc, being baked into diffuse.
Ain't this a genius plan?

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Anonymous No. 992218

This is kinda fun to pile those layers of cracks on top of each other ngl.

Anonymous No. 992219

you have to put the texture in area plane and the stroke in anchored.

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Anonymous No. 992221

I applied multires and ended up with 21,500,000 tris, and now I can't even decimate this thing, Blender is frozen for 10 minutes, xoxo.

Anonymous No. 992224

> 45+ minutes into decimating this
> this is a tiny island and I might want huge landscapes for potentially openworld game
> Ain't this a genius plan?
Okay, I see the problem with this workflow.
Maybe it would be ok to do it for standalone assets, like cliffs and rocks, that will later be processed, baked and lowpoly baked results will be put into the world.

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Anonymous No. 992228

I couldn't wait for it to end. Now I look at multires closer and it seems this workflow is basically impossible to use, even for meshes of this size. Looking at the "Level Viewport" now, last time I applied with level 5 and that's 21.5kkk polys, at level 4 it's 5.4kkk polys and it already looks like blocky shit with heavy loss of detail and that's because of alphas. Even if I try to apply it at level 4 then subdiv it and then decimate it, it won't be any good. It could be nice if I could apply it at level 5 or higher and subdivide it from there but that takes forever, maybe hours for level 5 and most likely impossible for levels higher than that unless you have supercomputer.

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Anonymous No. 992229

Even though a lot of detail was lost, I'll still go on with this, it's still quite interesting, and I'm gonna see how it will look in the end with baked super-lowpoly (like 1k polys or something).

Anonymous No. 992249

Or you could stop using Blender and find a sculpture 3D software for your task. All this problems can be solved if you just find a tool that does what you want.

Anonymous No. 992250

the correct approach in this situation would be to be painting normals, not sculpting

Anonymous No. 992252

Single alpha is flat and can't have overhanging geometry, but if you apply it multiple times, it could be whatever arbitrary shape in result, with overhangs, caves etc.
What I'm gonna try instead is displacement modifier with alphas and target objects, before sculpting.
This way I hope I won't have to work with impractical polycounts.
Maybe I will try zbrush later, it looks powerful. I would prefer to stick to Blender if possible, because I already have blender and substance to learn.

Anonymous No. 992253

Are you trying to make exactly? Post refs, perhaps?

Anonymous No. 992254


What are you trying to make*?

Anonymous No. 992256

I don't have ref, just an idea, it's kinda dirt cliffs intermixed with rock cliffs. Dirt parts are smooth, and rocky parts have sharp details.
I'm gamedev oriented so I want to randomly improvise things rather than reproduce some accurate phenomena, it's only better if it doesn't exist in real world.

Anonymous No. 992260

Right. Too vague for me, I can't help

Anonymous No. 992281

The turd brush, a real classic.

Anonymous No. 992282

Multires is Blender's equivalent to Zbrush's subdiv level. The idea is you have a quad based mesh that's relatively low poly that you can easily manipulate. Each subD multiply the base geometry by 2n and interpolates it

It's common usage is for doing micro-detail in face sculpting. Example: you do wrinkles on subd 2, pores on subd 3 and if big edit like enlarging the forehead on subd 0.

If you make too big a change on high subD level or add/remove geometry . The lower subD level will break .

If you want to design video game level , search level design block in /grey box and stick to doing that with low poly meshes

If you want to just quickly add geometry in blender. Look for block out + dynotopo

Anonymous No. 992284

OP just wants to draw a line, and have a bunch of trees grow on it, draw another, and have the road, and so on...
Youre better off using a different software for that.

Check out this video

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Anonymous No. 992295

Thank you, I will watch this later, today what I did I'm pretty satisfied with, it's vertex weight proximity + displace modifier with controller object.
> OP just wants to draw a line, and have a bunch of trees grow on it, draw another, and have the road, and so on...
A bit like that, but not quite. I want to do bold strokes with some kind of "brushes" or noise functions and then have full control over it to add or tweak further detail by hand.
I'm more interested in small-medium size game locations where things are mostly unique rather than large locations designed on macro level with generic assets, but still, I want to reuse some things, use brushes where possible, etc.

Anonymous No. 992298

blender has this basic terrain tool, now he has to go to extensions to install it:

Anonymous No. 992299

this could be what you are looking for

Anonymous No. 992402

> you do wrinkles on subd 2, pores on subd 3 and if big edit like enlarging the forehead on subd 0.
Damn, that sounds even more painful to use than it was for me, I was very annoyed by how it breaks rendering every time I rotate camera.
> If you want to design video game level , search level design block in /grey box and stick to doing that with low poly meshes ...
> If you want to just quickly add geometry in blender. Look for block out + dynotopo ...
Thanks, this is the best stuff I've seen recently, amazing approach and especially I enjoyed how he managed to do modular lowpoly walls that he then stacks together like lego. Brilliant.
This looks like very basic noise functions, I'm doing this with built-in displace modifier and it quite simple to use.
Nice stuff, although probably very limited in terms of customization. It does what it wants to do based on your geometry and to redefine it for some particular things probably requires a lot of geonodes programming.