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๐Ÿงต 3D CG porn / hentai

Anonymous No. 992269

How do you go at making these 3D model sex scenes like CHOBIxPHO?
Kinda want to get into it to make some passive income selling them on a patreon and stuff.

Anonymous No. 992274

>Download models off the net from vidya, eliminating 97% of the work
>Be 10% competent on how 3D works

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Anonymous No. 992276

If you want some real art, watch Fischl x Slime.
As far as I know, it took them insane amount of time.

Anonymous No. 992278

The artist OP mentioned doesn't animate
btw, the software they use is called honeyselect

Anonymous No. 992280

never use honey select, daz does everything it does but much better
and you can easily port daz stuff to blender with an addon

Anonymous No. 992288

what does this mean
Do you guys have a tutorial on make sex scenes with 3d models in particular?

Anonymous No. 992289

>download model
>set an in frame
>set an out frame
>press play
congrats you are now just as, if not more competent than 95% of all 3d pornographers, this totally needed yet another thread

Anonymous No. 992294

sat an in frame? out frame?

Which program should i use?

Anonymous No. 992296

Lego Digital Designer, like I already told you in your other thread.

Anonymous No. 992297

>Lego Digital Designer
pls be serious

Anonymous No. 992300

Ask serious questions if you want serious answers.

Anonymous No. 992305

you are beyond help if I have to explain what a frame is to you

Anonymous No. 992332

Nigger, there's no sex specific things in 3D, it's just 3D, learn 3D and make sex with 3D.
Holy fuck, You'll fit right in with the people who make tons of money doing this shit.
0 skill but coomers will think you have skill because you're riding off the backs of modellers in the professional field, forgotten individuals that nobody has even heard off, and a render engine.

Anonymous No. 992334

Dude, i just want to learn how to do em

Anonymous No. 992336

Not him but that's a retard high-horse answer because a FRAME could mean a number of things in 3d. Retard.

Anonymous No. 992345

The original context was crystal clear. kill you'reself

Anonymous No. 992346

OP is a literal BEGINNER.
Just link them to a 3d modeling soft tutorial and some sex pose templates

Anonymous No. 992355

OK, go onto Youtube, look up how to use Blender, or whatever your software of choice is.
Learn how to navigate through the software, moving your camera, and such
Learn how to add a basic model into your scene (like a cube or sphere) and how to light and render it, ideally before downloading files off of the net
Learn how your object list and object hierarchies work, & play around with things by adding more objects, moving them etc.
Look more into the types of lights your software has (Point lights, distant lights, HDRI's, Area lights, Spot lighting).
Learn how to hook up materials to your basic object and what material parameters do (What changes it's color, how shiny it is, how metallic it is, how waxy it is, etc)
Then look into UV's and how textures work (Textures effect the material parameters on a per pixel level, and a models UV's are the pixels canvas).
Then download whatever you want off of the net, learn how to manipulate it's rig and be on your merry way.
Make sure you learn how your software handles subdivisions and how to apply levels specifically "at render time"

Learning things in this manor will probably put you ahead of 50% right out of the gate. However, being able to wrangle your software isn't the only key.
You'll have to know how pose and light things in appealing ways. Then you'll be top 5%.You have no Idea how little many established NSFW people that make a lot know.
Can't be done 'overnight' unless you're really intelligent, can't give you an accurate estimate on how long it'd take you since I can't see things from a noob lense myself. But if I were to, I'd say it'd take 20-50 hrs get up to speed. Now in reality, it could take 100+ for all I know but I haven't been a noob in a very long time

You can learn more advanced things down the line model wise, and you will probably gain the desire too eventually, but you don't need to

Anonymous No. 992356

Things they don't tell you about that's hard:
>hair physics
>jiggle physics
>ripple physics
>cloth simulations

Anonymous No. 992357

CHOBIxPHO doesn't animate anon

Anonymous No. 992388

yeah, they just want lewd stills

now im intrerested too. What kinda differences are between softwares now.

i think chobi uses XNAlara

Anonymous No. 992423

I don't know anything about XNA and Honey Select unfortunately

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Anonymous No. 992453

why the FUCK aren't (You) animating porn yet? if you're halfway decent at it you can live off just a few 30-second animations a year and coomers will continue to pay you even when you take years-long hiatuses.
just pick a relatively unsaturated fetish (picrel is gentle femdom) and you're all set.

Anonymous No. 992469

What I can make is probably not good enough.

Anonymous No. 992500

Yeah, but how?
I legit dunno. What program should i use?

Anonymous No. 992512


Anonymous No. 992515

ok so i should just google blender sex scene tutorial and download some models, right?

Anonymous No. 992517


Anonymous No. 992521

blender is gay and retarded and nothing good comes out of it, use maya and cinema 4d

Anonymous No. 992533

op just wants to make Erotic animations. There is no need to use something trhat complex

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Anonymous No. 992549

>why the FUCK aren't (You) animating porn yet?
why the FUCK haven't (you) learned to draw yet?

Anonymous No. 992570

I'm trying...

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Anonymous No. 992599

but I dont want to do gay shit...
>2d is the way
who is telling him?

Anonymous No. 992713

i 100% would but i would go in prison for that. you're right tho if u can you're lucky

Anonymous No. 992716

My hypothesis is that porn is such a high paid industry because it's a field with guaranteed occupational hazards.
Even if you just draw it, you have to look at such incredible amounts of it so often that you will burn out / get desensitized and it will become very difficult for you to get sexually aroused.
I'd like to know what people with actual experience in the field think about this.

Anonymous No. 992719

>I'd like to know what people with actual experience in the field think about this.

I jack off a looooooooooooooot

Anonymous No. 992738


Anonymous No. 992765

we all can make it if anons are not pedantic