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🧵 Ben Bolton

Anonymous No. 992348

Was this guy always like this? He's gone full white supremacist transphobe everything in the book. Kind of a shame because he is a very good gun modeler

Anonymous No. 992349

Gun culture is adjacent to a lot of hardcore anti-government and fascist authoritarian types. If you partake you're standing shoulder to shoulders with a lot of nutjobs so it really should come as no surprise if it turns out that someone who moves in that world is a far-right nutjob.

Spoken as an egalitarian socialist with a peculiar interest for firearms.

Anonymous No. 992351

>white supremacist transphobe

>far-right nutjob
>spoken as an egalitarian socialist

you're both completely retarded.

Anonymous No. 992353

He's barely getting any responses with 16k followers. Nobody cares if he's a chud.

Anonymous No. 992354

And by 'retarded' you mean completely based and red-pilled?

Anonymous No. 992358

oh no not the trannies and niggers and kikes wont somebody think of them!?

Anonymous No. 992360

>Gun culture is adjacent to a lot of hardcore anti-government and fascist authoritarian types.
>>>/k/ is full of schizo veterans and glowniggers wannabe, all of them bootlickers, gun culture is mostly a rural thing and that's it, faggot.

Anonymous No. 992362

Do you deny those groups of people have hardships or are you overtly inhumane in not considering their needs?

Anonymous No. 992365

He's also complaining that he can't get an industry job because hes white. Moments after his white supremacy rant and slur marathon. Bonus points for his twitter being his full name. Keep telling yourself it's your skin color man.

Anonymous No. 992373

That post isn't false. The only reason he's made it is because politics, indeed, did not leave him alone. The marxists never wanted to leave people like that alone, so why should they have any complaints about these people becoming politically engaged? He's just not a marxist.

Anonymous No. 992374

your logic is completely backwards
read your post again until you understand what you wrote and why it's retarded

Anonymous No. 992375

Those people can deal with their own hardships. They aren't entitled to any sort of special consideration from anyone else.

Complaints about discrimination don't justify discrimination.

Anonymous No. 992376

Based ben. I'll buy his game when he releases it. He'll never work for a mainstream studio again after showing his power level. I think he's not short of a few quid though. Probably doesn't even have to work.

Anonymous No. 992378

>any sort of special consideration from anyone else.

What about the same consideration as anyone else, why would you advocate to exclude them?

We're already a interconnected global species, our mutual fates have become deeply intertwined in a multitude of ways.
Realize your tribe has expanded and it's increasing unity is it's increasing strength.

How do you think we got nations to begin with? We lovingly fucked ever neighbor in range til we where one and the same.
Cooperation with strangers is the time tested trick we humans have employed to rule this world.

Anonymous No. 992381

How about the consideration that they deserve? I will not treat those who've harmed me and those who haven't the same way. And I mean this in an individual sense, not in a collective sense.

Anonymous No. 992386

>Those people can deal with their own hardships. They aren't entitled to any sort of special consideration from anyone else.
Fighting against discrimination IS dealing with their hardships. They don't want special treatment, they want to not be discriminated against.

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Anonymous No. 992391

He's off meds here, great artists though, hilarious when one of his schizo episodes kick in

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Anonymous No. 992393


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Anonymous No. 992397


Anonymous No. 992399

There's something not right with him.
Every few weeks/months he goes on a spree where he's posting new art non-stop and posting about how the sun shines out of his ass and the white man can't catch a break. Then he cools off, deletes his tweets, sometimes makes a vague apology about it.
Dunno if he's bipolar, takes too many pep-pills, or if he's just a kinda unstable far right guy who's afraid to speak his truth.
I stopped following him a few months ago so maybe this has been answered by now.

Good artist though.

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Anonymous No. 992400

lol, yeah same shit

Anonymous No. 992409

Lamo, imagine being a 'Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' type mofo where your shadow side goes on nazi shit-posting tirades under your real name.
"Oh shit you guys my inner clansman took control over me once more I dunno how it happened, many sos many sos".

You'd be so fucked you might as well embrace it. If I did something like that I think I would grab a page from the Russian playbook
and flood the information space with so many contradictory messages everyone thought i was a schizophreniac with tourettes syndrome.

>"Dammit did I do the nazi thing again??" Oh well time to put my Marxist hat on and start posting them rainbows heuhah.

Anonymous No. 992411

Why do Americans call LGBT/Race stuff "Marxism", why do they call liberalism "Libertarianism" and then say "fiscally liberal" to mean pro economic intervention? wouldn't it be the opposite, wouldn't fiscally conservative mean something like a mercantilistic absolute monarchy, if one can trace those political thoughts back to Marx, wouldn't it be fair to go a step ahead and call it cultural Hegelianism, are the terms left and right worth something considering that their definitions vary immensely depending on the time period and geographic location.

Bottom text.

Anonymous No. 992416

Because we leftists need to re-direct the political left and help it to rediscover it's true calling of being a disruptive force
for how ever more resources are funneled into fewer and fewer pockets to the detriment of everyone.
Do you know how sub-optimal it is for a movement advocating actual social justice to have it's members stuck writing/reading
long-form essays of what set of junk they prefer in their pants?

By jokingly labeling everything to the left of right as Marxist we soften the stigma of the label, and by self labeling as Marxists we insulate retarded alleys
like the corpo-libs and well-meaning socialists from a lot of criticism and have them come across as being more inoffensive and centrist.

Also realize how the average murican probably thinks Marx was a Russian responsible for the USSR. If you can get someone to go school themselves
as to what Marxism really is you typically end up creating a new Marxist.

Anonymous No. 992422

Left vs Right is orchestrated
Rich vs Broke would've been natural

Anonymous No. 992425

Fuck you OP

Anonymous No. 992429

>Why do Americans call LGBT/Race stuff "Marxism"
Both derive from critical theory.
>Part of a series on Marxism
Intersectionality derives from critical race theory, and so forth. Marxism has influenced virtually all socio-eco-political theory for the last hundred years or so, including fascism:
The eminent forms of virtually all current social concerns are all marxist and are therefore uniquely and purposefully designed to inspire revolutionary violence through dubious moral justifications.

Anonymous No. 992458

take your meds schizo, still jacking off to Anita Sarkeesian?

Anonymous No. 992462

Fuck you OP

Anonymous No. 992463

transphobia is natural instinct

Anonymous No. 992468

this guy's been fired from every team he's been on because he's an asshole who would bring the entire team's productivity down

Anonymous No. 992470

Nothing he said was transphobic.

Anonymous No. 992472

just give in bro, after that first awkward nut subsequent one will be like that Limp Bizkit song where his foreskin is just rollinrolllinrollin what? rollinrolllinrollon uh!

Just cum to a tranny and you'll cum to your senses.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 992497

this thread is filled with racist far-right capitalist transphobic misogynistic nazi fascists

Anonymous No. 992514

no I'm woke

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Anonymous No. 992529

That's why I follow him

Anonymous No. 992542

No idea who he is but i like him already

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Anonymous No. 992693

new Benny-isms just dropped

Anonymous No. 992735

His twitter account has been suspended. I love you ben. Start an alt social media.

Anonymous No. 992739

The industry trannies and leftists are trying to truin him

Anonymous No. 992745

if X isn't 'alt social media' I dunno what is, getting banned off that platform under Elondolf Muskler takes dedication. You know that guy named it 'X' because it was the closest thing to a swastika he could find on his keyboard.

Anonymous No. 992748

IQ != enjoying finance
Many brilliant inventors and scientists were also terrible businessmen


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Anonymous No. 992749

so-called “free speech”, which was nothing more than an attempt to replace Christian blasphemy laws with satanic blasphemy laws.



Anonymous No. 992767

Holy based, thanks for exposing this guy to me, OP.
I'll be sure to support him from now on

Anonymous No. 992769


Anonymous No. 992793

I don't feel very good about x suspnding this guy, and the slew of "people" coming forth to celebrate it. It's so fucked up.

I think he's a good guy, racist, speaks his mind, staying strong on his values. And you all have to understand, "power comes in response to a need". Ben's very intelligent he's prolly exhausted the chummy goals like "get a job", "make money".., he's just trying to find meaning in what he does, may be sub consciously.

IRL, who would you buy guns from? A meek ass gay? Or a racist white supremist who's a full on psycho? The latter can make better guns, beleive me.

Every niche of art requires a specific vibe to be in. Making guns, this vibe is actually pretty good for that. Helps you get into the flow.

If only the larger population can understand that and take everything he says as a joke, instead of taking everything personally.

Anonymous No. 992798

ooohhh nooo god i hate niggers sometimes