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๐Ÿงต Is it possible to make a shape key using two models?

Anonymous No. 992364

What I want to do is have two models and animate a transformation between them. I know a bit about shape keys but I want to see if the process can be easier. I don't want to have to reshape the one model to be the one I want. I just want to somehow have one model transform into another. Like set model A to morph into model B with shape keys. Can I do this in blender or Maya?

Anonymous No. 992366

Have you tried googling "blender morph shape keys" or asking chatgpt? Seriously, what the fuck is the point of making a thread asking such a basic question?

Anonymous No. 992370

The point is that OP knows nothing and doesn't care about Blender or 3D or anything like that.
Rather, OP is a tranny recruiter who makes threads like these in order to make you think about your anatomy and the possibility of changing it.
The jannies have Cris-tier intellect and/or are trannies themselves, so they allow it without questions. You have no idea how corrupt, dangerous and rotten to the core this board is.

Anonymous No. 992371

Shape keys work by interpolating vertices that has the same index number, two different models or even the same model that has had
it's vertex index scrambled or altered can't be blended to.

You want a male to morph to a female you need to shape both your male and female model with the exact same number of vertices and layout.
IE building your male model by not adding any geometry but simply moving the positions of the females vertices so they're shaped like your male.

Anonymous No. 992377

Actually I wanted the girl to turn into a buff baki man but okay. I have looked into this but could find a way to make it easier like I was asking for.

So would it be easier to start with the male or the female model as the base? Based off of what you said it seems like starting from the female would be the best idea. It's just that male and female anatomy is so different and I want both forms to be viable for use you know. I don't want one looking wonky.

Anonymous No. 992380

>So would it be easier to start with the male or the female model as the base?
excluding genitalia (that would take some topology witchcraft to morph between), the only major difference between a topology
that could support a male and female anatomy equally well is the number of edgeloops you need to form the breasts.

It's easier to shape topology suitable for depicting large breats into pecks than going the other way around.
Your male topology will have a wasteful amount of geometry to shape his pecks but you need that extra geo to support the dome shapes on the female chest.
Therefore the starting point should be either a female or a androgynous male with significant breast tissue.

Anonymous No. 992382

What right do you have to talk about "pecks" since you gave away your rights to your own pecker?

Anonymous No. 992384

Tss.. Let it be known I'm straight as whistle and benchpress ~150kg with my amazing pecs.
I'm just not insecure about people who explore other sexualities because I'm not some weirdo who's bothered about such things.
Anything that happens between consenting adults ~this side of dude who had the german cannibal eat his peen all those years ago is fine by me.

I'm a character artist who have modeled numerous humans of all shapes and sizes and the idea to have one mesh I blend between to
encompass a wide range of body types is something I've explored in the past.

Anonymous No. 992586

pecs pic YuY

Anonymous No. 992592

>that would take some topology witchcraft to morph between
Just turn the glans into a very detailed clitoris and turn the testes inside out so you have a vagina :^)

Anonymous No. 992594

It can be done but it's very difficult

a optimal penis geometry needs topology that is hemisphere (glans) cylinder (shaft) open box (tests) connecting to open ring like shape (blend to body).

Vagina topologically unwraps into this much more complex manifold that needs multiple blended striplets and rings to form the clitoral hood (cowl shape)
clitoris (subtle hemisphere) outer labia (open torus) inner labia (specific number of loops ridged open tourus blending to cowl)
And depending on how detailed you make the inner geometry it needs several more ring and cylinder shapes.

You try to shape a vagina topology of a penis topology either you will have V that looks like a inverted dick axe wound
or a D that looks like some sort of H.R Giger palm tree.

You had to do it and also have it look well you would have to come up with some sort of intermediate topology that supported both while being compromised fit for either.
Not just as compromised for either as eithers optimal topology would be for the other. Coming up with such a intermediate topology is the 'topology witchcraft' part.

Anonymous No. 992602

Think of it like the development during gestation. A fetus has all the same parts, but gender determines how they develop. That's why men have nipples too.
I think the clit is the equivalent of the glans. Ever seen a hypertrophic clit, like from bodybuilders using steroids?
The hood then would be the foreskin, and so on.
The geometry just needs to be very dense to support turning into a larger shape, or vice versa.

Anyway, I don't see why doing all of this would be wanted or desired.

Anonymous No. 992604

>Think of it like the development during gestation.

Doesn't matter, topology doesn't work like that, things grow fuse divide and combine ending up with vastly different geometry in the finished product. The fact we start out as females doesn't matter, it's like how an embryo of any mammal looks the same but the topology of a finished moose and a dolphin isn't similar at all.