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Anonymous No. 992523

>Be Bryce 3D and POV-Ray
>Pieces of software that haven't received updates in over a decade
>Still manage to BTFO modern AAA graphics in terms of aesthetic value
How do they do it?

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Anonymous No. 992525

It's fun to mess with, but honestly the hard part is to get into the mindset/Design sensibilities of that generation of artists, too many ppl use models and texturing that don't look the part and end up looking weird with those rendering settings, i'm one of those people since i'm a stupid fuck with no aesthetic sense or skills as you can see on pic.
I need to find some gen X CGI artist and suck his brain matter to absorb his knowledge.

Anonymous No. 992528

You can sell zoomers literally anything. ANYTHING. Offer a petrified turd, put a "shat out in the 1990s" and they'll find it SOVLFVL and A E S T H E T I C before buying it from you with their deep in the red credit cards.

Anonymous No. 992530

>How do they do it?
By pandering to retarded zoomers like you.

Anonymous No. 992550

Oh well, to each their ow...
Ew, what's that noise? I think someone needs to get their joints greased.
I better call the nursing home before you guys get hurt.

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Anonymous No. 992682

bryce3d is unironically good though. you probably got filtered when you tried it and thought "I'm too smart for this"

Anonymous No. 992687

I got started with 3d on shit like Bryce. In my case it was some shareware called "3d Canvas", same dealio, ancient 3d.
We've moved past it as a technology and I never had any intent to turn back. It's not nostalgic to me.
I enjoy creating things based on their own merits rather than cheapening it with some "flavor of the month" bullshit.

Anonymous No. 992697

I see people trying to emulate old CG in modern softwares all the time, but how about rendering modern graphics in old software?
What happens if I import a modern scene into some early to mid-nineties software like Bryce or Softimage 3D?

This could be a whole new A E S T H E T I C