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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 992810

What the fuck

Anonymous No. 992811

our board got nuked? ripip

Anonymous No. 992812

is it over?

Anonymous No. 992813

I haven't visited this board in years but I'm going through every board to see which ones got nuked. so far it seems completely random, only /fit/ and /b/.

Anonymous No. 992814

/lit/ got rekt too (it deserved it)

Anonymous No. 992815

I was hoping this board and /po/ avoided the guillotine, I remembered how slow it was here a few years ago. Damn

Anonymous No. 992816

/diy/ too. why so fucking random?

Anonymous No. 992817

This is a good thing, we can start fresh and on the right path this time, lads.

Anonymous No. 992818

jannies fucked up a server or something? can't imagine a reason this would be done intentionally

Elf-san wa Yaserarenai No. 992819

Maybe someone posted the wrong thing somewhere

Anonymous No. 992820

what a depressing catalog

Anonymous No. 992821

even /a/ got nuked

Anonymous No. 992822

Welp, there goes my thread.

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Anonymous No. 992823

First for Gunt

Anonymous No. 992824

Jeez how fucking long will it take to fill the catalog?

Anonymous No. 992825

We need a dozen frog threads STAT

Anonymous No. 992826

Holy fuck I didn't open /3/ for years, RIP

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Anonymous No. 992827

Just a mistake guys, don't worry

Anonymous No. 992831

what the fuck happened

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Anonymous No. 992832


Anonymous No. 992834

years-old threads...lost...
like the rain...

Anonymous No. 992835

How the fuck do I use blender?

Anonymous No. 992836

/3/, /po/, /ck/
all gone.
reduced to ashes.
there's a thread from a mod on another board saying they fucked up.

Anonymous No. 992837

Did you plug it in?

Anonymous No. 992838

not a /3/ poster, just popping in to pay my respects cause i knew how ancient your threads were.
you guys had an archive, right? are they truly lost to time, like a buddhist mandala?

Anonymous No. 992841

>>992838 exists and has search enabled
but still, it's quite a blow

Anonymous No. 992842

only /co/ and /a/ got an apology thread, from what I can see anyway. I guess doesn't need to post it 15 times as other boards are just a click away?

Anonymous No. 992843

oh it's so fucking over

Anonymous No. 992844

/c/ and /ck/ as well

Anonymous No. 992848

We have one too though.

Anonymous No. 992874

/po/ survived

Anonymous No. 992907


Anonymous No. 992908

/mlp/ was nuked. The board is the most active it's been in a while because of it, sadly.

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Anonymous No. 992920

You can thank /dbs/ over at /a/ for this. Be sure to tell them how much you love them personally.

Anonymous No. 992921


Anonymous No. 992962


Anonymous No. 992963


Anonymous No. 993015

why would mods nuke boards today for something posted on June 15th? /v/ has had illegal posts much more recently than that and wasn't even one of the boards wiped

Anonymous No. 993034

someone posted a pic from the entrance to a DUMB on pol, the thread was moving so fast they had to manually delete the image from the archive, they fucked this up somehow

Anonymous No. 993037

At least my Gunt post got saved.

Anonymous No. 993170

But /pol/ wasn't wiped. I know mods are incompetent but that's on a whole other level. Post proofs.

Anonymous No. 994995

>entrance to a DUMB
Can someone help me out here? Is this obscure code speak for CP or something?

Anonymous No. 995187

holy shit it's exactly like his videos kek, good shit.

Anonymous No. 995211

My bros and I watch a lot of his videos, so we would do shit like that all the time as in-jokes.
Whipping up a guntemia one was pretty ez pz.

Anonymous No. 997862

you ever figure out what a "DUMB" is?

Anonymous No. 997884

Not that anon, but good job; I was unable to not read the whole thing in his voice. My sides were able to make a recovery.

Anonymous No. 997920

deep underground military base

Anonymous No. 998548

Whoa, chill out.