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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 992828


Anonymous No. 992833

Holy shit. Some Janny is on a rampage.

/diy/ got hit too!

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Anonymous No. 992936


Anonymous No. 993762

damn this takes me back

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Anonymous No. 993768

Anonymous No. 995572

I'm only here cuz I was lurking and saw DKC renders
What are NURBS and how does Donkey Kong relate to it?

Anonymous No. 995574

Why there are some many textures? I thought NURBS can't have textures.

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Anonymous No. 995604

in a nutshell:
in standard polygons, vertex points are linked by straight lines, creating flat faces. in nurbs, points are linked by mathematically-defined curves, making it easier to produce rounded / more natural looking objects
you could get similar results with regular polygons, but you would need orders of magnitude more vertices
in ye olden days of 3d modeling, like when dkc was made, most professional software used nurbs because it was easier for the computer to handle fewer points while doing your real-time modelling work, and the resulting render was pleasing. over time CPUs got stronger so could just handle more vertex points by sheer brute force, so nurbs became less relevant.
these days you typically only see them in CAD modelling software

Anonymous No. 995715

Sounds like it's basically subdivision surface without extra geometry...
Is there any configuration in NURBS though?
Do they have some kind of individual handles like Bezier curves?

Anonymous No. 998489

Lol what?

Anonymous No. 998652

how are they gonna deal with the decreased income

Anonymous No. 998833

Janjan you still don't get paid