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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 992846

Mods made a mistake. We're sorry.

Anonymous No. 992849

Your website sucks shit oil up lil nigga

Anonymous No. 992850

Can we post porn now?

Anonymous No. 992852


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Anonymous No. 992853


Anonymous No. 992857

This isn't just a mistake. You killed years old threads with tons of work put into them

Anonymous No. 992859

Add an /ai/ board. NOW

Anonymous No. 992860

It is fine, I forgive you.

Anonymous No. 992862

cull /pol/ , /v/ and /vg/ as atonement

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Anonymous No. 992863

Its over

Anonymous No. 992866

That wouldnt do anything,they would be back like a cancer in 10 minutes tops

Anonymous No. 992868


Anonymous No. 992870

It would be fun to watch the battle royale tho

Anonymous No. 992873

I for one would like to give my heartfelt condolences to anything you lost in the threads anons. Mistakes happen, there's no need to be upset.

Anonymous No. 992876

Goodbye Cris thread
Goodbye Fagoon thread
Both of your games suck

Anonymous No. 992877

it's all in the archives nigga who gives a fuck

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Anonymous No. 992882


Anonymous No. 992884

I give a fuck anon, I give all the fucks.

Anonymous No. 992886

/3/ is kill thanks to (you)

Anonymous No. 992887

You killed an entire board, I hope you're proud of yourselves.

Anonymous No. 992889

Update the sticky pls

Anonymous No. 992891

/ic/ won
Learn to draw, losers hahahahahaha

Anonymous No. 992892

lmao the board is done for

Anonymous No. 992894

what the fuck happened

Anonymous No. 992895

didn't get paid enough

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Anonymous No. 992896

I have good news, frens: /po/'s oldest threads seem to have survived the purge

Anonymous No. 992901


Anonymous No. 992902

blendeez nuts

Anonymous No. 992903

Amazing, you've become the 2nd biggest destroyer of /3/, right behind Cris.

Anonymous No. 992906

Fix it. Fix it NOW.

Anonymous No. 992910

At this point they might as well just shut the board down for good. Fuck.

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Faris NyanNyan.jpg

Anonymous No. 992912

Since this thread is going to last for a couple of years, I wanted every passerby to know that my wife, Akiha Rumiho, is very, very cute.
That's all.

Anonymous No. 992913

roll it back dude

Anonymous No. 992914

You know what site hasn't been fucked by incompetent mods? 8ch

Anonymous No. 992915

fuck off zoomie r*ddit faggot

Anonymous No. 992916

Probably for the best, shit sucks my dude.

Anonymous No. 992917

Fucking hell, this shit is so fucked
Thanks to all of you anons who posted good resources and stuff on this board over the years and it was nice seeing some of you improve over time.

Anonymous No. 992918

8ch is just cancerous period

Anonymous No. 992919

At least try to make an effort to restore content from slow boards, such as this one and /diy/. Sure the archives are therer, but if anything that's more the reason to restore everything.

Anonymous No. 992922

>decide to finally download gunt
>lingering feeling in the back of my mind as the page loads that some retarded shit is going to make that difficult, like the thread dying
>see the fucking catalogue of unfamiliar threads
>double check I'm on the right board
Jesus fucking christ, what a joke.
"wE'rE sOrRy"
Sure there's archives... maybe, but "sorry" don't fuckin cut it.

You retarded faggots. The fact that the threads were still around meant they were still somewhat active and people were still "contributing" to them. An archive is not the same thing. It's a record of what has been said in the past, but because those threads are now gone, new information (regardless of "quality") can't be added to them.

Anonymous No. 992924

How old were the oldest threads?

Anonymous No. 992925

Restoring the threads would be nice but note that you can always make a new thread and repost the content from the archived one.

Anonymous No. 992926

You maniacs! You blew it up!

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Anonymous No. 992928

>"wE'rE sOrRy"
they got naked on a bearskin rug what more do you want

Anonymous No. 992929

>because those threads are now gone, new information (regardless of "quality") can't be added to them
that's why you make a new thread and add information to that, you fucking retard

Anonymous No. 992930

That's a "solution", but it's a solution that I doubt people would really bother doing.

Go ahead and remake the topology thread then.

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Anonymous No. 992932

your pay will be docked for this, y'know

Anonymous No. 992933

you say that as if you couldn't just throw up some random image and title it "topology thread" and have one going in an hour or two

Anonymous No. 992934

That's not really the same as the schizo that posted a shitload of content to it. It was a pretty good resource for people.

Anonymous No. 992935

Gunt was easily the biggest loss, from 2022 and had 170-ish posts. Most of the other threads though that were next oldest was 2023 which had general help threads for the biggest programs like Houdini, Blender, and Maya but the biggest losses were for niche topics like modeling in 3D and one guy detailing his journey from zero in 3D and that had a lot of beginner resources. Most of the thread though were from this year for better or worse so we can rebuild, it will just take some time.

Anonymous No. 992937

just do what is done when threads that are still active die of natural causes.

Anonymous No. 992939

>ITT: first time posters on /3/

Anonymous No. 992941

your board is dead. you're in dire need of new posters

Anonymous No. 992942

Ok I forgive you.
Can you get hiro to do something new with the site though? It's been years since this site had some real TLC.

Anonymous No. 992943

At least there's one thread I'm glad is gone. That one, the bizarre and useless one, you know.

Anonymous No. 992945

I don't care, slower is better especially for topics like this. I will sooner rather this board get wiped than it going the way of /ck/ and /sci/.
Yeah but it's inevitable you'll always have those types of threads on an imageboard, slow or fast boards. It's good though that /3/ has been pretty high quality for the most part and knows when to have fun and not and captures some of that old spirit back that I've only been able to get from some altchans. Can't really say that for much of the website these days. I am also lucky that one of the other small boards I browsed was spared and survived this wipe.

Anonymous No. 992947

We will never truly know why.

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Anonymous No. 992948

Here's why, a nonanswer from the mods:

Also, we're fucked. Pic related.

Anonymous No. 992949


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Anonymous No. 992950

>Hundreds of incredibly rare and old models are now lost in the annals of the internet forever because of a mod oopsie.

It's unironically fucking over...

Anonymous No. 992952


Anonymous No. 992956

I'm a tourist faggot but are you not able to just copy paste every post from an archived thread into a new one? Can't you do that?

Anonymous No. 992958

You do it then.

Anonymous No. 992960

If the mods weren't lazy AND fucking incompetent, they'd just write a script to restore the board contents from one of the archives. even offers JSON data, which is extremely easy to parse.

Anonymous No. 992961

more than incompetent they're subhuman retards

Anonymous No. 992964

Imagine thinking that the mods were even hired for their technical abilities. They were hired for how well they bootlicked and been nepohired by moot and kept that position under Hiro if they wanted to. If we had competent technical mods, none of this would've happened and we would actually get post-mortem reports of what went wrong and what can be prevented in the future. Saying sorry is just covering their asses after the fact and since we now know they have no safeguards for a situation like this, there is nothing to prevent something similarly happening in the future.

Anonymous No. 992966

You're thinking wrong about this. 4chan isn't like some company that does productive stuff. The mods are just glorified oldfags that came into power by sucking off moot. There isn't even a paid developer. I suspect some of the mods know PHP/SQL/HTML/JS a little and sometimes mess with the 4chan file a little (it's probably still a single PHP script mostly), and the result is what happened today.

Anonymous No. 992968

I'm hearing people say it might've been some /g/fag making a bomb threat
apparently desuarchive also stopped recording around that time and the admin is ignoring inquiries so people are speculating some seriously sensitive shit got posted somewhere

Mecha No. 992969


Anonymous No. 992972

Thanks for making this shithole even worse you inept faggots.

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Anonymous No. 992973

Yes, that is explicitly what I said in the 2nd sentence. 4chan isn't a business despite it being structured like one and that is all kinds of fucked up when Hiro is explicitly using the website as a passive money maker. They haven't updated their website advertising stats in a long time and most websites would kill for these stats today, the only issue is the unfiltered nature of the website hence the adverts being terrible.
It was most likely that. Linking the source of that speculation for posterity. Basically, credible threat and someone fatfingering thus the current situation.

Anonymous No. 992976

Fucking bullshit, /g/ was not even nuked.
If you take baseless speculation seriously, at least reject the ones that doesn't even survive a basic toddler-level plausibility test.

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Anonymous No. 992977

several years worth of Cris cringekino... gone in an instant..... with no warning or signs whatsoever...

Anonymous No. 992978

Kuroko Sex

Anonymous No. 992979

The website itself hasn't been updated in years. Just look at the blotter.
This place is abandoned.

Anonymous No. 992980

I miss all those blender vs. maya threads

Anonymous No. 992981

i want to manhandle this shapeless rug muncher like you wouldn't believe

Anonymous No. 992982

I just checked, shit you're right
>plausibility test
nigga I've never been on /g/ ever

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Anonymous No. 992983

I think it was Sonya who did it.

Anonymous No. 992984

me too anon

Anonymous No. 992985

My theory on what happened:
Rogue janny
Stickies and archives survived, only threads a janny could delete were deleted

Anonymous No. 992986

Can jannies delete entire boards at once? It's not like they got deleted in sequence.

Anonymous No. 992987

my theory is /pol/ needed more drive space, so they nuked several boards and re-allocated the drive space from them to /pol/ and then made a thread going "oopsie woopsie we made a fucky wucky :(" It makes sense when you consider the head mod being a retarded /pol/nigger

Anonymous No. 992988

How much fucking space can 4chan possibly take up? It's plaintext and pictures that self-purges
You could probably fit the entire site at any one time on a single 8T drive, and that's being extremely generous.

Anonymous No. 992989

Kind of, you can delete multiple posts at once with checkboxes. Why else would the stickies and archive survive?

Anonymous No. 992990

I was actually under the impression that mods couldn't purge threads at all and only mods could do that.

Anonymous No. 992992

that anon may be talking out of his ass. I never been a janny but I do know jannies don't have any actual power, all they can do is decide if this should go to a mod for further review. They can give a temporary post ban but that's about all I know

Anonymous No. 992994

they can 100% delete posts, I'm not sure if they can delete actual threads

Anonymous No. 992995

>drive space
Fucking bullshit. Even if, they would have deleted the internal archives before that.

Anonymous No. 992996

You can read a preview of the janny rules on the janny application form. It's been a long time since they had open positions though so I don't remember exactly.

Anonymous No. 992998

You did jack shit with all the cris spam for almost a decade.
No sympathy for you.

Anonymous No. 992999

It's still being ruled by that jew over there. Fuck that shit.

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Anonymous No. 993000


Anonymous No. 993003


Anonymous No. 993004

More evidence for my theory:
There where reports for outages before & while it happened -
If this was a database malfunction then there wouldn't be any lag, however if the php script was taking a while to process all the posts it would lag.

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Anonymous No. 993010

do better

Anonymous No. 993011

Yeah, you really screwed the pooch here. Certainly could've been worse though, so at least there's that?
You guys need to learn how to make a better apology though. Or literally "oops" it like the old mods did. No wonder you're getting torn to shreds.

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Anonymous No. 993012

does jackie 4chan seriously not take backups?

Anonymous No. 993013

Useless faggots. Go ERP on your discord. That's what you're only ever good at.

Anonymous No. 993016

Did I miss something? Waht is going on here?

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Anonymous No. 993018

Literally just do a server rollback.

Anonymous No. 993020

Alternatively, we have pre-existing archives. We can use those to essentially scrape together the old boards again and restore the slower ones.

Anonymous No. 993021

Even if the media is gone they should be able to retrieve the posts.

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Anonymous No. 993022

3DGuy, only you can cheer me up now. Please post your horse 3D files.
Pic related

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 993024

We must rebuild and regrow /3/, like cris' hairline

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Anonymous No. 993025

They nuked one of slowest board, Jesus Christ.

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Anonymous No. 993027

Kill yourself. Like, genuinely, go jump off of a bridge.
t. FygoonFag

Anonymous No. 993028

why don't you import what you can from the archives, retards

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Anonymous No. 993029

"We made an oopsie woopsie fucky wucky hope you don't mind" is kind of a staggeringly lame response to what appears to be throwing an entire fucking 42U rack into the shredder. You 100% need a data retention mechanism for deleted content just to meet glowie requests for user data, "b-b-bubu-but we don't have the storage space for it" is incredibly difficult to believe. Did you sell the hard drives on Jewbay for crack or something?

Anonymous No. 993031

MODS i figure this is as good a place as any to ask and hopefully be seen by someone on the team - what's up with images not loading on certain browser/ISP/windows configurations lately? any fix coming?

Anonymous No. 993032

This board is kill now

Anonymous No. 993033

Bro, the mods aren't sticking around.
They've made a half-assed apology and fucked off. We won't see them unless another retard mod deletes half the boards again.

Anonymous No. 993035

We need links to archived threads, this is the only way.

Anonymous No. 993036

rogue mod? mayyyybe but even then that seems a stretch. rogue janny? there's no way, something like this would be a semi-frequent occurrence if so.

Anonymous No. 993038

the last time to my knowledge that 4chan's storage was elaborated on by mods, it was stored on a single mac mini server of some kind

Anonymous No. 993039

Wasn't that in like 2009 or something
there's no way it's the same box, the drives would've died bynow

Anonymous No. 993040

they were obviously lying out their ass since Moot had to do multiple fundraisers to keep the lights on

Anonymous No. 993041

>Moot had to do multiple fundraisers to keep the lights on
yet you believe this to be the truth...

Anonymous No. 993045

When will people just migrate over to the /3/ discord server

Anonymous No. 993047

Well I think the last one was in 2006, so they very well could've bought a bunch of mac mini servers after that

Anonymous No. 993052

Now it looks better, this should be done weekly, can you rangeban Colombia?

Anonymous No. 993053

you call it a mistake, I call it improving the board quality

Anonymous No. 993061

It would be so nice to have a containment board for that shit

Anonymous No. 993066

It's been dead as of late

Make the board red, make the board red, make the board red

Anonymous No. 993068

A dead board is better than that, kek

Anonymous No. 993069

You're right. They should double the mods' salaries. No, TRIPLE THEM!

Anonymous No. 993072

No rollback? Not a peep about that? Nothing on the actual cause beyond a (lame and gay) tehepero we did a fucky wucky?

Anonymous No. 993074

Everyone knows that he used the money to flee to Mootxico

Anonymous No. 993078

Then you be that schizo

Anonymous No. 993085

yea can we spam BBC threads?

Anonymous No. 993087

If you've ever considered making your own 3DCG imageboard now would be a good time.

Anonymous No. 993089

I will not take advantage of an honest mistake.

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Anonymous No. 993092

you just killed the board you retarded niggers

Anonymous No. 993095

You deleted my thread; It's been up for years

Anonymous No. 993103

Bros in most cases mods are neither technical people, nor do they have any tools or administrative rights to directly access database or server's ssh. They couldn't run scripts like those.
Imageboard is:
server hosts imageboard engine, only admin with ssh password can access it directly
imageboard engine uses database, database hosted on server, only admin can access it directly
imageboard engine has some built-in very limited tools for moderation, basically additional buttons on the site, mods can influence site and database only by pressing those buttons, no other way
they can't do anything to database directly, and they can't do anything to imageboard engine directly
they are kind of power users

Anonymous No. 993104


Anonymous No. 993108

The new Daz general fucks keep deleting threads

Anonymous No. 993111

Then get hiroshimoot on the case, this isn't fucking hard

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Anonymous No. 993119

Same idea here.

Konata is my wife and I love her very much!

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Anonymous No. 993124

I didn't do this myself.

Anonymous No. 993128

Threads don't immediately recycle themselves anymore when they expire, they stay in the system for a couple days. It's kind of 4chans own mini archives, one of few things hiroshomoot changed, along with adding some extra boards. While it's not a big deal on slow boards it makes fast boards like /pol/ and /b/ take up exponentially more space. It's probably the reason hiro migrated 4chan over to cloudfare hosting over the past few years, the new feature is probably way too expensive and they're dependent on the cloudfare compression services.

Anonymous No. 993130

So how the fuck did they wipe 19 boards?

Anonymous No. 993134

The archives are incomplete.

Anonymous No. 993135

>hecking blender
end your life

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Anonymous No. 993136

>mods made a mistake
no, the admin made a mistake by:
1. giving mods privileges to effortlessly wipe several boards
2. not having backups, snapshots and tested procedures for server rollback
it's easy to blame mods and jannies, but this one is 100% on the admin

Anonymous No. 993137


Anonymous No. 993139

There's no separate admin, idiot. Also 4chan is just a single PHP script that was taken from some japanese. What the fuck do you think this site is?

Anonymous No. 993146


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Anonymous No. 993176

>two pages
Just heard what happened, checked some random boards.
Never visisted /3/, I'm just here to laugh at you.
Literally. I actually laughed when I saw that only two pages are left.

Anonymous No. 993185

What happened?

Anonymous No. 993186

Never mind, I've only come to this board a few times, i came now because I'm considering maybe messing with 3d stuff. Is it over?

Anonymous No. 993192

im not from here

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Anonymous No. 993204


yes it's over, you might actually get help on your shit if you join the discord, it even has Cris

Anonymous No. 993217

Threads on /b/ and /trash/ don't archive.

Anonymous No. 993219

I guess I'll join that once I find out how to deal with not having a mobile phone plan so I can actually use the 2000 things that now require that to even use these days, including discord.

Anonymous No. 993235

go back to instagram with these kinda reply, man really gtfo here

Anonymous No. 993243

Rx - Bumble on Youtube

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Anonymous No. 993261

Server has some nice people thanks

Anonymous No. 993288

Yeah, you can do that and even use an automated tool (4chanX come to mind) to do so, but since there's a captcha it's only possible if you pay for a 4chan Pass© (only US$20!) :^)

Anonymous No. 993298

>it even has Cris
Fuck off

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Anonymous No. 993313

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Anonymous No. 993314

Jannies right now.

Anonymous No. 993315

I meant to say mods lol. That's also me now.

Anonymous No. 993324

we're already back to the same low quality threads, why can't /3/ be more like /ic/

Anonymous No. 993339

in range of just asking Hiro to make a statement

the mods are running away
the jannies are silent
take it to the head office

Anonymous No. 993346

Hiro doesn't give a shit about 4chan, you, or what you want.

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Fuyu No. 993410

MY cute wife Chino chan was here

Anonymous No. 993411

How do we get his attention I'm tired with nothing happening on this site.

Anonymous No. 993413

The mods are invisible because they don't want to face anons demanding improvements. At least they made this shtitty apology thread this time.

Anonymous No. 993424

I don't browse 4chan much beausE i'm in the process of reducing the terminally online disease but after all the years I've learned none of thatmatters

the person running the site are the mods, the headmod ABIB etc, the retarded Gook doesn't even visit this site

Anonymous No. 993485

Crazy how autists managed to create a better backup backend than the entire 4chan admin team

Anonymous No. 993487

4chan is based on some japanese image board script from the early 2000s. It always was a mess from the start. Anyone could implement something cleaner and better.

Anonymous No. 993491

it was intentional

Anonymous No. 993497

>Put on autosage
>Because they fucked a slow board they are only on page 3 with threads days later and it’ll still last a month

Anonymous No. 993498

What, seriously?
Won't help them much. There are only 3 pages after 3 days.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 993507


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all's well.jpg

Anonymous No. 993584

Don't worry it's all wholesome chungus

Anonymous No. 993585

what a fag

Anonymous No. 993595

>Look away from the board for a week
>This happens
It's almost comical

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Anonymous No. 993618

you're telling me my hair grows back if i stop nutting 18 times a day?

Anonymous No. 993619

He's telling you that your hair will grow if you don't fap for a month, which isn't false, your hair will grow in a month

Anonymous No. 993667

mistake or malicious janny

Anonymous No. 993672

Interesting that you'd know about this.

What does your algorithm look like, anon?

Anonymous No. 993693

I see the mod team has gone from deleting the recent on topic post to just nuking whole boards.
Moderation and jannies on this site are worthless. No this isn't exaggerated banter. You people are fucking worthless.
I've tried even reaching out to the IRC to seek clarifications and ask for foe guidance. I went out of my way to be kind and respectful and I got passive aggression and threats.

I hope this makes it back to the moderation team as a whole. You people are a fucking plague and absolutely will be the death of this website. With utmost sincerity I hope some of you realize that you're a net negative in this volunteer moderation position, meaning absolutely nothing in your life is of worth and that you kill yourselves. It'd be better for this site.

Anonymous No. 993694

They're invisible because they're too fucking incompetent to actually have a bedside manner. They'd rather hide in their IRC and threaten anyone who dares even so much as seek betterment of the community.
Like that worthless faggot Yournamehere. He is a beacon of the moderation teams ineptitude and should be first on the chopping block when they decide to finally get their heads out of their asses.

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Anonymous No. 993740

Ok anons, at least it got rid of all cris shit... but tell me, which threads didn't deserve the purge the most in your opinion?

Anonymous No. 993742

The low poly babes thread, because I was keeping it bumped with my progress and it had a lot of useful info and references for me, also polygonal tiddies

Anonymous No. 993780

Please fucking get rid of the """Cris""" posts while you're at it. He's a legit liability to the quality of the catalog.

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Anonymous No. 993828

guys, I found out what actually happened

the mods were having soup and someone spilled it on the dell server that hosted the nuked boards

Anonymous No. 993837

That's such a 2006 post.

Anonymous No. 993891

god his work is excellent. I bet he's old. Like 60

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Anonymous No. 994094

Thank you kindly saars