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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 992885

Can we finally make this board a red board? We all know exactly what the fuck people want to make with 3D.

Anonymous No. 992888

Honestly I just wish we had a janny that understood the board.
If people were allowed to post porn with no restriction, this board would be flooded with it.
The downside of this being a blue board is that sometimes lost redditors will get angry non-pornographic nudity and report it, which leads to it being deleted.

Anonymous No. 992890

But I wish I could post my porn animations...

Anonymous No. 992965

Or have a NSFW version of the board, same could be said for /v/

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Anonymous No. 993001

Think carefully

Anonymous No. 993006

>non-pornographic nudity
literally no one here posts this, none of you faggots are sculpting the next Michelangelo's David
retards just post their blatantly sexualized porn models and try to cope by acting like it's not porn unless someone is actively being fucked

Anonymous No. 993009

>Every naked person is pornographic
This is your mind of jewlywood. Even the dazkeks come off as less retarded than you.

Anonymous No. 993014

not a single person here is making nude 3D models for non-pornographic purposes
>NOOO you must consume porn at all times!! look at more computer-generated tits!!!
nice try mr. shekelstein