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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 992909

at least it was befoe jannies fuck it up.

Anonymous No. 993042

What the hell happened? A thread I was on actually had people discussing toon shaders and materials.

Anonymous No. 993062

Something nuked multiple boards on the backend. Other boards hit were /a/, /c/, /co/, /fit/, /h/

Anonymous No. 993123


Anonymous No. 993436

Hey at least all the Cris threads were nuked. Sometimes you have to burn down the forest to kill the wolves.

Anonymous No. 993448

Which thread was it?

Anonymous No. 993457

just when it seemed Cris was improving. They feared his potential.

the chair nerd No. 993506

Sometimes /3/ requires a good nuking.

Anonymous No. 993586

it's already a slow board. retardded (tr)jannies. I was about to post on Blender that makes you go "oah".

Anonymous No. 993675

5 people used to post here.
Now it's a ghost board.

Anonymous No. 993679

> (tr)jannies
I'm getting tired of this 4chan culture of saying "nigger" or "tranny" as a general insult without actually meaning it.

Anonymous No. 996088

tell me about it. 2015 and it's consequences. I wonder if moot (or his clone working for google) ever has any private regrets about not killing this whole culture in the crib.

Anonymous No. 996117

How about you drag your faggot asses back to Bluesky or Elon's shit hut?

Anonymous No. 996129

Elon is part of the problem, too. Pre-Elon twittards probably make up a good portion of the influx post 2016. I can't take my "faggot ass" anywhere, Anon. You all came here.

Anonymous No. 996133

I am from pol I cant draw shit but I can be ur fren, how do I model a rollercoaster (has to be functional for rl purposes, dont ask why)

Anonymous No. 998500

Yeah, true that.

Anonymous No. 998609


literally me too. anyone else here with the same fave board sets?